At present, the other six strong Fengs will not believe Lin Ming's words. They can't understand how to improve their strength.

Let's not talk about anything else. It only takes several years to break through to the realm of the soul, which is only a rare talent.

In the records of ancient books, such a genius is rare in history, which can be counted by five fingers.

The most recent record is that thousands of years ago, that genius, after five years of closed door cultivation, broke through to the realm of transforming the soul, which caused a great shock at that time.

At present, more than ten days ago, Lin Ming only practiced one soul, the two spirits of heaven and earth, but he didn't.

Now that it appears, we can say that we already have a powerful realm like soul transforming realm.

How can everyone believe Lin Ming's words.

The six strong men of the Phoenix family also looked at each other with scorn and ridicule, saying one after another.

"Ha ha, if we believe you, we'll be fools..."

"I know why you say that. I'm afraid you didn't expect that six of the top ten experts of the Phoenix clan have already practiced the three spirits..."

"You have miscalculated. You think that if you say this, you will scare us. It's ridiculous that you can't treat us as children..."


The six strong men of the Phoenix family said one after another. In the eyes of Lin Ming, a touch of cold light began to flash.

One by one, they are going to start fighting against Lin Ming.

"Four of the top ten experts of the Phoenix clan died in your hands. You are proud enough to spread such a story, but that's it..."

"Today, at this moment, we must take revenge for the Phoenix masters, the Phoenix disciples, and even many of the Shen family disciples who died in your hands..."

"Boy, please hand over the dragon soul, the bone fragments and everything in your hand..."

The six strong people of the Phoenix family all began to have purple flames, which were burning up. Naturally, it was the Phoenix spirit fire of the Phoenix family.

Of course, as like as two peas, the six Feng clan master figures were divided into three figures, three fire men, and six faces of the Phoenix clan.

This is naturally their three spirits.

For a moment, there were twenty-four figures, including Lin Ming, xuankongwu, and another figure, the devil, surrounded the center.

It seems that when these six people make a move, they will do their best.

It can also be seen that the six did not despise Lin Ming.

Of course, they all know that there are too many strong people who fall into the hands of Lin Ming. They can't afford to despise them.

Of course, they are now surrounded by seven strong men who have trained three spirits. In everyone's opinion, no matter how strong Lin Ming is, there will only be one end at this moment.


"What, this..."

The appearance of such battles made Xuankong and the devil's face change involuntarily.

Both of them are strong men who have trained their three spirits. If they fight alone, or if they fight against each other with one, it will not be difficult for them to defeat each other with their own strength and experience.

But now, the other side is full of six people, at the same time, they all release their three souls and put on a desperate posture.

In addition, there is a super strong among the super strong, that is, jianchenxu is covetous.

At present, in the eyes of Xuankong Wu and the demon king, even if Lin Ming is already a strong one in the soul realm, he is afraid that his fists are hard to beat the other seven.

"Master, you look for a chance to leave..."

"Master, even if we explode three souls, we will protect you to leave safely..."

At the moment, Xuankong Wu and the devil seem to have no hesitation.

Lin Ming couldn't help laughing and said, "since they don't believe it, it's just for them to see. As I said, take them and try them. Don't interfere. Just watch them..."


Xuankong and the devil were stunned. Of course, since Lin Ming, their master, had already said that, they did not dare to disagree.

After hearing Lin Ming's words, jianchenxu sneered again, "it's time to laugh. He's still talking nonsense and trying to scare us. Young people are really young people. He thinks he can scare us

Do it

Finally, two simple words came out of Jianchen's mouth.

"Murderer, you kill my daughter, I want to avenge my daughter..."

At this time, one of the six strong Fengs was the most powerful, and his purple flame was blazing, all more than ten meters high.

He roared in his mouth, his eyes were red and staring at Lin Ming.

He is also the fastest. He rushed to Lin Ming first.

For such a remark, Lin Ming could not help but feel very puzzled at first. When did he kill this man's daughter.

Next to Xuankong, I suddenly opened my mouth and said, "master, this man's name is Feng Jingxiu. His daughter is the successor of the next generation of Feng clan leader, Feng Feifei..."

