Lin Ming didn't pay attention to the power of Zifeng for the first time. It's obvious that Feng Haotian, as the head of the Feng clan, is not weak in his own strength. In addition, with anger and full strength, Zifeng can make the space collapse directly.

Of course, Lin Ming would fight back if he didn't practice human spirit, but at this time, there is no need at all.

A trace of soul power released from Lin Ming's Shenju cave directly protected Lin Ming.

That incomparably huge purple Phoenix looked like it was blocked by a transparent air wall, and could not move forward for half a minute.

The appearance of this scene, so that all the disciples of the God family, have shown a silly look.

Fengzu, naturally, is a super power beyond the world. As the head of the clan, fenghaotian's strength is not strong, otherwise, it is not competent for the head of the clan.

In addition to the three super strong men Xuankong Wu of Xuanwu, jianchenxu of Jianshen and daoheshan of daoshen, the most powerful men are Feng Haotian and others.

Naturally, in everyone's opinion, Lin Ming's strength should be far less than Feng Haotian's. then, in the face of Feng Haotian's sudden appearance, Lin Ming seems to be fighting with all his strength. Even if Lin Ming is lucky enough to survive for the first time, he should be seriously injured and fall to the ground for the first time.

But the fact is, it's nothing.

Facing the overwhelming power of Zifeng, Lin Ming seems to ignore it at all. Lin Ming stands still, but a trace of soul power radiates from his body, which easily blocks Zifeng's power.

"God, it's, it's not possible." Immediately a burst of startled voice each other ups and downs of the ring.

All the disciples of Shenshi family can't believe such a scene.

It is said that Feng Haotian has successfully trained the two souls of man and earth, and Feng Haotian's soul power is powerful. But now, Lin Ming just releases a little soul power to block Feng Haotian's attack.

Does it not mean that the strength of Lin Ming's soul is far above Feng Haotian.

At the moment, everyone can see that Lin Ming's strength is to gather nine layers of spirit realm. Even if he can hold the sky, he can barely cultivate his soul. How can Lin Ming resist Feng Haotian's attack.

At this time, Feng Haotian was not surprised to see that his move was easily blocked by Lin Ming. There was a trace of examination in his eyes. He looked up and down at Lin Ming and said:

"You really have some strength. No wonder Feng Zhongyang and others are not your opponents

The strength of your soul is above me

But that's all. Your strength is too low. Even if you practice one of the three spirits, you will die now

Feng Zhongyang and some other experts of the Phoenix family are planted in your hands. You have also got the treasure of the Phoenix family, Feng Lingyu. You should stay away from me. Unfortunately, you are still arrogant and dare to break into the edge and appear in front of me... "

Speaking of this, he saw that the cold light in Feng Hao's eyes flashed more and more strongly, and then he whispered out two words:

"Human soul!"

The huge purple Phoenix as like as two peas and then shrank instantly, and instantly there was only one tall person. It was instantly condensed into a figure. It was just like Feng Haotian himself. There was no accident. It was the soul of Feng Haotian.

"Human soul!" Seeing this, a cry of surprise rang out all around.

"It is said that the head of the Feng clan has already trained the two souls of man and earth. Now it seems that this is true..."

"Ha ha, if the boy doesn't die, my name will be written upside down..."

"It's just a Shenlong clan. If the head of tangtangfeng clan can show one of the three spirits, he's proud enough to die..."

"Human soul?" As for Lin Ming, there was a trace of interest on his face. In addition, he didn't have any nervous fear. "It's a little interesting..."

At this time, Feng Haotian could not help but open his mouth. The cold light in his eyes became more and more intense, "interesting? Hehe, it seems that you really didn't pay attention to us, but you will soon regret

What are you two waiting for, rain delay and thunderstorm? Release the human soul quickly, let the boy see, and let him die in peace.... "

Hearing Feng Haotian's opening as like as two peas, the rain and thunder were two, and there seemed to be no hesitation. With the light from the two places, the figure of the God's cave was rising, and two figures also condensed. The appearance and facial features were exactly the same as those of the two people, and naturally belonged to two people's souls.

"What, the rain god clan leader and the thunder god clan leader have already trained one of the three spirits..."

To see such a scene, a cry of surprise rang out. Naturally, the hearts of every disciple of the Shenshi family were extremely ecstatic.

