Lin Ming's sudden acceleration made him feel clearly in a moment when he was flying in the distance

"This boy, what a freak! He's speeding up again

It seems that in the outside world, he went home. In the outside world, he was like a fish in water

Is this boy a dark creature in the outer world of this realm... "

It's hard to avoid guessing like this in my heart, but then the dog mat shakes his head. "This boy can't be a dark creature. He has the blood of the dragon clan and the hell. I'm 100% sure about that..."

Lin Ming naturally didn't know what he was thinking and how he was thinking at this time. As he released the power of his soul and sensed the surrounding environment, he flew away quickly.

Don't look before you have seen the heavy black clouds, but, to really close to the past, this distance is not generally far.

When it was nearly half an hour later, Lin Ming finally felt that he was in the range of black clouds.

Strangely enough, all the black lightning above the black cloud just zigzagged through the black cloud without any sound.

"Is it really just lightning?" Lin Ming couldn't help but wonder. He always felt that everything he saw in the place he was in at this moment was very strange. He felt that everything around him seemed a little unreasonable.

"Should we go further?" Lin Ming is a little hesitant. At this moment, he still feels that the powerful man of the divine punishment hall is chasing after him, but it seems that he is also afraid, and the speed has slowed down.

In Lin Ming's opinion, since his speed is slow, the other side will not speed up abruptly, or catch up with him as soon as possible.

"In this way, even a strong man in the divine punishment hall seems to be a little afraid of the surrounding situation, so it must be that there is a great danger hidden in the deep place of the outside world..."

Lin Ming can't help frowning. Then his eyes sweep to the left and right.

At that moment, Lin Ming seemed to notice something immediately. There was a color of surprise in his eyes. Indeed, there was a sudden fluctuation of breath on the left and right sides. These breath were not weak. They were not under the former Emperor, and there were a lot of them.

At least, at this moment, Lin Ming didn't feel the exact amount of these breath.

"Who dares to enter the outside world? I'm looking for death!"

Sure enough, a gloomy voice full of chilling sound sounded, and a figure appeared in Lin Ming's sight.

"The devil!" In his heart, Lin Ming made a judgment for the first time. Indeed, the breath of this figure was no weaker than that of the former Emperor.

"Boy, I'm not timid." Then another voice came out, which was even more straightforward. It revealed moriran's killing. It seemed that the other party would immediately attack Lin Ming

"There are mole ants in a small world. It's not enough to intrude into the outside world, but dare to intrude directly into the fiend of the devil

He said, "what's your intention when you suddenly break into the outside world and get close to the boundary of the demon Emperor..."

With this sentence, the flash of the murderer in the other person's eyes is even more gloomy. It seems that as long as Lin Ming says something wrong, the other person can do it immediately.

"The devil again." Naturally, Lin Ming can see that the breath and momentum of this talking dark creature are also strong.

At this time, Lin Ming had not yet opened his mouth. From the deep dark atmosphere and the dark clouds, he appeared again.

The devil, all the devil.

Lin Ming was very alert and alert. At this moment, he could see clearly that there were 19 figures in total. In his sight, each figure had a strong breath and momentum.

In other words, these 19 figures are all dark creatures at the level of demon king, without exception.

"Is the magic emperor bound?" Lin Ming's brain naturally flashed. "In this way, the surrounding environment is really very strange. It turns out that it's the so-called demon emperor's border

Think about it, this place in the outside world, called the enchantment of the devil emperor, is the most important place... "

Lin Ming couldn't help but move. Now there are 19 demon kings. It seems that they are also guarding the boundary of the demon emperor. Maybe there are meteorites in the sky in the boundary of the demon emperor.

I don't know what's going on in Xuankong now. Without Xuankong's guidance, it's hard to find the meteorite.

But I didn't expect to hit and bump by mistake. I got close to such a place called the enchantment of the devil emperor.

Lin Ming's mind is turning, but he is also extremely calm. It seems that he doesn't pay much attention to the nineteen demons.

At this time, Lin Ming said: "the reason why I enter the outside world, the reason why I go deep here, and get close to the enchantment of the devil emperor, I really come here with a purpose, for the star meteorite in the enchantment of the devil Emperor..."

"You really have the courage to go here and look for the star meteorite. It's true that there are star meteorites in the demon Empire, but you can't get them at all..."

Nineteen demons, looking at Lin Ming's eyes, seem to be looking at the dead.

"It turns out that there are some meteorites in the sky in the enchantment." Lin Ming was very happy

"In this way, I've broken my iron shoes and found nowhere to go. It's no trouble at all

No matter what a dangerous place the fiend might be, I must go in... "

The cold light flashed in Lin Ming's eyes, and his eyes swept over the nineteen demons

"If you nine don't want to die, get out of the way."

"What, ah ha ha..." the words came out of Lin Ming's mouth, which made the nineteen demons look like they were all in a daze. Then they all laughed one after another, almost in tears.

Then, a demon king, the body is naturally murderous, eyes red.

"You come here to die. OK, we'll help you. We'll divide you up a little bit..."


A sharp and harsh voice also sounded. At the beginning, the two demons started to fight against Lin Ming at the same time. They felt that the two demons' hands were enough to subdue Lin Ming.

Along the way, Lin Ming has been on guard against the strong man of the divine punishment hall. Therefore, the keel fragment has been in his hands. It's natural that it can't be better to use it to deal with the two demons at the moment.

Since then, the keel pieces have absorbed a lot of the original dark air. Lin Ming clearly felt that there was the power of heaven and earth in the keel pieces.

In fact, this is one of the biggest reasons why he can control the power of heaven and earth just by training a human soul.

