At this moment, brush, all eyes will fall on the three elders that dragon claw, everyone's eyes can not help showing incredible color.

"Dragon claw? Is that dragon claw? Isn't it true that all the three supreme elders have practiced the dragon's ascent to heaven... "

At this moment, almost most of the disciples of the Shen family began to show a trace of retreat.

Most of the disciples of the Shenlong family have heard of the divine dragon's ascent to heaven, which is astonishing in power. In the whole small world, its attack power can rank among the top five.

It is said that once you have reached the highest level, you can turn into a dragon and ignore any attack directly.

"Hum." Seeing that most of the disciples of the Shenshi family began to show the intention of shrinking in their eyes, Xuankong Wu gave a cold hum and said in a loud voice:

"What about the dragon's ascent to heaven of the Shenlong clan? Even if I have reached the highest level, I would have killed everyone if I hadn't been restrained by the blood Emperor

Everyone, let's go together. As long as we can restrain them for four or five minutes, once I solve the blood emperor, all their lives will be frozen... "

Hearing xuankongwu's words, the blood emperor seemed to be unable to see it any more. He gave a sneer in his mouth, "ha ha, don't you ask all the disciples of Shenshi family to die together

Can you solve me? It won't be possible in a few hundred years... "

As for the blood emperor's words, all the disciples of the Shen family didn't seem to hear them at all. Xuankongwu's words had already made them full of fighting spirit and made them more murderous.

At present, tens of thousands of the disciples of the Shenshi family directly released their own five elements spirit. For a moment, they were very powerful and stormed away towards the three supreme elders one after another.

"In that case, you must die!"

"You too. I don't know how many disciples of the dragon clan have been killed. Go down and bury them with me..."


At this time, the three supreme elders also took direct actions, and a burst of white current rose from their bodies. From the point of view of their power, they were more than 100 times stronger than the elder and others.

At this time, the attack of tens of thousands of Shenshi family disciples was about to fall on them, and the three supreme elders came later. With a flash of body shape, they rushed into many Shenshi family disciples like a tiger into a sheep.

"Well. How dare you rush to death

Seeing that the three supreme elders were killed like a rainbow, all the disciples of the Shen family didn't pay much attention to them for the first time.

You know, there are tens of thousands of disciples of the Shenshi family. Even if everyone's strength is not as good as any one of the three supreme elders, but all these breath and momentum come together. How terrible the power is. Even the immortals should be afraid of it.

Of course, all the disciples of the Shenshi family have a good idea. Although they all know the power of the Shenlong family's divine dragon ascension, they still underestimate its power.

Their attack really fell on the three supreme elders for the first time, but it was just like a breeze blowing over them. Not to mention that they were injured, even their clothes didn't move.


The three elders had already shot, and between the two palms, they hit each other. With the sound of a terrible cry, the hit disciples of the Shenshi family, without any accident, flew upside down. Almost instantly, they were seriously injured.

Under this rush, the three supreme elders shot hundreds of disciples of the shens' family seriously. After they fell to the ground, they couldn't get up at all.

Naturally, the eldest elder, the second elder and the Third Elder also rushed into the crowd. Naturally, the strength of the three elders was not as good as that of the three supreme elders. Soon, they were in trouble. Of course, there was no danger for the time being, but they also restrained many disciples of the Shenshi family.

"Boy, die!"

At the same time, there were tens of thousands of disciples of the Shenshi family looking at Lin Ming with a murderous look.

"We're going to avenge the dead disciples of the Shen family!"

"You dare to kill even the elite disciples of Feng nationality. The whole small world can't tolerate you. Go to die!"

A burst of angry voice then ring up, then, whew whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whe.

In this regard, Lin Ming's face was expressionless, and his expression never wavered.

When he saw that all the attacks were about to fall on him, a flash of light flashed from Lin Ming, which was naturally the light of chaos.

