Outside the boundary of the demon emperor, naturally, it is within the outer world of this domain.

In that far away place, suddenly a ray of light flashed for a while. Next moment, you can clearly see that ray of light is a figure. Outside of the body, there is a layer of blue light flashing, powerful. It seems that at least they are strong men who have practiced three spirits.

Indeed, this figure is xuankongwu.

At this time, xuankongwu's situation seems to be not good, his face is pale, there are blood stains on his body, the breath is also messy, a look hurt not light.

"Xuankongwu, you can't escape," a voice came from the distance, with a murderous air, as if he had a deep blood feud with xuankongwu

"Xuankongwu, regardless of the status of the Shen family and the dignity of being a super strong man, you have become the servant of a hairy boy. You have committed a heinous crime, and you have to die to make amends..."

"Hum." Xuankong I snorted coldly, but there was still a dignified feeling in his eyes. He was really seriously injured, and it was only a matter of time before the other party caught up with him.

His eyes suddenly looked into the distance, as if looking directly at the end of the day. Indeed, in that direction, inexplicably, there was a breath.

He clearly felt that it was Lin Ming's breath.

Xuankong naturally knows that once he finds Lin Ming, the pursuer will be dead.

The idea flashed through my mind. I gritted my teeth and ignored it. Even if he was seriously injured, he suddenly increased his speed by 100 times.

However, he did not fly out far, wow, a big mouthful of blood, from his mouth.

"It's not good. The speed has been raised too fast. On the contrary, the injury in the body has been aggravated a lot..."

At this moment, xuankongwu's face became white, without a little bit of blood.

As if out of subconsciousness, there was despair in his eyes.

He so suddenly increased speed, and did not distance with each other, on the contrary, the speed suddenly decreased, he at this moment, but very clearly felt that the other side in the rapid general approach.

Xuankongwu's face became ugly, but he still insisted.

"Not good." But just then, his face also changed suddenly.

Sure enough, the next moment, a murderous voice sounded, as if in his ear:

"Xuankongwu, you are escaping. Now, I see how you can escape... Hum..."

A cold hum seemed to ring in my ear, and a figure appeared not far away from me, which was more than 20 meters away.

This figure is as straight as a sharp sword. There is a fierce sword spirit on it, which envelops me in the dark sky.

This is another super power, jianchenxu.

Before that, jianchenxu suddenly appeared and fought with xuankongwu.

Of course, xuankongwu is confident that he will not be defeated by the other side.

They even played for three days and three nights, and it was hard to tell the difference.

But what xuankongwei didn't expect was that after that, the experts of the Phoenix family appeared together. In addition to the four experts, Feng Zhongyang, Feng Jiangye, Feng xiangtian and Feng Tianman, who died in the Dragon City, the remaining six ten experts appeared together.

To Xuankong Wu's surprise, the six Phoenix masters didn't know what chance they had suddenly encountered. They had already practiced the three spirits.

It seems that even the strength of a single player is not weak compared with that of him. What's more, there are six experts at the same time. As a result, it can be imagined that xuankongwei has exploded two souls of human and earth continuously before seriously injuring these six experts.

Then he will not be jianchenxu's opponent, only to escape.

But now that he has been overtaken by jianchenxu, xuankongwu doesn't have the slightest nervous worry. He looks like he is going to give up his life. He looks at jianchenxu and says:

"Jianchenxu, if you want to kill me, do it. I don't mind blowing up my soul and dying with you."

"Xuankongwu," jianchenxu said to xuankongwu with extreme disdain in his eyes, "you think it's beautiful. You've already exploded your double souls. Now, only tianhun is left. Dare you say you want to die with me? I don't know

Don't you know that the six masters of the Phoenix family are coming here too... "

"What." Sure enough, the sound of Jian Chen Xu's words fell down. In an instant, Xuankong's face changed.

Whew, whew

At the same time, six figures flashed out, divided into six directions, which naturally surrounded me in the center.

"FengHao, Fengtu, fengwuwu, fengqingyun, fengjingxiu, fengyizhen..."

Xuankong my heart clapped for a while, his eyes swept in the past, as expected, it is also to see the Phoenix family, the six top ten experts.

