At the same time, outside the domain, a secret place.

Two figures sitting on the ground, they see a burst of colorful light flashing outside their bodies.

These two figures, no matter from the appearance of facial features, or the breath of the body, there is no difference.

When two or three seconds passed, the colorful light of the two figures dispersed and entered the body.

One of them disappeared out of thin air.

The rest of the figure then slowly opened his eyes, which also has a touch of colorful light flashed in the past.

"Congratulations to the empress, congratulations to the empress, the soul has recovered." A voice of congratulations rang out immediately.

This figure is the nine days Xuannv.

As for the sound of congratulations, it naturally came from the mouth of the five ten hall Yama kings.

"The female emperor can recover her soul in a short period of more than ten days. The female emperor is really worthy of being the genius of Tianzong..."

"Now, the strength of the empress is more than 100 times stronger than before..."

"Ha ha, that's true. No one can compare with the female emperor Tianzong."

"The female emperor's strength is greatly increased now. It's even more certain that Lin Ming will die in our hands. As long as he dares to show up, we will be able to take his life for the first time..."

The five ten hall king of hell also can't help saying one after another.

For a moment, Jiutian Xuannu didn't seem to have any waves on her face. She also showed a slightly pondering look and said slowly:

"Lin Ming, if he shows up, he will be defeated by us. As for taking his life... I always feel that it's a bit mysterious

Lin Ming always gives me an unfathomable feeling... "

"..." at the moment, it seems that the five ten hall Yama kings did not dare to say anything.

Indeed, the strength of the five of them is far less than that of Jiutian Xuannv. Since Jiutian Xuannv all said that, they naturally dare not say anything more.

"Nine days Xuannv, you look up to Lin Ming." It seemed that he could not help it. He said scornfully:

"Before, I had a fight with this boy. If he hadn't used his sword as a shield, he would have died in my hands

Although the strength of this boy is not weak, it depends on who you are compared with. First of all, you are very strong

As well as the strength of the eight levels of the soul of the elder martial brother in the dog days, the seven levels of the soul of the elder martial sister in the dog days, and even the strength of the four levels of the soul of the elder martial sister in the dog days is enough to kill that boy

Even if his talent is even more powerful, after entering the boundary of the demon emperor, in a few years, even in a few months, he can break through the strength of the soul transforming realm, which is only one level of strength of the soul transforming realm.... "

At this point, the dog days mat exudes a strong murderous spirit. He looks at Jiutian Xuannv, Fu Tianwei and Fu Tianmei

"Jiutian Xuannv, elder martial brother and elder martial sister, let Lin Ming escape from me before. This is the only humiliation in my life. If this boy shows up, I beg Jiutian Xuannv, elder martial brother and elder martial sister to let me take Lin Ming's life and wash away my shame..."

Nine days Xuan female is to have no words, but seem to have a trace of disapproval to this words.

However, she nodded and said, "since my younger martial brother says this, my elder martial sister will naturally succeed. Even if you are not as good as Lin Ming, we will..."

"Elder martial sister," the dog seat interrupted abruptly, decibel all of a sudden increased by dozens, and her mood also seemed a little excited

"Even if Lin Ming has the strength to transform the soul, he's just lucky. With my strength to transform the soul, it's not easy to take Lin Ming's life..."

At this time, Jiutian Xuannv seemed to have a faint smile at the corner of her mouth and nodded slightly

"It's so good. If you can take Lin Ming's life, we'll save it. No matter what, Lin Ming's fate is doomed. If we kill him, the dragon soul will fall into my hands..."

After nine days' pause, Xuannv said, "it's not twenty days since now, and we'll have to wait at least a few months

Now that my soul has recovered, it's time for me to start practicing Qiqiao Linglong again... "

Hearing the five words "Qiqiao Linglong body", it seems that the five ten hall Yama kings don't understand and don't respond. As for the three people, namely, Fu Tian Xi, Fu Tian Wei and Fu Tian Mei, their bodies all seem to shake uncontrollably.

When Jiutian Xuannv slowly closed her eyes, the colorful light flashed out of her body again. Brush, the three people's eyes seemed to be extremely strongly attracted. They all fell on Jiutian Xuannv, and then they couldn't turn their eyes.

For a moment, it seemed that the three men wanted to see something from Jiutian Xuannv.

That is about two or three hours later, Jiutian Xuannv's eyes suddenly opened. At this moment, there seemed to be a cold light in her eyes.

This is to let the dog day mat, dog day for, dog day charm three people not from suddenly a Zheng under, all involuntarily instantaneous startled.

But after that, Jiutian Xuannv opened her mouth and said to herself, "I feel the boy's breath. I'm coming to the magic meteorite sea quickly..."

"What." The five ten hall Yama kings were stunned at first. They couldn't believe it for the first time.

The five of them couldn't help trying to feel it, but they didn't feel anything.

Of course, the five of them didn't dare to have any doubts about the words of the nine heaven Xuannv.

"Why?" In the dog days, I was surprised at this time, and then I said, "I really feel a breath, but it seems that it's still far away. I don't feel very clear. I can't feel the strength of the other party..."

As for the two people's words, naturally, the same is true. Although they can feel a breath, they are not very real.

At this time, he couldn't believe it. He said, "it's only more than ten days since then. Lin Ming must be still practicing in the enchantment of the devil emperor. Is this breath a disciple of other shens family..."

"It's true that twenty days have not passed yet. At this time, Lin Ming can practice one of the two spirits of heaven and earth, which is enough to shake the whole small world, even the God punishment Hall..."

The dog days mat won't believe it either.

In her eyes, she flashed a little light subconsciously, and then murmured to herself

"If this breath is really him, I'm more and more interested in him..."

At this time, Jiutian Xuannv still showed a look of pondering. Her tone seemed to be subconsciously aggravated, and then she said:

"Now, after all, in the outside world, and we are on the edge of the magic meteorite sea, it's inevitable that there won't be a single error in the induction..."

"What, so fast!" At this time, the dog seat suddenly exclaimed.

It's true that he can also sense the breath that seems to be in a very distant place, but now, less than ten seconds later, the breath suddenly approaches at least tens of thousands of meters.

At this moment, he could not help but show a little suspicious color in his eyes, and then his eyes must say: "Jiutian Xuannv, elder martial brother and elder martial sister, I'll go and see if it's the boy. If it's Lin Ming, it's just right. I'll take his life on the spot..."

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