At this time, Lin Ming also wants to check them again. Naturally, he wants to be 100% sure that they are really healthy.

"Ah, rascal, don't touch me."

However, looking at Lin Ming in front of her is like looking at a stranger. Long Xueni screams and looks extremely frightened.

Hu, she also slapped directly at Lin Ming.

"Sister long, it's OK. You're awake. I'm Lin Ming..."

Lin Ming said that she thought she was dreaming.

With that, Lin Ming grabs long Xueni's hand, although he does feel the piercing cold for the first time.

But other than that, there is no other exception.

At the same time, Wu Xunyi found nothing on her body immediately after waking up. She quickly picked up the clothes scattered on the ground and put them on quickly.

Then just as Lin Ming grabs long Xueni's hand, she angrily says:

"Silver devil, let her go, or I'll call someone and I'll call the police."

For such a sentence, Lin Ming naturally felt very surprised.

Then Lin Ming can't help but take a serious look at Wu Xunyi and long Xueni.

At this time, although he did not believe that such a thing would happen, Lin Ming had to say:

"Xunyi, it's me, Lin Ming. Don't you know me..."

But here, Lin Ming's hand suddenly hurts. When he looks around, it turns out that long Xueni has already bitten his hand. Her strength is still very strong, just like she and Lin Ming have a deep blood feud.

At this time, Lin Ming didn't realize that Wu Yanyi and long Xueni were in a bad situation.

Lin Ming can only let go.

Then long Xueni ran to Wu Xunyi, and Wu Xunyi also quickly helped.

Soon, long Xueni was dressed.

"Silver devil," Wu Xunyi said to Lin Ming at this time. Her eyes seemed to be bursting with fire. "You are crazy. You have killed a woman and want to attack us again. You are not human..."

Wu Xunyi says to Lin Ming coldly and grabs long Xueni's hand

"Let's get out of here, then call the police and let the police catch this crazy silver devil..."

Long Xueni seems to be full of panic. Seeing that Wu Xunyi is more courageous than her, she naturally follows Wu Xunyi to the entrance of the cave.

Seeing this, Lin Ming can't help but frown. Then his figure disappears. When he reappears, he stands in front of Wu Xunyi and long Xueni.

At first sight, Wu Xunyi and long Xueni were naturally in a hurry. This time, Wu Xunyi seemed to be in a panic.

But calm down quickly, she cried out: "help, help..."

Long Xueni also yelled: "help, help..."

"Er..." but the next moment, their voices stopped abruptly.

Lin Ming had no choice but to let them be quiet.

Later, Lin Ming looks at Jiutian Xuannv who has fallen to the ground.

Then see nine days Xuan female body stiff, inside and outside really have lost all breath.

She did die.

At this time, Lin Ming's body flashed over, and the cold light flashed in his eyes

"It seems that I underestimated you Jiutian Xuannv..."

Then a light of chaos shot out of Lin Ming and fell into Jiutian Xuannv's body. Jiutian Xuannv was enveloped by the light of chaos.

Then, a few minutes later, nine days Xuannv body began to give birth to a trace of life.

About half an hour later, Jiutian Xuannv opened her eyes.

Obviously, nine days Xuannv's life was finally saved by Lin Ming.

Seeing a familiar face in front of her, Jiutian Xuannv's lips moved slightly, and her breath was weak

"I thought I was dead, but you finally saved me

Er... "

But all of a sudden, nine days Xuannv's voice stopped.

"Lin Ming, you, what do you want to do, what..." then, nine days Xuan female mouth is also very difficult to spread out intermittent voice.

Indeed, it was Lin Ming who suddenly took the hand and grabbed Jiutian Xuannv by the neck.

Then Lin Ming began to speak and said coldly: "it seems that you don't have a long memory. You don't shed tears when you don't see the coffin. Do you still have an intention, or are you removing the curse of Wu Xunyi and long Xueni, and moving your hands and feet when they wake up..."

With that, Lin Ming gradually increased his strength.

Jiutian Xuannu's face soon turned red, and also turned blue purple.

Obviously, she will soon be strangled by Lin Ming.

She tried to stare big eyes, as if to the extent of the limit, it seems that a little more force, her eyes will stare out.

However, her eyes have been looking at Lin Ming, which is full of confusion.

It seems that he doesn't understand why Lin Ming suddenly wants to strangle her since he has saved her.

However, it seems that at the moment when Jiutian Xuannv is about to die again, Lin Ming releases his hand. He can see the confusion in Jiutian Xuannv's expression.

Lin Ming relaxed her hand, and Jiutian Xuannv took a big breath, then gradually calmed down. After several minutes, she finally took a breath.

At this time, anger seemed to come out of her eyes: "Lin Ming, I have done what I promised. I have removed the curse in Wu Yanyi and long Xueni. They have woken up

And I paid my life for it

Of course, if you don't save me, I don't blame you at all. After all, I wanted to take your dragon soul and your life

But now, since you help each other, why do you want to kill me again... "

Lin Ming sneers, then grabs Jiutian Xuannv by the arm and leads her to Wu Yanyi and long Xueni.

Lin Ming said, "have a look..."

As the voice falls, Lin Ming unties the sealed acupoints.

"Silver devil, let us go." Wu Xunyi scolded directly.

And long Xueni was even more frightened and shivered. She cried out and sobbed, saying: "I, we and you have never known each other, and we have no injustice or hatred. Why did you catch us and kill us..."

"What, this..." nine days Xuan female Dai Mei can't help wrinkling up, look is also a face puzzled color.

A colorful light came out of her body and enveloped Wu Xunyi and long Xueni. After taking it back, Jiutian Xuannv's face became more puzzled and said to Lin Ming:

"According to the situation, they are amnesia, but there is no abnormal situation inside and outside the two people..."

The cold light in Lin Ming's eyes flashed: "now, do you think I will believe what you said?"

Jiutian Xuannv said: "it's true that there were accidents of demons before, but now there are such accidents again. It's almost impossible for you to believe me

In that case... "

She closed her eyes: "you kill me..."

Lin Ming holds a broken knife in his hand, and his eyes fall on Jiutian Xuannv's neck. He really means to take Jiutian Xuannv's life.

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