At this time, Lin Ming almost dragged Wu Xunyi and long Xueni to walk forward in the fog of the outside world.

All of a sudden, Lin Ming felt a pain in his wrist. When he looked down, he saw Wu Xunyi biting on his wrist.

For a moment, Lin Ming just a expressionless look, light mouth said: "bite it, if you can bite off my wrist, then you have the ability, ha ha."

Wu Xunyi really didn't let go. She bit harder and harder, until she suddenly tasted the taste of blood, and subconsciously felt sick. Then she let go.

She didn't wipe away the blood from the corner of her mouth. Then she stared at Lin Ming like fire in her eyes and gritted her teeth

"You beast, if you dare to do anything to me, I swear that even if I die, I will not let you go as a ghost."

"Ah, ghost." All of a sudden, long Xueni screams. She stares at Lin Ming's wrist. She looks unbelievable. She can't believe what she sees at this time.

"Silk..." then also subconsciously looked at one eye, then saw Wu fumigation Yi also looked like can't help but, took a cold breath.

Indeed, at the moment, both of them could see clearly that the deep tooth print on Lin Ming's wrist was recovering at the speed visible to the naked eye.

And at the moment with two people such a look, that clench teeth, also is dissipated without a trace.

If it wasn't for Lin Ming's wrist, there was still a little blood left, it would be like the scene just now, it didn't happen at all.

"You, who are you?" At this time, Wu Xunyi's voice, can't help but ask with a trace of trembling.

"Yes, I am a ghost." Lin Ming could not help showing a gloomy look, "this is hell. If you don't follow me, you will die miserably. Haha..."

At last, Lin Ming laughed twice, looking more gloomy.

"Ah Seeing this, no matter how brave Wu Xunyi and long Xueni are, they are scared by Lin Ming's appearance and scream subconsciously. Brush, their faces are even more pale as snow.

Wu Xunyi seems to finally know the fear, at the moment, immediately she is a silent look.

At the moment, seeing that Wu Yanyi was finally frightened, he stopped talking. Lin Ming didn't say anything. Then he stepped forward, still holding them one by one.

Naturally, he wanted to find a secret cave. On the one hand, he wanted to avoid the search of the immortal disciples. On the other hand, he also wanted to digest the smell of haotianyi in his body, so as to improve his strength.

At least we should upgrade to the Ninth level of the soul realm.

Of course, in Lin Ming's opinion, it's better to be promoted to Xianjun.

In this way, with his dragon spirit, two weapon spirits and other means, it will not be difficult for him to kill each other, not to mention the immortal disciples, even if the stronger Saint disciples appear.

In this foggy space, I went forward like this, about half an hour later.

Finally, in Lin Ming's sight, there is a hole.

Lin Ming also speeded up a little.

Soon, a cave appeared not far away.

Lin Ming looked around and saw that the location of the cave was also quite secret.

"Here it is..."

So, Lin Ming took a big step and went into the cave.

Wu Xunyi and long Xueni were so scared that they almost flew out when they saw Lin Ming going into the cave.

Indeed, in their view, once Lin Ming entered the cave, what he would do to them would be obvious.

Lin Ming will kill them.

At this moment, even if she was afraid of Lin Ming before, Wu Xunyi was ready to give up. She cried out:

"Help, help, somebody, help me, help me."

"Help, somebody help me."

Long Xueni is also a very scared look, shouting.

"If you shout your throat, no one will show up..." seeing this, Lin Ming said in a very speechless manner, and then continued: "I said, you two, why don't you know to give up your heart? This wild man in the wilderness has no shadow of half a wild animal, let alone human beings..."


When Lin Ming's voice just fell, a dull and hoarse roar suddenly rang out.

Wu Xunyi and long Xueni were overjoyed. Long Xueni could not help shouting:

"Somebody, somebody else at last."

Indeed, since waking up, Wu Xunyi and long Xueni have never seen anyone else. Just as Lin Ming said, they have never seen any beast.

Now suddenly there are other voices. They can't help thinking that there must be others nearby.

At the moment, Wu Xunyi doesn't know where her strength comes from. She shakes away Lin Ming's hand and runs. It's like a gust of wind and disappears in the direction of the roar.

"Not good."

Seeing this, Lin Ming's face can't help changing, and then he points a acupoint on long Xueni's body, making long Xueni unable to move.

Then after Lin Ming puts long Xueni into the cave, he rushes to catch up with Wu Xunyi.

Soon, Lin Ming will be able to see a figure not far away. Naturally, it is Wu Xunyi.

At this time, Wu Xunyi's figure seemed to stop.

"Ah Immediately after that, Wu Xunyi made a scream in her mouth.

At this time, Lin Ming's face also changed.

Indeed, at this moment, Lin Ming clearly saw that not far from Wu Xunyi's body, there were green eyes, full of ferocious and violent atmosphere.

Although he has not seen his figure clearly, Lin Ming naturally knows what it will be.

Nature is the dark creature in the outer world.

Sure enough, at this moment, a pair of claws stretched out from the fog and directly grabbed Wu Xunyi.

The speed of this grab is too fast. Lin Ming is about one or two hundred meters away from Wu Xunyi.

Of course, if Lin Ming doesn't need to hide his breath, he can reach Wu Yanyi in an instant.

As for these so-called dark creatures, it is not enough for Lin Ming to mention them.

But at this time, Lin Ming was already hiding the breath. If he released the breath, once he was found by the disciples of the immortal sect, there would be a steady stream of troubles.

Of course, Lin Ming is also immediately running towards Wu Xunyi.

Whew for a moment, the body shape of Lin Ming also imitates to arrive at Wu Xunyi's body side like a remnant.

"Go." After Lin Ming grabs Wu Xunyi's arm, he will naturally run back.

But what Lin Ming didn't expect was that the speed of the claw suddenly accelerated, and he grabbed it directly on his shoulder.

At this moment, Lin Ming just felt a pain in his shoulder. When he turned his head a little, the five sharp claws had already gone into Lin Ming's shoulder.

All of a sudden, blood gurgled out.

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