
At this time, a scream of voice rang, also let xuankongwu and blood emperor for the first time realized what, subconsciously, two people's eyes are to follow the sound to see.

At such a glance, the two faces were also shocked to change color. For the first time, they could not believe what happened at this time.

All the disciples of the Shen family fell to the ground. That is to say, the thousands of disciples of the Shen family just now fell to the ground.

At this moment, Xuankong and the blood emperor also felt very clear. There was no breath or vitality inside or outside the body of the fallen disciples of the Shenshi family.

That is to say, after death, thousands of disciples of the Shen family died.

How long has it been? As Lin Ming just rushed into many disciples of the Shen family, he became xuankongwu and xuehuang. It took less than ten seconds. The thousands of disciples of the Shen family were all solved by Lin Ming.

"This boy is terrible. He is even more terrible than the existence of the dark creatures and the demon king. He is a hundred times, even tens of thousands of times terrible..."

Inexplicably, at this time of the blood emperor that look to Lin Ming's eyes, also seem to involuntarily reveal a look of panic.

In just a few seconds, we have solved thousands of Shenshi family disciples, and their strength is not low.

The blood emperor knows that his own strength is not low, but he can't do it. The key is that Lin Ming is not a dark creature, and he is also a disciple of the Shenlong clan in the small world. He is so decisive and ruthless.

For a moment, how could the blood emperor not feel a trace of panic in his heart.

"You, you." Xuankongwu also felt a little frightened, and seemed to want to say something. Maybe it was also because of extreme panic, his voice trembled, and he couldn't even speak.

At this time, with a broken knife in his hand, Lin Ming's eyes slowly swept over the fallen disciples of the Shen family. He was still expressionless.

Of course, Lin Ming was slightly surprised.

A moment ago, he rushed directly into the thousands of Shenshi family disciples. After he broke the knife in his hand, he thought that it would take several minutes to solve all the Shenshi family disciples.

However, to his surprise, the knife in his hand also changed.

In the past, when Lin Ming used a broken knife, he needed to shoot it out to solve the problem.

Just now, when Lin Ming shot out a broken knife, the whole broken knife suddenly sent out a piece of light. This piece of light was frightening. At that time, Lin Ming was shocked subconsciously.

This is unprecedented.

Sure enough, when Lin Ming saw it again, the light of the sword sent out, and he solved most of the disciples of the Shen family. Lin Ming waved the broken sword out of his hand again, as if naturally, and all the remaining disciples of the Shen family died in the light of the sword.

In a daze, Lin Ming's face naturally showed a happy look and nodded secretly

"Well, it's very good. It seems that with the growth of my strength and the continuous absorption of breath from the broken knife, this broken knife is more and more powerful..."

Naturally, Lin Ming was also very happy. He almost didn't laugh directly.

"What's the matter?"

"Thousands of disciples of Shenshi family, how can they all fall down..."

As for most of the other disciples of the Shen family who are still fighting with the supreme elder and others, they found this situation for the first time. When they looked at it, they were puzzled.

"It's him, it's Lin Ming, who has solved thousands of Shenshi family disciples all at once..."

Brush, almost all of the disciples of the Shenshi family, their eyes also fell on Lin Ming.

At present, everyone was a little scared. They did not dare to fight with the three supreme elders and the three elders any more. They immediately took back their momentum and retreated far away.

Everyone knows that even if the eldest master cultivates the dragon's ascent to heaven to the level of dragon transformation, and the three eldest elders, they don't have such terrible strength.

"Is it hard to succeed? Is this boy the strength to transform the soul?"

At the moment, there is a tacit understanding. All the disciples of the Shen family have this kind of speculation in their minds.

Not too closely followed, all people also denied such speculation.

In their opinion, if Lin Ming really had the strength to transform the soul, he would have directly dealt with them just now, and solved them all. Moreover, even Xuankong Wu and xuehuang had already died in Lin Ming's hands.

When he saw that there were more than ten thousand of the remaining disciples of the Shenshi family, they all stopped. Lin Ming stopped looking at them with a look of surprise. His eyes focused on xuankongwu and xuehuang.

