With these words, Feng Haotian also seems to involuntarily show a look at what freak general appearance, looking at Lin Ming up.

In fact, at this moment, Feng Hao's heart was already secretly overjoyed.

A person's soul, the breath contained in a person's soul is so huge that no one, even the fairy in the legend, dare not devour the person's soul directly.

If swallowing the five element spirit is equivalent to swallowing an atomic bomb, swallowing the human soul is equivalent to swallowing hundreds of atomic bombs.

Then you can imagine what the consequences will be. It's no different from being tired of living and looking for death.

As for Yu Zhiyan and all the disciples of the Shen family, they all show a strange look and look at Lin Ming.

In fact, they are all the same in their hearts, just like Feng Haotian, secretly overjoyed.

"Ha ha, this boy is stupid. He can do such things as devouring human souls..."

Almost all of them looked at Lin Ming as if they were looking at idiots.

All of them felt that Lin Ming was suddenly crazy and was looking for his own death.

Of course, no one wants to stop Lin Ming. Everyone is watching quietly, waiting for Lin Ming to die of suicide after he completely devours the human soul.

At this moment, after the chaos light enveloped the thunderstorm soul, the thunderstorm soul exploded directly, and turned into lightning.

The light of chaos, that is, in an instant, entangled with the lightning, repelling and merging with each other.

At this moment, everyone can see that Lin Ming is really devouring the soul of thunderstorm.

At present, it is also very strange that Feng Haotian and other people are even worried that the chaotic light can not merge with the thunder and lightning, which naturally shows that Lin Ming can not devour the human soul of thunderstorm.

But obviously their worries are superfluous.

A minute goes by

Ten minutes passed

Everyone just looked at it quietly. No one wanted to fight against Lin Ming.

Lin Ming also seems to have forgotten the existence of all people. He devotes himself to controlling the chaotic lights and merging with many thunderbolts.

Ten minutes later, the fusion of chaotic light and thunder and lightning has been completed.

Time passed quickly, and five more minutes will pass.

"Good“ At this time, Lin Ming couldn't help but open his mouth. He looked satisfied and seemed to say two words to himself.

At this moment, the light of chaos and thunder and lightning are completely integrated. In fact, to be exact, it is the light of chaos that completely devours all the thunder and lightning.

In fact, Lin Ming has completely devoured the soul of thunderstorm.

At this time, as like as two peas, the momentum of the chaotic light became stronger and stronger. It was condensed into a mass, and it was seen in the same way that it was just like Lin Ming. It was Lin Ming's soul.

This re exposed human soul has become much stronger in terms of breath and momentum.

"Ha ha..." at this time, suddenly, a burst of laughter burst out, which revealed ecstasy. It came from yuzhiyan's mouth, and he saw that yuzhiyan was also sarcastic. He was looking at Lin Ming:

"I've seen bold people, and I've never seen such bold people as you, devouring people's souls directly

You think it can improve your strength quickly. In fact, you are just looking for death

I'm sure that as long as your soul stirs up your breath, you will explode at the first time

This time, I'm not as lucky as I was just now. I'm just turning into chaotic lights. Instead, I'm going to disappear. "

Feng Hao's heavenly eyes also flashed a trace of hatred, staring at Lin Ming

"Your soul is annihilated, and it's inevitable that you will not be seriously injured. It's very easy for us to kill you. As soon as you die, I'll go back to the small world and go to Longcheng to destroy the Shenlong clan directly, so as to repay your blood debt..."

Lin Ming couldn't help laughing. He was also full of sarcasm. His eyes swept over Feng Haotian and Yu Zhiyan: "it's a pity that you can't get what you want..."

Lin Ming's eyes were fixed on the soul of Yu Zhiyan: "head of Yu Shen clan, your soul is swallowed by me. It's useless for you to keep it!"

After hearing Lin Ming's words, yuzhiyan almost didn't laugh for the first time, but the next moment, his face suddenly changed. Lin Ming's soul disappeared in this instant, reappeared, and came to the side of other people's soul.

"What, it's impossible." Seeing this, Feng Haotian exclaimed for the first time.

Now that Lin Ming's human soul has suddenly started, that is to say, it has already stirred up the breath. In his opinion, in everyone's opinion, there is no doubt that Lin Ming's human soul should explode and die instantly.

But what's extremely strange is that Lin Ming's soul didn't explode in an instant, and then he also shot at the soul of the rain. This time, it was a double palm shot, and there was a layer of chaotic light flashing on it. The momentum was strong, and accompanied by two extremely huge suction.

Originally, at this moment, the soul of yuzhiyan intended to escape, but the appearance of this suction, the instant time will stop the soul of yuzhiyan, it is only the instant time, which is enough for Lin Ming.

Boom, Lin Ming's soul palms hit yuzhiyan's soul directly with the speed of lightning. At present, yuzhiyan's soul didn't hum.

Bang a direct blow up, into a blue water, flying around, want to escape.

But the suction from the two palms of Lin Ming's soul became stronger. Whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew.

"Ah He couldn't help but roar out of the rain, and he didn't understand that even the immortal could not directly devour the human soul, but Lin Ming did, and the human soul didn't explode by itself. At the moment, he also attacked his human soul and wanted to devour his human soul.

At this moment, yuzhiyan subconsciously felt fear, felt real fear, and also poured out a stream of anger from the bottom of his heart.

After a roar, he was so fierce that he rushed to Lin Ming. At this moment, he didn't care about it. He was going to die with Lin Ming.

Naturally, his plan is good, but it is doomed to fail.

Lin Ming himself also slaps Yu Zhiyan, and his palms are flying, all flashing a layer of chaotic light. The palms are dense, and instantly drown the whole person of Yu Zhiyan.

"Ah..." a scream came out immediately.

When the palm shadow dispersed, a figure appeared.


Many of the disciples of the Shenshi family could not help but take in the cool air. Yuzhiyan fell to the ground and became a bloody man. At this moment, he was only angry. It seemed that he would die the next moment.


The eyes of all the disciples of the Shen family moved hard before they fell on Lin Ming. At the moment, it's not hard to see that the eyes of all the disciples of the Shen family had already flashed a look of panic.

"This, this boy, is still human, is still human? I'm afraid that even if the real immortal, it's nothing more than this means..."

An idea can't help but come out, whew whew. The disciples of Shenshi family who witnessed all this really felt scared, disappeared and fled for their lives for the first time.

I'm kidding. In the face of the siege of the heads of the three shens' families, Lin Ming has killed thunderstorm and yuzhiyan in a thunderous way. Why do they stay? Give Lin Ming his head.

Nearly half of the disciples of the Shen family left. Of course, there are more than 30000 or 40000 people left.

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