Lin Ming seemed to see through Feng Haotian's mind and said to him:

"Why, chieftain Feng, do you think that if I fight with emperor bite, you can take advantage of the fishermen?"

"Er..." Feng Haotian is speechless. It seems that Xiao Jiu can't hide Lin Ming's eyes. Feng Haotian doesn't know what to say for a moment. Naturally, he is even more nervous.

Lin Ming then said, "even if I fight with the emperor, if you dare to fight against me, I'll kill you. If you are wise, you can run away now. Otherwise, ha ha..."

At this point, Lin Ming sneered, and the cold light in his eyes became more intense.

At the moment, Feng Haotian seems to really want to leave.

But the emperor suddenly opened his mouth and looked at Feng Haotian with a trace of banter on his face. He said:

"Feng clan leader, it's not impossible for you to leave, unless you leave the earth soul."

"You..." Feng Haotian couldn't help choking. In a moment, he was also murderous. The purple flame of Feng Ling was burning, and even the space seemed to be burned.

With a smile on his face at this time, Lin Ming said: "if you beat you, I will never attack the emperor. If you can capture the soul of fenghaotian, I can consider our cooperation..."

"You..." this words into Feng Haotian's ears, also let Feng Haotian almost didn't directly spurt blood.

What's the matter? It's clear that he is provoking between Lin Ming and the emperor. It's better for them to fight immediately. But what's the matter now? The situation is reversed.

Of course, he is not afraid to face the Emperor himself. In his opinion, the victory or defeat of a fight between him and the emperor is between five and five.

As for Lin Ming's statement that he would never take the opportunity to sneak attack, he would never believe it.

He looked at Lin Ming and said slowly, "I can see what you're thinking. It's just waiting for me and Feng Haotian to lose each other, and then you'll take advantage of it

What you think is good, but I'll tell you the truth, Feng Haotian's strength is far inferior to mine. I want to kill Feng Haotian without any effort... "

"That's right. It's really easy for the emperor to kill a Feng clan leader."

Around, a large number of dark creatures, after hearing the emperor's mouth, said one after another.

"You know, the heaven swallowing magic skill of biting the emperor has been cultivated to a very high level. Not to mention one phoenix Haotian, even ten Phoenix Haotian can't be the opponent of biting the Emperor..."

Every dark creature's eyes were looking at Feng Haotian, as if they were looking at a dead man.

"Hum, just a dark creature dares to speak wildly and challenge the head of the Feng clan. He doesn't know how to live or die..."

The disciples of Youshen family couldn't see it any more, so they spoke coldly. Then, an extremely powerful power was the first to attack the emperor.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Ming was very happy. Naturally, he could see that the power of the emperor was really strong, especially the suction from him. Lin Ming had to be afraid of it.

At the moment, Lin Ming also showed the appearance of watching a play, watching both sides get up.

"Ah..." suddenly a scream also rang up.

Bang, bang, bang, bang.

Lin Ming's face flashed a dignified color at this moment.

It turned out that the emperor suddenly took the hand, and he just looked at the disciple of the shens family who had just opened his mouth. At that moment, the disciple of the shens family exploded directly and disappeared.

It's dead. There's no dust left.

The emperor's sudden use of such means reminds Lin Ming of the butterfly, which is the external incarnation of the powerful man in the divine punishment hall.

Of course, Lin Ming can see that the strength of the emperor is equal to that of the powerful one in the punishment hall.

Others may not be aware of it. When the heaven swallowing emperor looks at the disciple of the Shen family, Lin Ming is aware of a familiar breath, which is the power of heaven and earth.

"It seems that the emperor is now refining the three spirits, and is about to reach the realm of transforming the soul..."

Lin Ming is secretly guessing, but at the same time, he is more eager to try.

It's obvious that Lin Ming can also feel that biting the emperor really takes away Feng Haotian's soul and hides it in his body.

Lin Ming is sure that even if he can't kill the emperor, he can take the soul of Feng Haotian from the emperor.

At present, one of the disciples of the Shen family is inexplicably bombed and killed. Naturally, the rest of the disciples of the Shen family are scared one by one.

"It's your boy's hand."

For the first time, some people doubted going to Lin mingtou.

Seeing this, Lin Ming just shrugged.

