"Return fenglingyu." Seeing this, Feng Zhongyang could not help showing despair at this moment. He roared wildly, but he had nothing to do at all. At this moment, he also felt that if there was any regret medicine in the world, he would pay all the costs to get it.

Feng Zhongyang was so helpless that his face looked a little ferocious that he squeezed a sentence from his teeth

Feng Ling Feiyu belongs to the Phoenix clan, belonging to the sacred objects of Wutong Mountain, and no one can touch it. Once touching, the final outcome will be fatal.

Boy, it's too late for you to return fenglingyu. "

Lin Ming didn't seem to hear Feng Zhongyang's words. His whole attention seemed to be focused on Feng Lingyu, the bright red feather in the palm of his hand.

Holding Feng Lingyu in his hand, Lin Ming's feeling is clearer. He really feels the inexplicable breath that comes out of it. It's really the breath that comes out of the fragments of the keel.

Lin Ming couldn't help fretting. He took a piece of keel to cut the phoenix feather. With the strength of the piece of keel, everything would never be complete.

The fragments of the keel cut lightly from the fenglingyu. At this moment, Lin Ming's face was very happy. Sure enough, his feeling was right, and his guess was right.

The fragments of the keel didn't damage Feng Lingyu.

"Ha ha, another treasure." Lin Ming couldn't help laughing happily.

There is no doubt that this phoenix feather is more powerful than breaking the knife and chains.

At present, in the small world, he has offended all forces except the Shenlong family, including the major shens, including yincaodifu, as well as some transcendent forces such as Feng, Dao, Jian, Baihu and Xuanwu.

His strength, naturally, is the stronger the better.

Of course, Lin Ming also felt a little pity.

His strength has reached the Ninth level of the spirit gathering realm. It can be said that he has reached the pinnacle of this realm. As he continues to absorb all kinds of breath, Lin Ming clearly feels that his strength of the Ninth level of the spirit gathering realm has reached the pinnacle and can't break through any more. The next step is naturally to transform the soul.

Lin Ming can also feel that he seems to be able to break through to the soul state at any time, but he doesn't know what's going on. He always feels that something is missing.

Vaguely, he also realized that the problem should lie in his soul, that is, the dragon soul.

Before, Lin Ming had already realized that the soul is not only a simple soul, but also contains three souls.

"Is it because of these three spirits?"

Lin Ming slightly pondered, and then he felt certain. For such a situation, there must be no dragon. The three supreme elders and others must know something about it. Then they can ask again.

At the moment, Lin Ming ignores the three souls and seven Spirits of the soul for the time being and puts fenglingyu away happily.

"Ah..." Feng Zhongyang's eyes were staring at Lin Ming all the time, and his heart was full of ups and downs. In his opinion, even if it was only one in ten thousand, he also wanted to see that Lin Ming would suddenly return Feng Lingyu to him.

But with Lin Ming's action, he knows that he is hopeless. He can't take back fenglingyu unless the head of Fengzu appears immediately.

However, he knew that the Feng clan leader, many God clan leaders, and many experts had gone to the edge of the outside world to kill the dark creatures and the demon king. It would be another bloody battle thousands of years later. In a short time, at least ten days and a half months, the Feng clan leader would never come back.

Feng Zhongyang despair, feel extremely helpless, his legs are soft, the whole person's strength seems to be suddenly drained.

He flopped and sat down on the ground. His eyes flashed and he was struggling. It was obvious that he was making a difficult decision.

"Phoenix in the sun." Seeing Feng Zhongyang sitting on the ground, Xuan Zhiyao and Bai junhuai's faces turned white and exclaimed.

Although they are really entangled by the soul of the broken knife and the soul of the chain, their attention is actually on Feng Zhongyang and Lin Ming's side. Lin Ming grabs Feng Lingyu and then puts it away. They can see the scene very clearly.

At that moment, they were equally murderous. If they could, they would like to tear Lin Ming apart.

"You still want to pester me?"

"Go away!"

Both of them roared out, a white light and a blue light. Then, they rose out of the two men and stormed to the soul of the chain breaker and the soul of the knife breaker.

Such two terrible momentum immediately drowned the soul of chain and knife breaking.

Lin Ming's face changed abruptly. This kind of momentum was really terrible. At this moment, he also clearly felt that the breath momentum of the soul of the chain and the soul of the broken knife was melting immediately.

"Hum." Lin Ming gave a cold hum, and then took the two back to the chain and the broken knife without hesitation.

