"Ah Then, a scream came out of the middle-aged man in black. Poof, he also spewed blood, spewing a lot of blood, and then he flew upside down and almost didn't hit the ground directly.


Seeing such a scene, the eyes of the five ten hall Yama kings and Yan Tianqi were all staring at each other, which was full of extreme shock and incredible color, and they were almost protruding.


Even if it's a ghost of the devil emperor, its strength can be as strong as five or six levels of the Immortal King's realm. Such strength is enough to frighten all sides.

But, so defeated? And still lose so fast.

The middle-aged man in black punches out and is blocked by Lin Ming. Lin Ming returns his hand. The middle-aged man in black doesn't even have the ability to react. He vomits blood and flies upside down. He is just like a useless man. He is defeated.

For a time, Yan Tianqi and other six people, how can they believe such a scene happened.

As for Jiutian Xuannv's words, she could not help but pass a trace of surprise. Although she had expected that Lin Ming would not easily lose to the middle-aged man in black, she did not expect that the loser was the middle-aged man in black, and he was defeated so quickly.

For a moment, like subconscious, a layer of colorful light flashed from her body, and her power became a bit stronger.

It looks like he's ready to fight Lin Ming at any time.

At this time, he barely stood still. The middle-aged man in black's face was twisted by a ferocity. His eyes that looked at Lin Ming were full of disbelief, amazement and shock.

The strength of the Shenlong people who have the dragon soul is only one level of the soul realm. In his opinion, no matter how strong he is, it is the limit to cross a big realm and give full play to the strength of the immortal realm.

But now, what happened.

He lost completely and so fast.

For a moment, the middle-aged man in black couldn't believe what happened in front of him.

Although he is a ghost of the devil emperor, he also has the strength of five or six levels of fairyland. But under the palm of Lin Ming, he was easily beaten away.

In his view, even if Lin Ming's strength reached the level of seven or eight levels of the soul realm, Lin Ming's hand could not have such power.

Subconsciously, the middle-aged man in black looked at Lin Ming's palms again and asked emphatically:

"What do you have to do with chaos fairy, boy?"

"The emperor of chaos?" For the first time, Lin Ming couldn't help feeling a little confused. Therefore, this is the first time he has heard of the four words "chaotic Immortal Emperor". Naturally, in his opinion, he can't have anything to do with any chaotic Immortal Emperor.

Besides, he also knows that the master of chaos is taught by his master. If his master is the emperor of chaos? This is too ridiculous. If Shifu is really chaos Immortal Emperor, he will not be in the place where the aura of the secular world is completely exhausted.

At this time, Jiutian Xuannv seemed to know something. She said slowly: "this boy, naturally, can't have anything to do with the legendary chaotic Immortal Emperor

Chaos Immortal Emperor is one of the top ten immortals in ancient times. He really created chaos God palm. It's not surprising that someone has successfully practiced chaos God palm

And the chaotic Immortal Emperor has no idea how long ago he fell. There are many records about him in the immortal gate

It's not surprising that chaos Immortal Emperor has fallen for a long time, and the chaos God palm created by him has been exiled to the small world and the secular world. "

It seems that the middle-aged man in black suddenly completely believed the words of Jiutian Xuannv. He seems to be subconsciously relieved.

Actually, as far as he knows, chaos Immortal Emperor is powerful, and he is the overlord of the universe. He has a great influence on the world. He did not know how many powerful demons were killed directly by chaos Immortal Emperor's hand, and their souls were completely dispersed in the universe.

And because the chaos God palm created by chaos Immortal Emperor is so powerful that he suddenly saw Lin Ming suddenly use this kind of palm, he subconsciously felt that Lin Ming should have something to do with chaos Immortal Emperor.

But now after nine days Xuannv said, he naturally suddenly realized that the emperor of chaos had already fallen, more than a billion years ago.

Now, Lin Ming, who is obviously in his early twenties, has nothing to do with such an ancient strongman.

At this time, Jiutian Xuannv looked at Lin Ming and said, "now it seems that the strength of this boy is far beyond our expectation. Now, we have to work together to kill this boy..."

The voice falls, seem to have tacit understanding very general, nine days Xuan female and Yan day strange, body shape all at the same time a flash, to Lin Ming left and right sides.

In this way, the middle-aged man in black, jiutianxuannv and yantianqi surrounded Lin Ming in the middle.

Lin Ming's face was dignified.

There is no doubt that these three people all have the strength of xianjunjing.

In the face of the middle-aged man in black, he showed his chaotic palm. Although he easily defeated the other side, it seemed that the defeat was only a defeat. The slight injury caused to the middle-aged man in black could be ignored for the ghost of the devil emperor.

It is true that at this moment, three extremely powerful momentum came out from the three people. First of all, they shrouded Lin Ming's body, which made him stiff for a moment.

For the first time, the power of heaven and earth and the power of soul were exerted, and there was no way to compete.

"I can only show the Dragon Spirit..."

Naturally, at this moment, Lin Ming knew that he relied on the dragon soul.

Of course, in addition to the dragon soul, he also has keel fragments.

Of course, in Lin Ming's view, he will not easily take out the keel fragments until the moment of life and death.

At this moment, as soon as the Dragon Spirit appears, its body will be tens of meters long. It will send out the torrential weather, which looks like a storm, sweeping all over the world in an instant.

In an instant, he fought against Jiutian Xuannv, middle-aged man in black and yantianqi, the three strong men with the strength of Xianjun realm.

Seeing the appearance of the dragon spirit, the three of them didn't seem to be nervous and afraid. Instead, their eyes flashed, revealing a strong sense of greed.

It's like, at the moment, the three people are very hungry, and dragon soul is a delicious food that they can eat at any time.

The middle-aged man in black couldn't help exclaiming

"Tut Tut, the emperor once tamed the nine clawed magic dragon as a mount, but compared with the Dragon Spirit at present, it's not worth mentioning at all..."

Indeed, at this moment, the three people clearly saw that although it was the soul of the dragon, it seemed that because of the improvement of Lin Ming's strength, the soul of the Dragon seemed to be the same as the real dragon. There was a layer of chaotic light flashing on his body, which looked like the Heavenly Dragon coming down to earth, with infinite majesty. All things in the world had to kneel down to worship.

The middle-aged man in black still tut tut exclaimed: "if I can accept the dragon soul as a mount, then I will wake up completely, and I will be able to kill back to the demon world and take back everything that originally belonged to me..."

"He's gone..."

At this time, nine days Xuannv eyes seem not from subconscious flash a dignified meaning.

It's true that at the moment when the dragon soul appeared, Lin Ming disappeared out of thin air, and then she could no longer feel the slightest breath of Lin Ming.

Of course, Jiutian Xuannv also knows what's going on. Lin Ming is in the body of the dragon soul. It seems that she is still completely integrated with the dragon soul.

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