"Transform the soul state!" Among them, another strong man of the Phoenix clan suddenly fell into a daze. The look at Lin Ming became different. He was full of shock and exclaimed, "it's really the strength of soul transforming. This boy really has the strength of soul transforming

Only when we reach the level of huahun realm can we ignore the strong breath and momentum produced by the self explosion of five souls... "

"He really has the strength to transform the soul."

As for the other three strong people of the Phoenix family, they all seemed to be involuntarily exclaiming.

Indeed, if Lin Ming did not have the strength to transform the soul, they would not be able to explain what happened now.

When all their souls explode together, Lin Ming can't be harmless at all, and the power of heaven and earth emanating from Lin Ming can't be extremely powerful. The power of heaven and earth is only possessed by the strong who can transform the soul.

At present, the five strong Fengs' eyes on Lin Ming are totally different.

The strong among them have a wide range of vision. In a short period of more than ten days, how can a strong man who has just practiced the spirit of human beings break through the spirit of human beings? It's impossible.

Before that, they naturally would not believe that Lin Ming would have such a powerful realm as soul transforming realm.

But now, no matter how they don't believe it, they have to believe that Lin Ming really has the strength to transform the soul.


At the moment, they just have to suck in the cool air. They feel that they have lost their thinking ability and don't know what to say for a moment.

Jianchenxu's eyes flashed, and there was a trace of horror at the bottom of his eyes. However, when his eyes suddenly looked behind Lin Ming, he seemed to be suddenly surprised, and then a sneer came out of his mouth.

He looked at Lin Ming coldly and said, "boy, I was almost scared by you. I was almost fooled by you. How could you suddenly have such a realm as soul transforming realm and such a strong strength in just ten days

Now, it seems that you have ignored the power of the five strong men of the Phoenix clan who have exploded their souls at the same time. But in fact, the real reason is that the other two strange weapons in your hand are a broken knife and a chain behind you... "

He looked at the five strong men of the Phoenix family and said: "five, it seems that you are all frightened by him and cheated by him. Fortunately, I have bright eyes and can see through everything about this boy

I've already made a clear investigation of this boy's situation after he came to the small world. In addition to the dragon soul and the keel fragments, the two strange weapons in his hand, namely, a chain and a broken knife, are equally terrifying

At the beginning, in the underworld, he even broke into the tomb of the reincarnation of Jiutian Xuannv. It was with these two strange weapons that he met and killed all the way

Otherwise, as early as in the tomb of the reincarnation of Jiutian Xuannu, he had already died in the hands of Jiutian Xuannu

His own strength, in fact, is not high

How could he suddenly have such a powerful power as soul transforming realm? The reason why he could completely ignore the frightful breath and momentum generated by the self explosion of five souls of you is because of a broken knife and a chain in his hand

It seems that he also released the powerful power of heaven and earth, but in fact, it's the soul in the broken knife and chain that really released the power of heaven and earth... "

Such a remark came out of jianchenxu's mouth. Jianchenxu, as a super strong among the super strong, was recorded in jishidian. In the view of the five strong people of the Phoenix family, this remark is naturally true.

Of course, at the moment, the five strong Fengs naturally chose to believe in it for the first time.

They looked behind Lin Ming, and for the first time, they saw a broken knife on his back, and a chain wrapped around his body, which looked rusty.

The purple flame on the five of them rose up again and became murderous.

"Well, you boy, if it wasn't for master jianchenxu, we would have been scared by you..."

"You are so mean. You don't have the strength to transform the soul, but you pretend that you have such strength. It's hateful..."

For a moment, Lin Ming just gave a sneer, "it seems that you really don't see the coffin and don't shed tears. In this case, since you've all done it, from this moment on, it's my turn, and it doesn't take me a few minutes. I'll kill you all..."

"Ha ha, I'm not ashamed." Jianchenxu sneered coldly. His sword was so strong that he said:

"If you do it, just do it. If you do it, you'll be completely exposed. Let me see if it's the strange weapon in your hand or my five element spirit Heaven Sword..."

With a look of disdain and indifference, Lin Ming said to jianchenxu, "why use weapons? I can kill jianchenxu with my bare hands

Let's start with you

Let's die... "

"Arrogance! At this moment, jianchenxu still sneered, and then he roared wildly:

"Zhutianjian, come out!"

A long sharp sword with golden light appeared in front of jianchenxu's body. The light of each sword was very dazzling. In a moment, it had been shot in all directions, with bursts of whistling sound.

At present, it can be clearly seen that in the high altitude which was originally shrouded by the original dark air in the outside world, all the haze and darkness immediately dissipated.

At least within the scope of vision, we can't see a little bit of dark creatures, and we can't see a little bit of the original dark air.

Naturally, this is the sword of five elements yuan Ling Zhu Tian exhibited by Jianchen Xushi, which releases the sword light in an instant.

Jianchenxu, with a proud look on his face, said slowly: "in those days, the dark creatures who died under my five elements Yuanling Zhutian sword were more than hundreds of millions, and the number of demons who were directly killed was not less than one million..."

After a pause, jianchenxu's eyes, which were looking at Lin Ming, became golden. Naturally, they were also two extremely fierce sword lights.

He roared: "boy, die!"


Seeing the sword dust Xu's Zhutian sword was about to attack Lin Ming, but at this moment, the five strong men of Feng clan could not help but scream.

It's true that Lin Ming suddenly disappeared, and then completely ignored the overwhelming, powerful sword lights with big arms. When he flashed out again, he appeared in front of the five element spirit of jianchenxu.

