"Do you want to submit to me?" At this time, Lin Ming said directly.

This made Feng Yizhen and Feng Qingyun, the two top ten experts of the Feng family, stunned on the spot.


If Lin Ming had said this to them a few hours ago, they would have laughed at him.

But now, they already know that Lin Ming has the strength to transform the soul, and they have seen the horror of Lin Ming's means. In an instant, they will kill the sword dust and three strong Fengs.

Now only the two of them are left. Naturally, their lives are completely in the hands of Lin Ming, who can crush them to death at any time.

But do you really want to surrender?

As the top ten masters of tangtangfeng clan, they couldn't do such a thing for a while. That means they became servants of Lin Ming.

If Feng Haotian and the whole Feng family knew this, they would know their fate very well. There was only one.


And the biggest difference is that they will have to bear the accusation of a traitor.

Of course, at the moment, they know very well that if they surrender to Lin Ming, Lin Ming can easily end their lives.

And to this, two people are the dint of the slightest resistance also have no.

Both of them could not help showing the color of extreme struggle, hesitating and hesitating.

At the same time, Lin Ming is also very uneasy. Will he suddenly be impatient and take their lives.

At this time, Lin Ming opened his mouth and seemed to see through all the thoughts in their hearts

"I know what you're worried about. You're worried that you'll be accused of treason, and you'll also be killed by Feng family experts in the end

However, I can responsibly tell you that you don't need to worry about it at all. It won't happen that you are charged with abusing... "

"It won't happen?" Naturally, they looked at Lin Ming suspiciously, "how can this be..."

Lin Ming is confident, "Feng clan, Xuanwu clan, or any other extraneous force will eventually be surpassed by the Shenlong clan. You become my people, and you can be regarded as the Shenlong clan. Then you will not be traitors

Not only will you not be traitors, but your status will also rise with you... "

Listen to Lin Ming say these words, Feng Yizhen, Feng Qingyun two people also listen to a Leng a Leng, in their hearts have believed seven or eight points, has moved seven or eight points.

Of course, if they had heard Lin Ming's words before, they would have scolded him for daydreaming for the first time.

But now, of course, everything is very different.

Lin Ming's strength is to transform the soul.

In addition to the divine punishment hall, there is no strong one in the whole small world's divine family who can transform the soul realm and strength realm.

It can be said that Lin Ming alone has been standing at the top of the small world.

Moreover, they did see that even the existence of Xuankong Wu and the demon king was controlled by Lin Ming and recognized him as the master.

At this time, Lin Ming really began to look a little impatient. His tone became a little colder and he said:

"You must be clear that I am sparing your life, not discussing with you

Don't forget, if I make you willing to be my servants, I can use the keel fragments in my hand... "

The keel fragment appears in Lin Ming's hands.

When Lin Ming saw a dark twig flash out of his hand, they both felt like they could not control it.

As for the strength of the keel fragments in Lin Ming's hand, they had heard from jianchenxu before.

Putong Putong

The appearance of the fragments of the keel made them so frightened that they knelt down and lowered their heads at the same time, as if they were really shouting from the bottom of their hearts:


"Good. Get up." Lin Ming asked them to get up. Then he looked at xuankongwu next to him and said, "xuankongwu, go back to the small world with them, go back to Longcheng

After all, sixteen days have passed, and I don't know if there are any accidents in Longcheng... "

Xuankong I understood immediately, and he said: "master, don't worry, Feng Haotian certainly doesn't dare to attack the dragon city. Besides, he can't attack the current dragon city

Of course, if FengHao should attack Longcheng naively, I won't let him off lightly after I go back... "

Lin Ming nodded slightly, and then looked at Feng Yi Zhen and Feng Qingyun two people, saying: "if Feng Hao led the Feng clan disciples to attack the Dragon City innocently, you return to the Wutong Mountain, and master the entire Phoenix clan."

"Yes, master." They both seemed to nod their heads without any hesitation.

"Boy, you kill my daughter, you die!"

At this time, there was a sudden sound. Then, from the distance, a burning purple flame came quickly.

Lin Ming doesn't need to see more. He knows who this figure is for the first time. Undoubtedly, he is Feng Feifei's father, that is, Feng Jingxiu.

At the moment, Lin Ming was just as unmoved. The next moment, a figure flashed out on his side. Naturally, it was fengfeifei.

"Pop... Er..."

Feng Jingxiu also flew close at once. He had a big word in his mouth. Naturally, he was about to detonate his three spirits. But the figure suddenly appeared on Lin Ming's side, which made his voice swallow it.

"Daughter, daughter, really, it's you, it's you?" Feng Jingxiu can't believe it at this time. It seems that there is no one in his eyes. His eyes are just fixed on Feng Feifei.

"Father, it's me." Feng Feifei opens her mouth. He said: "father, you misunderstood me. Lin Ming and I are friends. Lin Ming also saved me. How could we kill me..."

"Feifei, how can you make friends with a villain? Do you know this boy..." Feng Jingxiu said directly.

But before finishing a sentence, Feng Feifei interrupted and said, "father, in fact, Lin Ming is not to blame for everything. Lin Ming has never taken the initiative to provoke anyone. In the small world, all the disciples of Shen family despise Lin Ming's identity, covet the dragon soul in Lin Ming's hand, and fight against Lin Ming. Lin Ming only fights back..."

"Fengjingxiu, Feifei is right. Don't be impulsive."

"Jianchenxu has been killed by Lin Ming in an instant. In addition, the other three Phoenix masters also died in Lin Ming's hands and were killed by Lin Ming in an instant..."

"Lin Ming's strength now has reached the level of transforming the soul. He is not inferior to the strong one of the divine punishment Hall..."

Feng Yizhen and Feng Qingyun can't help but speak up when they see that Feng Jingxiu is still hostile to Lin Ming.

"What, this boy killed jianchenxu?"

"Kill the other three Feng masters?"

"Did he have such a powerful state as soul state?"

The words from Feng Yizhen and Feng Qingyun fell into Feng Jingxiu's mouth, which made him feel more astonished and shocked.

At this time, Lin Ming didn't pay attention to what fengjingxiu thought. He looked at fengfeifei and said, "fengfeifei, from now on, you will succeed as the head of the Fengzu clan..."

"Ah?" This can be said out of the blue and out of Lin Ming's mouth. For a moment, Feng Feifei felt strange. She couldn't help showing a look of consternation. She looked at Lin Ming as strange as she wanted to be.

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