"How can you absorb Phoenix spirit directly?"

Following Feng Zhongyang, he also clearly felt that the Phoenix spirit fire on his body was disappearing and rushing to the right palm of Lin Ming's hand. At the same time, he also clearly felt that the breath in his body was pouring out through the stabbing place of his palm just now and was quickly absorbed by Lin Ming.

"Stop it Feng Zhongyang's face was shocked. He let out a big drink. He wanted to take back his hands, but he couldn't do it for a moment.

Under this fright, Feng Zhongyang feels that he can't help sweating all over.

"Good." As for Lin Ming's words, his eyes were on his right palm, and his face was satisfied and ecstatic.

The keel fragment didn't disappoint him again. It not only pierced the palm of Feng Zhongyang's hand, but also sent out a force of suction. It was absorbing Feng's magic fire.

Lin Ming feels very clearly that part of the Phoenix spirit fire absorbed by the keel fragments seems to be absorbed by himself, and part of it is introduced into his body and into his Shenju cave. He stops and condenses into a ball, which is still burning and twisted, showing the shape of a purple Phoenix.

And Lin Ming didn't feel the slightest danger.

In fact, Lin Ming has seen the power of Fengling heavenly fire, which is much more powerful than Fengling heavenly fire. Now it seems that it is under his control. For a moment, Lin Ming is not ecstatic.

If not for being distracted at the moment, Lin Ming would have burst out laughing.

"Feng Zhongyang, you can send charcoal in the snow."

With a smile, Lin Ming says a word to Feng Zhongyang. This sudden and inexplicable sentence naturally makes Feng Zhongyang feel stunned immediately. He doesn't know why.

"Boy, what the hell are you doing? Stop it." The flame of Phoenix spirit is still being sucked away, the breath in the body is still being sucked away, and the speed is faster and faster. Feng Zhongyang is really anxious this time, his face is blue, red and purple, and he roars.

"Stop it?" Lin Ming sneered, "it doesn't exist. Unless you have absorbed the Phoenix spirit fire, you have to suck out something on your body that emits the Phoenix spirit fire..."

"You..." Feng Zhongyang also realized what, the facial expression changes greatly finally.

With the breath in his body is still being sucked away, he can clearly feel that his strength is also declining.

However, compared with this, Feng Zhongyang seems to realize that there are more terrible things to happen.

He roared out: "xuanzhiyao and Bai junhuai, give me a hand and kill this boy first, otherwise, fenglingyu, the treasure of our Phoenix family, will be taken away by this boy!"

"What, fenglingyu!"

Hearing these three words from Feng Zhongyang's mouth, the Dragon Wuxiang's body at the entrance of the main hall was shocked, and his eyes flashed in a flash, showing his undisguised ecstasy and excitement.

He heard of this Phoenix Ling feathers, which is a feather that has fallen into the infinite power when the ancient god Feng has fallen unintentionally on the sacred mountain of Wutong.

At this time, long Wuxiang suddenly said, "no wonder there is a flame of Phoenix spirit on Feng Zhongyang. It's because he has such a treasure as phoenix feather on his body

No wonder it's said that fengzhongyang has been practicing Fengling's real body. With such a treasure as fenglingyu, it's really possible to cultivate Fengling's real body... "

"Feng Lingyu!"

Bai junhuai and Xuan Zhiyao, the two fenglingyu, obviously knew each other very well. When they heard fengzhongyang's words, they were shocked and looked at Lin Ming and fengzhongyang.

At that moment, they saw that Feng Zhongyang and Lin Ming's palms were touching each other, and they seemed to be motionless.

Naturally, they are puzzled by such a scene.

In their opinion, as long as Feng Zhongyang takes the hand, he will directly hurt Lin Ming seriously.

Of course, when they heard Feng Zhongyang's words, they realized that they had to help. Otherwise, Feng Lingyu, a treasure of the Feng family, fell into Lin Ming's hands, and the Feng family suffered a heavy loss. Needless to say, Lin Ming had a dragon soul, and his strength increased greatly. By then, I'm afraid Lin Ming would be invincible.

Boom! But the attack of the soul of the broken knife and the soul of the chain is also very fierce, and it seems that they are in a desperate posture.

For a moment, it seemed that they could not get rid of the soul of chain and knife breaking.

"This..." seeing that Xuan Zhiyao and Bai junhuai seem to be entangled and unable to get away, Feng Zhongyang's face is naturally more ugly, and seeing that the suction from the palm of Lin Ming's right hand becomes stronger, he is even more pale.

He obviously felt that the Phoenix spirit fire on his body had rapidly weakened.

"No, as long as you have another ten seconds, the Phoenix spirit fire on your body will be absorbed..."

At the moment, Feng Zhongyang almost wants to cry without tears, falling into a deep remorse. He really shouldn't despise Lin Ming.

"As long as you have another ten seconds, the flame of Phoenix spirit on you will be absorbed..." Lin Ming opened his mouth at the right time, which made Feng Zhongyang almost burst out with a mouthful of blood.

"Ten, nine,..., three..." Lin Ming also had an undisguised color of banter in his eyes, and the same burst of ecstasy:

"Two, one!"

With the last number coming out of Lin Ming's mouth, if it's true, you can see that the flame of Phoenix spirit on Feng Zhongyang's body disappears.

Then, as the suction from the keel pieces increased again, a feather like thing floated out of Feng Zhongyang.

"Feng Lingyu!" Feng Zhongyang exclaimed, and there was no blood on his face.

If the treasure of the Phoenix family is taken away, he has no face to go back to the Phoenix family and meet the head of the Phoenix family.

Who would have thought that with his strength comparable to that of the head of the Feng clan, he would have lost even the most precious treasure like Feng Lingyu.

"Why? Fenglingyu? Is this a feather? " Seeing a bright red feather floating in the air, Lin Ming's eyes flashed a look of surprise and looked at it.

At this time, the sense of inexplicable breath is more intense, and it is completely on the chain of broken knife, which is somewhat similar to the keel fragments.

Seeing Lin Ming's eyes full of surprise, he also looks at Feng Lingyu with a trace of doubt. It's hard to hide the excitement and ecstasy in his voice that the dragon has no voice to Lin Ming

"Lin Ming, take the phoenix feather quickly. It's the feather from the ancient Phoenix!"

"The feathers of the ancient Phoenix?" Lin Ming's body can't help shaking, and his eyes are bright in a moment. In this way, the phoenix feather is the most precious among the treasures.

And inexplicably, Lin Ming also felt that the keel fragment in his hand should be at the same level as fenglingyu.

At present, Lin Ming has no reason not to take this phoenix feather.

"Boy, count, count, I beg you, please," Feng Zhongyang suddenly opened his mouth. His breath and momentum were much weaker, and his face was bloodless

"As long as you give fenglingyu back to me, you can make conditions, no matter what conditions, I will meet you..."

"If you say that, it means that the phoenix feather is precious." Lin Ming smiles: "then I have no reason not to..."

As the voice fell, Lin Ming's palms finally released from Feng Zhongyang's, and then he grabbed his right palms in the air, whew, and the whole body of the bright red feather Feng Lingyu fell into Lin Ming's palm.

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