Then, as if naturally, a guess came out of the blood emperor's heart: "is it that the appearance of such a strange situation is not what Xuankong I did?"

However, the blood emperor's eyes also flashed a color of extreme confusion, "if it is true, then the situation is too strange."

Naturally, at this moment, he won't associate with Lin Ming. In his opinion, although Lin Ming's strength is not low, it depends on who he compares with. He is confident that as long as he makes a move, Lin Ming will be captured by him and taken away.

"Are there other strong people hiding in the dark?" Blood emperor eyes such as electricity toward the past, but feel a lot of rich source of dark gas, and aura, but each other is not strong, at least compared with him, is not compared.

At this time, Xuankong I suddenly looked at Lin Ming and left. The blood emperor was startled by his words. Then I saw that Xuankong I had a look of uncertainty in my eyes. Looking at Lin Ming, I asked:

"Boy, are you playing tricks in the dark?"

Blood emperor can't help but be startled. Naturally, he also believes that there will never be such a thing. Just when he wants to ridicule Xuankong Wu, he suddenly sees Lin Ming's face showing an enigmatic look and smiles.

"What?" The blood emperor was stunned and looked like a ghost. He also questioned Lin Ming

"Boy, you didn't even practice one of the three spirits. What did you do? How could you suppress our three spirits..."

Lin Ming just shrugged his shoulders in a noncommittal manner.

At the same time, Lin Ming made a move in his heart, and slightly urged the keel fragment between the blood emperor and xuankongwu. Suddenly, the suction from the keel fragment became stronger.

For this, the blood emperor and xuankongwu naturally felt it for the first time.

The two felt that the breath of their three souls disappeared more quickly, and this time they also felt more clearly that their three souls disappeared in the middle.

"What is that?"

Then their eyes naturally looked in the past. At this time, they finally found something wrong. In the middle of their three souls, there was a little black spot. In fact, to be exact, it was a little black light.

For the first time, the blood emperor also felt a familiar breath from this, which was naturally the original dark gas, but at the same time, he also clearly felt that the breath was much stronger than the original dark gas.

"Hum." Now that he found this strange thing, xuankongwu first gave a cold hum. Bursts of blue light came out of him and attacked the little black light like an arrow.

But what changed xuankongwei's face was that these powerful attacks didn't shake this little black light. Not only that, his attack was absorbed by this little black light all at once, and there was nothing left.

Seeing this, the blood emperor sneered and said sarcastically: "ha ha, it seems that you Xuankong's strength is not good. Even this strange little black light can't be defeated, hum."

Finally, with a cold hum down, a blood light from the blood emperor shot out, is also extremely rapid, like a arrow general attack.

But the next moment the blood emperor's face is also the same change, he so incomparably swift attack, unexpectedly is also the same end.

"It seems that you and I are the same." Seeing this, Xuankong Wu could not help but sneer.

Seeing the confrontation between them, Lin Ming was so happy that he almost didn't laugh directly. The more tit for tat, the better for Lin Ming.

In Lin Ming's feeling, only in the past three or four minutes, the fragments of the keel can completely absorb their three souls.

At that time, the two who lost the three spirits will no longer be his opponents.

At this time, xuankongwu seemed to be the first to realize the problem. His face sank and he said to xuehuang:

"Blood emperor, don't you think there's something strange about it? This boy asked us to do it on purpose, just to take advantage of it..."

Although he didn't want to agree with xuankongwei's words, the blood emperor also felt that there was some truth in his words. He looked at Lin Ming and went away. He said in a compassionate manner:

"I didn't expect that you are so insidious and cunning. Take back that little black light. Otherwise, I will not only capture you, but also make you feel worse than death."

Lin Ming just laughed.

The blood emperor was shocked, and his murderous spirit became stronger. He said coldly:

"What are you laughing at?"

Lin Ming said coldly: "I laugh at your death. I don't want to kneel down to me and beg for mercy. I even threaten me. I think you really think you've lived too long."

