It seems that the remaining thirty or forty thousand Shenshi family disciples do not want to leave, but their strength is slightly lower than those who have left.

In their opinion, if they left at this time, they would be buried in the belly of the dark creatures if they didn't die in the hands of Lin Ming.

In fact, it can also be said that they were killed by Lin Ming in a thunderous way. They were stunned and scared. They all subconsciously did not dare to move. It seems that as long as they moved, Lin Ming would kill them, which is also the end of their lives.

Feng Haotian seems to be frightened at this time. He is really scared of Lin Ming from the bottom of his heart.

It's up to him. Nature is incredible.

In the small world, he is absolutely the strong among the strong. He has a very high status in the small world. Except for a few forces, any disciple of the Shenshi family in the small world should be respectful when he sees him.

This situation, without exception, has lasted for thousands of years.

But now, this situation is going to be broken, broken by a boy in his early twenties, which makes him feel a sense of fear.

At this moment, he looks at Lin Ming, and then at Lin Ming's soul, who is still devouring the rain. He wants to run away.

However, when his eyes came to the remaining tens of thousands of Shenshi family disciples at this time, he naturally could not step forward.

Indeed, once the story of his escape came out, he would completely lose his status in the small world. At that time, the whole Phoenix family would be implicated.

"Death," Feng Haotian could not help but gnash his teeth, "this boy, must die, must be killed by me, so as to restore the reputation of the Shenshi family, otherwise, it must not be long before the Shenlong family completely tramples on the whole Shenshi family..."

Feng Haotian clenched his teeth. In his heart, it seemed that he had made a decision.

He was calm and calm, but he didn't move.

His eyes are on the soul of Lin Ming. At the moment, there is still a fluke in his heart. Lin Ming swallowed one soul and did not explode. Then, after swallowing the second soul, he will explode.

This time, the speed of Lin Ming's swallowing the soul of yuzhiyan was much faster. In less than a minute, all the blue water was absorbed. In other words, even the soul of the head of Yushen clan was completely swallowed by Lin Ming.


After Lin Ming's move, he was already dying. At this time, his soul was completely engulfed by Lin Ming. His mouth was full of blood, his head was crooked, and he lost all vitality inside and outside his body.

He died in despair.

At this moment, all the disciples of the Shen family could not help but stay together. Although everyone could have expected such a scene to happen, when the scene of the death of Yu Yanqi really happened under their eyes, everyone could not help feeling that the soles of their feet were cold, and a cool air rushed directly up to the top of their head along their spine.

Dead, another head of the God family, dead.

In the same way, even the human soul is displayed. The head of a Shen family is still not Lin Ming's opponent. He is killed by Lin Ming in three or two moves, and the human soul is swallowed up. It can be said that he died miserably.

Dead, after the thunderstorm of thunder god clan leader was destroyed, in a few minutes, the rain god clan leader Yu Yan followed suit, died, also died in the hands of Lin Ming.

At this moment, we can't use fear to describe the innermost feelings of the remaining Shenshi family disciples.

The brain seems to have lost the ability to think directly. Everyone is like a statue. His eyes are dull and empty, as if his soul has been taken away directly.

Feng Haotian, at this moment, is completely lazy to pay attention to the reaction of these disciples of the Shenshi family. His eyes are focused on the soul of Lin Ming. At this time, he is secretly happy.

Indeed, the soul of Yu Zhiyan was completely engulfed by Lin Ming.

"Blast!" Feng Haotian also silently read a word in his heart, and his face involuntarily showed a strong color of expectation. Naturally, he hoped that Lin Ming's soul would explode suddenly.

Lin Ming looked at Feng Haotian. Lin Ming seemed to see through Feng Haotian's mind. He turned his mouth slightly and said, "head of Feng clan, you must want to see my soul explode. Unfortunately, you are doomed to fail..."

"Hum," Feng Hao snorted coldly. He thought that it was inevitable for Lin Ming's soul to explode. "Boy, you are still too young. You don't know much

For the understanding of human soul, it can be said that in the whole small world, few of them can surpass me

It is recorded in ancient books that immortals dare not devour human souls directly like this. Of course, no immortals will go crazy to devour human souls and improve their own strength... "

"What is a fairy?" There was a trace of disdain in Lin Ming's eyes. "If there is a fairy, I would like to see it..."

"You..." in Feng Haotian's opinion, this is enough to prove that Lin Ming is so arrogant that he suddenly seems to have a sudden:

"You've committed a lot of blood debts, and you're bound to disturb the divine punishment hall. I'll tell you that there are immortals in the divine punishment hall. If you are wise..."

"To tell you the truth, I've really alarmed the divine punishment hall," Lin Ming interrupted. He might as well tell Feng Haotian about this and hit Feng Haotian: "after I accepted Xuankong, the divine punishment hall was alarmed and sent a little bug and a butterfly to deal with me as an incarnation

It's a pity to be pinched to death by me! "

"What?" This made Feng Haotian's eyes seem to be widened involuntarily. He seemed to suddenly follow him and said with a sneer:

"I'm not a fool, the head of the Phoenix clan. How can I believe you? God punishes the strong Tang. Even one incarnation can kill you thousands of times

You mean to scare me? Ha ha... "

Lin Ming also sneered, "then don't talk nonsense. I can see that you have trained the earth soul, and let it go

After I devour your double spirits, I can practice the second spirit of the three spirits... "

"You..." this words fell into Feng Haotian's ears, so that Feng Haotian almost did not deviate his nose. He squeezed out a sentence from his teeth:

"Since you want to die, I will help you

You want to eat my soul, daydream

Earth soul!