Indeed, at the moment, Lin Ming has seen that the breath of the three spirits of the two has been absorbed by the keel fragments.

With the absorption of the breath of the three spirits, the dragon bone fragments become more and more powerful and begin to absorb the three spirits of the two.

"Good." Lin Ming is very happy, with a smile on his face. In Lin Ming's opinion, it is a sure thing that the keel fragments absorb the three spirits of the two.

That is to say, Lin Ming should soon be able to achieve the strength of transforming the soul.

For a moment, Lin Ming was not ecstatic.

Compared with Lin Ming's ecstasy, xuankongwu and xuehuang are in despair. They know that they are doomed.

As long as Lin Ming doesn't take back the pieces of the keel, as long as he doesn't let them go, their lives will be frozen.

Xuankongwu, together with many experts, broke into the outside world, killed countless dark creatures, killed many demons, and finally came out alive. His name, together with his deeds, was recorded in jishidian. He had the supreme status, and even his strength was rare in the small world.

He has also refined the three spirits. In time, he will be able to reach such a new realm as transforming the soul.

But now, his three spirits will be taken away, by a little boy.

What's worse, he has lived for nearly a thousand years. Today, at this moment, he will die in the hands of a little boy.

How can he be reconciled.

However, he was really helpless.

There was a look of struggle in his eyes.

At this time, he felt more and more that within ten seconds, his three spirits would be completely captured by Lin Ming.

He looked as if he had finally made a decision.

He looked at Lin Ming and went away. His voice was imploring. He said, "Lin Ming, please let me go this time. As long as you can let me go this time, I'll leave it to you. Of course, if you can't take away my three spirits, and spare my life..."


These words came from Xuankong. Suddenly, all the disciples of the Shenshi family were stunned. They were all dumbfounded. They were looking at Xuankong.

As for the three supreme elders and several elders, they were also quite surprised. Some of them were stunned, but they followed closely. A look of ecstasy and excitement naturally appeared on their faces.

Xuankongwu, what kind of person is he? His deeds, together with his name, are recorded in jishidian.

Even if such a character is now subdued by Lin Ming, he has to ask Lin Ming for mercy.

It can be imagined how tough Lin Ming is.

Seeing that Xuankong Wu suddenly said this, the blood emperor was also surprised. There was a strong look of irony in his eyes. His lips also moved, and he obviously wanted to open his mouth to ridicule Xuankong Wu.

However, I don't know why, when the words came to my mouth, I swallowed them back.

There was also a trace of inexplicable color in his eyes. If Xuankong I spoke like this, Lin Ming would really spare Xuankong me this time. Could he also open his mouth and have a try.

"No, absolutely not. I'm a demon king in the outside world. How can I beg for mercy from a hairy boy..."

Blood emperor secretly clenched his teeth: "even if I die, I will not beg for mercy from a hairy boy..."

Xuankongwu's opening also made Lin Ming's eyes look a little surprised, and also said with a slight irony:

"No wonder you can leave the outside world alive. You are so flexible..."

Xuankong Wu opened his mouth again, with a very solemn look, and said: "the words I said are true, and no half of them are false. You can capture my three souls. As long as you can save my life, everything I have will be yours

My name is recorded in jishidian. You should also know what kind of status I have among the Xuanwu people and in the small world... "

After that, Xuan Kongwu also looked at Lin Ming with burning eyes, full of expectations. He thought that Lin Ming could not really kill him.

At this time, Lin Ming said with a smile, "so long as I spare your life, would you rather be my servant?"


The word "servant" came out of Lin Ming's mouth. It really seemed like a bolt from the blue. It hit every disciple of the Shen family. Suddenly, every disciple of the Shen family was stupefied, like a statue.

"You..." I choked in the dark sky, and my face was changeable and uncertain.

Lin Ming shrugged, "if you are really my servant, I'll spare your life, but it's not impossible..."

"Not Lin Ming." These words came out of Lin Ming's mouth, but the three supreme elders couldn't help being anxious.

Xuankongwu's strength is so terrible. Because of the appearance of the blood emperor, Lin Ming has a chance to subdue xuankongwu and the blood emperor.

