Lin Ming's eyes were full of cold light, and his body was full of murderous spirit. He squeezed a sentence out of his teeth

"Haotianyi, let my father go."

"Ha ha..." haotianyi just sneered, "boy, let me release your father, simple, you know what you should do, hum!"

A cold hum came from the mouth of haotianyi, and he saw that the strength of haotianyi's hand seemed to increase by one point. Then he heard the voice of broken throat bone, and then it was louder.

"Boy," Feng Haotian said at this time, his face full of banter, "before you die, we'll let you see your father. It's good for you. Why don't you hand over the immortal weapon and the dragon soul

"Why, are you going to watch your father cut his neck and die like this?"

"Feng Haotian, I will take your life," said Lin Ming. "But now, I will kill the Wutong Mountain and let you watch the Phoenix clan, how can I be destroyed?"

When Lin Ming said this, he was very indifferent, as if he was talking about something unimportant.

Feng Haotian also thinks that Lin Ming's words are just like a fool's dream, but he doesn't know what's going on. He hears a cold sweat from Lin Ming's words.

It seems that such things will really happen.

After that, he was furious.

Indeed, before he died, Lin Ming still scared him.

His face was gloomy and terrible, and he was about to drip water. He roared: "master haotianyi, this boy is crazy. It seems that he won't care about Lin Tianjing's life at all. Kill Lin Tianjing!"

"No one can kill my father." But at this time, Lin Ming suddenly looked a bit enigmatic and said.

Haotianyi naturally couldn't help laughing: "ha ha, it's so funny. As long as I add a little more strength in my hand, Lin Tianjing will die..."

"Haotianyi, stop and let Lin Tianjing go."

But at this time, a familiar voice sounded, and a figure appeared out of thin air.

It's Xuanyuan Lianyin.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Xuanyuan Lianyin, haotianyi's subconscious face showed the color of ecstasy and said:

"Did you subdue the spirit of the space like immortal in this boy's hand?"

Xuanyuan Lianyin did not answer, he still just said: "haotianyi, let Lin Tianjing go."

Then it's not waiting for haotianyi to open his mouth. Xuanyuan Lianyin stretched out his hand and grasped haotianyi's wrist, which made haotianyi cry out subconsciously.

Subconsciously, haotianyi's hand pinching Lin Tianjing's neck was released.

And Lin Tianjing's whole body is about to fall to the ground. Of course, when Lin Ming saw it, he immediately flashed over and caught Lin Tianjing.

The next moment, Lin Tianjing's whole person disappeared.

Naturally, this is the first time that Lin Ming put Lin Tianjing in the picture of heaven and earth.

All the things happened unexpectedly, completely out of the accident of Feng Haotian and the two disciples of the divine punishment hall.

As for haotianyi's words, not to mention, his eyes seem to be staring up involuntarily, which is full of incredible color looking at Xuanyuan Lianyin, as if looking at a stranger.

He looked a little stunned, and asked: "Xuanyuan Lianyin, do you know what you are doing? You actually did it to me, let this boy save Lin Tianjing..."

At this time, Xuanyuan Lianyin said: "haotianyi, I might as well tell you frankly. I can see that Lin Ming has a dragon soul, and there are several kinds of immortal tools in his hands. Lin Ming is a man with great fortune

Therefore, even if you and I join hands, we will not be Lin Ming's rivals

In the end, we will die under Lin Ming

This is not the result I want. You don't want to die in Lin Ming's hands. I know that the most important thing you want to do is to return to the immortal gate... "

This time words also listen to the white sky wing is not from Gape.

If he didn't really feel the seven layers of strength of Xuanyuan Lianyin, he could be completely sure that Xuanyuan Lianyin was a fake.

As for Feng Haotian, it seems that he has seen something bad. His eyes have been on Xuanyuan Lianyin, which reveals the meaning of examination.

At this time, he blurted out: "you are not Xuanyuan Lianyin."

Xuanyuan Lianyin's eyes suddenly turned to fenghaotian and said: "the head of Fengzu clan, if I'm not Xuanyuan Lianyin, who will it be?"

With words, a trace of breath enveloped Feng Haotian.

Feng Haotian's face suddenly changed. The momentum of the breath was really powerful. It was the breath of Xuanyuan Lianyin.

