Next, if it's true, Fengjing Xiu. Moreover, my current strength has reached the realm of transforming the soul. It's just a matter for me to let fengfeifei succeed the leader of the family. Of course, I'm qualified. If I'm not qualified, who else is qualified

If anyone has an opinion, he he will bear the consequences... "

This word hears Feng Jing to fix a pair of gas of not light appearance, his facial expression, red green, green white, white again an iron green.

It seems that he even has to start at Lin Ming, but he has to bear it.

Indeed, he was very helpless at this time. Although his strength was already very high, to the extent of training the three spirits, Lin Ming still gave him a sense of unfathomability. He was completely unpredictable about the strength of Lin Ming's breath.

Naturally, he could not understand more clearly what it meant.

This means that what Feng Yizhen and Feng Qingyun said just now is true, and Lin Ming really has the strength to transform the soul.

Although he wants to fight Lin Ming, he has no courage.

A person who gathers the strength of the spirit realm and wants to move to the strong one who transforms the strength of the soul realm is tantamount to seeking death.

At the moment, Lin Ming seems to be completely lazy to pay attention to Feng Jingxiu. Lin Ming says to Feng Feifei:

At the moment, Lin Ming seems to be too lazy to pay attention to Feng Jingxiu. Lin Ming looks at Feng Feifei and says:

"Fengfeifei, now that you've got the heaven and earth map, don't rush back. Anyway, as long as I have the heaven and earth map, you can go in and practice at any time

In this way, you will return to the small world with three people, Feng Yizhen, Feng Qingyun, and then go to the dragon city to see it. Then go back to the mountain of Wutong...... "

Feng Feifei just nodded. It seemed that she had no objection to what Lin Ming said.

As for Feng Jingxiu's words, Lin Ming's mind turned and his heart sneered.

Lin Ming killed countless masters and disciples of the Feng clan. If this hatred is not shared, how can he not repay it.

After finishing talking with Feng Feifei, Lin Ming suddenly looks at Feng Jingxiu and goes away. It seems that he completely understands Feng Jingxiu's mind and says: "Xuankong, you look at Feng Jingxiu, don't let him leave your sight, otherwise..."

With that, a cold light flashed in Lin Ming's eyes: "otherwise, you can take your hand directly and kill him."

"Yes, master." Xuankong naturally nodded and agreed without hesitation for the first time.

At this time, seeing Lin Mingmu's cold light, he said such a sentence, which really made Feng Jing shiver. Now he was silent and didn't dare to say a word more.

"Go to the magic meteor sea!" At this time, Lin Ming looks to the devil.

"Yes, master."

The devil will disappear in the same place.

Whew, Lin Ming also went out of the air. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the sight of xuankongwu, fengfeifei and others.

Looking at Lin Ming's direction, Feng Jingxiu's eyes flashed cold. He seemed to be talking to himself

"Hum, arrogant boy, don't think that you can ignore everything if you have the strength to transform the soul. Don't forget that there is the God punishment hall, and above the God punishment hall, there is the immortal gate

The world is so big and the universe is so wide that you can understand it just like a little boy

I dare to go to the magic meteorite sea. No one knows where the magic meteorite sea is better than me

If you can live to return to the small world from the magic meteorite sea, I'll give you my surname... "

Then Feng Jingxiu looked at Feng Yizhen and Feng Qingyun. He said, "whatever Lin Ming said or did just now, it's over

Now, the most important thing for us is to go back to the small world, contact the clan leader, and then discuss how to deal with the dragon city and the Shenlong clan.... "

"Father..." hearing Feng Jingxiu's words, Feng Feifei looked worried and exclaimed.

"Hum..." but there was a cold hum next to him, which interrupted Feng Feifei. Then he saw that it was Xuan Kong Wu with cold eyes. He looked at Feng Jingxiu and said:

"Fengjingxiu, don't you think I'm transparent? What did the master say? It seems that you want to die... Hum..."

There was another cold hum in Xuankong's mouth, and there was a blue light on my body. In an instant, I tied up Fengjing, and the blue light disappeared into Fengjing's body.

"Xuankongwu, what are you going to do?" Seeing this, Feng Jingxiu's face suddenly changed.

Xuankong Wu said in a cold voice: "I didn't do anything, just let you stay in my sight. Once you dare to leave, I'll take your life


At this time, xuankongwu's body disappeared directly. It was obvious that he wanted to leave the outside world, return to the small world and return to Longcheng.

At present, both Feng Yizhen and Feng Qingyun seem to be deeply afraid of Xuankong Wu. They don't go to see Fengjing for a second, and then their bodies disappear.

Feng Feifei couldn't help but flash an inexplicable color in her eyes at this time. Then she lowered her voice and said to Feng Jingxiu, "father, we have to bear it hard. It's not good for us. Now, the best way is to fight against Lin Ming and make an enemy of Lin Ming..."

"Feifei, you..." suddenly, fengjingxiu's eyes were full of surprise, looking at fengfeifei.

"Father, I can't be anxious about everything. I have a good idea of everything..."

Then Feng Feifei saw that Feng Jingxiu was still so surprised. She couldn't help smiling and said slowly:

"Father, you should know that this small world is just a place for captivity. We should set our sights higher

All right, father, let's keep up now... "

Finally, Feng Feifei takes a look at Feng Jingxiu, which seems to give her a look like everything is under control. She disappears.

"Good good good..." until seeing Feng Feifei disappear, Feng Jingxiu looks like he suddenly wants to understand something. From his mouth, he says three good words in succession.


At this time, in this seemingly boundless outside world, two rays of light, like cutting through the space, penetrate the deep dark air, and fly away towards the depth of the outside world.

It's Lin Ming and the devil.

At this time, the demon king sent a message to Lin Ming and said, "master, we are still far away from the magic meteorite sea. Even if we fly away at full speed, it will take at least three or four days..."

"Speed up." Lin Ming said directly.

"..." the devil couldn't help but be stunned, but of course he didn't dare to have any opinions. Whew, he flew forward and doubled his speed.

It seems that Lin Ming is also very relaxed. He can catch up at the first time.

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