The blood emperor looked at Lin Ming with an incredible look, and his voice increased by tens of decibels: "I'm a demon king, and you asked me to kneel down and beg for mercy? I don't know... I killed you... "

A roar came out of the blood emperor's mouth, and he was full of momentum. But the next moment, his face also changed suddenly. With his momentum, the suction from the little black light became stronger.

Not only to suppress his three spirits, but also to suppress the only breath in his body. Not only that, he could not move his body.

"You..." in the blood emperor's eyes, finally can't help passing a panic color.

"Boy, I think it's a misunderstanding..." at the same time, it's the same with xuankongwu. His mind turns and his tone softens completely. Looking at Lin Ming's eyes, he can't help showing a trace of inexplicable kindness. He says:

"My name is recorded in jishidian, which has the supreme status and strength. How can I covet your dragon soul

I just want to confirm your strength

I didn't expect that. I really didn't expect that your strength is far beyond my expectation

At the moment, the dark creatures break into the dragon city and kill countless disciples of the Shenlong clan. At the same time, they don't know how many disciples of the Shenlong clan

We should fight against the dark creatures and the devil together. Don't forget that we are all in the small world. Once the small world is occupied by the dark creatures, we will all lose our home... "

Hearing Xuankong Wu's seemingly thoughtful and righteous words, long Wuxiang couldn't help but roll his eyes and scold a shameless villain in his heart.

Lin Ming looked at Xuankong and said, "if it wasn't for the blood emperor's sudden appearance, or if it wasn't for my hand, I would have fallen into your hands now

I'm afraid you've got the dragon soul

I'm afraid you've already dealt with the whole Shenlong clan and slaughtered them all

What kind of misunderstanding do you say now? Do you believe it? "

"You?" Seeing that Lin Ming didn't fall for it, Xuankong Wu seemed to be a little angry, and he didn't hide any more. He said fiercely:

"It seems that you are not stupid at all. Yes, you are right, but since you say so, that is to say, you will not stop?"

"What do you say?" Lin Ming looks as if he is seeing an idiot. He is looking at Xuankong.

"Good, then you'll die."

Xuankong's face became more and more gloomy. When he finished this sentence, he suddenly opened his mouth. His voice was not loud, but it seemed to spread all over the dragon city for a moment

"I'm xuankongwu. All the disciples of the Shenshi family come to me and join hands to crush Lin Ming into pieces..."

Then he looked at Lin Ming and said, "boy, I tell you that there are tens of thousands of disciples of the Shen family who have broken into the dragon city this time. Even if you are really against heaven, you can't be the opponent of tens of thousands of disciples of the Shen family

Not to mention, you have to distract me and the three spirits of the blood emperor. Soon, you will be broken into pieces... "


After listening to xuankongwei's words, the blood emperor also seemed to suddenly have a sudden, a sound like a call came out of his mouth, and the instant time also seemed to spread all over the dragon city.

"This..." for a moment, long Wuxiang's face turned pale. A moment ago, he saw that Lin Ming even calmed the three spirits of Xuankong Wu and xuehuang. In his ecstasy, he almost couldn't help laughing.

But at the moment, he understood that Xuankong Wu was right. Once tens of thousands of disciples of the Shen family came, Lin Ming would be broken into pieces, not to mention a larger number of dark creatures.

"Lin Ming, now that the three spirits of Xuankong and the blood emperor have been subdued, it's better for us to take this opportunity to leave, otherwise it will be too late."

With that, a burst of bean sized sweat appeared on the forehead of long Wuxiang.

Lin Ming's face was still calm and calm, and he said slowly: "all the people came just in time, so I don't have to kill them one by one. Besides, as long as there are a few minutes, I can get the three souls of Xuankong Wu and xuehuang..."

"What, get the three spirits of xuankongwu and xuehuang?"