This burst of chaotic light flashed from Lin Ming. No surprise, it was easy to stop this attack.


Seeing this, Xuankong Wu and xuehuang both showed a look of amazement. They both couldn't believe what they saw at the moment.

"This boy is obviously suppressing the two three spirits. How can he still have the strength to resist the joint attack of tens of thousands of Shenshi family disciples..."

"What's the matter? What kind of Freak is this kid..."

Xuan Kong Wu and blood emperor two people at this time in the heart, also begin to feel a trace of panic inexplicably.

Originally, in their plan, as long as the disciples of the Shen family attacked Lin Ming, Lin Ming's momentum of suppressing their three souls would naturally weaken.

Only then can they get rid of Lin Ming.

But now the fact is that Lin Ming seems to have no difficulty in blocking the joint attack of tens of thousands of Shen family disciples, and the containment of the two of them has not weakened at all.

Not only did it not weaken, but they felt even more shocked. The suction from the little black light increased instead.

Just a second or two, the three spirits of the two were sucked away almost 10% of their breath.

If it goes on like this, it doesn't take three or four minutes for the three spirits of the two to be completely absorbed.

The worst and most unacceptable situation for them is that their three spirits will inevitably fall into Lin Ming's hands.

"No, how can the three spirits that I cultivated with difficulty fall into the hands of a hairy boy..."

The blood emperor's face is gloomy to the extreme, and his heart is constantly roaring.

But his heart is also extremely helpless, he at this time, powerless.

The suction from the little black light was too strange, with inexplicable breath, as if with irresistible power, it easily absorbed their three souls and made them lose their resistance completely.

"The dark creature takes the hand and goes up together. If you submerge the boy directly, you don't believe that he won't die!"

Then, the blood emperor roars. He is also with a last glimmer of hope. He hopes that hundreds of thousands of dark creatures have already taken action. He hopes that Lin Ming can be a little distracted.

Of course, he didn't hope that the nearly 100000 dark creatures would hurt Lin Ming. If he could make Lin Ming distracted, he could achieve his goal.

But the next scene, still let him down, and even felt a strong sense of despair.

Lin Ming just stood still and didn't make a direct move.

It was a black lightning like thing, which suddenly flew out from behind Lin Ming. After that, it stretched out tens of thousands of meters, and suddenly turned half of the dark creatures into one.

Bang Bang... A series of explosions followed. It was no surprise that the dark creature, which had been fleeing, exploded almost at the same time, turning into a mass of black fog, and then disappeared.

There is no accident that the dark air, the origin of the black fog, was directly absorbed by this chain.

"Well, not bad." Lin Ming nodded with satisfaction.

For Lin Ming, these dark creatures are undoubtedly supplements to the chain. Before, when he was fighting against xuanzhiyao and Bai junhuai, the spirit of the chain and the spirit of the knife breaker consumed a lot.

After he took them back, they immediately fell into a deep sleep.

At present, these dark creatures, of course, are the supplements to both.

If the blood emperor would know that Lin Ming thought like this, he would have to vomit three liters of blood directly.

"What, this..." and seeing such a shocking scene, the tens of thousands of Shen family disciples seemed to attack Lin Ming again. At this time, they all seemed to be in a daze. They looked a little stunned and looked at the chain that had already stretched out tens of thousands of meters.

"The power of this chain is so terrible..."

"It's immortal."

"This boy has immortal tools in his hands."

Almost all the disciples of the Shenshi family had a layer of sweat on their forehead. They could not help but start to retreat.

It's not true. Lin Ming has an immortal weapon in his hand. If Lin Ming had used such a powerful immortal weapon to them just now, they would be the ones who died.

Although they are confident that their strength is not low, they can never compete with the same immortal weapon.

Bang Bang

At this time, there was a fierce explosion, and the appearance of such a scene also made the pupils of the ten thousand disciples of the God family shrink.