If you take Xuankong I as your servant and Lin Ming doesn't have the absolute strength to suppress Xuankong I, then Xuankong I will fight back every minute and directly kill Lin Ming.

"Three supreme elders, you elders, I know..." it seems that I can see the worries of the people. Lin Ming waves his hand to stop them from speaking.

Then Lin Ming's eyes fell on xuankongwu again, "of course, you have become my servant, that is, my own person. Of course, the stronger the strength, the better. I won't take your three souls, and I will give them back to you..."

"This..." Xuankong I was stunned, showing a touch of emotion, but the identity of servant was too difficult for him to accept.

"Ten," Lin Ming began to count down: "in another ten seconds, your three spirits will disappear, and your little life, I will still not stay. Consider for yourself..."

Xuankong I immediately looked like I was thinking quickly.

Seeing this, all the disciples of Shenshi family were shocked again and took a cold breath. Their eyes were also full of disbelief. They were looking at Xuankong.

In everyone's opinion, how can I be someone else's servant in xuankongwu's status? Naturally, I should flatly refuse, and even if I die, I won't agree to such a ridiculous request.

But the fact is that xuankongwu is actually considering whether to accept it or not.

"This..." at this moment, all the disciples of Shenshi family felt that their three outlooks were directly subverted.

"Four." Lin Ming's mouth turned slightly, but he didn't look very anxious.

"Three, two," Lin Ming continued, calling out the last number.

"I promise." At this time, three words came out of my mouth, and his face was pale as if he were in vain.

However, the hatred in his heart is stronger. As long as he gets through the current disaster, he must let Lin Mingsheng be better than death.

For a moment, Lin Ming showed an enigmatic look and said, "xuankongwu, I can guess what you are feeling and what you are thinking

At present, you have promised to be my servant. I'll let go of your business for the time being... "

Lin Ming looks at the blood emperor, and then he sees that the blood emperor is also confused. It seems that he can't help but struggle.

Seeing this, Lin Ming began to sneer and said, "blood emperor, I can guess what you are thinking, but I'm sorry, as a dark creature, even if you cry and shout to be my servant, I will never accept it..."

"You..." at this moment, the blood emperor's face was gloomy and terrible, and his face was also twisted and terrible. It seemed that he was about to explode by himself.

Lin Ming said: "blood emperor, you have no chance to fight me any more..."

Whew for a while, then see that from the keel fragment of the middle send out of the suction become stronger, this time directly will blood emperor of the whole three soul all suck away.

Whew of for a while, the keel fragment also turns into a black light, toward has already collapsed to the extreme blood emperor to shoot past quickly.

The blood emperor, who could not be avoided at all, was stabbed by the fragments of the keel. Then he saw that the whole blood emperor was like a balloon. Under the stab of the fragments of the keel, he turned into a big blood light, and was immediately absorbed by the fragments of the keel.

With the appearance of such a scene, I can't help but shrink my pupils. At this moment, he felt a sense of happiness in his heart. He was glad that he had made the most correct choice.

Otherwise, he would have died as tragically as the blood emperor.


At this time, Xuankong I was also stunned.

The fragment of the keel shot at him suddenly.

At this moment, he looked desperate, "you boy should go back?"

With a smile, Lin Ming said, "how can I go back on what I said? I said I would accept you as a servant. Naturally, I will accept you. But you are strong and have become three souls. Although it's a good thing that I accept you, it's also a time bomb for me

Of course I have to be on guard... "

"..." for a moment, Xuankong suddenly clapped in my heart, but I didn't know what Lin Ming was going to do to him.

But the next moment, he understood that the keel fragment stabbed him, did not completely enter, and he did not feel anything wrong, did not blow up like the blood emperor.

At this time, Lin Ming also flashed to him, stretched out his hand, and grasped the fragments of the keel.

When Lin Ming took back the fragments of the keel, he left a little bit in his body.

At this time, Lin Ming's heart moved, and this piece of keel immediately flew into xuankongwu's body, whew, followed by entering xuankongwu's Shenju cave, and instantly integrated into the Shenju cave, which belongs to xuankongwu's soul.


Until this moment, xuankongwu seems to be completely suddenly, he inexplicably felt what, this moment, his heart completely despair.

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