But the next moment, Feng Haotian still found that he was still alive. Naturally, he could not help but wonder. Since Dao He Shan had already started, taking his life was just a matter of instant.

When about three or four seconds later, Feng Haotian still found that he was still alive. Naturally, he was more confused.

Then he opened his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, he knew what was going on. It turned out that there was a fourth person besides him, Lin Ming and Dao Heshan.

At the moment, Feng Hao was shocked. This man appeared on his side. However, he didn't realize it at all. If he hadn't opened his eyes, he couldn't have known when someone appeared.

Even the appearance of the emperor, even the appearance of Dao He Shan, did not give him such a feeling.

"Master, absolute master, and he is more powerful than Dao He Shan..."

Feng Haotian felt that his heart could not help beating up.

In the small world, xuankongwu, jianchenxu and daoheshan are already at the peak of their strength, and there are no other strong ones. However, if we insist on saying that there are still others, then these strong ones can only exist in one place.

Divine punishment hall.

Yes, at this moment, Feng Haotian seems to think of these three words naturally.

He looked at the people next to him, and he was more sure of his guess.

It seems that this man is younger than Lin Ming. He is less than 20 years old. He can even see a little green on his face. He doesn't have a strong breath all over his body.

With his strength of training two souls, he can't see it. Naturally, that is to say, the other side is really powerful. He is really the strong one of the God punishment hall.

"You, you are the strong one of the punishment hall?" After swallowing, Feng Hao couldn't help but ask carefully.

The other side didn't answer. His eyes were still looking at Lin Ming, revealing a trace of cold light and murderous spirit.

At this time, Lin Ming's face was dignified. As for Dao Heshan's words, he was even more suspicious.

"Boy, I said," the other side also said at this time, "if you destroy my incarnation, I will come out of the divine punishment hall and chase you to the ends of the earth, so that your spirits will be destroyed. For millions of years, no one has ever been so bold as you, who dares to attack the strong ones in the divine punishment Hall..."

"It's really the strong one in the punishment hall." Feng Hao's heart naturally became more ecstatic. He almost couldn't help laughing.

What is Dao Heshan? What is Lin Ming.

As soon as the God punishes the strong one in the hall, it's just a matter of extending one's finger to kill them.

Feng Haotian finally breathed a long sigh of relief. He really felt that he had picked up a small life, just like he had come back from the gate of hell.

It's true that even if the strong man of the divine punishment hall appears half a second at night, he will die in the hands of Dao Heshan.

"Death." The God punishes the hall strong person also simply very, softly spits out a word.

"The power of heaven and earth!"

Lin Ming's face suddenly changed, and he did not dare to keep his hand. A piece of chaotic light was released from his body. Similarly, the breath attacked the strong man of the punishment hall.

"What, the power of heaven and earth." Feng Haotian was the first to be startled. He was very suspicious, and he was also in a tumult

"Daren Qing, this is the real strength of this boy. He has already controlled the power of heaven and earth. Doesn't that mean that this boy has the strength to transform the soul?"

In this way, Feng Haotian is really scared, and her steps are subconsciously backward.

However, he followed him with a cold hum, "hum, even if this boy has the strength to transform the soul, he can only resist two or three moves in front of the strong men in the divine punishment Hall..."

At this time, the strong man of the divine punishment Hall said: "you are the one who can control the power of heaven and earth just by training the human soul. You are worthy of being the genius of heaven

But it's a pity that you can only stop here... "

There was a strong cold light in the eyes of the strong man in the divine punishment hall.

Lin Ming's face changed in an instant. He felt a force that he could not compete with. In an instant, it seemed that he would explode directly next moment.

There was a bang, and the next moment did. Of course, it wasn't Lin Ming who suddenly exploded.

It was the three spirits of daoheshan that exploded.

It's no exaggeration to describe how terrifying the power of the explosion of the three spirits of a super power is.

However, what makes Lin Ming's eyes shrink is that the three spirits of Dao Heshan explode, and a momentum is about to sweep to the other side. However, when he sees the strong man in the divine punishment hall, he just stretches out his hand, and the momentum just turns into a sword light and falls into the other side's hands.