The emperor opened his mouth and said in a scornful tone: "I killed people. Now the thirty or forty thousand disciples of the Shenshi family are all ants in my eyes. With one look in my eyes, I can make you all go away..."

"Go, everyone leave."

Feng Haotian didn't doubt that the Emperor didn't have the strength. His face suddenly changed, and then he roared out.

Whew, whew, since Feng Haotian all spoke like this, at the moment, the disciples of the Shen family no longer had the slightest hesitation and disappeared one by one.

"Want to go?" But there are still quite a number of Shen family disciples who can't escape. In a scream, almost half of them died in the hands of the emperor.

"To die." Feng Haotian was furious, and he burned a purple flame. As for the earth soul, the Phoenix spirit fire was more fierce.

Two phoenix spirit sky fire, at the same time to bite the emperor attack and go, bite the emperor looks still is not put in the eye.

At this time, there is a figure split from the emperor, no doubt, this is a soul of the emperor.

At this time, the emperor also said, "Feng Haotian, it's OK for me to tell you frankly that I not only connect the human soul, but also the two souls of heaven and earth. I'm only one step away from the realm of transforming the soul..."

As like as two peas, there were two figures in the open mouth.

Undoubtedly, this is the soul of heaven and earth that devours the emperor.

"What, three souls." Naturally, Feng Haotian's face changed at the first time, and she was also desperate. Unexpectedly, she didn't die in Lin Ming's hands, but would die in the hands of a demon king.

"Three spirits?" Seeing this, Lin Ming is more interested.

Before that, he refined the three spirits of the blood emperor, refined the human spirits, and now he has devoured the human spirits of thunderstorm and rain.

As long as he devours and refines the three spirits that devour the emperor, it is 100% possible for him to practice one of the two spirits of heaven and earth, and it is not impossible for him to refine the two spirits of heaven and earth at the same time.

At present, Lin Ming has just entered the edge of the land. He has met Feng Haotian and the strong ones like the emperor. There is no doubt that once he really enters the outside world, more powerful dark creatures will emerge one after another.

Naturally, in Lin Ming's opinion, the more powerful he is, the better he will have a chance to get the star meteorite, so as to open the magic bottle and let his dragon soul out of the trap.

"Bite the emperor, you don't want to take my soul, I will die with you..."

Feng Haotian's eyes are red. Naturally, he is about to detonate the earth soul.

"The head of the Phoenix clan, don't make trouble. Now the small world is going to be in chaos. The Phoenix clan can't live without you..."

But just then, a voice seemed to ring from the distant sky, and a figure came out with a very strong light of the sword.

"Master Dao Heshan!"

Seeing this man's appearance, Feng Haotian's face was filled with ecstasy and excitement. It seemed that she was on the verge of death. She grabbed a straw at random.

"It seems that Dao Heshan, who suddenly appeared, should be a super strong man with the same name as xuankongwu and jianchenxu in jishidian..."

Seeing that Feng Haotian's reaction is so great, how can Lin Ming not guess this.

"Dao He Shan."

The emperor's face suddenly changed.

"Bite the emperor, you are so bold that you want to kill the head of my God's family. Hum..."

The burly Dao Heshan opened his mouth at this time, and there was only a slight cold hum in his mouth, and a bang of explosion immediately rang out.

The emperor looked back and brushed it. It was also an instant that he was greatly frightened.

Indeed, we can see that all the dark creatures, nearly 100000 in number, who are extremely powerful, have been completely destroyed. It can be said that half of the dark creatures are not left.

This space, then, becomes empty again. Within a radius of several thousand meters, there is no dark air, no dark creatures.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Ming could not help saying in secret: "he is worthy of being a super strong man. His strength is really strong. It seems that he is still above me in the dark sky..."

Quietly, Lin Ming takes something out and sees a black flash in the palm of his hand, which is naturally the keel fragment.

Before, Lin Ming was not xuankongwu's opponent, but also relied on this keel fragment to subdue xuankongwu.

Now, of course, it's the same. Lin Ming knows that he won't be the opponent of Dao Heshan, and he can only rely on the keel fragments in his hand.

"Bite the emperor, return the soul of Feng Haotian. I'll consider giving you a pleasure."

Dao Heshan looked at the emperor, as if he was looking at a dead man, with an unquestionable tone.

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