At this time, facing the rush of the two demons, Lin Ming was calm and calm. When he saw the devil's claws trying to catch him, he waved out the pieces of the keel.

The dragon's keel fragments are waving, bringing up a black light, which is no longer the source of darkness, but the power of heaven and earth, a kind of black and shining power of heaven and earth.

I feel clearly that the power of heaven and earth is more powerful than that of the original darkness.

"Well? What is this, the power of heaven and earth? "

The two demons were stunned at first, and their eyes flashed with a look of uncertainty. Then, their bodies stopped, and their claws stopped in the air.

At the sight of this, the other seventeen demons began to jeer.

"I said, what are you two doing? Are you scared by a hairy boy..."

"Shame, I was scared by a little boy. Don't say that you are the guardians of the demon empire..."

"Ha ha

Finally, a sound of ridicule also sounded, which fell into the ears of the two demons, naturally very harsh.

"Hum!" The next moment, but at the same time, a cold hum came from the two demons.

"You're kidding. We're not afraid of a kid from a small world."

"If those super strong people who broke into the outside world in those years, we might be afraid of one or two points, but now this boy, this boy is not qualified!"

He died.

He was no longer afraid of the power of heaven and earth emanating from the keel fragments in his hand. A loud drink came from the two demons' mouths. Then they saw that their claws were carrying an unparalleled power of the original darkness. The sound rang out and they bombarded Lin Ming.

But the next moment, these two demons are all stupid.

Their power had no influence on Lin Ming.

In fact, maybe this is the way to say that the attack of the two demons went out, and then suddenly, strangely disappeared, as if they were suddenly sucked away by something.

So, what's going on.

The other seventeen demons were also unavoidably stunned. At this moment, there was a trace of confusion in their eyes.

"Ah, ah!" At this time, almost the same voice of the scream also sounded, naturally it is from the mouth of the two demons, a bang of explosion, followed, also sounded.

Blow up, this moment, these two demon kings, unexpectedly together blow up, two regiments incomparably rich original dark gas, then toss up.

"Well? Now, "the other 17 demons still don't know what happened. How did the two powerful demons suddenly explode.

Indeed, they did not see clearly that it was Lin Ming's hand.

Lin Ming just waved it in his hand. The power of heaven and earth came out.

They are not unfamiliar with the power of heaven and earth. Although they are powerful, they are not so powerful. They attack at once and let the two demons explode.

Whew whew, these two extremely strong and original dark Qi also disappeared in the palm of Lin Ming's hand at this time. Naturally, they were sucked away by the fragments of the keel.

"It's really your boy's hand..."

Seeing the appearance of such a scene, how the other 17 demons, one by one, are not suddenly aware. Although at the moment, it is still unclear what means Lin Ming is using.

However, there is no doubt that Lin Ming has directly eliminated the two demons at once.

"I didn't expect you to hide it..."

"It seems that we really underestimate you..."

"Hand, hand together, seventeen demons hand together, the immortal will die."

Boom, boom

At this moment, the full seventeen demons, also at the same time, stimulate the momentum of the body, the breath of the body, you can see, the full seventeen extremely huge momentum, mountain and tsunami, overwhelming, bombardment to Lin Ming.

"Hum," Lin Ming's mouth turned slightly. If it was before the keel fragments had absorbed a lot of the original dark air, and had not been able to release the power of heaven and earth, this kind of power would have taken Lin Ming's life for the first time.

But now, of course, it's very different.

"Seventeen demons, how can they make no threat to me..."

Lin Ming's face was calm. He waved the pieces of the keel in his hand, and a piece of black light swept out with the power of heaven and earth.

That full of seventeen strands of power, the first time was blocked, bang bang, a violent explosion sound sounded, there is no accident, this from the keel fragments released from the power of heaven and earth, also instantly defeated the seventeen demons under the joint attack.

"What." The dog mat, who was paying close attention to all these things in the distance, first showed a look of surprise and uncertainty

"What's the matter, boy? It seems that his strength has increased again. It doesn't count that he killed two demons in an instant. The attack of 17 demons is defeated by him all at once

Why is the power of heaven and earth released by this boy so powerful? It's in the level five or six of the soul transforming realm... "

Naturally, he couldn't see that Lin Ming had not yet had the strength to transform the soul, let alone five or six levels of it.

"Strange, very strange..."

Fu Tian Xi's heart, more and more uncertain.

As time went by, he even felt that Lin Ming had brought him a sense of unfathomability.

As a strong man in the divine punishment hall, he has earthshaking strength. He also began to feel Lin Ming like this. You can imagine how shocked and incredible he was.

"I want to enter the boundary of the demon emperor. No one can stop me..."

At this time, Lin Ming flashed over, and the power of heaven and earth released from the fragments of the keel had already enveloped him.

See his body a flash, like a ghost, his hand a wave dance, poof a then ring out, this is the keel fragment stabbed the demon king, this demon king then explosion.

At that time, the speed was faster. The dark air of the devil king was immediately absorbed by the fragments of the keel.

Poop, poop

As soon as Lin Ming flashed, it was almost an instant, and he took the lives of eleven evil kings.

Scared, the remaining only six demons, involuntarily scared, scared not light.

They are not the guardians of the demon empire. For thousands of years, they don't know how many strong people they have dealt with who want to break into the small world.

The most recent one was the ten strong men, who also kept them out of the enchantment of the demon emperor. Finally, they chased and killed them in the whole world. Finally, only three of them escaped.

They also see that at present, Lin Ming's strength is not as good as any of the ten strong men in those years, but he can easily destroy them.

This makes the remaining six demons scared.

"What do you have in your hand, boy?"

At this time, finally, one of them seems to have found something. He brushes and looks at Lin Ming's right hand.

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