Brush, Xuankong my face is also a bit more ugly.

Before, he blew up the two souls of the people and the earth, and made these six top ten experts of the Phoenix clan seriously injured. But now it seems that there is no sign of any injury on these six people. From the breath, it seems that they are much stronger.

The six Feng disciples are really the same as him. They have already trained the three spirits. They are the masters among the masters.

"This time, I'm sure to die..." Xuankong was completely desperate in my heart.

Although at the moment, he still can clearly feel the breath of Lin Ming and the existence of Lin Ming, it seems that Lin Ming is too far away from him, as if he is far away.

At present, in xuankongwu's opinion, even Lin Ming can also feel his existence. Knowing his current situation, I'm afraid he can't catch up.

"It's hard." I was as like as two peas. I saw my eyes on the side of the body. The blue light was just like him.

As soon as the spirit of heaven appeared, it immediately sent out a terrible breath and swept away in all directions.

Seeing this, jianchenxu gave a sneer, and the look of disdain in his eyes became stronger. He said with a sneer:

"Ha ha, there are seven super strong people here. If you blow up your soul, then we are also super strong people..."

The voice falls down, first of all, a general sword light that can't match shoots out quickly from the sword dust empty body.

The six Phoenix masters also seem to have a tacit understanding. When they fight at the same time, they see a purple flame coming out of their palms. Whew, they almost attack the dark sky at the same time with the sword light.

Xuankong I can't help but look pale. Sure enough, seven super strong men who have practiced three spirits are very important.

At this moment, he did not say that he would detonate the spirit of heaven directly. That momentum suddenly shrouded him. For the first time, it seemed that he directly imprisoned his soul, which made him lose his thinking ability in an instant.


The three purple flames, the Phoenix heavenly fire of the Phoenix clan, burned to Xuankong at the first time. As for the other three Phoenix heavenly fires, together with the sword light of jianchenxu, they attacked his heavenly soul.

At this moment, Xuankong Wu could see it clearly. The spirit of heaven was badly damaged. The sword light almost cut his spirit into countless pieces. As for Fengling Tianhuo, it burned to his spirit of heaven.

In a burst of crackling sound, the breath of the whole spirit of heaven is rapidly dissipating.

Jianchenxu sneered, "xuankongwu, in only 30 seconds, your spirit will turn into smoke and dissipate. As for you, hum, if you are seriously injured, you will die

Not to mention Lin Ming, even if the immortal appears, he can't save you

What are you waiting for, Xuankong? Why don't you kneel down and repent of your sins? "

At the end of the story, a cold drink came from jianchenxu's mouth.

Then, it seems that there is incomparable momentum from him, the first time shrouded in the dark sky I go.

At this moment, xuankongwu's face suddenly changed. At this moment, he really felt that there was a big mountain pressing on his head, which made him unable to stop and kneel down directly.

However, he was still holding on, and there were bright red blood stains at the corners of his mouth. He was still holding on, not kneeling.

"Hum," Jian Chenxu's face looked gloomy. "If you repent of your sins, I can give you a good time

However, since you are so stubborn... "

Speaking of this, jianchenxu's face was a little more gloomy. He hummed coldly, then pointed out with his fingers that a little sword light shot out quickly. With a whew, it fell on Xuankong.

See, a blood flower is sputtering in the sky to bloom.

At this moment, xuankongwei's whole right arm was cut off from the shoulder. Before it fell to the ground, the Phoenix Fire immediately burned up. Then, xuankongwei's whole right arm was directly reduced to ashes.

Originally, Xuankong I was fighting against Fengling Tianhuo, which was very reluctant.

Now, jianchenxu just destroyed his whole right arm. There's no doubt that he was even more injured.

Poop, he can't stand at last. He's on his knees.

Of course, he didn't say a word.

Seeing this, one of the six strong men of the Phoenix clan was shocked and shocked. He could not help but speak and said to himself

"What's the matter? Why can a hairy boy accept the super strong among the super strong, and refuse to betray him until he dies? It's incredible..."

Jianchenxu seemed to know something. He hummed and said, "that boy used the keel fragment in his hand to subdue Xuankong. If Lin Ming's own strength alone, how could he subdue Xuankong?"

