When Lin Ming entered the hall of the devil emperor, he could not help but stop.

He looked at the scene that appeared in the sight at this time. Even with his strong strength and indestructible mind, his goose bumps could not help coming out.

"Here, what happened, how so many dead people?"

Lin Ming is hard to imagine.

At the moment, what appeared in his sight was undoubtedly the interior of the magic emperor hall, which still looked like a huge square.

Looking at the past, with the strength of Lin Ming's soul, we can only estimate the space for the first time, which is about ten thousand square meters.

In such a large space, there are all corpses. These corpses are very strange.

Every corpse seems to have been drained of blood in the body in an instant. Then, it dried up quickly and turned into mummies. I don't know how long it took for these mummies to be ironized, which is the color of black charcoal.

The limbs, face, and body of each black iron mummy are severely twisted.

Each one is twisted into an incredible angle, the head is twisted to the back, or the whole body is twisted to the front, and so on. It looks like all the mummies have suffered extreme pain before they die.

Even more of the mummies are glued together in twos and threes, and even many of them are directly glued together. The highest one is nearly 20 meters high. I don't know how many mummies are piled up. I can only see the ferocious and twisted face and the hands that are desperately trying to grab out.

One by one on the face, eyeball outburst, still can clearly feel, from which revealed the expression of extreme fear and pain.

It looks like hell on earth, even more so than the scenes Lin Ming saw in hell before. The two seem to be incomparable.

"The number of mummies here is a few million at least..." Lin Ming was surprised. "Since it's called the devil's palace, is it the devil's men who died here? Or other disciples who broke into here? "

Obviously, Lin Ming can't get the answer at the moment.

Inside the hall of the devil emperor, there was also a dead silence. There was no breath in it. This space seemed to be solidified, which deepened a sense of inexplicable strangeness.

"Over there..."

At present, it's more and more so. Lin Ming doesn't worry much. The change of the keel pieces in his hand is more and more obvious, which clearly points to a direction.

In the middle of the line of sight, there stands a pile of seven or eight meters high mummies, but nothing can be seen, which is covered behind.

The reason why Lin Ming ventured to enter here is naturally due to the abnormal movement of the keel fragments. At this time, the abnormal movement of the keel fragments is very obvious, and Lin Ming can't fail to find out.

As his body flashed past, Lin Ming suddenly stopped. His eyes flashed with a look of uncertainty. He looked up at the front.

In fact, to be exact, it is to look at a mummy in front of us. This mummy looks different from any other mummies.

Of course, the difference is that the body is not twisted, and there is no expression of extreme pain on the face.

The mummy stood still, about 1.8 meters tall. Like ordinary people, it could be seen from the figure that it was a man.

"Who is this man? It's a strange thing. It's really a strange thing..." Lin Ming secretly guessed that a trace of soul power would be released. First of all, he went to have a look.

"Who is so bold as to break into the devil's palace, kneel down and kowtow eighty-one times first

But at this time, a hoarse voice of compassion suddenly sounded out of thin air, with an order and unquestionable tone.

This voice sounds in this dead space, which makes people feel a little creepy subconsciously. It sounds like it comes from all directions, so it's hard to tell where it comes from.

Lin Ming was just a little surprised. Then he said coldly, "what is it, show it..."

A burst of chaotic light has already flashed on Lin Ming, and a very powerful force of soul also first appeared outside of him to protect him.

At this time, a trace of black air appeared out of thin air around, quickly gathered together, a figure quickly appeared, but only reluctantly can see, this is a human shape, can't distinguish men and women, can't see the true face.

It's also a dark air that looks a little bit human.

Hearing Lin Ming speak like this, it seems that the other side is not angry, showing a pair of black holes in his eyes. Instead, he looks up and down at Lin Ming, as if he is examining something.

After about three or four seconds, the other side began to speak and seemed to be more friendly

"You are very strange, very strange. For a moment, I couldn't see through you completely. It seems that you really have the strength. No wonder you can enter the devil's palace. Tens of millions of years have passed, and you are the first person who can come in for the first time. It seems that you do have some strength

Now, let me test you to see if you are qualified to be the inheritor of the demon Emperor... "

"Inheritors?" Lin Ming was surprised by this. At the same time, he was on the alert. The space itself was very strange. In addition, the dark atmosphere was of unknown origin.

Who knows how the other party will test, test failure, what will happen.

"Whew, whew, whew..." the black air suddenly split and turned into black sharp arrows, just like a shower, which first shot at Lin Ming.

Lin Ming is not very worried about this. Judging from the attack, he is really powerful. He almost has the strength of a strong soul. If he had been in the past, he would have been defeated. But now, of course, he is different. He has already trained three spirits.

A burst of soul power came out of Lin Ming, and almost instantly defeated him.

This burst of soul power, followed by a direct attack on the other side.

Bang rang out, the other side seems to be vulnerable, directly scattered.

Of course, Lin Ming doesn't think the other party will be killed so easily by him.

