"Ah..." in the dog days, he let out a scream. Of course, he couldn't hide. He couldn't hide at all.

The speed of the two ghost's hand is too fast, and the momentum burst out in an instant is too fierce.

After Lin Ming's breakthrough into the realm of the soul, the spirit of a broken knife and a chain did not stop. His breath also increased, reaching the level of the soul.

At present, in addition to the fact that he is still exerting his soul's power against Lin Ming in the dog days, how can he avoid the two spirits at the same time.

Poof, on a dog's day, there was a lot of blood in his mouth. It was obvious that he was injured a lot.

How dare you hurt me In the dog days, he could not help roaring out. He felt that he had been humiliated as never before.

It's a shame.

In his opinion, he was injured by two ghosts. If this matter was sent back to the God punishment hall, he would undoubtedly die of laughter.

"Lin Ming can really hurt the dog days..." as for the dog days charm, can't help but look shocked, even can't believe what happened at the moment.

It's incredible that the strength of the first level of the soul transforming realm can hurt the eighth level of the soul transforming realm. It completely breaks the huge gap of the cultivation realm and brings about a great difference in strength.

In the eyes of Fu Tian Mei, no one would believe it if she said it to the God punishment hall.

She has been practicing for thousands of years since she became a disciple of the immortal sect. She has never seen such a thing happen in the immortal sect or in the divine punishment hall.

It seems that the strength of one level of huahun realm can easily hurt the eighth level of huahun realm.

At this time, it seems that he has ignored the existence of the evil spirit of the dog days. His eyes are red and full of murderous spirit.

He stares at Lin Ming with both eyes. He wants to tear Lin Ming to pieces and eat it alive.

"No one has ever hurt me like this," said Fu Tianwei. "Even in those days, no one could hurt me like this in the immortal gate, even in the divine punishment Hall

What's more, it's just a mole ant like existence with only one level of strength in the soul... "

Word by word from the dog days for the teeth out of the cracks, the dog days for the whole person murderous, chilly infiltration.

At this time, there are three groups of white light flash out of thin air, appear in the dog days for the body side, breath momentum is also strong.

This is also the breath momentum of the eight levels of soul realm.

There is no doubt that these are the three spirits of the dog days.

After the appearance of the three spirits in the dog days, the three extremely powerful momentum broke out. In an instant, the faces of the two spirits suddenly changed. They could not help but stay away from each other and returned to Lin Ming's side.

Closely following, the three souls also shot at the same time. On the palms of the three hands, there was a strong flash of white light, and then the palms of the three hands suddenly grasped directly on the chain that bound the dog's body.

There was a click sound, and it seemed that the chain would be crushed at any time.

It's true that he felt the terrible power of the three spirits in the dog days, so Lin Ming couldn't help taking back the chain.

"Very good!" But then, Lin Ming's face showed no sign of interest and fear. It seems that the appearance of three spirits in the dog days makes him more eager to try.

"Ignorance." seeing this, he showed a ferocious look on his face in the dog days. His eyes looking at Lin Ming seemed to be looking at a dead man

"It seems that you haven't really seen the power of the three spirits of the strong. How terrible..."

Suddenly, she doesn't know what's wrong with her. She says to Lin Ming:

"Be careful, Lin Ming. He practiced the skill of melting souls in the dog days. His three spirits can fuse together and burst out the strength equivalent to that of a strong man in fairyland..."

"Oh? Soul melting? Equal to the strength of a strong man in fairyland? " Hearing this, Lin Ming's face naturally showed a little bit of surprise, which he didn't expect.

The sudden opening and brushing of Fu Tian Mei naturally made Fu Tian Wei's eyes look at the past for the first time. His eyes showed a look of amazement and incomprehension. He asked: "younger martial sister, do you know what you are doing..."

In the face of such eyes, the evil spirit in the heart of the dog days can't help suddenly clapping, she also dare not face, slightly bow.

In the dog days, his face naturally became more ugly. He gave a cold hum: "in the dog days, I'll settle with you when I kill this boy

Melt soul... Er... "

Then, in order to look natural, he would not hesitate to perform the art of soul fusion, but at this moment, he seemed to be stunned.