Then see the other side gently a pinch under, this regiment knife light, disappear without a trace.

At this moment, Lin Ming said that it was absolutely false not to be startled. The power generated by the explosion of one of the three spirits was shocking enough. What's more, it was the three spirits of a super power.

But the terrible power produced by the explosion of the three spirits of a super power was so easily resolved, which

Lin Ming can't help buzzing in his mind. He realizes that the situation is serious. He won't be his opponent.


Lin Ming also has the light of chaos. He is about to leave.

"Want to go?" There was a look of disdain in the other's eyes. He looked at Lin Ming.

Indeed, with each other's eyes, Lin Ming felt that he was imprisoned by an invisible force. At this moment, the whole person couldn't move.

"Blast!" Lin Ming gritted his teeth again and uttered a word.

With the sound of explosion, there was a more terrible explosion. This time, the whole people of daoheshan exploded directly.

"What?" With the appearance of this scene, Feng Hao's eyes suddenly widened. Dao He Shan seems to have become the same weapon in Lin Ming's hands. If the three souls say explosion, it will explode. The whole person will not die. Just say explosion, it will explode.

The super strong among the super strong say die, so die.

What happened to Dao Heshan.

What did Lin Ming do to Dao He Shan.

At this moment, even if a strong man of the divine punishment hall appears, Lin Ming will die. Feng Haotian still feels chilly.

Looking at the strong man in the God punishment hall, Feng Haotian also wanted to find out his doubts, but he didn't dare to speak for a moment.

Because, at this moment, the strong man of the God punishment hall finally showed a dignified color in the face of Dao Heshan's self explosion.

But that's all. He stretched out his hand again, and a white light shot out of the palm of his hand, which defeated the power of Dao He Shan's self explosion.

Then when he fixed his eyes, the cold light in his eyes flashed suddenly.

Lin Ming has disappeared in his sight.

The strong man of the divine punishment hall looked into the distance as if he had seen the horizon. He said slowly:

"I said that even if you run away to the ends of the earth, I will definitely kill you..."

Whew, then see this God punishes hall strong person to say nothing of, directly disappear of have no trace, at the moment, but leave a pair of gaping Feng Hao Tian of appearance.

Naturally, he couldn't imagine that all the strong men in the punishment hall appeared, and Lin Ming had a chance to escape.

He felt creepy. "If Lin Ming can really escape from the powerful man in the punishment hall, he will be invincible in the small world..."

At the moment of Dao Heshan's self explosion, Lin Ming knew that the other side would not be hurt.

Therefore, as soon as Dao Heshan exploded, he pushed the breathing method to the limit, and there was chaos outside him.

Whew, Lin Ming flew away, directly found the open gap outside the domain, and flew in.

Of course, he has no time to consider what xuankongwu is now.

Although he could predict the strength of the powerful in the divine punishment hall, he didn't expect that he would be so strong.

"Originally, this is the strength of a real strong man..."

As soon as he flew into the outside world, Lin Ming had no time to care about the surrounding environment, and his eyes flashed with expectation.

Now he has the human soul of fafeng Haotian and the three spirits of biting the emperor in his hands. Lin Ming has a strong confidence. He has refined the four spirits, and he will be able to practice the two spirits of heaven and earth.

In Lin Ming's opinion, I'm afraid that he will have the power to fight against the powerful one in the divine punishment hall.

With his current strength, it's not enough.

"After me?" Lin Ming also obviously felt that he had been locked in by a breath that seemed to be nothing. He didn't worry about it at the moment.

The breathing method is in full swing, and Lin Ming is also flying to the place where the original dark air is more and more strong.

The breathing method can also absorb the original dark Qi. Therefore, Lin Ming's flying like this can be said to be consuming and replenishing at the same time.

In other words, although Lin Ming was flying at full speed, there was no loss at all.

"I'll see if you can catch up and how long you can catch up... Hum..."

Lin Ming's speed increased a little bit.