In the eyes of all the disciples of the Shen family, xuankongwu, a super strong man, has already been dealt with by the same super strong man. Even Feng Haotian alone is enough to kill Lin Ming. What's more, with Yu Zhiyan and thunderstorm, both of them show their own souls.

When all the disciples of the Shenshi family looked at Lin Ming, it was like looking at the dead for the first time.

At this time, someone couldn't help sighing, "ah, this ferocious man is dying at last. It's a pity that so many disciples of Shen family and law enforcement hall, even the elite disciples of Feng family like Feng Yejun, Feng Zhongyang and other experts of Feng family, all died in the hands of this boy..."

"The boy really committed a lot of blood debts. Even if he died ten thousand times, it's not enough to pay back..."

A cold hum rang out, "hum, isn't there any Shenlong clan? Let the whole Shenlong clan repay the blood debt of this boy..."

"That's right."

"That's right!"

"It's natural..."

At present, all the disciples of Shenshi family agree with this.

Lin Ming's mouth turned slightly up, showing a sneer, and said:

"Why, have you decided that I am not the opponent of the three? Ha ha, even if I'm not a three person opponent, it's impossible and impossible for you to attack the Shenlong clan. "

"When you die, the dragon clan won't bother you. Even if you have a heart, you are powerless. At this moment, you will die, and no one can save you."

Feng Hao said coldly. Looking at Lin Ming's eyes, he also looked at the dead.

"Xuankong I have been restrained by master jianchenxu, and there is also a super strong master daoheshan, who must be coming soon. When you die, Xuankong I will come to the same end..."

Rain extension is also full of murderous look, feel that Lin Ming will die now.

Thunderstorm roared: "why talk nonsense with this boy, just kill him!"

Then he saw that the soul of thunderstorm rushed towards Lin Ming first.

The soul of thunderstorm is twined with thunder and lightning all over the body, just like the God of thunder coming down to earth. It is fierce and swift. The crackling sound is going to destroy the sky and the earth.

"Kill me directly? Ha ha, "Lin Ming glanced at the thunderstorm and sneered," then you should die first... "

"Ha ha..." Thunderstorm laughed, "arrogant boy, facing the three souls surrounded, also speechless, just don't know what to say


But as soon as he finished, he was stunned.

Indeed, at this moment, he felt a sense of extreme danger, as if he would die in the next moment.

At this time, before he could figure out what was going on, Feng Haotian and Yu Zhiyan already exclaimed in unison:

"Watch out for thunderstorms!"

"What, this..."

"This is the soul of the boy!"

"This boy's soul speed is so fast. He directly bypasses the soul of clan leader Lei and attacks the thunderstorm..."

It's true that at this moment, another Lin Ming appeared. This is Lin Ming's soul, which appeared on the side of thunderstorm like out of thin air.

It was at this moment that thunderstorm had a premonition of extreme danger.

With the exclamation of fenghaotian and the extension of the rain, the momentum of thunderstorm suddenly rose, and the thunderstorm turned slightly.

When he turned his head, he seemed to be surprised and exclaimed:

"Human soul, I didn't expect that you also trained human soul!"

At this moment, Lin Ming's human soul simply and directly took the hand. He was very powerful. When he reached for his hand, there was the light of chaos flashing on it, which was the magic hand of chaos.

Lin Ming's soul also said, "if you die first, you die first!"

"Hum!" The first time, thunderstorm is also disdainful cold hum a, his double fists toward Lin Ming soul of this palm hit back.


But the next moment, his face suddenly changed.

The palm of Lin Ming's soul, in this instant, bypassed his powerful fists and hit him with a very tricky angle.

"It's too fast to avoid!"

At this moment, this sentence just appeared in Thunderstorm's mind.

A roar, followed by a ring.

Lin Ming's hand hit the thunderstorm solidly.

"Ah..." a scream sounded, from the mouth of the thunderstorm, you can see the thunderstorm whole people fly out, draw a parabola in the mid air, and then hit the ground.

"Clan leader Lei!"

The appearance of such a scene made all the disciples of the Shen family look silly.

See such a scene, together a exclamation is also sounded.

At present, every disciple of the Shenshi family also looks at Lin Ming and then at his soul.

Terrible, terrible.

At this moment, all the disciples of the Shen family finally realized that Lin Ming's strength was terrible and strong.

