"It seems a little late." The dragon has no phase to pour, just say a sentence to oneself

This disciple of the Shenlong clan couldn't help but be stunned. He didn't know why. He looked at long Wuxiang and didn't know what he meant when he said that he was a little late.

"You go to the six elders, the seven elders, and say it's my order to open the defense array of the dragon city at once." At this time, long Wuxiang said directly.

This also made the disciple of the Shenlong clan look surprised. He clearly remembers that according to the book, the last time he opened the defense array of the dragon city was hundreds of years ago when he was facing the attack of some powerful dark creatures.

The voice of the disciple of the Shenlong clan was slightly trembling, "clan, clan leader, is it that the demon king has left the outside world..."

"It has nothing to do with the devil. Go to find the six elders and seven elders quickly..."

With this sentence, long Wuxiang didn't want to waste any time and disappeared in the same place.

"Elder, elder two, elder three, be wise and hand over Lin Ming. Otherwise, we will not finish with you today..."

At this time, in a main hall of the Dragon City, a burly man was murderous and ready to fight.

"Master Dao, is there any misunderstanding about this?" one of the elders, who looked like he was in his early 60s, frowned and said

"I'm sure that there is not a disciple named Lin Ming in the dragon city or among the disciples of the Shenlong clan..."

"Don't talk nonsense. People are saved from hell by Long Wu's blind date. Our law enforcement hall has already found out that there are still some fake ones..."

The burly man's body, a very strong knife gas, but also sent out, showing a very cold and gloomy atmosphere, the temperature of the surrounding space seems to have dropped more than ten degrees.

"Master Dao Fengfeng, why talk nonsense to them? They don't hand over Lin Ming, a vicious murderer. Don't blame us for killing now..."

Another man looks like he's in his early 30s. He's standing upright, giving people a sense of sharp edge, like a sharp sword.

Hearing this, all the disciples of the Shenlong clan, including the elder, looked a little bit ugly. Their murderous spirit also rose and they stared coldly at the four people opposite.

Indeed, two of the four are the deputy head of the law enforcement hall. They are also the disciples of the sword God family and the sword God family.

The burly deputy head of the law enforcement hall is a disciple of Dao Shen family, Dao Fengfeng, and Dao Yihuan's elder martial brother.

The man, standing like a sharp sword, is a disciple of the sword God family. The sword is fearless. His relationship with Jian Tianming is closer. They are related by blood.

Just before, Jian fearlessly gave birth to a sense of palpitation. He suddenly realized that the breath of his brother, Jian Tianming, had completely disappeared, which seemed to indicate that Jian Tianming had died.

Jian Tianming and others went to the Dragon Cave. He knew about it. In this way, he realized that the situation was not good, so he didn't hurry to check the situation.

And the feeling of Dao Fengfeng was almost the same. Of course, he could vaguely feel the breath of Dao Yihuan, but he didn't know what was going on.

However, Dao Yihuan must be in danger, and Dao Fengfeng is certain.

Of course, he will follow.

Naturally, the other two are naturally the disciples of Feng nationality.

In addition, the status and strength of the two Feng disciples are not low.

Both of them are the same as Feng xiangtian, one of the top ten experts, Feng Jiangye and Feng Tianman.

"Elder, don't pretend to be confused in front of us, and immediately hand over Lin Ming. He killed Feng Yejun, the elite disciple of our Feng clan. It's a terrible crime. It's not worth dying..."

Among them, Feng said coldly in the night, a layer of lavender flame has been burning on him, and the momentum is extremely strong, which makes all the Shenlong people, including the elder, step back involuntarily.

"Elder, we only give you half a minute to think about it, otherwise..."

Feng Tianman is also a murderous figure. She looks like electricity to all the people on the scene, revealing a bloodthirsty fury. It seems that she is going to kill directly.

"Hum, if you want to add crime to it, why don't you say so? These are just one side words of yours..."

The elder calmed down and said a word. Then a layer of electric current flashed outside him. He barely resisted the momentum of the four men and said again:

"I've asked people to call the patriarch. When the time comes, it will be clear whether the matter is true or false..."