In long Wuxiang's opinion, this is just like a fantasy. He takes a breath and subconsciously feels that Lin Ming is just whimsical.

However, it is a fact that the three spirits of Xuankong Wu and xuehuang are now subdued by the keel fragments of Lin Ming. It is also a fact that the breath of the two spirits is being sucked away by the keel fragments.

At the moment, although he felt that it was like a fable, he could not help feeling that maybe Lin Mingzhen could get the three souls of the two.

"The three spirits of two super strong men..." thinking like this, it seems that he can't help but flash a light in his eyes.

Although, he had already felt, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew.

"The head of the dragon clan, Lin Ming." With the sound of wheezing, the first few familiar figures appeared, including the three supreme elders, the great elder, the second elder and the third elder.

After seeing the eye dragon Wuxiang and Lin Ming, the elder and others naturally looked at the blood emperor and Xuankong me for the first time. Finally, all their eyes were fixed on Xuankong me.

"Xuan Kong Wu? Is this really the legendary xuankongwu? "Xuankongwu" whose name is recorded in jishidian

All of us have such a doubt in our mind.

As if seeing everyone's doubts, long Wuxiang said: "this is Xuankong Wu, and that is the demon king xuehuang. Both of them have refined the three spirits, but with the help of Lin Ming, they have calmed them down with a piece of keel."

"What, the three spirits of the two were all subdued?"

Hearing long Wuxiang's words, everyone naturally has no doubt about xuankongwu's identity. The last sentence naturally shakes everyone's heart. Brush, eyes fall on Lin Ming.

At this moment, everyone's eyes flashed with a touch of ecstasy and excitement.

It's true that Lin Ming can even suppress xuankongwu's three spirits, and even the blood emperor's three spirits. From everyone's point of view, I'm afraid no one in the small world can do this.

But Lin Ming did, and Lin Ming was a disciple of the Shenlong clan.

For a time, the elder and others were not ecstatic.

Whew, whew

At this time, bursts of air breaking sound sounded, and a series of figures flashed out, that is, in less than ten seconds, all around were figures.

On the side of the blood emperor, there are all dark creatures, and the number of them is nearly 100000.

On Xuankong's side, naturally, they are all disciples of the Shen family.

"It's the boy!"

It was obvious that someone recognized Lin Ming as a disciple of the Shen family on Xuankong's side, and he let out a cry of surprise for the first time.

"This boy is a disciple of the Shenlong clan. He is extremely vicious. He killed countless disciples of the Shenlong clan and even the elite disciples of the Feng clan. Now even Xuankong, my elder generation, has come out to deal with him

All eyes were focused on Lin Ming, with different looks, hatred, fear and war.

Xuankong Wu opened his mouth and said in a loud voice: "I want to restrain the blood emperor. What are you waiting for? Hurry up and take this boy's life..."

In front of tens of thousands of disciples of Shen family, he couldn't tell. In fact, his three spirits had been subdued by Lin Ming.

"Yes, master Xuankong."

Xuankong I open my mouth, it can be said that it is a response, a response is sounded, the momentum is huge.

Then the momentum burst out from every disciple of the Shenshi family. All kinds of dazzling lights rose to the sky. For a moment, the momentum was magnificent, just like the mighty waves. The momentum had not yet been attacked. All the people on Lin Ming's side could not help but feel a sense of oppression.

"Take out your hand and tear the boy to pieces." The blood emperor also roared.

The number of nearly 100000 dark creatures, the eyes also fell on Lin Ming.

Although Lin Ming didn't pay attention to all the dark creatures, such a large number of eyes suddenly focused on him, which also made him feel a strong pressure.

"Hum." With a cold hum, a more dazzling light of chaos shrouded him, and this powerful pressure disappeared.

"Why, do so many of you really plan to besiege Lin Ming?"

At this time, the elder opened his mouth, and the hands of the three elders turned into dragon claws, which looked like they were killing many disciples of the God family and dark creatures at any time.

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