At the moment, Lin Ming just looked at Dao He Shan casually.

At this moment, it seemed that Dao Heshan had received some kind of command. Then he saw that Dao Heshan was moved and disappeared in the same place.

When it reappeared in an instant, daoheshan appeared behind the emperor.

This distance is very close. As long as Dao Heshan reaches out his hand, five fingers can directly grasp the top of the emperor's head.

For the first time, Dao Heshan did.

He stretched out his palm and opened it slightly. Then he saw a layer of knife light flashing on his five fingers.

This is the most powerful killing move of Dao Heshan. It's called Ji Mie Dao Guang.

As soon as the light of the sword comes out, the world will be silent and destroyed. This kind of light of the sword is not only silent, but also carries the power of destroying heaven and earth.

As for the emperor's words, he was still in a confused state. He was confused by Dao Heshan's inexplicable reaction.

In a daze, although he also guessed that it should be related to Lin Ming, he couldn't figure out how it was related to Lin Ming.

At this moment, he seemed to be thinking about it involuntarily. Therefore, he didn't notice that Dao He Shan had disappeared in his sight.

In addition, the movement of Dao He Shan was silent.

As a result, Dao he and Shan all put out a killing move, which was to kill Dao Guang. He didn't even respond.

Then, the result is obvious.

When Dao Heshan's five fingers, just like five long knives, were directly on the top of the emperor's head, the emperor's face changed. He knew what had happened, and Dao Heshan suddenly gave him a hand.

But obviously, it's all too late.

Immediately after that, he felt that there were five extremely sharp forces covering his whole head. He wanted to cut his whole head directly.

Indeed, both Lin Ming and Feng Haotian could clearly see that the five blazing white light of the sword just flashed at the top of the emperor's head.

Bang immediately rang out, bite the emperor's whole head directly exploded.

A very strong source of dark gas, then also in this space turned out, whistling, issued a sharp piercing scream.

Dao Heshan is also a expressionless face, his mouth gently spit out a word: "close..."

Then he saw that the light of Dao shot out from the palm of Dao Heshan's hand, twining to the dark air of the source.

Then, this very strong dark air contracted into three groups.

Feng Haotian let out a exclamation: "bite the three spirits of the emperor!"

Feng Haotian couldn't help laughing. He was very excited and ecstatic. He looked at Dao Heshan and said excitedly

"The elder Dao Heshan is so powerful that he can directly solve a demon king. He deserves to have been in and out of the world, killed countless dark creatures, and killed countless demon kings... Ha ha..."

There was another burst of ecstatic laughter in his mouth. When Feng Hao's eyes were looking at Lin Ming, he was full of gloomy intention to kill him: "boy, you have seen the strength of Dao Heshan's elder. Why, do you still think you have life to live to tomorrow..."

After a sneer, Feng Haotian's face also showed a touch of banter. "In this way, you will hand over the dragon soul and all your things. I'll discuss with master daoheshan and let master daoheshan give you a pleasure..."

Lin Ming couldn't help laughing. He looked at Feng Haotian with a banter on his face and said, "I'm afraid it's useless for you to discuss with Dao Heshan..."

Feng Haotian couldn't hear the real meaning of Lin Ming's words at all. He said in a very positive tone: "as the head of the Feng clan, I'll discuss with daoheshan elder to give you a death and let you die happily. It's nothing to say..."

Lin Ming just sneered, and the banter on his face became more intense.

Seeing this, Feng Haotian said, "don't you believe it?"

Then he said to Dao Heshan: "master Dao Heshan, if this boy can hand over the dragon soul and all his things, you can solve him directly and give him a good time. This is also me, and the Phoenix family owes you a big favor..."

For a moment, Dao Heshan just looked at Feng Haotian. From his look, he seemed to be looking at an idiot. Feng Haotian couldn't help getting hairy. Naturally, at the same time, he realized the great harm.

But for a moment, he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

At this time, Lin Ming said sarcastically: "I told you, patriarch Feng, your discussion is useless at all..."

Then with a little smile, Lin Ming showed an enigmatic look: "believe it or not, I just want a word, let Dao Heshan kill you, Dao Heshan will immediately fight against you without hesitation..."

"Ha ha..." for the first time, Feng Haotian burst out laughing, as if he had heard a big joke

"It's so funny. If you look at the whole small world, you can do whatever you want a super strong man to do, not to mention you. You are the biggest enemy of the whole small world. What's more, many disciples of the sword God family also died in your hands

You can make master Dao Heshan attack me in a word. I'm afraid you don't have paranoia. Ha ha, it's very funny... "

Lin Ming was indifferent and said, "Dao Heshan, give me the three spirits that devour the emperor. Then, you go to kill Feng Haotian and capture Feng Haotian's earth soul..."

"Are you kidding me? How can master daoheshan eat the three spirits of the emperor? Er, what?"

When Feng Haotian didn't finish his sentence, his eyes suddenly widened, showing an extremely incredible appearance.

Because, at this moment, Dao Heshan didn't seem to have any hesitation. He gave Lin Ming the three spirits that ate the emperor in his hand.

When Dao Heshan's eyes flashed and a cold light looked at him, Feng Haotian could not help shivering and felt a sense of life-threatening danger.

Dao Heshan will really attack him. He will listen to Lin Ming and kill him without hesitation.

"What's going on?" Feng Haotian's heart is not from panic to the extreme, at the same time, also doubt to the extreme, he can't say a word, only in the heart of a roar, issued a silent question.

But obviously, at the moment, he can't get a response at all.

At this moment, his pupil also shrank suddenly, because at this moment, Dao Heshan disappeared. It was obvious that Dao Heshan started on him. It seemed that he wanted to use the same killing move to kill Dao Guang and take his life.

The emperor biting, who has trained three souls, is killed by Dao Heshan, who has no counterattack ability, let alone him.

Although he has trained two human and earth spirits, one of them has already fallen into the hands of Lin Ming, and he has been seriously injured.

However, even if all this did not happen, he could not be Dao Heshan's opponent at all. After all, as one of the three super powers, the super power, strength and reputation are not just words.

"I'm dead. I didn't expect that I didn't die in the hands of the demon king or Lin Ming. Instead, I died in the hands of the powerful members of the Shen family..."

FengHao tiangan crispy closed his eyes, with a stomach of unwilling, and confused, waiting for Dao Heshan to take his life.

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