The elder just said this, and suddenly a figure flashed out. It was dragon Wuxiang.

When long Wuxiang flashed out, he saw the two deputy leaders of the law enforcement hall and the two Feng disciples. For the first time, he couldn't help clapping in his heart.

He naturally knew these four people, not to mention that Feng Jiang ye and Feng Tian man were among the top ten masters of the Feng family. Even the two were the masters among the masters, including the fearless sword and the fierce wind sword.

However, at the moment, long Wuxiang is also very sure that no matter what, it will take four people, at least five or six hours.

At that time, as long as the three supreme elders fully understand the complete dragon ascension, not to mention the four, even more than a dozen people, the other side will not be the opponent.

Seeing the appearance of the Dragon Wuxiang, Jian fearless said sarcastically for the first time: "dragon clan leader, you finally appeared, otherwise, I thought you were hiding..."

Dragon Wuxiang moved in his heart and said: "it's just that three elders of the family have made a breakthrough in practicing the dragon's ascending to heaven. I went to see if they want to reach the highest level of dragon transformation. Where does the master of sword hall say this..."

"Is there a breakthrough in dragon's ascent to heaven?"

Sure enough, this made the sword fearless for the first time, and they could not help but clatter in their heart. Naturally, they had heard of the Dragon ascending to heaven. Once they reached the highest level of dragon transforming, they could be as good as a dragon, not afraid of any attack, and could be said to stand in the invincible place at once.

At this time, the wind of the sword hummed coldly and said, "dragon Wuxiang, who are you bluffing? In the whole small world, who doesn't know that no one of the Shenlong clan has ever been able to cultivate the Shenlong's ascension to the highest level

Why, do you think this will scare us... "

With a sneer full of chill, the murderous air on Dao Fengfeng became stronger and swept away towards the Dragon Wuxiang

"Long Wuxiang, stop talking nonsense and hand over Lin Ming, a murderer. Otherwise, don't blame our men for being merciless..."

Feng looked around at all the people in the room with confidence: "all of you, even if you join hands, can't be our opponents..."

"Blood gushing, when will there be a disciple named Lin Ming among the Shenlong people, you..." the elder said coldly.

Long Wuxiang interrupted and said, "elder, I didn't mean to hide it, but it happened suddenly..."


All of a sudden, this word came out from the mouth of long Wuxiang. Everyone, including the elder, was stunned for the first time, and their eyes fell on long Wuxiang.

"What do you mean, patriarch?"

The elder asked. Although he had guessed something in his heart, he still wanted to get confirmation from the Dragon Wuxiang.

Long Wuxiang sighed, looked around at everyone and said, "yes, before today, there was no one named Lin Ming who was a disciple of the Shenlong clan. However, from today on, there will be another disciple named Lin Ming who is the son of Lin Tianjing."


After hearing this, everyone's face also changed greatly.

The elder first thought of something and exclaimed: "since Lin Ming is Lin Tianjing's son, how can he be regarded as a disciple of our Shenlong clan? Don't forget, Lin Ming has only half the blood of our Shenlong clan. Besides, Lin Tianjing is just a traitor..."

"Elder, it's not as simple as you said..." long Wuxiang looks very solemn

"The three supreme elders have all acknowledged Lin Ming's identity."

"What, this..."

All the people were stunned on the spot, and their faces changed.

"Patriarch, I see that the three supreme magistrates are always practicing the dragon's ascent to heaven. Are you confused? You have made such a decision. But patriarch, you are not confused..."

The second Elder spoke at this time and said, "the two masters of the Phoenix clan and the two deputy leaders of the law enforcement hall have all come to visit the important people in person. You can imagine what a crime Lin Ming has committed. How can you say that Lin Ming is a disciple of the Shenlong clan in front of everyone? Don't you push the whole Shenlong clan into the fire pit?"

