This mass of black air, violently surging and stretching, instantly became more than 20 meters high, and became a monstrous monster with more than one meter sharp teeth on both sides of the corner of the mouth.

"Ouch!" The monster Devil boy also made a roar in his mouth, which seemed to shake the whole demon emperor's border several times.

At the same time, a strong and strong smell of blood spread all over the world and surged to Lin Ming.

"Back then," said the Devil boy, who didn't pay any attention to Lin Ming. "In the war with the fairyland, I don't know how many fairyland kings I killed. Now, I'll kill you with a finger if you toast instead of a drink."

He has been with the devil emperor. He doesn't know how many wars he has witnessed or how many times he has participated in. In his opinion, if he wants to kill Lin Ming now, it's just like killing an ant.

Lin Ming's face does show a dignified color. The momentum of the opponent's hand is really strong. Lin Ming feels very clear. Compared with the previous one, he is more than a hundred times stronger.

Of course, if Lin Ming's strength is the same as before, that is to say, he just trained the human soul. Under such an attack, he will undoubtedly fall down immediately.

But now, of course, it's different.

He has trained two spirits of heaven and earth, and now he has three spirits.

He is only one step away from the next realm, that is, the realm of transforming soul.

Now, in the face of the other party's momentum, Lin Ming's face shows a dignified color. That's all. Lin Ming will release his three spirits.

Lin Ming is confident that it is not difficult for him to kill the other side.

But at this moment, Lin Ming couldn't help but move. Now, his most powerful means is nothing more than the bone fragments of the dragon in his hand.


Seeing his opponent's momentum surging forward, Lin Ming's mind flashed with this idea. Without any delay, his hand flew out, whew, and the fragments of the keel in his hand turned into a black light and shot at him.

"It's very funny," he said. For the first time, there was disdain in the other person's eyes. There was a strong cold light and killing intention in his big eyes. "It's just a small piece of keel. I want to deal with it. I don't know what it means

Now, even if the nine clawed magic dragon comes, I can pull the Dragon tendon and remove the keel

In those days, I followed the devil and did a lot of things


But the next moment was a cry of surprise from the Devil boy's mouth.

His eyes showed the color of extreme disbelief, and then he lowered his huge head and looked down slightly. In fact, to be exact, he looked down at his abdomen.

Indeed, at this moment, I saw a dark twig like thing pierced his indestructible body. Although it only pierced a little bit, it was enough to set off a storm in his heart.

He knew that the strength of his body was comparable to that of the nine clawed magic dragon. If the claws of the nine clawed magic dragon hit him, he would not be hurt, and even a white mark would not be left on his body.

But at the moment, just a little skeleton of the magic dragon could pierce into his body. How could he not be extremely shocked at this moment.

On the spot, the demon boy's huge body froze directly, with a pair of big eyes staring at the eldest brother, looking at his abdomen.

"Don't you mean to move your finger when you kill me? Now, move it..."

Lin Ming sneers.

"You..." hearing this, the Devil boy almost spurted blood directly.

In his opinion, it's natural for him to use his fingers to kill Lin Ming.

He followed the devil emperor and killed the Immortal King in those years, just like chopping vegetables and killing ants.

At present, although Lin Ming's strength is not low, he is naturally weak compared with Xianjun.

But what is this keel fragment? It can pierce his body, which he never thought, never dreamed of.

Moreover, when the keel fragment pierced his body, a trace of inexplicable breath came out, which made his huge body freeze inexplicably.

He wanted to move, but he couldn't move his body or his fingers.

In his memory of tens of millions of years, even the devil himself had no such means.

"It's not the source of darkness, it's the power of heaven and earth..."

At this time, the magic boy finally felt something clearly and exclaimed.

"The power of heaven and earth?" Immediately after that, he seemed to have come to something. Suddenly, his voice seemed to tremble involuntarily

"Yes, the bones that can release the power of heaven and earth can't be the bones of the magic dragon

What are these bones of? "

"Oh?" For a moment, Lin Ming couldn't help but move. Although Lin Ming slowly found that the keel fragment in his hand was really extraordinary, he always regarded it as the skeleton of the nine clawed dragon.

