In Xuankong's heart, I can't help but feel a sense of inexplicability. At this time, Lin Ming seems to be infinitely tall in his eyes. Lin Ming is looking down on him with a high attitude, like heaven overlooking the earth.

In the face of such an image as Lin Ming, he can only kneel down and surrender, otherwise, as long as Lin Ming's idea moves, he will die directly.

It was not until this moment that Lin Ming was really relieved.

As a matter of fact, just now, Lin Ming thought of the terrible ability of the dragon bone fragment. He also had the intention to have a try. Before the dragon bone fragment, he did succeed in subjecting the other party. But after all, those who submitted to him had much lower strength. Xuankongwei was different. He was one of the super experts, the super expert.

In the small world, it's the top presence.

Therefore, Lin Ming's eyes have always been on xuankongwu, and his eyes have been on xuankongwu's every move. In Lin Ming's opinion, as long as xuankongwu has any change, he will do it at the first time, let the keel pieces absorb xuankongwu's three souls, and directly solve xuankongwu by the way.

But at the moment, seeing xuankongwei's expression, Lin Ming suddenly realized that the keel fragment also successfully made xuankongwei submit to him. He was no stranger to this expression. In the past, when other people submitted, he also showed this expression.

"Is Xuankong really going to submit to this boy and be his servant?"

At the moment, all the disciples of the Shenshi family saw xuankongwu's appearance of losing his soul. He was stunned and motionless. In everyone's heart, he was naturally at sixes and sevens.

Everyone seems to forget that they are still in danger, and their eyes are just staring at xuankongwu.

From everyone's point of view, naturally, if xuankongwu really became Lin Ming's servant, it would be nothing more than a shock. It would certainly set off a storm in the whole small world.

"Impossible. This kind of thing is ridiculous. How can it happen?"

"Yes, even if Xuankong would be a servant, he would never be a servant of this boy..."

"It's true that the strength of this boy is far less than that of Xuankong's elder. He didn't even practice one of the three spirits. What's the qualification for Xuankong's elder to be his servant..."

No matter what they think, all the disciples of Shen family firmly believe that Xuankong I can't be Lin Ming's servant.

But at this moment, a scene happened, so that all the disciples of the Shenshi family could not help but breathe cold air. In a moment, everyone felt that a cool air from the bottom of the foot board directly rushed to the top of the head.

At this moment, the body of every disciple of Shenshi family could not help shivering.

Indeed, each of them saw such a scene very clearly. Then he saw Xuankong's knees suddenly bend, and he knelt down directly at Lin Ming.

Following closely, Xuankong also called out in my mouth: "master!"

"Master... Master..."

For a moment, it seemed to be a simple word. It was like an echo. It had been ringing in the ears of every disciple of the Shenshi family. It had deafening power.

"God, my outlook on life, my outlook on the world, all collapsed in a mess..."

Every disciple of the Shenshi family was stunned. At this moment, each of them seemed to have lost their thinking ability.

Cold sweat also instantly soaked through the clothes of every disciple of the Shenshi family.

What does xuankongwu kneel down to say? What does xuankongwu shout to say? They can't tell. They just know that Lin Ming is above the whole small world.

Such a terrible existence, or they can contend with it.

The existence of such terror, or they can abuse it at will.

Not to mention, they still want to kill such an existence.

It's no longer necessary for Lin Ming to do it by himself. As long as Xuankong Wu looks at it with one eye, everyone will not be scared to death at the first time, but will certainly run away and run away at the first time.

"No way, this, how can this..."

"Xuankong's name and deeds are all recorded in jishidian. How could Xuankong become a servant and the servant of a ferocious man..."

There are still a large number of Shen family disciples who can't accept this.

"This is ridiculous. There must be something strange about it..."

After a period of extreme shock and consternation, many of the disciples of the Shenshi family suddenly seemed to have a sudden look. With a turn of eyes, their bodies disappeared.

When someone left, it was like a stone stirring up a thousand waves, whew, whew, and all the other disciples of the Shenshi family disappeared one after another. In less than ten seconds, there was no longer a disciple of the Shenshi family, and what was left was just a body lying on the ground.

"Dragon head."

"Elder supreme!"