Jian Wuwei sneered, looked at long Wuxiang, and said, "long Zu Chang, you are frank and don't hide anything. In this case, long Zu Chang, please hand over Lin Ming quickly

By the way, Jian Tianming, Dao Yihuan and Feng xiangtian, together with many Feng disciples and law enforcement hall disciples, came to capture the boy. I don't know where they are now... "

After finishing the last sentence, he saw the cold light in Jian Wuwei's eyes flashing and staring at long Wuxiang. It seemed that as long as long as long Wuxiang said something wrong, he immediately started.

Long Wuxiang snorted: "sword is fearless. If you don't talk about it, I can think that nothing has happened. Jian Tianming, Dao Yihuan, Feng xiangtian and others directly break into the Dragon Cave of our Shenlong clan. Have you ever paid attention to our Shenlong clan

You Fengzu disciples and law enforcement hall are planning to join forces, but they can't fight with us.... "

"Long Wuxiang, you are looking for death!"

Sword fearless roared out, a golden sharp sword immediately appeared on his head, which was naturally the five elements spirit of the sword God's disciples, zhutianjian.

In an instant, the sword Qi surged in all directions, cutting vertically and horizontally.

All of a sudden, on the ground of this hall, there were sword marks on the surface of countless stone pillars.

"Very good. Since the master of sword hall has taken the initiative, I'll learn the five elements of the sword God family and the power of killing Heaven Sword..."

As soon as the words fell, a crackling sound of electric current also sounded. Then, an electric light also appeared on the top of the head of the Dragon Wuxiang. It was the five element spirit of the Shenlong clan, the burning electric snake.

"Patriarch, don't do it."

Seeing long Wuxiang, he didn't hesitate to fight with Jian Wuwei. The elder and others were scared and began to dissuade him.

"Lie down, all of you."

However, at this time, a murderous voice sounded, and suddenly the wind of the sword also started. A burst of light of the sword shot out and swept away to the elder and all the disciples of the Shenlong clan.

"Hum, no tears without the coffin!"

Feng Jiang ye and Feng Tianman look as if they are equally murderous. They start to attack the elder and others with lavender flames like arrows.


In an instant, everyone's face, including the elder, changed greatly. The three men's sudden action was completely unexpected.

Almost in an instant, in addition to the elder, the second elder and the third elder, more than 30 disciples of the Shenlong clan were directly hit. They screamed in the mouth and flew upside down. When they all fell to the ground, they also spewed blood in their mouths.

This time, all the more than 30 members of the Shenlong clan were seriously injured, and they could not get up one by one.

"Sword wind, Phoenix general night, Phoenix Tianman, you, you..."

Elder is also a burst of Qi and blood attack heart, a complete word, have been unable to say.

The second elder roared out: "you've cheated too much. I'll fight with you..."

The second elder general, the five element spirit of the Shenlong clan, that is, the Yandian snake, was released, and a torrent of electricity immediately attacked the three nearby.


They all looked scornful in their eyes and snorted coldly.

The wind of the knife stretched out its fingers, wheezing, and countless light of the knife shot out, which instantly crushed the current and disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

Immediately after, this Dao light directly bombarded the two elders without any hindrance.

"Poof..." on the spot, the two elders gushed blood, poof, the whole person directly fell to the ground, directly is a dying appearance.

"Elder three, do you still want to fight?" The look of disdain on the blade's windy face became more intense. Looking at the three elders who were about to fight, the whole body of the three elders froze and the whole person was stunned.

His strength is a little worse than that of the two elders. Now the two elders are defeated in such an instant that they are ready to die. How can he be the opponent of Dao Fengfeng.

"That's interesting." Dao Fengfeng snorted to the three elders with an extremely contemptuous look.

This made the three elders clench their fists tightly, and their faces turned purple and red. They had a look of great shame.

But in the end, he forbeared and went to check the situation of the two elders.

After he took the pills for the two elders, he also felt a thump in his heart, and his face was as pale as ashes.

It's so vicious and insidious that Dao Fengfeng cuts off the meridians of the two elders.

"Long clan leader, it's too late for you to stop now. As long as you hand over Lin Ming, as long as you tell me where Jian Tianming and others are and what's happening now, we can treat it as if it hasn't happened..."

Sword fearless eyes flash a sense of banter, looking at the Dragon Wuxiang, say a sentence.

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