There is no doubt that the three white lights are the three spirits of the sky mat.

Naturally, Lin Ming has no reason to let him escape.

When the breathing method started to work, a force of suction came out from Lin Ming. At this moment, not only the three spirits, but also all the other white lights were absorbed by Lin Ming in an instant.

At present, there is no longer a little bit of the atmosphere of the mat around, just like the whole person of the mat did not appear, did not exist.

"Nine days Xuannv!" At this time, Lin Ming's eyes turned to the distance. The cold light in his eyes suddenly flashed, and then his breath suddenly converged.

It's like that Lin Ming is directly integrated into the outside world of the whole domain, and no longer reveals a little breath.

"Well? What's going on? "

At this time, in a secret place, five of the ten halls of Yama were stunned, and the breath of the sky mat disappeared.

This made the five of them surprised.

However, it seemed that all of the five people could not help but have a sudden: "is it because our strength is too low that we suddenly lost the sense of the atmosphere of the sunset mat?"

Naturally, the five of them looked at Wei and Mei together.

But at this moment, the five people could not help but be stunned. Indeed, they clearly saw that their faces had changed, showing a look of uncertainty.

"Did the mat suddenly disappear?" At the moment, a king of hell in the tenth hall couldn't help asking.

"All of a sudden, the smell of the mat disappeared." He looked like he was talking to himself. Then he said in a faint voice:

"Strange thing, it's really a big strange thing. I have clearly felt that the Fu Tian Xi and that breath are close, but I don't know what happened. The whole Fu Tian Xi seems to disappear out of thin air all of a sudden..."

One of the ten hall Yama kings seemed to think of something, and his face suddenly changed, "I don't think the sky mat will be killed, so..."

"Well, nonsense." In the dog days, he can't help humming, "with the strength of Lin Ming, how can he kill the dog days mat? In a few seconds, he killed the dog days mat."

"That's not what I mean. I mean, that breath is not Lin Ming, but someone else..."

"That's right. There must be someone else. Otherwise, even if Lin Ming had the strength to transform his soul, he would not have killed the dog's seat directly..."

Naturally, the five ten hall Yama kings would not even think of Lin Ming as the murderer.

The evil spirit of the dog days also looks suspicious. Her eyes fall on him: "elder martial brother, in my opinion, there will never be such a strong man in the Shen family. He killed the mat of the dog days almost instantly. Do you think it's the other strong men in the Shen punishment Hall..."

It seemed to remind him why it was so bad that his face suddenly changed, and then he said:

"It's not that there's no such possibility. The message was sent back to the punishment hall. After we received it, we didn't report it. Instead, we came out secretly. Maybe the punishment hall knew about it..."

At this time, it seemed that she was a little nervous, and her tone was a little hasty. She said: "elder martial brother, that breath also disappeared together. Maybe the situation is not what we guessed..."

In the dog days, Wei nodded slightly, "it's reasonable. In this case, we have to go and see what happened. We hope that nothing happened to the dog days banquet..."

After saying that, Fu Tianwei took a look at Jiu Tianxuan, who was sitting on her knees with her eyes closed. Her lips moved, but at last, there was no way out.

Then, Fu Tianwei and Fu Tianmei disappeared directly in the sight of the five ten palace king of hell.

At the moment, five people looked at Jiutian Xuannu. Seeing that Jiutian Xuannu's eyes were closed and she was concentrating on cultivation, naturally, they didn't dare to disturb her

"Who, sneaky, get out!"

After they went out, they flew away with all their strength. More than ten minutes later, they suddenly noticed that they both stopped in the middle of the sky and asked.

In fact, at this moment, they don't know how nervous they are.

After they came out, the power of the soul was almost released to the greatest extent, and they no longer felt the previous breath, nor the existence of the sky mat.

Two people in the heart naturally also can't help to affirm, afraid the Fu Tian Xi is really having an accident.

In this way, the two people at the same time tacit understanding that the breath, should be the other strong God punishment hall.

At the moment, they finally realized that there was no tension for a moment.

"Er, you," however, when a figure in his early twenties slowly appeared in the distance, the two of them were naturally in a daze.

Then, when both of them saw the figure, the broken knife on their back, and the rusty chain around the broken knife.

"Are you Lin Ming?"

They could hardly help exclaiming at the same time, showing a look of extreme amazement and disbelief.

It's true that they haven't seen Lin Ming before, but they have heard from the dog's Day mat that he is young, in his early twenties, carrying a very strange, one meter long broken knife with the same rusty chain wrapped around it.

At the moment, even if they exclaimed, they were subconscious and wanted to see each other shake their heads.

After all, in their view, the most likely person is the strong one in the punishment hall.

And they also believe that Lin Ming should still be practicing in the enchantment of the devil emperor.

But soon they got the answer, and then they saw each other's eyes scan them, and then nodded slightly, "yes, I'm Lin Ming!"

This words export, no doubt is a bolt from the blue hit on two people, instantly let two people's bodies are like involuntary a stiff.

She couldn't help but pass a little bit of inexplicable color in her eyes. Then she still couldn't believe it. She said in a faint voice:

"You're obviously a strong one in the soul realm. How can you be Lin Ming? Lin Ming should be practicing in the enchantment of the demon emperor now..."

Lin Ming couldn't help but look at the beautiful woman for a moment, and then said, "I do practice in the enchantment of the devil emperor, but after breaking through the realm of the spirit, I came out here to look for the meteorite in the starry sky..."

While Lin Ming was talking, they were staring into Lin Ming's eyes. At this moment, they seemed to distinguish. Lin Ming didn't lie. What he said was true.

Inexplicably, the evil spirit of the dog days suddenly converged his killing intention.

As for the dog days for words, Teng of a, his body murderous and vigorous, rich to the essence of general, can clearly see, a thin layer of cold lingering in his body.

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