However, at the moment, Jiutian Xuannv looks like she doesn't dare to do it rashly. In her eyes, which look at Lin Ming, there is a look of surprise and uncertainty.

Indeed, the last thing she wanted to see happened after all.

She was too late to repent.

Unexpectedly, Lin Ming found the star meteorite at the edge of the magic meteorite coast.

As far as she knows, although it is said that there are star meteorites on the coast of magic meteorite, it seems that she has never heard of anyone who has actually found star meteorites here.

What's more, it's different from the fact that the dark creatures have been killed directly by the inexplicable suction coming from the magic meteorite sea before they enter the range of the magic meteorite sea. Countless strong people who can enter the range of the magic meteorite sea, or even come to the coast of the magic meteorite, have disappeared since then, and no one has been heard to return.

She didn't know exactly what happened. At the moment, her eyes just skimmed away from the mirror like sea, and then continued to fall on Lin Ming.

She opened her mouth and said in a quiet voice: "you have been very lucky all the time. You have atmosphere on your body. Although I heard that there are star meteorites in the magic meteorite sea, I didn't see anyone who can really find Star meteorites. I didn't expect you to find them..."

After a pause, when Xuannu spoke, her voice was a little soft, and she said:

"In fact, you and I don't have to live or die. In fact, we can cooperate..."

Lin Ming sneers, "cooperation? It's impossible. You put a curse on my wife and sister long. They are still sleeping and the situation has worsened. Do you think it's possible for us to cooperate... "

After a pause, the cold light in Lin Ming's eyes became stronger

"I know that as the caster, you must have a way to wake them up. In this way, as long as you can wake them up, I will give you a happy death..."

"Hum," this makes nine days Xuan's feminine can't help but cold hum a, her facial expression all becomes iron blue directly:

"I don't know what's good. I'll give you a chance. Don't you want to. You know, I've joined hands with the middle-aged man in black before

It's true that the other side is the devil emperor. Although it's really just a wisp of ghost, it also has the strength of five or six levels of the immortal Kingdom

If we join hands, you will die! "

"Is it?" At this time, Lin Ming's eyes suddenly looked behind the nine heaven Xuannv, and saw a dark shadow flash out. It was the middle-aged man in black before, followed by Yan Tianqi and the five ten hall Yama kings.

"Empress, what's wrong with the boy's breath..."

Immediately, the five ten hall Yama kings saw the change of Lin Ming's breath for the first time. It was as vast as the sea. They didn't know how much stronger they had felt before.

Nine days Xuan female eye ground flits a silk helpless, then she slowly says:

"Yes, the boy found the star meteorite on the shore of the magic meteorite sea. He opened the magic bottle with the star meteorite in his hand

The dragon soul has already returned to his Shenju Cave... "

"What, actually let this boy find the star meteorite, let him let the Dragon Spirit out of the trap and return to his Shenju Cave..."

At present, the five ten hall Yama kings were shocked.

The middle-aged man in black disdained and said coldly, "even if the dragon soul goes back to his Shenju cave, what's the matter? He can only show the strength of Xianjun realm if he only turns the soul realm into the sky..."

As soon as his voice dropped, he saw that the middle-aged man in black couldn't wait to make a move. With a flash of his body, he started to move towards Lin Ming

"As we said before, we can cooperate, but in the end, it depends on who is stronger

The dragon soul belongs to the one who gets it first... "

Seeing that the middle-aged man in black suddenly started, Yan Tianqi looked a little anxious. He said in a low voice:

"Nine days Xuannv, although this is only a ghost of the devil emperor, but the strength is also quite, I'm afraid, in case of the dragon soul..."

"You look down on Lin Ming," interrupted Jiutian Xuannu. "His strength before is far inferior to that now. He has a dragon soul, which makes me feel unfathomable. Now his strength has broken through to the realm of transforming the soul. Compared with what she wanted to do before, it's even more different

Wait and see, this boy won't be easily defeated by the ghost of the devil emperor. Now, it's just time for the ghost of the devil emperor to test the strength of this boy first... "

"Boy, bring the dragon soul to the emperor!"

At this time, a loud drink sounded, and the sound shook the world. In a moment, it seemed that the whole boundless magic meteorite sea was shaken.

As for the sea, which has been as quiet as a mirror, it seems that there is a slight ripple.

"Is this the strength of the five or six strong men in fairyland? It's really terrible..."

At this moment, although he thought about it like this, Lin Ming was not moved.

Of course, if the dragon soul didn't return to the Shenju cave, he knew that he had been directly shocked and injured by the other party's loud drink.

But at the moment when the dragon soul returns to Shenju cave, Lin Ming feels that his whole life is completely transformed. Perhaps it is because he has broken through the realm of transforming the soul that his idea of completely integrating with the dragon soul becomes more intense.

He felt as if the power of his soul had increased infinitely.

For a moment, even he could not estimate how strong his soul power was with the dragon soul returning to Shenju cave.

Moreover, the three chaotic lights in Shenju cave, namely his three spirits, are inexplicably attracted by the dragon spirit. It seems that they will directly merge into the Dragon Spirit at any time.

At the moment, with the middle-aged man in black shouting, his momentum is so powerful that there is a flash of chaos on Lin Ming's body and the power of his soul.

At this moment, the momentum from the middle-aged man in black seemed to be a breeze, which had no effect on him.

Seeing that the other side rushed over, the huge fist was also wrapped with the powerful dark air, so Lin Ming could not only see the other side's actions clearly.

At this moment, he also clearly felt that the power of the opponent's fist should not be so good.

"Well, I'll die!" The middle-aged man in black came near.

His huge fist directly hit Lin Ming, which is equivalent to the strength of the five or six layers of fairyland. This punch is like a mountain directly hit Lin Ming.

Naturally, in the eyes of the middle-aged man in black, it's no surprise that Lin Ming will be directly smashed upside down and spit blood in his mouth.

Then he added a punch, and Lin Ming's life would be killed.


But the next moment, his eyes were suddenly widened.

He did fight with one fist, but it didn't hit Lin Ming. With Lin Ming's palm, there was a strong flash of chaos in his palm, which was equivalent to the strength of five or six layers in fairyland.

"You got in my way."

The middle-aged man in black looked like he couldn't help blurting out.

"Why can't I block your blow? How powerful do you think you are?"

Lin Ming let out a cry of scorn in his eyes. When he looked at the middle-aged man in black, the cold light flashed in his eyes

"Now that you've done it, it's my turn..."

With a bang, Lin Ming hit the middle-aged man in black with his left palm. Then he saw countless palm shadows flying, each of which flashed a layer of chaotic light.

Each hand shadow is powerful, like a mountain in general, hitting the middle-aged man in black.

For the first time, he felt such a terrible momentum. The middle-aged man in black's eyes were wide open. Looking at the palm shadow all over the sky, it seemed that he suddenly felt something. He exclaimed:

"Xianmen skill, this is the Xianmen skill created by chaos Xiandi. Chaos ShenZhang, how can you do this skill?"

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