However, Feng Haotian couldn't convince himself that Xuanyuan Lianyin would be a powerful man in the immortal kingdom of the punishment Hall who had just said that.

He with seven levels of strength in xianjunjing and haotianyi with six levels of strength in xianjunjing will not be Lin Ming's opponent.

You know, Lin Ming's strength at this time is only four levels of soul realm.

Although Lin Ming's means and speed of improving his strength are really incredible, the realm of strength is still the realm of soul.

There is a big difference between huahun realm and Xianjun realm.

How can Xuanyuan Lianyin and haotianyi not be Lin Ming's opponents.

"Feng Haotian is right." Haotianyi suddenly said, "you are not Xuanyuan Lianyin, you are definitely not Xuanyuan Lianyin

I have known Xuanyuan Lianyin for more than 2000 years. It can be said that even if Xuanyuan Lianyin turns to dust, I can recognize it

You are not Xuanyuan Lianyin at all. "

Said, haotianyi looked at Lin Ming's eyes, which could not help but inexplicably revealed a trace of fear.

Of course, haotianyi can't help asking: "boy, where is Xuanyuan Lianyin? What's the matter with Xuanyuan Lianyin..."

"This man is Xuanyuan Lianyin." Lin Ming said that what he said was absolutely true.

At the same time, Lin Ming was ecstatic.

Before he faced Xuanyuan Lianyin and haotianyi, two powerful men in the immortal realm, he still knew that his chance of winning was very low, almost zero, which led Xuanyuan Lianyin into the heaven and earth map.

In the picture of heaven and earth, there is a world of its own. Lin Ming has entered it countless times, which is also the holy land of Kunlun school. Kunlun Mountain has numerous dangerous situations.

Of course, Lin Ming also knows that all the dangerous places in Kunlun Mountain are not enough to mention Xuanyuan Lianyin, a powerful seal on the seventh floor of Xianjun kingdom.

With the strength of Xuanyuan Lianyin, we will find out the specific location of the soul in the first time.

Although Lin Ming is dealing with haotianyi and others, he still pays attention to the heaven and earth map.

Sure enough, everything was in his expectation.

After entering the heaven and earth map, Xuanyuan Lianyin quickly found the specific location of the soul.

What happened next was also what Lin Ming expected, and Lin Ming had no hope.

The spirit seems to be aware that he has been found, but he doesn't show himself immediately. Instead, a breath comes out and covers Xuanyuan Lianyin.

Then all of a sudden, Lin Ming feels that Xuanyuan Lianyin seems to have been robbed by the spirit. Although his appearance is still the same as Xuanyuan Lianyin's, he is no longer the original of Xuanyuan Lianyin.

The real identity of Xuanyuan Lianyin is the soul of heaven and earth.

Indeed, Lin Ming feels that there is an inexplicable connection between him and Xuanyuan Lianyin. Xuanyuan Lianyin is completely under his control.

"Boy, your means are really despicable and insidious." Haotianyi then said, "I never thought that after you led Xuanyuan Lianyin into the heaven and earth map, you even controlled Xuanyuan Lianyin

Boy, you'd better let Xuanyuan Lianyin go. Otherwise, ten thousand disciples of Xianmen will come, and you won't be dead enough... "

"Immortal disciples?" Lin Ming just laughed with disdain.

"Don't you believe that the disciples of Xianmen will appear?" Haotianyi said: "I might as well tell you that Xianmen let three powerful disciples of xianjunjing guard the small world. As long as one of them has an accident, Xianmen will know immediately, and then send someone down to check

When Yan Tianqi had an accident, Xianmen must have sent someone down to check

I'm sure that in a few hours, the disciples of Xianmen will find me, and naturally they will find Xuanyuan Lianyin. Once the disciples of Xianmen find out what you have done to Xuanyuan Lianyin, they won't tell you what you have done for it. This one alone, you can't die a hundred times... "

Lin Ming still didn't care at all. He said, "come here as soon as the disciples of Xianmen come. I just want to have a try. How strong are the real disciples of Xianmen?"