In Lin Ming's feeling, the outside world is really boundless, no edge, no end.

Lin Ming didn't know where he was going. He just felt that he was going to go to the place where the dark air became more and more intense.

One minute goes by, thirty minutes goes by.

An hour passed quickly.

To Lin Ming's slight relief, the powerful man of the divine punishment hall behind him is still chasing him, but it seems that it is quite difficult for him to catch up with him.

Moreover, at this time, Lin Ming also obviously felt that the other side's speed was a bit slow.

At the same time, Lin Ming's speed is not slow, but faster.

In this way, Lin Ming finally got away from the other side for a long time.

The cold light in Lin Ming's eyes flashed: "if I get rid of you, I'll find an opportunity to refine the soul of Feng Haotian and the three souls of the emperor. Then, it's your time to die..."

At this time, as the time for pursuing Lin Ming became longer and longer, the strong man in the God punishment hall was surprised.

"What's the matter? This boy is just training a soul. Why is he so fast

The boy is not only fast, but also seems to have no loss. Instead, the distance is getting bigger and bigger

The breath in my body has been consumed by 30% or 40%. The boy still has no loss

Could it be that... "

It seems that there is a flash of inspiration in the mind of the Fu Tian Xi: "is it true that this boy's identity is not as simple as that of the Shenlong clan

It seems that it is very necessary for me to report the boy's situation and let people have a good look at his past and present life... "

There was a flicker of doubt in the eyes of the dog mat.

"Why?" At this time, there was a sound of surprise in the mouth of the dog seat, and then he saw that his whole speed slowed down. His eyes looked away from him, and a trace of fear appeared on his face for a moment.

Then he saw that in the range of his eyes, a heavy black cloud in the sky was heavily pressed down, and black lightning as big as buckets were winding through the heavy black clouds.

"This is the fiend of the devil." The Fu Tian Xi seemed to be a little angry and despondent. "Damn, how did you get led to this place by this boy? It is said that among the demon emperor's boundary, there are ghosts of the heavenly demons. When immortals meet ghosts of the heavenly demons, they have to make a detour..."

For a moment, his eyes flickered and he was obviously hesitating. At this moment, he could still clearly feel that Lin Ming's breath was flying towards the border of the demon emperor.

Finally, his eyes were fixed: "there are countless demonic breath outside the boundary of the demon emperor. This boy seems to have no head fly to run into him, no doubt he will die. At that time, when this boy is attacked by the demonic breath, I will attack him secretly

As long as I don't enter the enchantment, I won't be in any danger... "

Whew, the sky mat turns into a streamer again and pursues it.

"Well?" At this time, involuntarily, Lin Ming's speed was also slowing down. He looked at the distance as if it was the end of the sky.

"The original dark air here is so thick, it's unprecedented..."

Lin Ming's face shows a dignified color. Although his breathing method is still in full operation, it has already stopped absorbing the original dark air.

"Presumably, this place should be deep outside the domain..."

Lin Ming's eyes swept around. He could feel countless powerful dark creatures along the way, and there were many demons among them.

But now, Lin Ming doesn't feel the existence of any dark creatures.

This makes Lin Ming feel strange.

According to the common sense, in the depth of the outside world, that is, in the depth of the dark creature territory, the dark creatures are more and more numerous and more powerful.

"Is this the territory of some powerful demon king around here?"

Lin Ming's eyes flickered with a trace of hesitation. He was hesitant to go further.

With Lin Ming's eyes, he still flies forward.

Indeed, he felt the strong breath of the God punishment hall behind him. He quickened his pace and was approaching quickly.

Lin Ming knows that he has no way back, otherwise, even if he doesn't die in the hands of powerful dark creatures, he will die in the hands of the powerful God punishment hall.

If he goes forward, there is still a trace of vitality. As long as he can find a hiding place and avoid each other, he can refine the soul of Feng Haotian and eat the three souls of the emperor.

"Keep chasing. You're dying. It's not far away..."

The cold light in Lin Ming's eyes flashed, and the speed also speeded up.

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