"Zhutianjian?" Lin Ming sneered with disdain. "The five elements spirit of a super strong man who has trained three souls, but it's just like daydreaming to hurt a strong man who has transformed the soul

Jianchenxu, your zhutianjian, I also need

Bring it here... "

Lin Ming's move is also very simple. This time he didn't show the light of chaos. It's true that, as he said, he made a move with empty hands. It seems that he stretched out his palm at will and grabbed the five element spirit of jianchenxu which was suspended in the air, that is, Zhutian sword.

The first time Lin Ming flashed out, jianchenxu didn't care much. His attention was on the broken knife and chain behind him. When Lin Ming used these two weapons, he would snatch them.

At the moment, he is naturally surprised that Lin Ming does not use these two kinds of weapons. Instead, he grabs the sword to kill heaven empty handed.

At this moment, Jianchen snorted coldly and said to Lin Ming, "arrogant and arrogant boy, the five elements spirit of a super strong man who has trained three spirits. Even the strong man who has transformed the soul state dare not take the hand so easily to catch him directly

You don't have the strength to transform the soul. If you grasp zhutianjian like this, you will be hurt by the sword Qi for the first time


But a word from the sword dust empty mouth is just finished, then see sword dust empty eyes suddenly stare big, which filled with an extremely rich color of disbelief.

"It's impossible!" At the same time, at this moment, the five strong people of the Phoenix clan also opened their mouths and exclaimed in unison.

Five people at this moment also can't believe what they saw.

Lin Ming grabs the sword. He seems to ignore the golden and sharp sword Qi on the sword body. He grabs the five elements spirit, which is the heaven killing sword.

At this moment, some of jianchenxu didn't come back. The next moment, there was a scene that made him more shocked.

It seems that Lin Ming's palm of Zhutian sword seems to exert a little force. With a click, a clear sound will sound. The whole Zhutian sword will be broken and become a golden light, a sword light. It doesn't escape. It seems that Lin Ming is completely in control of the palm of his hand.

Wow, like the three spirits, the five elements spirit, which is related to life, is directly crushed in this way. The sword dust is uncontrollable, and a big mouthful of blood comes out of his mouth.

He glared and roared out: "let go of my heaven killing sword!"

But the next moment, his whole body also trembled, and his body rose to the sky.

Lin Ming naturally won't let go of jianchenxu's five elements to kill Tianjian. Just as Lin Ming said just now, he also needs jianchenxu's five elements to kill Tianjian.

Before, he devoured the five element Yuanling zhutianjian, a disciple of the sword God clan. He already had such a kind of five element Yuanling as zhutianjian. With his strength, he broke through to such a strength state as huahun state.

His own five element spirit, namely the fire electric snake, is also enhanced with his strength. However, not only the Zhutian sword, but also the five element spirit, that is, the God destroying sword of the sword God clan, has not changed accordingly.

It can be imagined that after Lin Ming's strength has been upgraded to the level of transforming the soul, his other two five element spirits, namely, Zhutian Jian and mieshen Dao, have become so weak that he naturally needs to devour other Zhutian Jian and mieshen Dao to enhance his breath.

At this moment, Lin Ming naturally won't let go of the sword. At this moment, the golden light of the sword disappeared in the palm of his hand, which was swallowed by him.

"Very good!" At this moment, Lin Ming nodded with satisfaction.

It's true that zhutianjian is the five element spirit of a super strong man who has trained three spirits. Its breath momentum is strong enough. After being swallowed by him and integrated with his zhutianjian, it belongs to his five element spirit zhutianjian, which is also strengthened in an instant, and is equivalent to his own five element spirit, namely the fire snake.

"Wow..." this time sword dust empty mouth is gushing blood again. Spray more serious, you can see clearly, which mixed with minced meat and blood clots.

"No, my five elements spirit, no, disappeared, completely disappeared..."

Indeed, jianchenxu can't feel the existence of his five elements spirit.


The five strong Fengs, who have been witnessing all this, can't help but breathe cold.

In their hearts, they began to doubt jianchenxu's words just now.

They did see it very clearly.

Lin Ming didn't make the broken knife and chain come out, nor did he see the emergence of the spirit. That is to say, what happened in just three or four seconds was entirely Lin Ming's own work, that is, his own strength.

"Even those who are strong in the soul realm can't catch the five elements spirit of a super strong man who has practiced the three spirits."

"Indeed, the boy not only caught it, but also destroyed it, and then swallowed it directly..."


At present, the five strong people of the Phoenix clan are subconscious and uneasy, and their steps seem to be out of control. They step back a few meters and go out. First of all, they are slightly away from Lin Ming.

In fact, there is still a fluke in their heart.

Jianchenxu is a super strong one among the super strong. Under his eyes, his five elements spirit is taken away and destroyed. How can jianchenxu not take revenge or do his best.

Once jianchenxu gives up his life, he and Lin Ming work hard. No matter what, Lin Ming will be hurt.

Five people are very tacit understanding of such thinking, after looking at each other, naturally have a plan in mind.

The dragon soul in Lin Ming's hand, the fragments of the keel in his hand, and even the two strange and powerful weapons in his hand are all too tempting. The five people feel that all these are worth taking the risk with their lives.

But obviously, they underestimated Lin Ming's strength.

"You destroy my five elements spirit..." jianchenxu doesn't seem to care about his continuous bleeding. He extrudes a sentence from his teeth.

At this moment, he urged his own breath and instant time to the limit.

"As expected, jianchenxu really didn't care about everything and worked hard..."

"It seems that jianchenxu is going to die with this boy..."

"It's just what I want. Everyone be ready to attack this boy at any time..."

Seeing the appearance of this scene, the five strong people of the Phoenix clan were very happy and said to each other that their purple flames were burning more quickly.

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