Whew, in that high altitude, it seems that a meteor suddenly appeared, and then it seems to cut across the sky, straight to the dragon city.

The next moment, a figure appeared.

Seeing this figure falling from the sky, for the first time, Feng Haotian and others could not help but take a breath of cool air. It seemed that it was subconscious, and everyone's eyes flashed a trace of fear.

Then I saw that this figure was a man. He was very tall, not three meters tall, at least two meters tall.

He looks like a hill, and his breath is terrible. It seems that he is even better than haotianyi on the sixth floor of Xianjun realm.

At this time, haotianyi opened his mouth and said: "this is the last one of the three powerful immortal kings in the Shenfu hall, Xuanyuan Lianyin

The strength of Xuanyuan Lianyin is one level higher than that of me. The strength of Xuanyuan Lianyin is seven levels of amazing fairyland... "

"What? "The seventh floor of the fairyland?"

On hearing this, the faces of the three supreme elders seemed to change involuntarily, and their hearts were even more involuntarily tense and uneasy.

"The strength of haotianyi, the sixth floor of xianjunjing, is strong enough. If Lin Ming is up, I'm afraid he can only win by two or three points

Now, the Xuanyuan Lianyin appears, and its strength is the seventh floor of Xianjun realm

With the cooperation of the two, I'm afraid that even if Lin Ming's strength has reached the immortal realm, there is no chance of winning... "

Three people think like this, for a moment, they don't want Lin Ming to appear anyway.

Indeed, in the eyes of the three people, no matter how talented Lin Ming is, he will never have the strength of xianjunjing. Now that Lin Ming has the spirit transforming realm, he will be talented enough and shocking enough.

At this time, after the appearance of Xuanyuan Lianyin, it seems that there is no other person in his eyes, but there is a trace of dissatisfaction in his eyes, looking at haotianyi and saying:

"Haotianyi, what do you want me to do? I'm practicing, and I'll soon break through to the eighth floor of Xianjun realm. If you don't have enough reasons to persuade me, don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing people..."

"Naturally, I dare not disturb your cultivation rashly," said haotianyi busily. "In fact, I have some advantages to share with you..."

For the first time, Xuanyuan Lianyin didn't believe it. He hummed coldly: "what's the advantage of such a remote place..."

Haotianyi showed a mysterious appearance: "of course, it's Tianda's advantage..."

But hearing this, the murderous spirit all of a sudden sent out from Xuanyuan Lianyin: "what's the great benefit? Haotianyi, do you think I'm a fool? "

"Don't worry," haotianyi said, and then he whispered out two words: "dragon spirit!"

Sure enough, when these two words came out of the mouth of haotianyi, Xuanyuan Lianyin's body, which was like a hill, looked like an involuntary shock:

"Dragon Spirit?"

Haotianyi nodded: "yes, dragon soul, Xuanyuan Lianyin, you should know one thing very well, that is, more than 10000 years ago, there was a strong person in Shenxing Hall who got part of the dragon soul. Then, his cultivation strength improved by leaps and bounds, directly broke through the ninth floor of Xianjun realm, almost promoted to Xiandi, attracted the attention of Xianmen, and was recruited back by Xianmen..."

At this time, haotianyi also looks like an irresistible appearance, very excited and looking forward to it.

Xuanyuan Lianyin said: "I'm not only clear about this matter. I'm quite familiar with it. Moreover, I might as well tell you that the elder was my Xuanyuan people

After he returned to Xianmen, he won many battles with all ethnic groups and made great achievements

I grew up listening to his story... "

At this time, Xuanyuan Lianyin's eyes burst out a group of light: "how, ten thousand years later, in the dragon clan, there is a dragon soul?"

Haotianyi nodded: "that's right."

In Xuanyuan's eyes, there was a flash of cold light: "nonsense, I didn't feel any strong breath in the whole dragon city..."

"How dare I cheat people with such a thing." Haotianyi continued and said: "this boy, his name is Lin Ming. Now the whole dragon city has fallen into the hands of our God punishment hall. Lin Ming is arrogant. He thinks he is invincible. He will definitely appear. He wants to turn the tide

Of course, he's just delusional. When he comes back, he just gives his head away. "

While haotianyi was talking, Xuanyuan Lianyin was staring at him. After listening, Xuanyuan Lianyin nodded and hummed:

"Hum, haotianyi, I don't think you dare to play any tricks with me..."

Haotianyi couldn't help laughing at the moment, and then said: "in this case, there are two powerful men in xianjunjing of shenpunish hall. Even if Lin Ming has the strength of xianjunjing, he will die. What's more, the strength of this boy is only for the level of soul..."

Xuanyuan's eyes were filled with disdain. He said coldly: "the strength of the soul realm? Ah, it's not just that you killed an ant by pinching it... "

"It's true. That's why I say there's a great benefit to share with you." Haotianyi said: "now, we will destroy the Dragon Cave first, and then wait for the boy Lin Ming to appear not too late..."

Xuanyuan Lianyin nodded in agreement, and then he suddenly thought of something, "Dragon Cave? It is said that for thousands of years, there have been many powerful people who can't be killed completely. They can only be imprisoned in them... "

Haotianyi said: "indeed, in fact, I always want to come to the Dragon Cave of the Shenlong clan, but I haven't had a chance. Now, it's just..."

Feng Haotian suddenly said, "Oh, yes, two elders. As far as I know, Lin Tianjing, the father of Lin Ming, is also being held in the depths of Longtan in the Dragon Cave..."

Haotianyi smiles coldly: "that's just right, just kill it. Anyway, as long as it's a member of the Shenlong clan, you can't let one go..."

Finally, before the voice fell, the body shape of haotianyi flashed, and it was the first to go in.

Xuanyuan even seal naturally followed in.

Soon, fenghaotian and others disappeared at the entrance.

Of course, the three supreme elders were carried by three people and entered the Dragon Cave.

About a few minutes passed.

Suddenly, a ray of light pierced the sky.

The next moment, a figure flashed out and appeared in the main hall of Longcheng.

It's Lin Ming.

"This..." when he saw the corpses lying on the ground, all of them were disciples of the Shenlong clan without exception. Lin Ming's eyebrows wrinkled and his eyes flashed with a strong cold light

"What's the matter? Why are they all dead? No one is alive

No, there is another person who has a faint breath of vitality... "

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