Lin Ming takes out the relic pagoda, and then two figures appear. Naturally, they are Wu Xunyi and long Xueni.

"Do it..."

Lin Ming looks at the two people who seem to be just asleep and says that there is a trace of tension in his heart.

Wu Xunyi and long Xueni have been sleeping for a long time, but not for a short time. At least in Lin Ming's feeling, they seem to have been sleeping for a hundred years.

In Lin Ming's opinion, since time has passed for such a long time, he naturally will not let them continue to sleep.

This kind of deep sleep state, also calculate very strange, who knows whether one day, two human body inside and outside really lose all breath.

At that time, this is naturally the result that Lin Ming does not want to see anyway.

Lin Ming's eyes fell on Jiutian Xuannv, and his murderous spirit became stronger.

Of course, if Jiutian Xuannv can really remove the curse of Wu Xunyi and long Xueni and wake them up, it will be good.

Otherwise, at that time, it seems that Lin Ming will take the life of Jiutian Xuannv.

At that time, Lin Ming naturally will not let Wu Xunyi, long Xueni two people wake up hope, just on nine days Xuannv.

In fact, Lin Ming has always been on guard against Jiutian Xuannv, especially after an accident like a demon.

At this time, Lin Ming said: "nine days Xuannv, if you dare to have any intention in the process of waking Wu Xunyi and long Xueni up, don't blame my men for being merciless

Don't think that I will completely put the hope of Wu Xunyi and long Xueni waking up on you. I dare not take your life... "

"Don't worry, I'll take things lightly," said Jiutian Xuannv. "I can see that you are very nervous about Wu Xunyi and long Xueni. What I promised, I will do naturally

Now, even if I give up my life, I promise to lift the curse in their bodies and let them wake up... "

Jiutian Xuannv sits cross on her knees. After taking a deep breath, two colorful lights on her body float towards Wu Xunyi and long Xueni, covering them completely.

In the colorful light shrouded in the two, lying on the ground of the body will slowly float up.

All of a sudden, everything outside Wu Xunyi and long Xueni also disappeared, including clothes.

That is to say, they are not wearing a piece of cloth at this time.

Nine days Xuannv mouth began to move slightly, made some sound, seems to be language, also seems to be some completely meaningless, and disordered syllables.

Anyway, Lin Ming couldn't hear a reason.

Of course, for the sake of caution, this does not prevent Lin Ming from clearly remembering all the slight voices coming from the mouth of Jiutian Xuannv.

This situation lasted about 30 minutes.

Nine days Xuannu forehead began to sweat, soon, along the cheek flow down.

Seeing this, Lin Ming can't help frowning slightly, but he doesn't worry about the intention of Jiutian Xuannv, unless Jiutian Xuannv doesn't want her own life.

"Ah ah..."

At this time, suddenly two cries of pain sounded in unison, which naturally came from Wu Xunyi and long Xueni.

In addition to deep sleep, Wu Xunyi and long Xueni finally have such a reaction, which is naturally a good thing.

Along with the changes in the body of Wu Xunyi and long Xueni, blood vessels began to appear clearly on the skin surface of Bai Shengxue.

These blood vessels, one by one, first purplish red, suddenly quickly turn into purple black, followed by fast swimming.

These tiny blood vessels covered the whole body of Wu Xunyi and long Xueni. All of a sudden, they all swam. This scene seemed to make Lin Ming feel numb.

He is also regarded as a miracle doctor. He has never seen such a situation.

Not to mention that he had checked the internal conditions of Wu Xunyi and long Xueni countless times before, and he also found no abnormality.

"It seems that the curse is more weird than I expected..."

Lin Ming's face, involuntarily more a dignified color.

At this time, Lin Ming frowned when he looked at Jiutian Xuannv.

The ruddy face that Jiutian Xuannu had recovered before was gone. Her face turned pale. The sweat on her forehead was as big as a bean, and it flowed down Jiutian Xuannu's face like rain.

Such a situation naturally makes Lin Ming worried and nervous about the situation of Wu Xunyi and long Xueni.

Fortunately, Jiutian Xuannv kept this situation until half an hour passed.

At this time, Wu Yanyi and long Xueni had other changes.

The blood vessels scurrying all over the body converged to their faces.

"Wow, wow!"

Then I saw Wu Xunyi and long Xueni move on their mouths at the same time, and then a big black purple liquid came out of the two people, immediately emitting a fishy and pungent smell.

At that moment, even when Lin Ming smelled it, his whole mind seemed to sway uncontrollably, and his legs almost didn't stand firm.

At this time, Jiutian Xuannv said, "I've removed the curse in their bodies. I believe they will wake up in half an hour..."

When she said this, Jiutian Xuannv was as angry as a gossamer. It seemed that she would be out of breath at any time.

And in nine days Xuan female this words finish saying, she looks to finally can't support, the body shakes two, directly fell on the ground.

Then, the colorful light that had been enveloping Wu Xunyi and long Xueni's bodies all the time disappeared.

Lin Ming makes a move, and the two chaotic lights fall on Wu Yanyi and long Xueni respectively, which makes their suspended bodies slowly and smoothly fall to the ground.

Then, Lin Ming went to check it immediately. As usual, he didn't find anything.

But this time, Lin Ming can also vaguely feel that there is something missing in their bodies.

There is no doubt that less should be the very strange curse of the art.

At this time, Lin Ming Dynasty nine days Xuannu look, but also can't help but slightly frown.

Jiutian Xuannv, who had fallen to the ground, seemed to have exhausted all the breath inside and outside her body. At this time, she was exhausted. She was on the verge of death and fell into a state of conscious coma.

However, it seems that I can feel Lin Ming's eyes and slight voice coming out of Jiutian Xuannv's mouth

"Lin and Lin Ming, I have removed the curse in Wu Xunyi and long Xueni. Don't worry, they will wake up soon

In a word, the reason why they are like this is entirely my doing. Now, I have released the curse in them, which is what I should do

And I finally paid the price of my life

It would not have been so if it had not been for the self explosion of the newly recovered soul and the continuous loss of breath

But it's my own fault. I never thought that I would die here one day

But I'm not willing to... "

Jiutian Xuannv's voice was originally subtle. When it came to the last sentence, her voice was almost inaudible.

Of course, Lin Ming could hear it clearly.

And until Jiutian Xuannv's voice no longer rings and her eyes are completely closed, at this moment, Jiutian Xuannv loses all her breath inside and outside. Lin Ming is cautious and doesn't mean to help her.

"Ah! Ah

At this time, suddenly two screams sounded.

Suddenly, Lin Ming turns his head and sees that at this moment, Lin Ming just sees Wu Xunyi and long Xueni wake up and open their eyes.

"Xunyi, sister long." At this moment, Lin Ming was overjoyed. "You finally wake up..."

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