I've got the news from the divine punishment hall that I need to get rid of the control of Lin Ming, the control of the broken keel, and I have to be willing to speak

Otherwise, even if you take out a little fragment of the keel in Xuankong at this time, it won't help, it won't help... "

"What, this..." at the moment, this words from sword dust empty mouth say, six Phoenix family strong also is involuntarily, mouth a exclamation.

Naturally, one by one also immediately showed the shock of the face, feel extremely incredible.

"How could a little piece of keel have such a terrible and rebellious ability..."

"I'm afraid Lin Ming's keel fragments are not ordinary ones."

For a moment, jianchenxu's eyes flashed. Obviously, he didn't understand this.

At this time, jianchenxu said to xuankongwu, "xuankongwu, since you have become the servant of the boy Lin Ming, tell me all you know about the boy

I can still think about it and give you a good time.... "

After a pause, jianchenxu's eyes swept Xuankong: "Xuankong I, Fengling sky fire is about to burn directly on you. You don't have much time left, and the time left for your soul is just a dozen seconds..."

Xuankongwu is direct, said: "for the master's situation, I know nothing, even if I know, I will not reveal any..."

"You want to die!" Jianchenxu was very angry. A line of sword light shot out from his fingers. In a moment, with a blood flower splashing out in mid air, xuankongwu's left arm was also cut off by jianchenxu.

At this moment, xuankongwu was really desperate. His eyes simply closed and he said, "kill me!"

But at this moment, a familiar voice suddenly rang out, which made his whole body tremble.

Then he heard the voice and said, "xuankongwu, no one can kill you without my permission!"

Suddenly, I opened my eyes. Xuankong I looked up and saw a familiar figure floating in the air for the first time. At this moment, Xuankong I was extremely excited and overjoyed. He blurted out in surprise:


Indeed, it was Lin Ming who showed up.

Lin Ming and the demon king felt xuankongwu's breath after they got out of the boundary of the demon emperor. In the outside world, Lin Ming also sensed that xuankongwu's situation was not good at the moment. Even if the distance was very far away, he came right away.

Seeing that Xuankong's arms are broken, Fengling's heavenly fire is burning outside. Lin Ming naturally knows that he came in time.

He wanted to save Xuankong I and let Xuankong I recover as before. It's no problem. It's easy.

All of a sudden, seeing Lin Ming's appearance, the six strong Fengs and jianchenxu were a little surprised.

Then a burst of laughter came out of jianchenxu's mouth. Jianchenxu laughed and said:

"Ha ha, you came just in time. We're just going to kill xuankongwu, and then we'll go to you and kill you

If you show up, we can also save some time.... "

As jianchenxu spoke, Lin Ming seemed to have not heard him. He fell from the sky and fell to my side.

The palm of the hand stretched out, a trace of suction came out, and it was about to be absorbed by Xuankong I and Fengling Tianhuo outside Xuankong I tianhun.

Then, Lin Ming took out three pills for Xuankong to take. In just two or three seconds, Xuankong's arms grew out.

And Xuankong, my whole person, was also healed and recovered as usual. In a faint sense, my breath was also improved.

Xuankong I couldn't help but be very excited. He was so excited that he lost his attitude. He knelt down to Lin Ming and said, "thank you, master."

"Get up." Then, after xuankongwu got up, Lin Ming glanced at the other seven and said calmly, "I just broke through the spirit gathering realm and reached the soul transforming realm. I don't know what my strength is and how powerful it is

Now, it's time to try your hand... "


"Breaking through the spirit gathering realm? Now it's the strength of the soul realm? "

"Ha ha..."

Hearing Lin Ming's words, the first time, all of them were surprised. Then they all suddenly burst out laughing, as if they had heard some big joke.

Jian Chen said with a sneer: "ha ha, more than ten days ago, you only trained one soul. Now, if you said you trained one of the two souls of heaven and earth, I would believe it

However, you boast that you have broken through the spirit gathering realm, and now you have the strength of soul transforming realm. Who do you want to scare? Are we fools? Ha ha, it's ridiculous... "

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