Brush, his eyes a little shift, to be exact, is transferred to the hands of Lin Ming.

At this moment, it seems that I can't help but feel a touch of greed in the eyes of the dog days

"The skeleton fragments of Tianlong, the legendary skeleton fragments of Tianlong..."

It seems that he also seems to murmur to himself.

Indeed, at this moment, he clearly saw a small fragment of the keel, which appeared in the hands of Lin Ming.

He obviously felt that in an instant, there was an extremely powerful force of heaven and earth, which was released from the keel fragments in Lin Ming's hands.

Fu Tian looked at Lin Ming and said, "boy, I've changed my mind now. Give me the fragments of the Dragon skeleton in my hand. I won't kill you. I can save your life..."

"Ridiculous," Lin Ming could not help showing a face of irony, "I kill you, easy, why do you need to save my life..."

"You..." he choked in the dog days, and then he looked very gloomy. "It seems that you really want to die on your own, so I can't help you

After killing you, not only the fragments of the dragon bones, but also everything on you belongs to me

Melt the soul.... "

It's natural for the dog days to show the skill of soul melting directly.

Naturally, in his view, even if he can have the strength of a strong man in Xianjun realm for a short time, three or four seconds is enough for him to take Lin Ming's life.

But at this moment, there are three figures appeared out of thin air, appeared in the side of Lin Ming, who are flashing a layer of chaotic light.

There is no doubt that these are Lin Ming's three spirits.

Of course, this is not enough to make the dog days for a moment, but at this moment, with the three spirits rushing towards him, Lin Ming also disappeared in the same place.

At this moment, a very strange force of heaven and earth came towards him first.

There is no doubt that the power of heaven and earth comes from the power of heaven and earth among the dragon bones in Lin Ming's hands.


Even if the strength of the eight levels of soul state is full of the force of the sky and the earth, the whole person can't help being frozen in the sky.

It was this that froze for a while. In the dog days, his face changed greatly. He felt the breath of death in his heart.

Bang, sure enough, the next moment, the first sound of explosion.

You don't even have to go to see it. It's the first time you know what's going on.

Indeed, Lin Ming's human soul first hit his human soul and exploded.

And this is not the worst. In a moment, with a force of suction coming out of Lin Ming's soul, he directly absorbed his whole soul.

"This..." the dog days for involuntarily face show the color of panic.

A soul with one level of strength in soul transforming realm should devour the soul with eight levels of strength in soul transforming realm?

This is crazy.

Isn't this kid dying?

But the next moment, when it's overcast, Wei gets the answer.

In an instant, after Lin Ming's soul directly engulfed his whole soul, he looked intact.

Just then, bang bang, almost at the same time.

"Oh, no!"

His mouth involuntarily issued a exclamation.

He naturally knew what had happened.

His two souls of heaven and earth are also solved by Lin Ming. After the explosion, they are also engulfed. It can be said that they disappear without a trace.

"I didn't expect that, but I didn't expect that." this also made Lin Ming have some accidents. When he dealt with the dog's Day mat, he almost killed each other in seconds, so he didn't let the three spirits do it.

At present, the three spirits had such power, which naturally surprised him.

Of course, this is a good thing for Lin Ming.

"What, this..." and incomparably clear to see such a scene of the dog days charm, also can be said to be really scared, was shocked, all showed a pair of dejected appearance.

She glanced at Lin Ming, and then at his three spirits

"Is this really the strength of the soul realm? How can it be so strong compared with the eight levels of soul realm? I'm afraid that the strength of the strong in xianjunjing is just like this

No wonder... "

Murmuring, the evil spirit of the dog days seemed to be suddenly: "no wonder the dog days mat was almost killed by seconds

As soon as Lin Ming shows his three spirits, it's almost killing the eight layers of strength in the soul realm. It's not easy to kill the four layers of strength in the soul realm... "

All of a sudden, I can't help feeling a trace of happiness

"Fortunately, I have always had a good eye on people and made an extremely correct choice..."

Her eyes flashed: "it seems that no matter what, I will follow him. I'm afraid whether I can return to the immortal gate depends on him..."