But now from the reaction of the Devil boy, it seems that it is not the same thing.

The Devil boy has lived with the devil emperor for tens of millions of years. He has a wide range of vision. If anyone can see the true origin of the keel fragment, there should be no one else besides the Devil boy.

You know, before nine days Xuannv, dragon Wuxiang, and so on the strength of the strong, also did not recognize the true origin of this keel fragment.

At this time, Lin Ming naturally said: "since this keel fragment is not the skeleton of the nine clawed magic dragon, it will be the skeleton of something, or it looks like a skeleton, not a skeleton at all..."

The Devil boy said to himself: "this is the skeleton fragment. There's no doubt about it, but it's definitely not the skeleton of the nine clawed devil Dragon

The bones of the nine clawed dragon can't release the power of heaven and earth.... "

A pair of muttered appearance, said here, and then the magic boy looks like no one else trying to recall something.

Lin Ming added, "Oh, by the way, this keel fragment also has a powerful ability to subdue the strong, let the strong willingly become a servant and treat me as the master..."

"What Suddenly hearing this, the Devil boy screamed like a subconscious, then suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Ming.

That is two or three seconds later, magic boy's eyes showed extreme horror and incredible color, he exclaimed: "impossible, this is impossible, how can you get that kind of thing in the legend..."

Lin Ming asked quietly, "why can't I get this legendary thing?"

"Hum, the Heavenly Dragon of the dragon family among the sacred beasts has existed in the legend for hundreds of millions of years. There is no news about the Heavenly Dragon in the fairyland and the demon world. How can the skeleton of the Heavenly Dragon fall into the hands of a boy like you..."

Magic boy didn't believe that would happen.

"Oh? "The Heavenly Dragon among the sacred beasts?"

Lin Ming has heard of the four characters of the sacred beasts. Previously, he heard from Xuankong that at the beginning of the birth of the universe, the sacred beasts had appeared, and they were the overlord of the universe. At that time, another overlord of the universe, the sacred clan, refined an artifact, namely the magic bottle, to deal with the sacred beasts.

As for the Shenlong clan and the Tianlong clan, Lin Ming just heard from the Devil boy.

Of course, this dragon belongs to the orcs. It sounds as if it is a supreme existence among the orcs.

Naturally, if the skeleton of the dragon in hand is really the skeleton of the dragon, it's so mysterious and unpredictable that it's understandable.

At the moment, Lin Ming said: "you look like you can't believe it, but in my heart, I already feel that this keel fragment is the skeleton of Tianlong, otherwise, your reaction will not be so big..."

"Hum..." with a cold hum, the Devil boy was so powerful that he gritted his teeth and said:

"If it's really Tianlong bones, it's just what I want. I don't think there was any news about Tianlong in the immortal and demon world. Now that Tianlong bones appear, I finally know something about Tianlong

Boy, I tell you the truth, the ability of the Dragon skeleton is not only to release the power of heaven and earth, but also to accept the strong

Tell me, where did you get the dragon bones... "

As he spoke, a stream of black air gushed from the Devil boy and attacked the keel fragment. It seemed that he wanted to force the keel fragment out.

When Lin Ming saw it, he was really surprised.

The keel fragment stabbed in the belly of the Devil boy is really rare. It seems that he will be forced out at any time.

It's unprecedented. It's never happened before.

It can be seen that the Devil boy is really strong.

"Hum..." for a moment, Lin Ming didn't seem to hear this. He immediately released almost 90% of his soul power and instilled it into the keel pieces.

Sure enough, for the first time, Lin Ming clearly saw that the fragments of the keel had penetrated two or three centimeters.

Then, Lin Ming also clearly saw that magic boy's eyes finally showed a look of panic.

He opened his mouth, as if out of subconscious, with a trace of entreaty, "boy, stop, as long as you take back the dragon's keel fragments, I won't stop you. You can take whatever you want from the devil's palace, just as long as you want to stay, how long

In fact, there are 19 floors in the hall of the devil emperor. Starting from the second floor, there are countless treasures in each floor. Needless to say, there are all kinds of magic artifacts, immortal artifacts, and even ancient artifacts. Besides me, there is no existence that can go up... "

Lin Ming couldn't help but smile, and then slowly said, "your name is magic boy, right? Magic boy, if you are accepted by me and become my servant, then you can't be obedient to what I want you to say and do..."

