At that moment, haotianyi is also a look of ecstasy. He doesn't think much. It seems that there is a heat in his mind, and then he goes straight to the dragon soul in an instant.

Naturally, his intention is also very obvious. He wants to get the dragon soul. Now, the dragon soul has appeared, and it appears under his eyes. He doesn't hurry to capture it.

The dragon soul, whose body is tens of meters long, perches in the high altitude, looking at the bright sky wings coming straight, and disdaining in his eyes.

Although haotianyi had already released the two spirits of heaven and earth, and his breath and momentum had reached the limit, it seemed that he was bound to capture Lin Ming's Dragon Spirit.

But the Dragon Spirit has never moved.

Seeing this, haotianyi couldn't help looking ecstatic. He laughed and said, "ha ha, Lin Ming, you are so stupid. We have been threatening you to hand over the dragon spirit, but you won't. now we are actively releasing the Dragon Spirit

That's to give away the dragon spirit. "

"Ha ha." For a moment, Lin Ming just sneered.

"Come here." At this time, haotianyi drank a lot, and then he saw that, together with the two spirits of heaven and earth, the three figures all released a very strong white light, which immediately shrouded the dragon soul.

At this moment, the body of the dragon soul could not be seen at all.

"Ha ha," seeing this, haotianyi laughed: "dragon soul, it's my haotianyi. Ha ha... "

Haotianyi laughs again, as if the dragon soul has fallen into his hands and has become something in his bag.

But the next moment, all of a sudden, there was a flash of light of chaos on the dragon soul's body.

Then he saw the powerful white light, and then it dissipated.

"This..." seeing this, haotianyi was stunned immediately.

The next moment, his face will not change.

Indeed, two dragon claws were stretched out from the belly of the dragon soul's huge body, flashing the light of chaos.

Then, such two dragon claws, also volleying toward the heaven and earth of haotianyi two soul virtual shot out a claw.

All of a sudden, they see countless dragon claw shadow flying up.

Boom, the next moment, two earth shaking explosions also sounded.

This is the heaven and earth two souls of haotianyi. They can't fight against countless dragon claw shadows at all, and let countless claw shadows bombard them solidly.

Bang bang!

Then he saw that the two souls of heaven and earth of haotianyi were also directly exploded, and turned into white light all over the sky, so he was about to escape.

But at this time, there is suction from the body of the dragon soul. Whew, you can see that all the white light directly converges into a stream, and then rushes to the dragon soul, and all of a sudden directly integrates into the body of the dragon soul.

That is to say, all of a sudden, the dragon soul directly engulfed the two spirits of heaven and earth of haotianyi.

At this time, the dragon soul also smashed his mouth, showing an obvious appearance that he still wanted to eat more.

The dragon soul directly engulfed the two spirits of heaven and earth. At this time, he wanted to eat again. It really scared haotianyi, showing a gaping look, staring at the huge body of the dragon soul in the air.

"Good chance!"

At this time, Lin Ming is about to fight. He flies up and appears behind haotianyi.

Then, in the middle of the roar, he hit haotianyi's back with a heavy hand.

Puff, then see the white sky wing mouth directly spray blood.

"Master haotianyi!"

"Elder haotianyi!"

Below, Feng Haotian, who clearly saw such a scene, and the two disciples of the punishment hall, could not help but subconsciously exclaim in unison.

The three people's face brush is also a face bloodless, is also a face of panic, staring at the high altitude in the mouth of the white sky wings.

Three people how also didn't expect, with the strength of six layers of Haotian Yixian JunJing, three souls are also directly released.

It's not necessary to say that the soul of a man who wants to explode is trapped by Xuanyuan Lianyin. But who would have thought that Lin Ming's dragon soul, it seems, easily engulfs the two spirits of heaven and earth.

And Lin Ming a palm to hit, also is to make haotianyi directly seriously injured.

At the moment, the three people were extremely shocked and forgot that the most important thing they should do at this time was to run away.

With all his strength, he couldn't blow up the sky wing. Lin Ming himself was a little surprised.

Not too closely, the cold light in his eyes flashed.

Roar, Lin Ming naturally followed, also shot, double palm continuous play.

"Ah ah..."

All of a sudden, with the scream coming from the mouth of Haotian wing, puff, puff, the mouth of Haotian wing is also constantly bleeding.