At this moment, in the eyes of all the disciples of the Shen family, Lin Ming's strength is really terrible.

Even if Xuankong Wu, one of the super powers, is not here, Lin Ming will not be defeated by Feng Haotian, yuzhiyan and thunderstorm.

No, now we are facing the three patriarchs of Shenshi family, and the strength of the three patriarchs is also very strong, and the human soul has been displayed.

Naturally, in everyone's opinion, once the three souls attack Lin Ming, there is no doubt that Lin Ming will die.

But who would have thought, never thought, that Feng Haotian and Yu Zhiyan were also never expected. Lin Ming made a late attack and showed his soul.

The speed of Lin Ming's human soul is amazing. It seems that it is completely above the three of them. It directly appears on the side of the thunderstorm. With one palm, it directly blows the thunderstorm away and gets seriously injured.

"Boy, stop it. You dare to kill thunderstorms. If you run to the ends of the earth, you will die."

At this time, a loud and murderous shout also rang out.

Indeed, at this moment, he saw that Lin Ming's soul was closely following him. It seemed that he was going to make up a few palms and take the life of thunderstorm.

"Stop it

Feng Haotian and Yu Yankou are also drinking, whew, two people's soul speed as fast as lightning.

But even if the reaction was very timely, it was still a step too late. Lin Ming's soul rushed over first, raised its foot, and when it fell, it sounded a pop. Lin Ming's soul directly stepped on the heart of the thunderstorm, and simply crushed the heart of the thunderstorm.

At this moment, the thunderstorm was seriously injured. At this moment, the thunderstorm didn't hum out, his head tilted, and then he died, losing all life and breath inside and outside.

"Clan leader Lei is dead, dead!"

Seeing this scene very clearly and feeling this, all the disciples of Shen family, especially all the disciples of Raytheon family, could not help but stay, one by one like wooden people, as if they had lost their souls.

Their patriarch died, in the hands of a dragon clan, and in the hands of a dragon clan in his early twenties.

At present, this man is surrounded by the heads of the three shens' families. Even so, thunderstorm, the head of the shens' family and the head of the rain god's family, is still dead, dead in each other's hands.

For a time, not only the disciples of the thunder god family, but all the other disciples of the God family were not shocked. It seemed that they were scared and greatly frightened.


At this moment, Feng Haotian and Yu Zhiyan's soul arrived at the same time and appeared before and after Lin Ming's soul.

Two people's human souls, at the same time toward Lin Ming's human soul hit.

This speed is too fast, two momentum is also very fast, Lin Ming's soul want to avoid, but, can't do.

Boom, two earth shaking blasts sounded, and then two forces of destroying the sky and the earth directly hit Lin Ming's soul.

Bang, the soul of Lin Ming immediately exploded and turned into the light of chaos, flying around.

"Hum, even if we kill this boy's soul, we can't get rid of our hatred..."

The eyes of all the thunder god disciples had already turned red. At this time, everyone's eyes were still filled with hatred. They were looking at Lin Ming

However, just a slight cold hum from Lin Ming's mouth, an invisible momentum then dispersed, ah ah, a burst of tragic cry sounded.

Then I saw that every disciple of the thunder god clan was flying upside down. Then, a bang bang sound rang out, and everyone fell on the ground. It seemed that they were also injured, and they couldn't get up at all for a moment.

At this time, Lin Ming's eyes swept Feng Haotian and Yu Zhiyan, "Thunderstorm has died first, next, it's your turn..."

"Hum." Feng Hao, the rain in the sky, hummed coldly.

Feng Haotian said: "your soul has been destroyed by us. It's a daydream to kill us..."

"You have destroyed my soul?" The corner of Lin Ming's mouth turned up, revealing a trace of profound meaning: "is it?"

All of a sudden, the chaotic light, which seemed to be flying around, flew away towards the soul of thunderstorm.

The soul of the thunderstorm was stunned at the moment of death. It didn't take a few seconds for it to collapse and disappear.

At this time, the light of chaos suddenly flew past, which directly enveloped the whole thunderstorm soul.

"What are you doing, boy?" Seeing such a scene, Feng Haotian and Yu Zhiyan both seem to be shocked subconsciously.

At that moment, Feng Haotian also seemed to suddenly realize something, and his voice could not help but tremble, "swallow, swallow? You, you want to eat a soul directly? "

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