Now, once accidents happen again, it's really hard for Lin Ming to believe in Jiutian Xuannv.

In addition, all along, the nine day Xuan girl has given Lin Ming an inexplicable sense of unfathomability.

If you continue to believe in Jiutian Xuannu, you may not know when you will fall into the hands of Jiutian Xuannu.

Of course, the most important point is that Lin Ming has not put the hope of Wu Yanyi and long Xueni's complete recovery on Jiutian Xuannv.

As far as Lin Ming knows, the curse originally came from the demon world. Now that he knows this, as long as he leaves the small world and enters the immortal gate, there will undoubtedly be a great possibility for Wu Yanyi and long Xueni to recover completely.

At this time, Wu Yanyi and long Xueni disappeared, and Lin Ming took them into the picture of heaven and earth.

The princess of hell and the evil ancestor are practicing in the middle. Let them take care of Wu Xunyi and long Xueni. Naturally, he can rest assured.

At the moment, Lin Ming looked at Jiutian Xuannv. In his eyes, the cold light flashed: "Jiutian Xuannv, you can die..."

Lin Ming raised his knife and wanted to cut it down.

"Boy, take your life!"

But just then, there was a loud drink.

The sound, powerful and thunderous, made the whole cave shake and shake, as if it would collapse in the next second.

Then came a man in his early thirties.

Of course, Lin Ming's face was calm.

Although the other side is so powerful, Lin Ming can see it for the first time. The strength of the other side can't even compare with that of the former seven or eight layers of the soul changing realm. It's a little stronger than that of the four layers of the soul changing realm.

The strength of the other side is in the fifth level of soul realm.

This kind of strength is not enough for Lin Ming. Although Lin Ming is now a level of strength to transform the soul, the power of the soul is really strong. A little exertion of the power of the soul is enough to kill each other.

"Yuchilu, stop it. This boy has killed three people, including Fu Tianwei, Fu Tianmei and Fu Tianxi. He even attacked the three elder Yan Tianqi and killed him. Do you want to die..."

But then there was another sound. At the same time, a momentum came out and enveloped the first comer. Naturally, this was to stop his rashness and impulse.

This man looks older. He looks like a middle-aged man.

At this time, needless to say, Lin Ming also knew that the two men who suddenly appeared were also disciples of the God punishment hall.

Lin Ming naturally disdains the leader. Seeing the appearance of the second figure, Lin Ming can't help but be alert.

Indeed, for the first time, Lin Ming failed to see the strength of the other side.

The other side gives Lin Ming the same feeling as Yan Tianqi before.

"I'm afraid that this man should be one of the three strong men in the divine punishment hall at the moment..."

Lin Ming made a judgment in his heart.

Of course, for the other side's words, Lin Ming is also quite puzzled. He naturally knows how Yan Tianqi died, but he was killed by the little girl.

At this time, the first person, that is, Wei Chi Lu, opened his mouth and just solved Lin Ming's puzzlement

"Elder Haotian, the words of Feng Haotian, the head of Feng clan, are not believable. It's too exaggerated to say that this boy killed elder yantianqi. I think he deliberately exaggerates the strength of this boy, just to let us punish him..."

Speaking of this, in the eyes of the disciples of weichilu's divine punishment Hall who looked at Lin Ming, they were even more disdainful

"Feng Haotian's exaggeration, I thought that this boy's strength of at least five or six levels of soul realm was just one level of soul realm

Not to mention the elder Yan Tianqi, the most powerful Fu Tian Xi can kill the boy with one look

How can this boy kill elder Yan Tianqi and others... "

Speaking of this, a murderous spirit rose from yuchilu: "elder two, no matter whether this boy has killed the disciples of our God punishment hall or not, he is a hybrid born for the combination of the Shenlong clan and the disciples of the hell. This alone is enough to kill him thousands of times

I'll take care of him... "

At present, the momentum of Wei Chi Lu is more powerful. Of course, it only shows 60% of his strength.

Seeing that Wei Chi Lu was about to start at Lin Ming, Hao Tian Chang was obviously going to stop him, but at last he swallowed it.

Naturally, he didn't underestimate Lin Ming, which just let Wei Chi Lu test Lin Ming's strength.

Feng Haotian, the head of Feng clan, did report everything. At that time, he didn't believe that Lin Ming could kill Yan Tianqi and others.

However, the breath of Yan Tianqi and others really disappeared, and he had to pay attention to it. In addition, Feng Haotian also reported the situation of nine days Xuannv.

So he had to do it.

Seeing yuchilu's hand, Lin Ming originally disdained it and didn't even want to do it. But after the word "bastard" came out, Lin Ming decided to kill him.

Lin Ming said sarcastically, "it's just a punishment hall disciple. If you are killed by me, what are you? I'm afraid you're not a bastard..."

"Boy, you are so bold," the other side was furious. "I am a disciple of the divine punishment hall. The whole small world is under my feet. How dare you call me a bastard..."

This time, Wei Chi Lu seemed to have forgotten that he had just scolded Lin Ming. At this time, he was filled with righteous indignation. His angry face turned red and his breath soared.

This time, he showed 90% of his strength.

His figure disappeared in the same place, and then he appeared beside Lin Ming in the blink of an eye.

"Boy, I'll take off your limbs first to make your life worse than death, and then I'll take your life..."

Wei Chi Lu grabs Lin Ming with his right arm.

With his speed and lightning speed, he naturally felt that Lin Ming could not hide at all, nor could he.

It was no accident that he took off Lin Ming's right arm.

Indeed, he also seems to see that Lin Ming's right arm has been removed, and his face looks miserable. He can't help but show a proud and arrogant grin.

But also in this instant, Wei Chi Lu's whole expression is frozen in this instant, showing a look like seeing a ghost.

"How can it be!" He also blurted out subconsciously.

It's true that Lin Ming disappeared in this instant. His speed was much faster than that of him. It seemed that he easily avoided his grasp.

Then, before Wei Chi Lu knew what was going on, he suddenly felt that his right arm was suddenly grabbed by a palm.

When he subconsciously looked at it, his eyes almost protruded.

He thought it was haotianyi, but he never thought it was Lin Ming who grabbed his right arm.

"Boy, stop it, what are you going to do..." immediately, he suddenly realized what Lin Ming was going to do. In an instant, he was so scared that his face turned blue, and he yelled angrily:

"If you dare to move me, elder Haotian will break you to pieces..."

"Ha ha..." Lin Ming sneered with disdain: "kill you, then it's the turn of elder Haotian..."

"Stop..." Lin Ming's words seemed to infuriate haotianyi, and he said angrily: "if you dare to move yuchilu, I will let you live or die, and then destroy the whole Shenlong clan!"

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