"You, are, who are..." but at the moment, the four disciples of the divine punishment hall seem to be a little unbelievable. Lin Ming has already caught up with them, and directly chased them to the front.

What this means, of course, is very clear.

This shows that haotianyi and Feng Haotian have failed to stop Lin Ming.

You know, not to mention haotianyi, even fenghaotian should be able to stop Lin Ming.

At this time, Lin Ming, with an expressionless face, said faintly: "who am I? Don't you know very well? Why, so forgetful..."

"Lin Ming, you, are you really Lin Ming?"

After hearing Lin Ming's words, the four disciples still couldn't believe it.

"No, it's impossible."

"With the strength of the sixth floor of haotianyi elder Xianjun realm, how can you not stop you?"

At this time, Lin Ming's face suddenly changed. In the distance, two figures appeared, one male and one female. It was just before that he let go to stop the two spirits of haotianyi.

At this time, the breath of these two spirits is weak, and the whole body looks like it will break up at any time.

Seeing this, Lin Ming didn't know. Although the two spirits stopped haotianyi, they were also seriously injured.

Whew, at the moment, Lin Ming naturally takes back the two spirits.

"You can all die."

At this time, Lin Ming naturally knows that he can't delay much. After all, haotianyi and Feng Haotian will come at any time.

There was a flash of chaos on Lin Ming's body. He planned to kill the four disciples directly.

Although, the strength of the other party's four people's realm is about four or five levels of the soul realm.

But he has this confidence, he can kill each other.

At this time, seeing the strength of the second level of Lin Minghua's soul realm, he looked as if he could kill the four of them at one time with his hand. On the contrary, the four of them were not frightened, but sneered.

"Ha ha, do you really think we are soft persimmons?"

"We're not scared."

"You're so naive that you think you can kill the four of us by yourself. You're out of your mind..."

"Ah ah..."

But the next moment, when the two of them had not finished speaking, a scream came out of their mouth.

When the other two saw it, their faces turned white.

The voice was also shaking

"This, what kind of weapon is this?"

"Again, it's an immortal weapon. How can you have two immortal weapons in your hands?"

Indeed, all of a sudden, a black lightning like thing flew out, and penetrated their bodies when two of them didn't come back.

Naturally, this is a chain in Lin Ming's hands.

"The so-called punishment hall disciples are just like this."

Then Lin Ming spoke.

Before the words were heard, there were two explosions, and the bodies of the two disciples who had been penetrated by a chain exploded directly, which also turned into flesh and blood all over the sky.

"You can die, too."

Bang bang, Lin Ming himself is also a shot, lightning in the past, two palms directly hit out, solid hit on the other two disciples of the punishment hall.

The two disciples of the divine punishment hall came to the same end and turned into flesh and blood.

Seeing four groups of flesh and blood in the sky, Lin Ming licks the corners of his mouth subconsciously, and his heart is full of expectation.

"I don't know if these four disciples of the divine punishment hall can improve my strength for another two levels in a row..."

At the moment, Lin Ming can't wait to start breathing.

Immediately, two extremely powerful forces of suction came out from the palms of his hands. Whew, whew, whew, then the blood rain all over the sky suddenly turned into four, and ran into the palms of Lin Ming's hands, and disappeared.

"You, you..."

Four strands of flesh and blood disappear in the palms of Lin Ming's hands. They are just seen by haotianyi and Feng Haotian, who have just been driven over. They are all stunned immediately.

"Four levels of soul realm!"

The next moment, two people also seem to involuntarily exclaim export.

Indeed, both of them have a clear sense that Lin Ming's strength has been continuously improved and has been continuously improved by two levels.

In other words, Lin Ming's strength has been directly upgraded from the second level to the fourth level.

Involuntarily, the look on the two faces became more and more startled.

This kind of means to enhance their own strength is simply incredible and unheard of.

With the knowledge of haotianyi, even the overlord of the demon world, the devil emperor, will not have such means.

At this moment, inexplicably, haotianyi's heart is really a little scared, but it is replaced by a bigger killing intention.

He was murderous: "I'm sure that if you don't die one day, you will become the biggest enemy of Xianmen in the future. No matter what you think, you must die..."

Lin Ming also said: "before, I blew up your body and let you run away. I'm afraid you won't have such good luck this time

I'm really looking forward to it. Once I devour you, I don't know if my strength will rise to 90% of the soul transforming realm... "

"Ha ha." Haotianyi couldn't help laughing, "you boy, you are arrogant and ignorant. I have the strength of six levels in the immortal kingdom. Even the demon emperor, even the legendary ancient beast gluttonous, can't swallow me up..."

Suddenly, the cold light in haotianyi's eyes flashed, and he called out a word:


A figure split from him, which was his soul.

"Master haotianyi wants to blow up his own soul."

At this moment, Feng Haotian was almost scared to death.

A strong man with six levels of strength in the immortal Kingdom, unexpectedly blew up his own soul. Not to mention the Dragon Cave, I'm afraid the whole small world will fall apart under such an explosion.

"Elder haotianyi, no way."

"Elder haotianyi, we have brought out Lin Tianjing."

At this critical moment, suddenly two figures flash out.

Sure enough, one of them was carrying a man on his shoulder and was wrapped with a chain.

"Good. You did a good job and appeared in time."

See one of the shoulders carrying a person, haotianyi after a look, it seems also can't help but feel a sigh of relief, and then naturally is his soul back.

Naturally, for the first time, Lin Ming looked at the figure who was resisted on the shoulder of one of the disciples of the punishment hall, and his appearance was exactly as he remembered.

It's Lin Tianjing.

There is no doubt that the chain around Lin Tianjing, which is also the chaotic dragon chain that can't be cut, can't be cut at least with his previous strength.

"Boy, now, Lin Tianjing has fallen into our hands. Please hand over your immortal weapon and then hand over the dragon soul..."

Haotianyi said coldly, "otherwise..."

As soon as he reaches out his hand, he grabs Lin Tianjing, who looks like he has already died. With one hand, he directly pinches Lin Tianjing's neck.

Chaka, haotianyi seems to deliberately force up, can clearly hear the voice of broken throat bone.

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