Until the last bang, the whole person of haotianyi finally exploded, and Lin Ming stopped.


Looking at the bloody rain of haotianyi, Lin Ming looks forward to it. He doesn't know whether his strength level can be directly promoted to 90% of the soul level after swallowing haotianyi.

With expectation, Lin Ming naturally did not delay the slightest time. He started breathing method, and then a strong suction came from the palms of his hands.

Whew whew, you can see the blood rain all over the sky, flying directly into the palms of Lin Ming's hands and disappearing without a trace.


"Master haotianyi is dead!"

"Tangtang, a powerful man in the sixth floor of Xianjun realm, is dead. He died in the hands of this boy..."

Seeing this, Feng Haotian and the two disciples of the punishment hall were completely stunned. They looked as if they had lost their souls. Their bodies became stiff and their legs couldn't move a bit.

It's only the strength of the four levels of the soul realm, but it's the strength of the six levels of the immortal realm. No one will believe it if it's said.

But such things happened in front of their eyes.

As for what Feng Haotian and the two disciples thought, Lin Ming didn't care at this time.

After swallowing haotianyi completely, a huge breath exploded directly in his body, like a mountain and a tsunami, like a mountain falling apart.

This kind of breath is totally different from the one that engulfed the punishment hall disciple before. For the first time, Lin Ming couldn't absorb it at all. Click, click, and Lin Ming's face cracked first, and blood permeated out.

Seeing Lin Ming, his whole body would explode and turn into scum.

Dragon soul this time shot, a suction from the mouth.

All of a sudden, white light came out of Lin Ming and merged into the dragon soul.

It took almost half an hour for this scene to stop.

Whew, at this time, the whole dragon soul turned into a chaotic light, and disappeared into the center of Lin Ming's eyebrows. It was obvious that he had gone back to Shenju cave to digest the breath of haotianyi.

At this time, the split scar on Lin Ming's face was instantly healed.

Slowly, Lin Ming also opened his eyes.

However, it is not difficult to see that Lin Ming's eyes flickered with a trace of palpitation.

Feeling the situation in his lower body, Lin Ming still breathes with lingering fear.

"The breath of the strong in Xianjun realm is really terrible. Even if I slow down for half a second, my body will be blown up..."

At this time, the smell of haotianyi in Lin Ming's body is less than one percent.

In Lin Ming's opinion, it will take at least several months for him to digest the smell of haotianyi.

Of course, Lin Ming is still full of expectations.

Once he has digested the breath of haotianyi, his strength level will surely be promoted to the Ninth level of huahun level.

At this time, the human soul belonging to haotianyi was already dull and mechanical, and Lin Ming did not delay much, so he directly put it into the heaven and earth map.

Seeing the disappearance of haotianyi's soul, Feng Haotian seems to have recovered at this time. His subconscious retreat makes him far away from Lin Ming.

Then his voice trembled and he said:

"You, you are extremely vicious and courageous. You dare to devour a strong man in the immortal kingdom of the divine punishment hall. You wait. The disciples of the immortal sect will find you and break you to pieces..."

After that, Feng Haotian disappeared. Whew, she disappeared in the sky like running for her life.

"Master, let's go."

At this time, Xuanyuan Lianyin seemed to suddenly feel something. He suddenly opened his mouth, and his eyes flashed with a trace of fear.

Seeing that Xuanyuan Lianyin's reaction was so great, Lin Ming could not help frowning slightly and said, "why, are the disciples of Xianmen really here?"

"From the breath I feel, it should be the disciples of the immortal sect." Xuanyuan Lianyin said: "I'm afraid they will arrive in a few minutes

They are the true disciples of the immortal sect, and they are not comparable to the strong ones in the immortal kingdom of the divine punishment hall. In the divine punishment hall, even if they have the strength of the nine levels of the immortal Kingdom, they are not equal to the disciples in the four or five levels of the immortal kingdom of the immortal sect.... "

"Oh? So strong? " Lin Ming seems to be eager to try.

Just at this time, a trace of consciousness came out from the Shenju acupoint, which made Lin Ming's face change. Whew, he didn't care about the two disciples and disappeared in the same place.

Indeed, a trace of consciousness from Shenju cave comes from the dragon spirit.

