The dog nodded and said, "I think it's possible that it won't be the boy. Of course, if it's the boy, it's less than 20 days later. How can he have the power to transform the soul?"

If you don't have the strength to transform the soul, you dare to enter the magic meteorite sea and look for the star meteorite. It's like looking for death. Even if we don't kill him, he will surely die in the magic meteorite sea.... "

"Nine days Xuannv, elder martial brother and elder martial sister, you can rest assured that in less than an hour, I will know if it's Lin Ming..." at this time, the dog mat also said: "if it's really him, then I will come back directly with his body..."

After finishing this sentence, the sky mat simply disappeared and quickly went in the direction of the breath.

"Hum, Lin Ming, you'd better be your boy. Otherwise, I'll go for nothing, and I'll have to wait for several more months, or even more than a year and a half."

Fly away in the direction of that breath. At this moment, the sky mat naturally hopes that the breath in the distance will be Lin Ming.

In his opinion, as long as it is Lin Ming, it is no doubt that he will take his life. It is an easy thing.

"Close to the range of magic meteorite sea..."

At this time, Lin Ming looked far away.

There was no shadow of a dark creature around, and there was a little suction from the distance, but it didn't seem to have any effect on him.

There was no sign of danger to Lin Ming in the distance.

At this time, all of a sudden, Lin Ming inexplicably felt the existence of a familiar breath.

"Jiutian Xuannv is really lying in ambush near the magic meteorite sea..."

Lin Ming also affirmed this point in his heart.

"Well?" At this time, Lin Ming also found that a breath came from the distant place rapidly. The breath was strong, and there was also a sense of familiarity.

"Ha ha, it turned out that it was the strong one in the punishment hall before." Then Lin Ming suddenly realized that he couldn't help sneering

"It seems that the other party has already sensed my existence, but it's not sure if it's under me, so let someone come out and have a look

Of course, from the point of view of the strong men in Shenfu hall, it's easy for them to kill me with their strength of being a single man

Unfortunately, ha ha... "

Lin Ming sneered in his heart, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. "Before, if I hadn't used Dao Heshan as a shield, I would have been killed in the hands of the other party. But now, it's easy for me to kill the strong man in the punishment Hall..."

Of course, Lin Ming also knows that if the other party is three people, he doesn't have the confidence. But the one who appears now is the one who was the strong one in the punishment hall before.

The other side has already done it once, and Lin Ming has an idea about the strength of the other side. It's estimated that it's the level of four or five levels of the soul realm.

Although Lin Ming's strength has just broken through to the level of soul transforming realm, the strength of his soul is as strong as that of the seven or eight levels of soul transforming realm.

Plus breathing.

Not to mention a broken knife, a chain and even more powerful keel fragments

Lin Ming is confident that he can kill each other.

Whew, this time, Lin Ming's speed has more than doubled.

When more than ten minutes passed, Lin Ming's speed slowed down suddenly, and then his body stopped in mid air.

Because, at the same time, in the distance of more than 100 meters, a figure also stopped. It was the strong man of the God punishment hall before.

This God punishes the strong in the hall, and naturally it's the sky mat.

"Ha ha..." at this moment, he couldn't help himself. He was overjoyed. He burst out laughing and said:

"I didn't expect that it was really your boy. I was worried about whether it would be other disciples of the Shen family. It turned out that it was really your boy. It was your boy who took the initiative to die..."

At the last meal, a strong cold light flashed from the eyes of the mat

"The first time, I let you escape from me. That's my carelessness, and it's the only shame in my life

Now, I'm going to take your life and wash my shame

There's no chance you'll get away at the moment

You, a boy of gathering spiritual strength who only trained three souls, how can you not die in the face of a strong man who has four levels of strength in the soul... "

Before the word died, the sky mat disappeared, and he simply took action. He didn't talk any more. The next moment, he appeared to Lin Ming.

"The strength of the second level of my soul realm can be said to give you enough face... To die!"

The mat was also very simple. It hit Lin Ming with one blow. It flashed a dazzling white light. It was like destroying the sky and destroying the earth. With one blow, it was like collapsing a thousand meters mountain.

"Well?" But this moment, the heart of the mat is like involuntarily clattering.

It's true that at this moment, in the face of such a terrible blow, he didn't see the slightest nervous fear on Lin Ming's face. Instead, he could see a trace of disdain.

"Ha ha..." then the heart of Fu Tian Xi couldn't help sneering. He took it for granted that under his fist, Lin Ming was already shocked and stunned by him.

In an instant, it was like a loud bang. His fist hit Lin Ming.

"What, impossible!" At this moment, the dog days mat also can't help exclaiming, his pupils are dilated at this moment, showing the color of extreme disbelief.

It's true that his fist didn't fall on Lin Ming, but was blocked by Lin Ming. It seems that he was easily blocked by Lin Ming's hand.

"The power of heaven and earth!" Immediately after that, he exclaimed in his mouth.

Lin Ming's hand flashed a layer of chaotic light, wrapping an extremely powerful force of heaven and earth.

The power of the heaven and the earth is no less powerful than his fist, which shows the strength of the soul realm.

"You have the power to transform the soul?" This time, the eyes of the dog mat will not help staring bigger.

"What do you say?" Lin Ming is indifferent to the question, and then the palm of his hand with the force.

Click, click

"Ah ah..."

A burst of bone fracture sounds, followed by a burst of pain also came from the mouth of the mat in the dog days.

At this time, Lin Ming said: "why, you think you have the strength of the four levels of soul realm, so you can eat me. You think I will die, so I ha ha

I don't talk to you anymore. You can die. "

As soon as the words were heard, Lin Ming raised his left palm, and the light of chaos flashed, and the power of heaven and Earth spread out.

A bang rang out, and the palm hit directly on the top of the sky mat.


Then he heard a cry that seemed to ring through the sky. Then he saw that the whole body of the Fu Tian mat exploded into white light. Among them, three groups of white light were much more powerful. In an instant, he wanted to escape to the direction of the magic meteorite sea.

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