"Oh, fengfeifei's father?" Naturally, this was a bit of a surprise to Lin Ming.

Did he kill Feng Feifei? Naturally, he knew very well, that is, of course not.

Fengfeifei has been practicing in the heaven and earth map. Lin Ming once asked fengfeifei if she wanted to come out, but fengfeifei said that the efficiency of practicing in the heaven and earth map was surprisingly high, so she didn't come out.

As for the words of the evil ancestor and the princess of hell, the same is true. It seems that they have found some holy land for cultivation, and they are also practicing in it.

"Are you Feng Feifei's father?"

Seeing that the other party had already come near, Lin Ming confirmed that he was in general and asked.

"Bold maniac, you deserve to call my daughter's name. My daughter is the heir of the patriarch. You have killed her, and I will fight with you


Feng Feifei's father, Feng Jingxiu, has obviously decided that Lin Ming killed Feng Feifei. He gives up his life. With a roar, he detonates his own soul.

Such a scene made the other five strong Fengs, unexpectedly, attack Lin Ming.

I'm kidding. Fengjingxiu detonated his own soul directly. The breath and momentum burst out is not just talking about it.

At present, the five men and jianchenxu are all looking at Lin Ming, waiting for Lin Ming to be injured by the momentum of the self explosion of human soul, and then besieging together. At that time, Lin Ming can only be arrested.


But the next moment, it is to appear and let everyone can not help but gape.

Of course, the soul of fengjingxiu did explode for the first time, and it also burst out a terrible breath momentum. It was like a torrential wave rushing to Lin Ming.

But he saw Lin Ming standing with an indifferent face. There was only a layer of chaotic light coming out of his body. Then, a force of suction came out of Lin Ming.

This kind of suction actually absorbs the terrible breath and momentum produced by the explosion of a soul, which is absorbed in an instant.

No one knows better than them that the breath generated by the self explosion of a human soul is so powerful that it is far above the explosion of the atomic bomb.

In their opinion, a powerful person who has trained three spirits can't compete with this kind of breath, let alone absorb it in an instant.

Seeing that all the people were stunned, Lin Ming looked at Feng Jingxiu and said faintly:

"For the sake of you being Feng Feifei's father, I won't kill you..."

Then Lin Ming waved his hand to Feng Jingxiu, who was also stunned.

Fengjingxiu didn't even snort. He was like a broken kite flying backwards. It was like flying backwards into the sky in an instant. In the blink of an eye, he turned into a small black spot and disappeared in the sight of everyone.

At this time, Lin Ming had time to feel the situation in his body, nodded with satisfaction, and said to himself:

"With the strength of huahun realm, the power of breathing Dharma is really improved once again. It's more than a thousand times higher than before. It's extraordinary..."

This time, Lin Ming felt that the suction from the breathing method was not only in the feeling, but also directly absorbed the stars.

Of course, Lin Ming's strength is still not strong enough. He can't get into space. If one day, he will definitely have a try.

Because, now the power of breathing method, really give him a very strong feeling, let him have to be eager to try.

"Hum," after a shock and consternation, jianchenxu seemed to see something. Leng hum said:

"It seems that you really have some skills. Of course, you can't have the strength to transform the soul. The reason why you can absorb the breath and momentum produced by the self explosion of a human soul is because of the keel fragments in your hand..."

This is the moment that the other five people have suddenly, at the same time, eyes flashing, as if involuntarily reveal the meaning of greed.

Indeed, in their eyes, this keel fragment is so powerful that it can directly absorb the powerful breath and momentum generated by the explosion of a human soul.

"This boy, today, at this moment, must die. Everything on him must fall into our hands..."

It's a tacit understanding. These five strong Fengs all think the same thing in their mind.

Five people look at each other, and immediately know what they are going to do.

"Boy, we'll see if you can carry down five souls and explode at the same time!"

One of them yelled at Lin Ming immediately.


This words is to let Xuan Kong Wu and demon king immediately, not from frighten a jump.