Lin Ming then looked forward and saw that xuanzhiyao and Bai junhuai had already taken fengzhongyang away. Nearly 20 meters away from him, xuanzhiyao had already put pills into fengzhongyang's mouth.

The speed that the naked eye can see, Feng Zhongyang recovers, the complexion is as usual, at the moment he before the loss of a lot of breath, really has been completely supplemented.

Feng Zhongyang's eyes were fixed, and he looked at Lin Ming. His eyes were scarlet. His tone of voice was deep, as if from the nine hell

"Boy, you can take away Feng Lingyu, the most precious treasure of the Feng family. It's unprecedented. You've forced me to this point

I can only fight with you

If I can't get fenglingyu back, I have no face to go back to Fengzu, and I have no face to see the head of Fengzu... "

A wisp of flame came out of the Shenju acupoint in the middle of Feng Zhongyang's eyebrows and fell on the side of Feng Zhongyang. It looked like a living creature and was very flexible.

The flame, too, looks strange. It's not like the lavender of Fengling heavenly fire or the deep purple of Fengling divine fire. It's red. It's bright red. It looks like thick blood.

Lin Ming couldn't help frowning. He could smell the smell of blood from such a thick blood like flame.

At the sight of such a red and bloody flame, xuanzhiyao and Bai junhuai seem to have seen something extremely frightening. Their faces suddenly changed, and they stepped back, several meters away from fengzhongyang.

"Fengzhongyang, are you crazy?" Xuanzhiyao opened his mouth with a deep fear in his eyes. "You've been practicing in seclusion. Although you haven't been able to practice Fengling, you've also succeeded in cultivating the human soul among the three spirits of heaven, earth and human beings. You're a big step away from the realm of transforming the soul

It's certain that you will break through to the realm of the soul, and it won't take long for you to break through to the realm of the soul. "

"Phoenix in the sun, you take back the soul," Bai junhuai also opened his mouth, his eyes also showed fear of color, "you burn the soul, although you can kill this boy, can take back Phoenix Lingyu, but you can't make a breakthrough, break through to the soul, is it worth it?"

"Lao Huai is right," xuanzhiyao continued to exhort, "it's better to wait until you break through to the soul realm, and then you can find this boy to settle the accounts. What kind of Phoenix Lingyu is, and it's the most precious thing of the Phoenix family. Even if it's taken away by this boy, he can't control and use it..."

But both of them were speechless and even angry. As they spoke, the wisps of blood like flames from the center of Feng Zhongyang's eyebrows rose more and faster. They fell on Feng Zhongyang's side and quickly gathered into a ball of blue.

There is already a very strong and strange smell, which is emitted from it. It seems that with the terrible high temperature, even the air can melt directly.

Finally, the hall was even more seriously damaged. After the breath touched, the dragon and jade pillars melted like candles. The four walls and the top of the hall were in the same condition.

"Human soul, Feng Zhongyang has become human soul..."

"Feng Zhongyang is crazy. He's just crazy. He's burning his soul to deal with Lin Ming..."

"I can't keep the hall now..."

The Dragon Wuxiang at the entrance of the hall was shocked and even frightened.

"Oh? Human soul

Lin Ming's eyes were always on the bright red flame like blood. He was thinking a little

"From this point of view, to break through the spirit gathering realm to the soul transforming realm is really related to the three spirits and seven spirits, and to train the three spirits in the soul into

In this case, we have to let the dragon spirit get out of trouble first... "

But on second thought, Lin Ming also thinks that if he wants to practice all three spirits, he will not be able to reach heaven. Does he have to practice three dragon spirits?

"Feng Lingyu!" Thinking of this, Lin Ming suddenly had an inexplicable flash in his mind: "can I train Feng Lingyu into one of the three spirits?"

"Boy, die!" At this time, Feng Zhongyang's extremely gloomy roar interrupted Lin Ming's thinking.

Lin Ming looked at the as like as two peas of the blood of Zhongyang, the flame of the group, which was already as tall as an adult, and had already outlined the adult form when it was burning. The appearance of the five senses in the faint was exactly the same as that of Feng Zhongyang.

Bang Bang

At this time, several dragon jade pillars of the hall were melted away, and the top of the hall lost its support and fell down one by one.

Some of them fell from the top of the head of Xiang fengzhongyang and his soul. Before they got close, the strange and powerful breath of the soul burned them up and disappeared.

These breath is obviously with temperature, and the temperature is so high that it is incredible.

Lin Ming was enveloped by the light of chaos, and he could see clearly that even the light of chaos was burned.

"It's unprecedented..." Lin Ming's face was dignified.

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