Sure enough, the scattered black air quickly gathered together again, forming a human shape. The other side seemed not surprised at all, and said:

"From the point of view of your boy's soul power, it's obvious that you are qualified to be the inheritor of the devil emperor with such soul power at the level of five or six of the soul transforming realm

Of course, you still have a pass to pass, and this pass is particularly important

If you can't pass this level, you will be out of your wits

Of course, it's too late for you to escape. You can't refuse this pass... "

Now Lin Ming said coldly, "I don't care who you are. I'm afraid you've misunderstood me. The reason why I came here is not for the inheritance of the demon Emperor

To tell you the truth, I didn't pay any attention to the inheritance of the demon Emperor... "

"What, you dare to despise the inheritance of the demon emperor? Arrogant and ignorant boy, do you know that the devil emperor is the overlord in the demon world... "

Hearing Lin Ming's words, the other side seems to be angry at last. An inexplicably strong soul power is also sent out from the other side. Whew, it directly covers Lin Ming.

"This..." at this moment, Lin Ming was surprised. The attack of the other side's soul power was instantaneous. His soul power didn't even have the slightest resistance.

At this moment, Lin Ming felt very clearly that the soul power of the other side directly invaded into his Shenju cave.

All of a sudden, Lin Ming felt the light changing in front of him. He didn't know where it was.

"How dare you despise the inheritance of the demon emperor, boy, I have directly increased the difficulty of the test of my heart and nature by 100 times..." the other side said darkly:

"Even the elite disciples in the demon world have never been tested with such intensity before..."

At this moment, Lin Ming closed his eyes, his whole body became stiff, and the sweat on his forehead seeped out, and his face changed a lot.

Each other's eyes flashed a touch of banter color, is also a look at the play, quietly look.

Ten minutes passed.

Soon, thirty minutes passed.

When an hour passed, a voice of surprise came out of the black air.

Indeed, at this moment, he could see clearly. Although his eyes were still closed, Lin Ming's face changed, recovered as usual, and no longer showed the color of struggle and pain.

"What, it's impossible..." after a exclamation came out of his mouth, he saw a look of disbelief in each other's eyes. "In those days, I followed the devil emperor, and I didn't know how many elite disciples I had tested. Even if I was one hundred times lower than this, few of them could pass the test. Even if I passed the test, It will also take several days

But judging from the current situation, the boy not only has to pass the test hundreds of times, but also takes less than an hour

The boy... "

For a time, the other side's eyes were flashing, obviously thinking about something.

At this time, Lin Ming suddenly opened his eyes, looking calm, as if he had never experienced the same kind of heart test.

Seeing such a scene, the other party's eyes were fixed at last, and then a touch of ecstasy was revealed, and a burst of laughter followed

"God's will, God's will, I didn't expect it. I've been waiting for the magic boy for tens of millions of years, and finally I've been waiting for the inheritor of the magic emperor. This boy is the most perfect inheritor of the magic Emperor..."

Like self-care Daxi said, a square, black as ink, six sides are engraved with countless inexplicable lines, a fist size thing, out of thin air in general.

"Boy, what are you waiting for? You can pass the heart test hundreds of times, and you are qualified to be the inheritor of the devil emperor. Take the seal of the devil emperor, and you will understand everything clearly after you take it..."

The other side said, also still hard to hide a touch of ecstasy.

"It's a hundred times more difficult to test the mind?" For a moment, Lin Ming was confused and disdainful.

Just now, he really fell into a very real dreamland, which was really testing his emotions, such as love, hate, love and hatred

But these so-called tests, before Lin Ming became a killer, had been honed countless times by his master. Otherwise, he could not become the king of killers.

It can be said that although the difficulty of the other side's test has indeed improved, it is still a piece of cake in Lin Ming's view.

Besides, he has no interest in the inheritance of the devil emperor.

"Get out of the way. I'm not interested in the inheritance of the devil." Lin Ming said directly.

This made the evil boy's black spirit appear a little angry and despondent

"Arrogant and ignorant boy, do you know that if you get the inheritance of the devil emperor, you will get the whole demon world. What does it mean to get the whole demon world, which means immortality, immortality and immortality..."

Lin Ming was still not moved at all. Instead, he said sarcastically, "if that's the case, where is the devil emperor that you are talking about now and live with heaven?"

"Er..." this made the Devil boy stop talking for a while, and then he said in a quiet voice: "if it hadn't been for an accident, the devil emperor would have been betrayed by his best and closest brother..."

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested in what you said..."

After a pause, there was a cold flash in Lin Ming's eyes. "I said for the last time, I have no interest in the inheritance of the demon emperor. Get out of the way!"

At this time, the Devil boy seemed not angry, and asked: "since you are not interested in the inheritance of the devil emperor, why did you break into the hall of the devil emperor?"

"Because of this..." Lin Ming realized to the other side that it was the keel fragment in my hand that changed. I just came in... "

"Keel fragment?" The Devil boy snorted coldly, "isn't the so-called keel fragment the skeleton of the dragon? The keel fragment in your hand has the smell of dark air. It must be the skeleton of the devil Dragon

Boy, I tell you, the mount of the demon emperor was a nine clawed demon Dragon

If you accept the inheritance of the demon emperor and become the inheritor of the demon emperor, you can capture and tame even the nine clawed demon dragon and use it as your own mount... "

"There's so much nonsense..." the murderous spirit came out from Lin Ming, "since you don't get out of the way, don't blame me for doing it, hum..."

Lin Ming directly put out the chaos palm. On his palms, there was a flash of chaos light. With a boom, his palms bombarded each other.

In an instant, the dense shadow of the palms flying, overwhelming, the other party this mass of black gas, shrouded in it.

"Xianmen's skill is chaotic and divine palm," a cry of surprise came from it. "You are actually a disciple of Xianmen. No wonder you refuse to accept the inheritance of the demon Emperor

In that case, let's die! "

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