The Devil boy hummed and said“ You can't know what I am. In this way, even if you can subdue Xianjun with the Dragon keel fragments in your hand, you can't subdue me... "

"Yes? It's time to have a try... "The cold light flashed in Lin Ming's eyes, and the keel fragment stabbed in the Devil boy's abdomen now went directly into the Devil boy's body.

"Ah..." a scream immediately rang out. It came from the Devil boy's mouth. The Devil boy got angry and yelled:

"Boy, the devil emperor was seriously injured in those years. Now he is sleeping on the top floor of the devil emperor's hall. The devil emperor is shocked. Even if the dragon appears, it can't save you..."

Lin Ming sneered, "if a demon emperor would be disturbed, he would have appeared long ago..."

As the voice fell, Lin Ming's face showed a touch of joy. Indeed, whew, the whole huge body of the Devil boy disappeared and was absorbed by the fragments of the keel.

"Boy, let me out... Ah ah..." immediately, bursts of roar came out, but gradually weakened, and then no longer sounded.

"Good." Lin Ming holds the keel fragment.

Lin Ming can clearly feel the existence of the demon boy, which is in the keel fragment.

Lin Ming can't help but frown slightly. It's true that, as the Devil boy said, the keel fragment can't take him in. It's just that he's locked up in the keel fragment, in an inexplicable space.

"Maybe the Devil boy is too strong? And the power of the keel fragment is not enough, so we can't take the magic boy in? " Lin Ming guessed in his heart.

At the moment, Lin Ming doesn't care about what Mo Tong said just now that Mo Di would wake up. After Mo Tong was sucked away by the keel fragments, this space in the Mo Di palace really didn't appear any abnormality.

Then, Lin Ming's eyes naturally looked at the corpse that caused the abnormal movement of the keel fragments, and released a trace of soul power.

In an instant, Lin Ming examined the corpse thoroughly.

Because of this, Lin Ming finally found out, and he couldn't help exclaiming:

"What, in this dry corpse, there is a small fragment of keel!"

Indeed, Lin Ming clearly felt that there was a small fragment of the keel in the dry body.

At present, Lin Ming can't know why there is a small piece of keel fragment in the mummy. It is the mummy itself, and there are other beings who attacked the mummy with this small piece of keel fragment.

At the moment, Lin Ming has no answer.

And the Devil boy was just sucked in by the keel fragment, but he didn't accept it. I think he couldn't get the answer from the Devil boy.

At this time, it seems that it was because of Lin Ming's discovery. Whew, the keel fragment in Lin Ming's hand flew out and floated up on the top of the mummy's head, sending out a suction.

Soon, a small piece of the skeleton, also like a twig, black as ink, was sucked from the top of the mummy's head.

"This is also the Dragon keel fragment?"

Lin Ming can also clearly feel that there is also the power of heaven and earth from this small piece of keel.

In terms of length, this small piece of keel is about eight centimeters short, only four centimeters short.

At this moment, Lin Ming's eyes are naturally overjoyed. The power of a piece of keel fragment in his hand has been very strong. He has been able to turn the crisis around for many times at the most critical moment.

Now there's a small fragment of the keel. Lin Ming doesn't like it.

At present, Lin Ming also immediately put away the two small pieces of keel.

Then Lin Ming couldn't help looking at the corpse. After thinking about it a little, Lin Ming took it into the picture of heaven and earth.

Indeed, no matter what the reason is, a small piece of keel fragment in this dry corpse is unusual. It is naturally necessary to put this dry corpse away.

At this time, Lin Ming's eyes swept around. After the Devil boy disappeared, the whole space remained unchanged, and returned to a dead silence.

"Well." Then Lin Ming nodded slightly, "this is also a secret place of cultivation..."

Lin Ming did not delay any longer. Then he sat down with his knees crossed. He put aside all his thoughts and concentrated on his cultivation. He wanted to improve his strength as quickly as possible and break through to the realm of soul.

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