Indeed, after destroying half of the dark creatures, that chain did not stop. Then, in a flash, it directly destroyed all the remaining dark creatures.

At present, except for the blood emperor, there is no dark creature around. It seems that even the original dark air in the air has been sucked away by this chain.

Terrible. It's just terrible.

Even if this chain is immortal, it can't have such terrible power.

Unconsciously, the disciples of the wanshen family were retreating, several meters away from Lin Ming.


When this black lightning like chain wheezes back to Lin Ming's back, it also causes many disciples of the Shen family to scream involuntarily.

They thought the chain was going to attack them.

"The soul of the chain blocker has almost recovered." Lin Ming seems to be too lazy to pay attention to all the disciples of the Shen family. He focuses on the soul in the chain.

The breath of the soul of the chain has recovered 90%, and the eyes have been opened.

In other words, the soul of the chain can appear at any time to help Lin Ming.

At this time, Lin Ming's eyes slowly glanced at all the disciples of the Shen family around him, and then grinned, revealing a sense of indifference and ferocity.

Lin Ming stretched out his hand, and the broken knife behind him fell into the palm of his hand.

"Now, it's your turn..." with the dragon bone fragments in the town of xuankongwu and xuehuang, Lin Ming is very relieved. Now he naturally begins to really fight against these Shenshi family disciples.

On the side of the three supreme elders, half of the disciples of the Shen family have been solved. The three supreme elders are powerful, and they don't seem to be hurt much.

As for the words of the three elders, the situation is a bit bad. They are all injured, but they are barely supporting.


Seeing Lin Ming with a broken knife in his hand, his eyes swept slowly and ferociously. It looked like the supreme devil. Many of the disciples of the Shenshi family felt cold. At this moment, they could not help feeling a little weak.

Whew, whew

After a scream, there was no desire for war in my heart, and my body flashed. Immediately, more than half of the tens of thousands of Shen family disciples ran away.

"Er..." the appearance of this scene was completely unexpected. At this moment, he couldn't help but be stunned, and his eyes flashed with killing intention.

It seems that if he is not tied down by death at this time, he will catch up with all the disciples of the Shen family who are running for their lives.

At this time, Xuankong Wu also said: "who dares to escape, I will not forgive

The boy is just empty and powerful! "


It seems that he got great strength from Xuankong Wu's words. The rest of the disciples of the Shenshi family immediately roared. In a moment, the momentum of each disciple of the Shenshi family was enhanced at least twice.

Boom, all of a sudden, like the flood of breaking the dike, thousands of Shen family disciples attacked Lin Ming.

"Ha ha, look for death."

Lin Ming's figure flashed into a shadow and rushed in.

"The boy has to do it at last..."

See this, not only Xuankong I, blood emperor is also face dew ecstasy.

Now that Lin Ming has started, the breath of suppressing their three spirits will naturally weaken.

"Drink." As if they had caught a chance in a thousand years, they drank a lot and suddenly urged the only breath in their body to break Lin Ming's control.

"What, this..."

"It's impossible."

But the next moment, there was despair on both faces.

With Lin Ming's hand, the suction from the little black light didn't weaken. On the contrary, the two of them suddenly urged, and the suction suddenly became stronger.


Subconsciously, a cry of surprise also came from both populations.

Disappeared, two people's three soul among of breath, at this moment, unexpectedly all disappear.

That is to say, next, it's their turn to be absorbed by this little black light.

"What the hell is this?"

Brush, Xuan Kong Wu and blood emperor, two people's eyes suddenly condense on the small black light, the mouth sends out a roar.

"What, a twig?"

This is to see out, that little black light presents the appearance of a branch, this let two people a Leng under, show the look of full face astonishment.

"How could it be a branch? It's a bone fragment? It's a broken keel! "

After that, the blood emperor saw it, and his eyes were full of confusion.

With thousands of years of experience and vision, he has never heard of the terrible power of keel fragments.

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