At this time, the disciples of the Shen family also appeared. After saluting the elder, their eyes fell on Lin Ming and Xuankong Wu.

All the disciples of the Shenlong clan were naturally shocked. When they saw Xuankong I kneeling in front of Lin Ming, they were shocked to the point of no more.

Lin Ming, as a disciple of the Shenlong clan, is a super strong among the super strong. His deeds and name have been recorded in the jishidian, but he kneels to a disciple of the Shenlong clan. Such a picture can't appear in a dream.

You can imagine how all the disciples of the Shenlong clan were shocked.

The three supreme elders and the three elders were naturally shocked, ecstatic and excited.

"Ha ha, a great elder of Xuanwu nationality, a super strong man who has trained three spirits, submit to the disciples of Shenlong clan, and become the servants of the disciples of Shenlong clan. Don't be too excited..."

"Ha ha..."

"I'd like to have a look at the Xuanwu clan. I'd like to have a look at the big God families and the big transcendent forces in the small world. What will they look like when they learn about this..."

Finally, the three supreme elders couldn't control themselves and burst into laughter.

In this regard, xuankongwu, who is still kneeling on his knees, seems to have no anger or reaction.

He just knelt down. It seems that as long as Lin Ming doesn't speak, he will kneel down all the time.

When he really felt the dark sky and I was completely subject to myself, Lin Ming said:

"Get up."

"Yes, master." Xuankongwu was also extremely respectful. He just got up and stood upright, as if he was waiting for anything from Lin Ming.

Lin Ming looked at him and said, "xuankongwu, you'd better be yourself before. You don't have to be formal..."

"Yes, master." Xuankong I was still very obedient and respectful.

Such a scene, all the eyes of the people staring up, almost did not fall directly to the ground.

Lin Ming glanced around, frowned slightly, and said, "the disciples of the Shenlong clan have also lost a lot, and not a few of them are seriously injured..."

With that, more than ten porcelain vases appeared in Lin Ming's hand. "This is all my pills." then he threw them at the elder, the second elder and the third elder.

The elder, the second elder and the third elder are shining with their eyes like a hungry wolf. They quickly take these porcelain vases into their hands. When they open them, they are filled with pills of 90% quality.

"I'm afraid these pills are not enough..." Lin Ming can see that there are thousands of seriously injured disciples of the Shenlong clan. This is more than 100 pills of pills, which is not enough.

"Lin Ming, you don't have to worry about these little things. You are the pillar of the whole Shenlong clan. Now you have accepted Xuankong Wu, but your own strength is far from enough..."

"That's right. The most important thing you should do now is to refine the three spirits of the blood emperor, and practice your own three spirits as soon as possible..."

"In addition, since a gap has been made in the outside world, the blood emperor has also led nearly 100000 dark creatures into the dragon city. I'm afraid the situation of the whole small world is very bad..."

At this time, the faces of the three elders were all dignified.

The elder then said, "Lin Ming, although there are very few pills of 90% quality originally hidden in the clan, there are many pills of more than 60% quality. It's enough for the seriously injured disciples of the Shenlong clan to take one pill for each one."

Lin Ming en nodded slightly. Since everyone said that, he would not say anything more.

Of course, he doesn't have any pills on him now. Naturally, he has to refine some for a rainy day.

After Lin Ming looked at the bone fragment in his hand, he asked the three elders to find a secret room for him. Of course, he also asked Xuankong to stay in the Shenlong clan, at least to protect the whole Shenlong clan before he came out.

He has returned the three spirits to xuankongwu. With xuankongwu's strength and status, I'm afraid that even if the Feng disciples appear, they don't dare to do anything to the Shenlong clan.

Moreover, Lin Ming also ordered that once any other person broke into the Dragon City, he could do it directly. Xuankong Wu could solve the problem directly.

After giving these orders, Lin Ming and one of the elders disappeared. Naturally, he went into the secret room to refine the three souls in the skeleton fragments.

At this time, outside the Dragon City, in a very secret cave, there are six figures, looking at a mirror like thing with different looks, but without exception, their eyes show the color of horror.

These six people are nine days Xuannv, and the other five ten halls Yama.

"This kid..."