Lin Ming's face remained the same. He was calm and calm. His eyes slowly swept over the five strong Fengs and said:

"Well, don't waste your time, just detonate your three souls at one time, maybe you can hurt me, otherwise, everything you do is useless..."

"Ha ha," jianchenxu sneered, as if to expose a little bit of small 999 in Lin Ming's heart

"You're insidious. If the five strong men of the Phoenix clan detonate their three spirits directly, it's not like they're looking for their own way to die

If you die, you will die, and you want to take the five strong men of the Phoenix family. Your abacus is too loud... "

"What master jianchenxu said is not bad..."

"You're daydreaming. How can we be so stupid that we blow up all the three souls..."

"Self explosion of all three souls is no doubt related to suicide. How can we do such a thing..."

"The five of us can kill you at the same time."

"Don't waste time with this boy, kill him..."

Finally, there was a roar.

Sure enough, boom, a huge explosion sounded, in an instant, the five Phoenix family strong, really directly detonated their souls.

Five momentum, five are enough to destroy heaven and earth momentum, the first time to bombard Lin Ming away.

Lin Ming still just stood still. He looked as if he had been frightened by such five forces. He would not move.

In an instant, these five forces also directly bombarded Lin Ming. The purple flame like a huge wave completely submerged Lin Ming.


Xuankong and the devil had already retreated far away. Seeing the purple flame like a huge wave, Lin Ming was drowned in an instant. He couldn't help but scream subconsciously.

But the next moment, they breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. They felt very clearly. Even if they were overwhelmed by the momentum generated by the self explosion of five human souls, Lin Ming was still intact.

Of course, there is no connection between them and Lin Ming.

"Ha ha..." jianchenxu couldn't help laughing at first, then his face sank and said:

"Boy, it takes six strong men of the Phoenix clan to detonate their souls before they can kill you. You are unprecedented. You are proud enough when you die..."

"Self explosion of human soul, although caused irreparable losses, but also worth...."

"It's true that this boy is a member of the Shenlong clan. Because he has a dragon soul and bone fragments, plus his own strength, if he is allowed to grow up, in time, the whole Shenlong clan will trample all the Shenlong clan under their feet..."

"That's right..."

"It's really worth it to kill this boy by exploding his soul."

"It's really worth it. You know, as soon as the boy dies, his dragon soul and the fragments of his keel will fall into our hands. Ha ha..."

"Ha ha..."

As if I could not help it, a burst of laughter came from every population.

Naturally, they know it clearly. Even if they only get the dragon soul, the Phoenix masters will be able to practice the real body of the Phoenix spirit. When they practice the real body of the Phoenix spirit, their overall strength will be a little stronger than those who are strong in Xianjun realm.

They all believed that Lin Ming had died in their hands, and it seemed that they had got the dragon soul. For a moment, they couldn't help laughing.

"Er..." but at this moment, suddenly a voice came out from the purple flame, which was still burning. It made jianchenxu's voice stop abruptly, and his eyes were staring up, looking at the burning center of the purple flame.

Then the voice slowly spread out: "how, you are so confident that you can kill me, Lin Ming? I just ha ha, I've already said, you just blow up the three spirits, maybe you can hurt me

But now, you've exploded the human soul. Even if you explode together, you can't hurt me at all... "


At this time, the sword dust empty six people are also together a Zheng, is to show a pair of extremely incredible appearance, looking at the front.

Indeed, the purple flame, which was burning like a vast ocean, suddenly disappeared, but it was not absorbed directly by Lin Ming.

But with an inexplicable strong breath, it came out from Lin Ming. The purple flame disappeared and was put out directly.

"This breath..."

For this kind of breath, jianchenxu and other six people seem not strange.

"It's the power of heaven and earth." After that, jianchenxu exclaimed.

However, he still seemed unbelievable, shaking his head to deny, "impossible, even if he has trained three spirits, he can control the power of heaven and earth

The power that can control heaven and earth can't be so powerful... "

"Transform the soul." The strong man of the Phoenix clan suddenly exclaimed: "is it the soul transforming realm? Is it the boy who really has the strength of the soul transforming realm?"

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