"You boy, what are you holding in your hand..."

At this time, the other five demons, who seemed to have suddenly found out, also looked at Lin Ming's right hand.

"Something that will kill you." For a moment, Lin Ming just said it in a light voice.

"It's a fragment of the keel." One of the demons suddenly exclaimed, and he seemed to recognize it suddenly. However, when he recognized it, he seemed to be quite puzzled.

As for the words of the other demons, they all looked puzzled, and they all spoke one after another.

"This boy, what he is holding in his hand, looks like the keel fragment. No doubt, but can the keel fragment have such terrible power?"

"There are dragon bone fragments in the enchantment of the devil emperor. The most powerful one is just the original dark air..."

"It's true that the keel fragments can emit the power of the strange world. We've been outside the domain for thousands of years, and we haven't heard of them before."

With these words, these demons all seemed to be unable to help themselves. They stepped back. All of a sudden, they were more than 30 meters away from Lin Ming.

Of course, Lin Ming can also ignore the distance at this time. As long as he takes a little hand, the fragments of the keel in his hand radiate the power of heaven and earth, he can also take the lives of the six demons in an instant.

But now, on second thought, Lin Ming thought of something more important.

But on second thought, Lin Ming thought of a more important thing.

That is to say, although there are star meteorites in the enchantment, Lin Ming doesn't know where they are. As for the specific situation in the enchantment, Lin Ming doesn't know how big they are, and he doesn't know how long it will take to find Star meteorites.

At this time, time is undoubtedly the most important thing for Lin Ming, and he can't afford to delay at all.

Lin Ming glanced at the remaining six demons and went away with a slight smile, revealing a sense of inexplicability. He said, "who among the six of you is willing to be my servant and take me to the boundary of the demon emperor to find the meteorite in the sky?"

The word "servant" came out of Lin Ming's mouth, which immediately made the six demons look silly. They looked at Lin Ming with a look like a madman.

Lin Ming seemed to turn a blind eye, and then he said, "in this way, whoever is my servant, I'll spare his life. As for the other five, I'm sorry. I have to die."

This naturally made the six demons even more angry, and they felt that they had been humiliated, a great shame.

These six powerful demons can't help roaring.

He's so murderous.

Naturally, the six demons joined hands to attack this time. First of all, they had three figures split up, and their breath momentum was also strong. These were their three souls.

Unexpectedly, these six demons are all strong men who have already trained the three spirits.

At present, there is a very shocking scene, 24 figures, surrounded by Lin Ming, momentum.

"Six Lords." After seeing this scene, the futuristic mat in the distance felt a little bit shocked. "They all trained six demons with three souls. At the same time, they tried their best. Even with my strength, they had to be cautious

Now, I'd like to see how the boy can deal with it. I'm afraid he won't die and will be seriously injured... "

The dog seat was ready immediately, ready to move at any time.

"Interesting." At this time, Lin Ming's face was even more interesting. He still had a smile on his face and said:

"All the six demons have already practiced three spirits. Now, I will practice my two spirits of heaven and earth. Naturally, it's a certainty

Maybe I can make a breakthrough to the power of the soul state with one go. "

Lin Ming's eyes showed great joy. It seemed that he could not help laughing.

It's true that he has a skeleton fragment in his hand. He is confident that even facing six demon kings who have trained three spirits, he can still be in an invincible position.

And at this moment, a trace of extremely eager consciousness, has also spread from the keel fragments.

"Bang." At this time, the six demons drank together.

"Our three spirits will explode together. If you don't believe it, you won't die."

"As the guardians of the enchantment of the demon emperor, whoever dares to break through the enchantment of the demon emperor will have only one end..."

These six demons are very confident at the moment. Their three spirits explode together directly. In their opinion, not to mention Lin Ming, even if the immortal is here, they will be killed directly.

However, the next moment, they all cool, also feel that a cool air from the bottom of their feet to the top of their head, the mind sounded a buzz, at this moment, their brain seems to have a short way, they seem to suddenly lose the ability to think.

Indeed, the power of heaven and earth was released from the fragments of the keel in Lin Ming's hand, and the scope of the cover was also very wide. The area of 100 meters was simply covered in it.

It can be imagined that what will happen to the six demons' attack means of detonating their three spirits.

The three spirits of the six demons, before they could explode, disappeared directly in the shadow of the power of heaven and earth, as if they had never appeared.

Brush, the eyes of the six demons, naturally, are looking at the keel fragments in Lin Ming's hand.

At this moment, they felt clearly that it was the keel fragment in Lin Ming's hand that absorbed their three souls.


"It can't be an ordinary keel fragment. What could it be..."

At the moment, the six demons were scared. This time, they were really scared. There was no blood on their faces.

Seeing this, Lin Ming showed an expressionless face and said, "now, I'll give you six more opportunities. Who would like to be my servant and take me into the demon Empire, I'll spare you who won't die..."

"Run away!" The six demons all looked at each other, and this word appeared in their minds.

Naturally, they all know the power of the enchantment. The immortals dare not rush into it. As long as they go in, they will be safe. At that time, Lin Ming will not be able to go in even if he is powerful.

"Want to escape?" But for a moment, Lin Ming seemed to see through their mind, waving it in his hand, diffusing a black light, which was naturally the power of heaven and earth.

The power of heaven and earth also shrouded in an instant, and they all shrouded the six demons. One by one, their bodies could not move.

At this time, Lin Ming had a murderous look in his eyes and said, "I gave you a chance, but I don't know how to cherish it. I can only do it and die..."

As the voice fell, the five demons exploded directly and died in an instant. The original dark air was absorbed by the keel fragments in an instant.