Even the dragon soul has such a reaction. Naturally, the immortal disciples who are about to appear are really strong. Even the dragon soul has to stay away.

Lin Ming knows that since all the disciples of Xianmen have been shocked, Longcheng will not be able to stay any longer. In fact, it can also be said that with the help of haotianyi, not only Longcheng, but also the whole dragon cave has been destroyed.

I'm afraid there is not a complete place in the whole dragon city except the place of Longtan.

In a small world, Lin Ming knows he can't stay.

I'm afraid there is only one place to go at this time, that is outside the domain.

Once upon a time, Lin Tianjing had been there and had a friendship with the dark creatures.

Naturally, the outside world is the safest place for Lin Ming.

Lin Ming must also be able to find a secret place. After digesting the breath of haotianyi, he can upgrade his strength to the Ninth level of huahunjing.

Of course, in Lin Ming's opinion, his strength had better be directly promoted to the realm of Xianjun.

With the strength of xianjunjing, Lin Ming knew that he could fight with the disciples of Xianmen.

Soon, Lin Ming entered the outside world again.

All around, there is a fog, of course, these fog for Lin Ming, can be ignored.

At this time, Xuanyuan Lianyin said: "master, the strength of Xianmen disciples is very important. We must restrain our breath. Otherwise, without waiting for us to go deep into the outside world, Xianmen disciples have caught up with us by tracking my breath..."

Lin Ming as like as two peas, nodded his head, and fell down from high altitude, and then he was breathing in the air.

And Xuanyuan Lianyin disappeared and entered the picture of heaven and earth.

"Lin Ming, it's not good. Wu Xunyi and long Xueni are in a bit of a bad situation. Please take a look at them quickly..."

"Their bodies seem to be resisting the heaven and earth diagram, and they want to leave the space in the heaven and earth diagram..."

At this time, the voice of the evil ancestor and the princess of hell came from the picture of heaven and earth.

Hearing this, Lin Ming was surprised, but nature immediately disappeared in the same place and entered the heaven and earth map.


Sure enough, Lin Ming clearly saw that Wu Xunyi and long Xueni both had a look of pain. Not to mention the face, it seemed that the muscles of the whole body were twisting and shaking, as if something was coming out of the body.

Lin Ming asked in a deep voice, "what's the matter?"

The evil ancestor looked confused. He shook his head and said, "I don't know what's going on. They have been resting and sleeping since they came in, but just now, they suddenly became like this..."

The hell Princess added: "it seems that there is something in the two people. They are afraid of this space and want to get away from it. Lin Ming, why don't you take them out and have a try..."

While the evil ancestor and the princess of hell were talking, Lin Ming quickly checked Wu Xunyi and long Xueni, but no abnormality was found.

And their body muscles are really twisting and shaking. It seems that the next moment, their whole bodies will explode directly.

At present, Lin Ming could not think of any other good way, so he took Wu Xunyi and long Xueni out, that is, he left the space in the picture of heaven and earth.

It's right to have a try like this. Lin Ming can see clearly that after Wu Xunyi and long Xueni come out, their symptoms disappear immediately and their faces recover as usual.

Suddenly, they also opened their eyes.

For the first time, Wu Xunyi exclaimed: "ah, you beast, what do you want to do? Stay away from me..."

A turn around, Wu fumigation Yi seems to also can't take care of oneself to be completely in the middle of a misty space, step out the legs to run.

Long Xue Ni's words, pour is a little Zheng Zheng, this just followed to turn round to run.

Seeing this, Lin Ming couldn't help frowning.

Now, he has completely restrained his breath, but it is quite easy for him to catch up with them when he runs.

Almost the next moment, Lin Ming ran directly to them, stopped them and said:

"Listen to me, you have lost your memory and forgotten a lot of things. I can swear that I have no malice towards you..."

Wu Xunyi said: "men's words are deceiving ghosts. I believe you. You killed a woman. We saw it with our own eyes. What else do you have to quibble about?"

Lin Ming was speechless, then with a fierce look, he said, "well, since you can't cheat you and you can't be fooled by me, don't blame me

Let's go

With that, Lin Ming grabs Wu Xunyi and long Xueni's wrists one by one.

Then, no matter how they struggle or how they fight or how they scold, it's useless. Lin Ming is determined not to let go.

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