After a pause, a flash of cold light in Lin Ming's eyes flashed up and looked at haotianyi, "haotianyi, now, without Xuanyuan Lianyin, you will surely die. Presumably, you have not forgotten what I said just now. You have killed countless disciples of the dragon clan, and I will make you pay back a thousand times..."

With that, Lin Ming released the greatest strength of his soul.

For the first time, haotianyi was really scared. He drank: "boy, what are you going to do?"

He was really startled by Lin Ming's sudden attack. The power of his soul, which suddenly erupted from Lin Ming, was so terrible.

If we say that the power of the soul that Lin Ming used to explode from the strength of the soul realm is already equivalent to the strength of the fairy realm.

At this time, haotianyi clearly felt that the power of the soul burst out from Lin Ming at this time was equal to him.

"Is this the horror of having a dragon soul?"

Of course, haotianyi suddenly realized that Lin Ming had a dragon soul. It would be strange if the power of soul didn't have such power.

At this time, he had a fierce look in his eyes, and suddenly drank out: "explosion!"

Naturally, he knew that even Xuanyuan and seal had been controlled by Lin Ming. It was incredible.

So he gave a loud drink without any hesitation.

Then, the human soul split from him and rushed to Lin Ming, stirring up a momentum of destroying heaven and earth.

Seeing this, subconsciously, Lin Ming was really surprised.

Indeed, such a terrible momentum, in an instant imprisoned his body, even the dragon soul in Shenju cave, also in this moment at the same time frozen.

"Hum." Xuanyuan Lianyin made a move for the first time. He showed the momentum of the seven layers of Xianjun realm and enveloped the soul of haotianyi.

In an instant, the soul of haotianyi is about to explode. It's just a meal.

Lin Ming seized the opportunity of the moment, and two white lights flashed out at the same time. Kunlun mirror and measuring ruler appeared.

Before, it was with the help of heaven and earth map, Kunlun mirror and measuring ruler that haotianyi's body was exploded.

Before Lin Ming's strength for the soul of a level, can do this.

Now Lin Ming's strength has been upgraded to the fourth level of the soul realm, and the power of the soul has also been upgraded. So it's no problem to blow up the body of haotianyi.

Not to mention, there is also a helper of seven levels of strength in xianjunjing, namely Xuanyuan Lianyin.

There is Xuanyuan Lianyin to hold down the soul of haotianyi. After Lin Ming explodes the body of haotianyi, the soul is naturally not afraid.

As soon as Lin Ming took out the Kunlun mirror and the measuring ruler, haotianyi was a bit scared and roared out:

"Lin Ming, I was defeated by you once, and I will never be defeated again

It's all over the place

He put out the only artifact in his hand.

Lin Ming has been on guard against haotianyi for a long time.

So as soon as he saw a little starlight flashing in haotianyi's hand, the Kunlun mirror in Lin Ming's hand shone in the past.

Whew, a white light shot out in a flash.


The next moment, there was an explosion.

"Ah, my fairy." Immediately, haotianyi screamed.

Lin Ming also clearly saw that the white light shot from the Kunlun mirror in his hand hit a net object the size of a palm with great accuracy. This kind of object was defeated instantly and turned into countless pieces.

After haotianyi's subconscious angry cry, he was scared out in a cold sweat. He realized that the Kunlun mirror in Lin Ming's hand must not be an ordinary immortal.

Otherwise, how could he destroy his immortal weapon so easily.

"Is what Xuanyuan Lianyin said right?" Haotianyi's mind can't help coming up with such a sentence.

All of a sudden, also out of subconsciousness, he had goose bumps all over his body, and he couldn't help coming out.

Indeed, this is his reaction when he feels that his life is really in danger.

"Not good." Haotianyi saw that Lin Ming was instilling the power of heaven and earth into his map of heaven and earth, Kunlun mirror and measuring ruler, and white light came out immediately.


Seeing this, he couldn't take care of the soul that was trapped by Xuanyuan Lianyin. Whew, his body turned into a white light and shot into the sky.


But all of a sudden, a chaos of light shot to the sky, then, a roar sound up.

"This is..."

When haotianyi fixed his eyes again, he almost fell down from the sky.

Then, not far away, a huge object appeared in front of him.

"Dragon spirit!"

Closely following, the bright sky wing also recognized, he issued a exclamation in the mouth.

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