"You, you," the only one left, his eyes could not help showing extreme horror, and his voice could not help shaking, "you, who are you, even the devil did not have such means and strength..."

Lin Ming is direct, said: "now, whether you want to or not, you can only be my Lin Ming's servant..."

A ray of black light shot out of the palm of Lin Ming's hand and disappeared into the demon king's body. Naturally, it was a piece of keel. Of course, it was just a little bit.

Of course, even if it is just a little bit, it is enough to control the devil very smoothly.

"Master." At the moment, with a puff, the demon king didn't seem to have any hesitation and hesitation. He knelt down to Lin Ming and cried out with a look of extremely devout submission.

"This..." seeing all this, he seemed to suddenly understand, "it seems that this boy also used the keel fragments in his hand to subdue Xuankong I, let Xuankong I recognize him as the master, and then willingly become a servant

Well, in this way, this keel fragment is not simple. In all kinds of ancient books of shenpunish hall, there is no record of such strange keel fragment, which can release the power of heaven and earth, and can subdue the strong, so that the other party is willing to surrender

This keel fragment is not simple.... "

Mind electricity turn, at this time, the eyes of the mat also seems to involuntarily flash out a touch of greed.

At present, even as a strong man in the divine punishment hall, the Fu Tian mat is so greedy for such a piece of keel in Lin Ming's hand. It can be imagined that this piece of keel in Lin Ming's hand is really mysterious and extraordinary.

"Take me to the fiend of the devil!" At this time, Lin Ming said to the only one left.

The devil knelt down on the ground, his face was full of piety, which naturally came from the bottom of his heart.

After hearing this, he shook his head slightly and said:

"Back to the master, the enchantment of the devil emperor is very important. We must not enter it. As the devil king, we should be careful when we go in. If outsiders don't go in, as long as we touch the enchantment of the devil emperor, the spirits will be destroyed!"

"So powerful?" Lin Ming seems to be more interested. "In detail, what's the origin of the demon emperor's border."

The demon king's honest appearance: "yes, master, since I consciously started, I am the guardian of the enchantment of the demon emperor. For thousands of years, I have been guarding the enchantment of the demon Emperor

It seems that there is no boundary in the enchantment of the devil emperor. At least for thousands of years, I haven't found out where the boundary is

Among them, there are countless demons

The ghost of demons is extremely powerful. Once there were immortals who broke into this place, they were all destroyed by the ghost of demons in the enchantment of the demon emperor in an instant

In the middle of the enchantment of the devil emperor, there stands a hall of the devil emperor with a height of more than 1000 meters. Where does the ghost of the devil come from

But not to mention outsiders, all the dark creatures who are the devil king, and any dark creatures, not to mention entering the hall of the devil emperor, even if they are a little closer to the past, they can't do it

Master, I only know so much about the enchantment. "

Lin Ming's eyes were full of thought. Soon his heart moved and his face was full of joy. He said to himself

"Since the enchantment of the demon emperor is so mysterious, and the ghost of the demons is so powerful, I'm afraid that as a strong man in the punishment hall, I dare not go in easily

Naturally, it's a good place for me to refine the soul of fenghaotian and eat the three spirits of the Emperor... "

Lin Ming said to the demon king, "get up and take me to the border of the demon emperor."

"Er..." at the moment, the demon king was just surprised. Of course, he would obey Lin Ming from the bottom of his heart. Although he knew that it was extremely dangerous for Lin Ming to enter the boundary of the demon emperor, and he would even die, he could only obey.

"Yes, master!" The devil answered and stood up. Then he said:

"There is a weak place in the enchantment of the demon emperor, where there are fewer demons. We can go in from there, and all the demons actually come in and out from that place..."

"In addition to the ghosts of the demons, is there any demon king in the enchantment?" Lin Ming suddenly asked.

Just in case, if Lin Ming can refine the soul of Feng Haotian and eat the three spirits of the emperor, he can also capture some of the three spirits of the demon king.

Even if he can practice the two spirits of heaven and earth, he can't break through the realm of transforming the soul. At that time, he also needs to refine the three spirits.

Lin Ming was overjoyed by the devil's words, and he said:

"There are as many as one million demons in the fiend. Each demon is guarding the whole fiend all the time..."

"Well." In his heart, Lin Ming nodded slightly, and then simply said, "it's not too late to take me into the enchantment of the devil emperor, and then find a secret place. I want to improve my strength as soon as possible..."

"Yes, master."

Whew, the shape of the demon king just flashed and disappeared in Lin Ming's sight.

Lin Ming naturally followed.

As Lin Ming and the demon disappeared in the induction, there was a flicker of hesitation in his eyes. He said in his heart:

"I didn't expect that this boy directly subdued a demon king with the keel fragment in his hand

Now, with the guidance of the demon king, I'm afraid the ghost of heaven can't find him

With this boy's talent, he can definitely practice the double spirits of heaven and earth in a short time

When this boy is just a soul, he can escape from me. If he can practice all three souls... "

There was a trace of fear in his eyes.

He thought a little, his palm spread out, and a snow-white butterfly appeared on it.

In the dog days, his lips move slightly. Now he tells the snow-white butterfly what he knows about Lin Ming.

Then, the butterfly spread its wings and flew away, disappearing into the sight of the mat in the twinkling of an eye.

At this time, the Fu Tian Xi said to himself, "when the God punishment hall learns about Lin Ming, it will send experts to come here..."

There was a cold light in the eyes of the Fu Tian Xi: "at that time, even if Lin Ming has the power to transform the soul, you will surely die

Hum... "

After a cold hum, the mat didn't seem to hesitate any more. He flashed to the direction where Lin Ming and the demon disappeared just now.

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