The five ten hall Yama kings looked shocked beyond comparison. They seemed to have lost their thinking ability and didn't know what to say.

In the eyes of Jiutian Xuannu, there was a faint fear, which seemed to say to herself:

"I didn't expect that. Originally, I secretly spent my energy to break the defense array of dragon city. The dark creatures entered, and many disciples of Shenshi family also entered

In this way, the whole Shenlong clan will be destroyed, but Lin Ming has turned the tide with his own efforts. "

"Empress, that boy has got the treasure of the Phoenix family. I'm afraid it's even more difficult for us to deal with him."

Said one of the ten halls.

"Well, fenglingyu is nothing. The most terrible thing is the keel fragment in the boy's hand..."

Nine days Xuan girl's eyes flashed a color of fear, also showed a trace of confusion.

"Empress, is the dragon bone fragment in that boy's hand really just a dragon bone fragment? I've never heard of such a terrible dragon bone fragment as powerful, which can directly suppress the three souls of xuankongwu and xuehuang..."

At this time, Jiutian Xuannv didn't open her mouth, her eyes flashed, and she was obviously thinking about something, but it seemed that she didn't get much in the end.

When the five ten halls of Yama saw that the nine heaven Xuannv was silent, they were also silent, as if they did not dare to speak.

About a few minutes later, Jiutian Xuannv said in a quiet voice, "as long as the boy's Dragon Spirit is still trapped by my immortal weapon, we will have a chance to get it..."

What did the king of hell in the tenth hall think of: "female emperor, this boy Lin Ming even accepted Xuankong me. With Xuankong me's insight, maybe he knows how to get the Dragon Spirit out of trouble..."

Jiutian Xuannv nodded: "Xuankong, I'm powerful. I've been to the outside world, and I've come out alive. It's not surprising that he knows how to open the magic bottle

The only way to open the magic bottle is in the outside world... "

"Is there really a way to open the magic bottle?" The five ten halls of Yama's face became ugly, even with a touch of panic.

Lin Ming takes in a Xuankong Wu and gets Feng Lingyu. With the broken knife chain in his hand and the spirit in it, if Lin Ming takes back the dragon spirit again, I'm afraid it will be the whole hell that will be destroyed at that time.

It seems to see all people's worries, nine days Xuannv mouth incomparably affirmative said: "you don't worry, even if the gods come down to earth, it is impossible to destroy the hell, ten sides ghost emperor is absolutely won't let this kind of thing happen..."

The five ten hall king of hell was a little relieved, and then asked, "female emperor, what should we do now..."

Jiutian Xuannu's eyes must be fixed, "to the outside world, Xuankong I should know how to open the magic bottle. At that time, Lin Ming will go to the outside world. We are waiting in the dark

At the same time, we are not idle, secretly wooing the demon king. At that time, as soon as Lin Ming enters the outside world and comes to the demon king's territory, he can't escape even if he is cutting his wings... "

"The female emperor is still very intelligent. She must be able to get the soul of the dragon. When she becomes a real dragon, she can go back to the immortal gate..."

In the eyes of the five ten halls of Yama, there was also a strong ray of expectation.

At this time, Jiutian Xuannu glanced at five people and said, "your strength is not weak, but it's still too bad. In this way, I have a kind of supreme skill, which can let you refine one of the three spirits in a short time..."

Hearing this, the five ten halls of Yama were all shocked.

At this moment, there was a flash of light in their hands, and a jade tube appeared in their hands.

Nine days Xuannu said: "now go to the outside world, and practice in the outside world, you can get twice the result with half the effort..."

Jiutian Xuannv first disappeared.

The five ten halls of Yama naturally follow closely.

Although Lin Ming guessed that Jiutian Xuannv was playing tricks in the dark when the dragon city defense array broke, he naturally didn't know what to do next for Jiutian Xuannv and Shidian Yama.

After he entered the chamber of secrets, he made a lot of pills at the first time. There were thousands of pills, all of which were of 90% quality. Naturally, they were put into the storage ring.

Of course, refining thousands of pills of 90% quality is too simple for Lin Ming. In less than an hour, he refined them.

At this time, Lin Ming's eyes naturally fell on the keel fragment in his hand.

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