Lin Ming naturally didn't know what he was thinking and what he was going to do.

He looked at the dog days, his eyes flashed: "you want me to hand over the keel fragments? And give me a break? Hehe, this is the biggest joke I've ever heard

Your three spirits were all destroyed by me in an instant. Now, it's your turn! "

Bang, all of a sudden, I don't know what's going on. The whole dog days burst out directly, and then turned into white light. In an instant, it shot away towards the distant dog days.

Then, it recondenses on the side of the body.

At that time, he said, "younger martial sister, I don't care about what you didn't do just now. You didn't expect that this boy was just trying to transform his soul, but his real strength is so terrible

Now, as you can see, let's move quickly. If we join hands, we still have a chance of winning. Otherwise, when I die, you will come to the same end... "

After listening to these words, a trace of inexplicable color flashed in the eyes of the evil spirit of the dog days, "elder martial brother, I'm afraid you're wrong. Even if we join hands, we will certainly not defeat Lin Ming."

This made the dog days stunned, and then his voice was a little chilly. He said: "younger martial sister, as a strong man in the punishment hall, as a disciple of the immortal sect, you are scared by an unknown boy. Isn't it ridiculous

I was also careless. I lost the chance and was captured by this boy

If I directly exert the strength of the eight levels of the soul transforming realm when I make a move, instead of just the second level of the soul transforming realm, this boy is now a corpse

This boy is so insidious that he hides his strength

Younger martial sister, what are you waiting for? Now you can directly show the strength of the seven levels of soul transforming realm, and join hands with me again... "

"Elder martial brother," interrupted Fu Tianmei in a quiet voice, "Lin Ming and I have never known each other. We have neither new enemies nor old grudges. Why should I do it?"

"The evil spirit of the dog days, you..." this naturally made the dog days be stunned. In a moment, the eyes were all staring up, almost protruding, full of consternation, and even more unbelievable, as if they didn't know the evil spirit of the dog days at all. They looked like strangers.

He roared: "Fu Tian Mei, do you know what you're talking about? This boy has a dragon soul in his hand, and he killed Fu Tian Xi. Even if it's just killing the disciple of God punishment hall, his 100 lives are not enough..."

As a matter of course, "you and Fu Tian Xi covet the dragon soul in Lin Ming's hands. They want to capture the dragon soul, but they are not as good as others. Fu Tian Xi is killed by Lin Ming, and you are not the enemy. You are also to blame..."

After a meal, Fu Tian Mei added: "I have never coveted the meaning of the Dragon Spirit in Lin Ming's hand..."

"You, ha ha," he said coldly

"I have never thought that you would be such a person to betray me and the punishment hall. If the punishment hall knows that you have sneaked out, the punishment hall will never let you go."

The mood of the evil spirit of the dog days was also a little chilly. The voice was quiet and said: "after we got the news from the dog days mat, we came out secretly. It can be said that no one knows about it except the three of us..."

The dog days are full of murderous spirit. "The dog days are full of evil spirit. I will report to the God punishment hall. At that time, you will die. That's why you betray me, betray the God punishment Hall

Er... "

But all of a sudden, the sound stopped in the dog days.

There was a look of disbelief in his eyes, and then he lowered his head slightly, and his eyes fell on his abdomen.

"Fu Tian Mei, you, how dare you attack me..."

Indeed, a white light with thick arms shot out from the palm of the hand of the dog's charm, penetrated into the dog's abdomen, and directly penetrated into the back.

Seeing that the dog days are so incredible and so hateful to himself, the dog days charm seems unmoved and says slowly:

"Fu Tian Xi has been killed by Lin Ming. If you die again, no one will find me sneaking out. No one else will know that Lin Ming has dragon spirit and everything about Lin Ming..."

Bang, the last voice fell, this white light burst through the body in the dog days, producing terrible impact and explosive force.

Then he saw that the whole person was directly blown up in the dog days, and disappeared in an instant, which could be regarded as a complete death.

At this time, seeing all this, Lin Ming could not help showing a hint of teasing and said, "it seems that in order not to let the God punishment hall know everything about me, I have to kill you..."

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