Hearing the words "haotianyi" coming out of Feng Haotian's mouth, the hearts of the three elders could not help sinking. There was a trace of despair in their eyes.

Naturally, they all thought of this: "since haotianyi appears and Lin Ming doesn't, doesn't it mean that Lin Ming, he..."

The three did not dare to think about it any more. They could not accept the consequences.

There is a glimmer of hope in their hearts, and the only glimmer of hope in the end.

Naturally, it's Lin Ming.

If Lin Mingzhen had an accident, he would have died in the hands of the powerful man in the immortal kingdom of the divine punishment hall. The three supreme elders knew that the whole Shenlong clan would have been completely destroyed and disappeared from the small world.

At this time, after haotianyi appeared, he seemed to feel the situation in the whole dragon city, and then his face slightly showed a trace of satisfaction

"Feng Haotian, you've done a good job. The dragon city hall is full of corpses..."

Pause for a moment, then see a glimmer of doubt in haotianyi's eyes: "but, the number of Shenlong clan is not right..."

All of a sudden, haotianyi stares at Feng Haotian. He has a strong breath and sends out: "Feng Haotian, did you let some of the Shenlong people go?"

"No, I don't dare. I absolutely don't dare." immediately, it seemed that there was a heavy mountain like pressure on her body, which made Feng Haotian's voice tremble violently

"I don't have the courage of that day. Besides, I have a feud with Lin Ming and the whole Shenlong clan..."

At this time, Feng Hao's heavenly eyes scanned those who had already submitted to him, and then he said:

"Master Hui haotianyi, it's like this. There are still these Shenlong people left. However, they have all submitted to me and to the feng people. Each of them has become a servant of the feng people. They are no longer Shenlong people

As for the three supreme elders, they must die, but I want them to watch me destroy the Dragon Cave and raze the whole dragon city. Then I will deal with them and let them die in endless suffering... "

"Very good, Feng Haotian. You've done a good job. It's not in vain that I value you so much..."

Haotianyi nodded with satisfaction. Then there was a flash of hatred in his eyes, and the whole person became angry and cold

"It's inevitable that the remaining members of the Shenlong clan, including the three supreme elders, will die in endless suffering. But there is Lin Ming, who should die in endless suffering..."

"What Hearing this, Feng Haotian and others were surprised.

"What does that mean? Is Lin Ming still alive? "

Naturally, at the same time, the three supreme elders were ecstatic and almost didn't laugh.

"Not dead. Lin Ming is not dead."

"Great. There is still hope for the Shenlong people. "

"In the end, even if Lin Ming is the only one left in the whole Shenlong clan, there is still hope."

All of a sudden, because of the appearance of haotianyi, the despair in my heart dissipated, and the three supreme elders also looked relieved.

Seeing the surprise in the eyes of Feng Haotian and other people, haotianyi suddenly had a sense of surprise. Then he added:

"It's a pity that I didn't meet Lin Ming outside the domain or in the magic meteorite sea. However, I heard that he was shameless, insidious, cunning and unscrupulous. He colluded with the dark creatures outside the domain to deal with the small world

If he appears, it's not pity that he died a hundred times

Of course, I won't let him die happily. I want him to watch his fellow countrymen die one by one in agony. I want him to know how helpless he is

Of course, it also includes the Shenlong people who have already surrendered

As long as you are a member of the Shenlong clan, you must die. No member of the Shenlong clan is qualified to live... "

Seeing haotianyi's hatred, Feng Haotian quickly said: "the elder of haotianyi is invincible in strength. He is wise and powerful. As long as Lin Ming shows up, he will surely die

Everything is decided by master haotianyi... "

At this time, haotianyi's eyes slowly swept over the three supreme elders, as well as the people of the Shenlong clan who had already surrendered. Suddenly, an irresistible pressure also shrouded in the past.

"Putong Putong..."

Immediately, everyone, including the three supreme elders, knelt down without exception.

Then just at this time, a black gas from the haotianyi body darted out, and then divided into countless wisps, everyone was a wisp of black gas into the body.


Immediately after that, a scream that sounded very sad and shrill came out.


Then there was a scream and a sound.

Including the three supreme elders, every member of the Shenlong clan immediately became ferocious and terrifying after the black air penetrated into their bodies, and they howled horribly in their mouths.

"Ha ha..." haotianyi was laughing, as if this scream came into his ears, which made him feel endless pleasure

"Lin Ming, that's the end of being a member of the Shenlong clan. You've done them all this harm. Now I only charge them some interest..."

After screaming for a few minutes, more than a dozen people of the Shenlong clan committed suicide one after another.

Seeing this, haotianyi hummed: "want to die? It's not so easy. I'm waiting for Lin Ming to show up and let him watch you suffer so much, but he is helpless

Oh, yes... "

Speaking of this pause, a hint of insidious meaning flashed in haotianyi's eyes: "at that time, all of you had better kneel down and beg Lin Ming for mercy, and beg him to kneel down and beg me. Maybe I will consider relieving your pain when I am in a good mood..."

At the end, Haotian waved his hand, and everyone immediately stopped howling, and his face quickly returned to normal.

At this time, not to mention other people, even the eyes of the three supreme elders seemed to subconsciously show a touch of panic.

Indeed, just now that kind of suffering is too terrible, the soul is being pulled, and the body is even more so, as if there are countless ants crawling and gnawing deep in the bone marrow.

At present, the three supreme elders don't know whether they can bear such torture for the second time.

But the three of them are not willing to commit suicide. They are not willing to commit suicide before they see Lin Ming.

At this time, the three elders clenched their teeth, glanced slowly over haotianyi, fenghaotian and others, and said:

"All of you will die. You will die in the hands of Lin Ming

As long as Lin Ming appears, you'll die... "

Feng Haotian said coldly: "the tortured brain is flooded, daydreaming..."

The cold light flashed in haotianyi's eyes, and he said: "I'll wait for Lin Ming. At that time, he will face not only a strong man in the immortal Kingdom, but two..."

He looked up into the air.

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