Human soul, explosion

Feng Haotian roared twice, and then another Feng Haotian appeared, which was his soul.

At the same time, the soul of Feng Haotian suddenly shrinks inward. Originally, a person's tall body turns into a purple flame, which is only the size of a blue ball. It seems that it contains the power of creating heaven and earth, and it will explode directly in the next moment.

Lin Ming's eyes did not help a little bit. At the first time, he released nearly 90% of the power of the soul. Naturally, the breathing method was also working with all his strength. A huge force of suction came out and enveloped the purple flame.

"Boy," at the moment, Feng Haotian's eyes were red, with a touch of madness and hatred. He was furious. "You forced me, the head of Feng clan, to deal with you at the cost of self explosion. You are absolutely unprecedented


"Well?" However, at this moment, Lin Ming's expression could not help but move slightly, and his eyes immediately turned to the far right. At this moment, there was a breath suddenly fluctuating in the deep of the extremely rich dark air.

Then, a suction, also out.

This also surprised Lin Ming for the first time. The sudden suction was no weaker than that produced by his full-scale operation of the breathing method.

"I'm afraid that the power of the suction is even higher than that of the breathing method..."

At this moment, Lin Ming also saw that the suction was one step ahead of him, enveloping the purple flame that was about to explode, and then the purple flame was instantly stunned.

That is, after such a meal, whew, this purple flame cuts through the boundless darkness, cuts through the space, flies out, and disappears in an instant.

"Human soul!"

This change is sudden, see, Feng Haotian unavoidably not Zheng under, then just have a reaction, a exclamation.

"Ha ha..." at this time, a loud and arrogant laugh came from the distance

"I didn't expect that it would take me no effort to find a place without breaking my iron shoes. As soon as I left the outside world, I thought that I would devour the three spirits of the heads of the shens' family. No, the soul of the head of the Fengs' family came to my door

In this case, your earth soul, just give it to me

Ha ha... "

There was another burst of laughter, a figure appeared out of thin air, and a burst of burst of empty sound also sounded, there were a lot of figures, the number was less than 100000, the breath and momentum of each figure was not weak, completely above the disciples of each Shenshi family.

For the first time, Lin Ming can see that at that time, one person is undoubtedly the demon king in the outside world, and all other figures are naturally dark creatures. From the perspective of breath and momentum, they are really powerful. Each figure is a bit more powerful than Satan before.

"Bite the emperor!" Feng Haotian recognized the comer and exclaimed in a low voice.

At this moment, there was a flash of light in his mind, and then he hummed to the emperor

"This is Lin Ming, a disciple of the Shenlong clan. He has a dragon spirit in his hand and has trained human spirit. He also has several immortal tools with unfathomable power, even ancient artifacts, and countless pills of 90% quality

If you are wise, please return my soul. Otherwise, without my help, Lin Ming will be able to make you go to the dust. "

For Feng Haotian's words, Lin Ming shrugged and didn't care at all. His eyes showed a trace of interest. He looked at the emperor.

Indeed, when he devoured the five element spirits of the disciples of the Shenshi family, the disciples of the Shenshi family suspected that he had something to do with a demon king in the outside world. They even dared to devour the five element spirits to strengthen their own strength.

Now that the emperor has suddenly appeared, Lin Ming naturally wants to see more.

"Oh? Are you Lin Ming? " Brush, not only eat the emperor, all the other dark creatures also look at Lin Ming and go, instantly full of murderous and hostile.

The appearance of such a scene, but also let Feng Hao in the heart of heaven can not help but secretly happy.

At this time, the emperor also said: "your boy's name has been spread in the outside world since Satan, who was lurking in exile, returned to the outside world

To tell you the truth, the reason why many demon kings are so eager to make a gap in the outside world is that you don't want to see the true features of the disciples of the Shenlong clan who have the dragon spirit.... "

The emperor looked as like as two peas. "Now, you are young, and nothing special, just like what your father was like."

Lin Ming was not surprised to hear this from the emperor. He had already learned that his parents, Lin Tianjing and Pan Yu, had been to the outside world. They seemed to know the devil and practiced his skills. They were both regarded as traitors in the small world.

It's no surprise to see Lin Ming. With a grin and an enigmatic look, he said to Lin Ming, "I think you should know more about your parents, but to tell you the truth, what you know about your parents, even the people of the dragon clan and the hell, is just skin deep

If you want to know more about your parents, we can work together. "

"What kind of cooperation law?" Lin Ming just asked casually.

But now such a change in the situation, naturally also let FengHao in the heart can not help but clatter.

At this time, the emperor said in an indisputable tone: "I don't want the immortal or even ancient artifact in your hand. As for the 90% quality pills, I didn't see them. In order to show your sincerity, I gave your dragon soul to me..."

"Dragon Spirit?" Lin Ming couldn't help but smile. A chill came over his eyes: "do you know what will happen to those who covet my dragon soul?"

"What is it?" The emperor's face did not change.

"Death." Lin Ming whispered a word.


"You're just a member of the dragon clan. You're so bold. It's very kind of you to bite the emperor and let you hand over the dragon soul."

Lin Ming's simple death word made all the dark creatures look very angry and excited.

"If it wasn't for the emperor's friendship with your parents, he would have done it..."

"It's true that even the stars can be swallowed directly by the emperor's power of swallowing the devil. As long as the emperor swallows his hand, not to mention your boy's dragon soul, everything on your boy's body is the emperor's power of swallowing the devil..."

Seeing that all the dark creatures are murderous, Feng Haotian is the happiest. Naturally, he also wants to bite the emperor and Lin Ming and fight at once.

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