"In front of him, the strength of the powerful man in the divine punishment hall is probably on the eighth floor of the soul transforming realm..." Lin Ming saw it for the first time.

"This beautiful woman is a little interesting..." then, Lin Ming's eyes turned to the charm of the dog days.

"When I saw me, I still showed strong hostility. As soon as I heard my name, my hostility disappeared in an instant..."

"Did you kill the dog mat?" At this time in the dog days, he asked directly. Every word he said was full of powerful murderous spirit.

He doesn't believe it. Lin Ming's strength is to transform his soul. Naturally, he can see it. This has shocked him greatly. After all, according to the Fu Tian Xi, Lin Ming's strength was only just trained out of one's soul more than ten days ago.

Now what he saw was that Lin Ming really had the power to transform the soul. Although he couldn't believe it, naturally, he had to accept the fact that Lin Ming really broke through the power to transform the soul in a short period of more than ten days.

However, it is also clear that even though Lin Ming has the strength of the first level of the soul realm, it is impossible for him to kill the fourth level of the soul realm.

In his opinion, since Lin Ming does not have the strength to kill the dog's seat, he will not admit it at the moment. However, to his surprise, Lin Ming opened his mouth and directly admitted:

"That's right. I killed people. It's a joke to think that I can be killed with the strength of the four levels of soul realm..."

"It's really you who killed the Fu Tian Xi. You know, the strength of the Fu Tian Xi is the four layers of the soul state..." Fu Tian Mei's eyes lit up and looked at Lin Ming.

The dog days for sneer, open mouth, "you say the dog days mat is you kill, is you kill?"? You think that scares us? Er... "

But the voice of the dog suddenly stopped.

Indeed, all of a sudden, three white lights appeared in the palm of Lin Ming's hand.

"Elder martial brother, elder martial sister, help me, help me!" Immediately a cry for help also came out of it.

"The dog seat." In the middle of Lin Ming's eyes, a strong white light flashed out. He said:

"Let go of the three spirits of the Fu Tian Xi. Now let go immediately..."

"What can I do if I don't let go?" Lin Ming looked at the dog days with disdain in his eyes. "Even with your strength of eight levels of soul realm, you think you can kill me?"

As he opened his mouth, the three white lights in the palm of Lin Ming's hand disappeared. Naturally, Lin Ming took them back.

"Ha ha..." Lin Ming's words made Fu Tianwei laugh. Then his face sank and looked gloomy. He said coldly:

"Arrogant and ignorant boy, the strength of the eighth level of huahun realm is close to Xianjun realm. I will tell you frankly that I am the only one who has the best chance to break through to Xianjun realm and become a Xianjun

Then you can tell me if I can kill you

Now, you have only one thing to do, that is, kneel down and ask me to give you a happy death, otherwise, you will die miserably... "

When the last tragic word came down, it seemed that there was a roaring sound. Then he saw that the dog days didn't give him any help. He directly exerted the soul power of the eight levels of strength in the soul realm and enveloped Lin Ming.

Naturally, in his view, Lin Ming is only one level of strength in the soul realm. How can he compete with the power of the eight levels of strength in the soul realm.

Under the attack of his terrible soul power, he doesn't need to take Lin Ming's life by himself. Lin Ming's body will be completely controlled by him.

Then he can easily get all the things on Lin Ming's body, such as the broken keel, a chain, a broken knife, and the dragon soul, and so on

Then as long as Lin Ming doesn't kneel down and beg for mercy, he slowly makes Lin Ming die.

Of course, what he thought was very good, and he thought it was inevitable.

Because the gap of strength is obvious here.

If you are a strong person, you will never feel that you have enough strength to transform the soul into a single level.

"What, this, this how possible..." but suddenly, the dog days for the eyes are not from stare up.

He couldn't believe what he saw at the moment.

His soul power of eight levels of soul power will directly cover the whole person of Lin Ming, but at this moment, a force of soul also emanates from Lin Ming, and it is easy to resist such a powerful force of soul.

"How could that be..."

"How could this happen..."

"This boy is the strength of the soul realm, but how can he have such a powerful soul power?"

At this moment in the dog days, there was a storm in my heart, as if I had seen something extremely incredible.

He is still desperately urging his own soul power, trying to attack Lin Ming and control his body.

However, the power of the soul he exerted has reached the limit in an instant, and he has not been able to overcome the power of the soul that Lin Ming exudes.

The power of his soul is increasing. Correspondingly, the power of his soul is also increasing.

However, the dog days for the heart began to feel appalled.

Lin Ming looks relaxed.

On the contrary, he has been in a cold sweat, he has really reached the limit.

"Younger martial sister, why are you still in a daze? Don't you move quickly?" At this time, the dog days roared out, "this boy's soul power has also reached the limit, we join hands, this boy will surely die..."

The dog days charm just looks at Lin Ming. She seems to be shocked and frightened by the power of the soul sent out by Lin Ming. For a moment, it seems that she doesn't hear what the dog days roar. She just looks at Lin Ming in a daze.

Such a scene also makes Lin Ming feel relieved.

It's true that even if the beautiful woman makes a move, she will not be able to kill him, but it's inevitable that he will get hurt. On the other hand, if he wants to deal with them and kill them, he will have to pay a great price.

"It seems that your younger martial sister is awed by me." Lin Ming gave a cold smile and then said directly:

"It's useless for you to do anything now. Kneel down to me and beg for mercy, and I won't spare your life..."

Whew, Lin Ming's back is behind him. The chain around the blade moves. It turns into a black lightning flash, and then it binds the dog days.

"Hum," he sneered scornfully when he was in the dog days for the first time, "it's just a chain, a rusty chain, trying to bind me

What, ghost

Then he said something like an involuntary exclamation.

Indeed, it was the soul of the broken knife and the chain that appeared on the left and right sides of the body in the dog days.

He has already pushed the power of his soul to the limit. Although there are some powerful ancient spirit tools and immortal tools in him, he can no longer use them.

Of course, even if only three or four seconds were given to him, even if he risked his life, he would be able to make the spirit of the ancient spirit artifact appear and help him.

But obviously, at this moment, not to mention the three or four seconds, even half a second, is enough to make him seriously injured or even killed.

It's true that at this moment, after the chain tied the body of Fu Tianwei, the two spirits directly made a big noise, and at the same time, they slapped Fu Tianwei hard.

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