The dragon has no appearance.

Lin Ming saw that long Wuxiang had fallen into a pool of blood. He was completely dying. It seemed that he would lose all his vitality in the next second.

Naturally, Lin Ming passed quickly. First of all, he let long Wuxiang take a semi-finished elixir.

Of course, even if it is a semi-finished elixir, the effect is also very amazing. The injuries inside and outside the body of dragon Wuxiang are cured immediately.

Next, Lin Ming also raises the Dragon Wu Xiang, then puts his palm on the back of the Dragon Wu Xiang, and inputs the powerful breath into the body of the Dragon Wu Xiang.

This time, dragon Wuxiang's own strength state has been restored. It's even obvious that dragon Wuxiang's strength state has to be promoted to the next step.

"Lin Ming," at this moment, long Wuxiang's face was full of excitement and ecstasy. He also looked incredible, and even his voice could not help shaking

"You, your strength, have broken through to the soul state?"

It's true that long Wuxiang can clearly feel that the powerful breath that Lin Ming instilled into his body is completely the breath of strength above the soul.

Lin Ming nodded slightly, "yes, my strength has broken through to the soul state..." he followed the cold light in his eyes and asked slowly:

"Long clan leader, what happened in Longcheng? Why did so many disciples of Shenlong clan die..."

In an instant, he saw a strong cold light in long Wuxiang's eyes. He was biting his teeth

"It's Feng Haotian. He took the people of the divine punishment hall and broke the array you had set up before. He hated the dragon people to the bone and threatened to destroy the whole dragon city. Oh, right..."

At this point, long Wuxiang suddenly remembered that he was worried and nervous

"Feng Haotian takes people to destroy the Dragon Cave first, and Feng Haotian also knows that your father Lin Tianjing is imprisoned in the depths of Longtan. He will certainly not let your father go..."

"Feng Haotian." Suddenly, the cold light in Lin Ming's eyes flashed strongly

"If you don't have a toast, don't blame me... Let's go to the Dragon Cave..."

Whew whew of two break empty voice to ring out, then see Lin Ming and Long Wu mutually two people, directly disappeared in the original place.

Naturally, both of them didn't delay at all. They wanted to go to the Dragon Cave as soon as possible.

When they just entered the Dragon Cave, suddenly there was a huge sound like earth shaking, which seemed to come from the depths of the Dragon Cave.

Such a loud noise is so shocking that both Lin Ming and long Wuxiang feel that the whole small world is going to collapse in the next moment.

Long Wuxiang's face changed greatly. He exclaimed: "no, Feng Haotian has already started. I think he will enter the depths of Longtan soon. By that time, your father will be in danger..."

"Hum!" At this moment, Lin Ming's murderous spirit was stronger than ever: "as long as I'm here, no one can touch my father

As long as Feng Haotian dares to hurt my father, then the whole Feng family will pay a heavy price for this... "

Whew, all of a sudden, Lin Ming's speed was faster. His speed almost reached the limit, and he flew into the depths of the Dragon Cave.

"What..." looking at Lin Ming, long Wuxiang suddenly burst out at such a speed. He seemed to be surprised and exclaimed:

"Lin Ming said that his strength has broken through to the realm of transforming the soul. At most, it should be the strength of the realm of transforming the soul

But now the speed suddenly burst out, where it is just the soul transforming realm, it seems to have reached the level of the ninth floor of the soul transforming realm... "

Of course, the stronger Lin Ming's strength is, the better it is for him and for the whole Shenlong clan.

After a little dazed, long Wuxiang quickly followed him.

At this time, somewhere in the Dragon Cave, there were two figures. They were two of the seven or eight figures before, and they were the disciples of the punishment hall.

The strength of these two disciples is not low. They have four or five levels of soul realm.

Of course, such strength, looking at the whole small world, is almost invincible.

Of course, that's exactly what they thought.

"In my opinion, the two predecessors, haotianyi and Xuanyuan Lianyin, have been in the state of cultivation for a long time, but they have damaged their brains..."

"It's true that master haotianyi asked eight disciples to come out to help Feng Haotian, and everything should be under Feng Haotian's command. If haotianyi's brain is not broken, what is it..."

"What's more infuriating is that the two powerful men of Xianjun realm in the hall want to join hands to deal with a disciple of the Shenlong clan. When it comes out, they can't laugh to death..."

"It's true that even with the strength of the four levels of my soul realm, one finger can directly crush Lin Ming to death..."

"OK, then I won't argue with you. If that boy really shows up, I'll let you do it, but I won't dirty my hands..."

"Ha ha..." at this time, suddenly a sneer rang out, extremely abrupt, but let these two people not from subconscious startled.

As if involuntarily, all of a sudden, the two look a little nervous.

"Ha ha, what kind of master do you think it is? It turns out that it's just a little boy who has the strength to transform the soul..."

But the next moment, when they saw a figure, their faces were filled with disdain and contempt. At the same time, their faces were a bit gloomy.

Indeed, they were startled by a boy who had the strength to transform the soul realm. If other people knew about this, they would not be the first to laugh to death.

"Who are you?"

At the moment, they were a little curious. You know, except for the Shenlong people who entered the Dragon Cave, there was no one in the whole dragon city.

The man who suddenly appeared was naturally Lin Ming.

Lin Ming, with a chill in his eyes, said slowly, "why, don't you know me? Aren't you talking about me just now? You can crush me with a finger?"

"Lin Ming?" All of a sudden, the two of them were surprised.

"Ha ha..." later, they couldn't help laughing wildly.

"The boy who can make Feng Haotian hate him to the bone, how can he be such a hairy boy like you, and his strength is also the level of soul transforming. It's not to say that he's not the opponent of any of us, and he won't be the opponent of Feng Haotian


But at the next moment, their voices stopped abruptly. At this moment, their eyes widened, showing a ghost like appearance.

Indeed, at this moment, Lin Ming suddenly disappeared. It seems that he disappeared without a trace. When he reappeared, he directly appeared in front of them.

At this time, Lin Ming also looked at the two men with keen eyes and said:

"There's so much nonsense. I don't have time to listen to you. Just die..."

Before he finished, Lin Ming stretched out his hand and grabbed them by the throat.

This kind of speed is also fast to a terrible degree. They can't avoid it. They just feel that once their necks are tight, they are completely strangled by Lin Ming.

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