That is to say, after a little astonishment, Shi Feng's face turned out to be ecstatic and said:

"Ha ha, it seems that you are hiding deep enough. Even the disciples of Xianmen didn't find you. But now, you are going to fall into my hands..."

Indeed, in Shi Feng's view, only this explanation makes sense. If Lin Ming is found by the disciples of the immortal sect, there is no reason why Lin Ming will not die.

At this time, there was a cold light in Shi Feng's eyes, and he said: "if the disciples of the immortal sect know that I killed you, then I will make a great contribution..."

Three figures flashed out of the side of the stone peak.

These are the three spirits of Shifeng.

Then he saw that there was a flash of white light in the hands of the three souls of Shifeng. These were three sharp swords.

From the breath as like as two peas, the three long swords are exactly the same as the sharp sword in Shi Feng's hands.

"Oh?" At the moment of seeing such a scene, the color of interest on Lin Ming's face became more and more intense.

Indeed, the sharp sword in the hands of the three spirits is also a real immortal weapon.

Moreover, Lin Ming also saw that these four sharp swords should be one set.

If they are used together, I'm afraid they will be hundreds of times more powerful than before.

Sure enough, Shi Feng opened his mouth and said, "boy, since you are dying, I might as well tell you the truth

You think I have only one sword in my hand? No, you are very wrong. There are four swords in my hand. They are called four elephant sky thunder swords. They are a sword array

The four elephant sky thunder sword array can kill the strong one in Xianjun realm. Even when they reach the peak of the eight or nine levels of Xianjun realm, they have to be afraid of the four elephant sky thunder sword in my hand... "

At that time, Shi Feng saw that Lin Ming's face didn't show any fear. On the contrary, he was more interested.

Seeing this, Shi Feng sneered, "it seems that the nameless boy is the nameless boy. I haven't heard of the reputation of the four elephants Tianlei sword

Good. Now, I'll show you... "

At the moment when the voice fell, the three spirits of Shifeng moved and disappeared. When they reappeared, they surrounded Lin Ming, Feng Jingxiu and Feng Yimeng in the center.

Lin Ming was still calm and calm. He said to Feng Yimeng and Feng Jingxiu: "you hide first..."

Then, without waiting for them to speak, they disappeared out of thin air.

Then Lin Mingcai opened his mouth to Shifeng and said, "I can feel the power of the four elephant sky thunder sword in your hand. In this case, I'll make up my mind about the four elephant sky thunder sword in your hand

It's devouring your four elephant sky thunder sword. I think my five element yuan spirit Zhutian sword can have the strength to transform the soul into nine levels... "

"What, you want to devour my four elephant sky thunder sword?" Hearing this, Shi Feng couldn't help laughing and said:

"You are arrogant and ignorant, boy. Do you think you can swallow the five elements and the spirit, and you can swallow the immortal?

I tell you, even the devil emperor in the demon world does not dare to do this. He has no strength to do this. As a result, he will die

Of course, I won't let you touch the four elephant sky thunder sword in my hand


Shi Feng and his three spirits, on the four sharp swords in their hands, all had a blazing white light flashing, crackling sound, and at the same time.

At this time, in addition to the blazing white light, layers of blazing white current also wound around the four swords.

Then, there was a thundering sound.

The sound seemed to ring out in the sky, and it also seemed to come from the four sharp swords.

A breath of destroying heaven and earth, a breath of destroying everything, has been sent out.

All the other people's faces changed greatly, and each one of them stepped back to ten thousand meters away.

Even so, everyone can still feel the terrible breath and momentum of these four sharp swords.

Just at this time, high above, the wind and cloud surged.

Boom, a burst of thunder, earth shaking, deafening.

From the thick clouds, there are also flashes of electric light.

These electric lights are suspended under the clouds. Each electric light is like a huge sword.

The sword, which is made of electricity and light, is suspended in the sky. It's dense and can't be counted.

And every electric sword seems to have directly targeted Lin Ming.

At this time, Shi Feng said confidently:

"Four elephants sky thunder sword array, I have displayed it

The area of ten thousand meters has been locked by the four heavenly thunder sword array. Even the strong of the nine levels of Xianjun realm can't escape

As for you, don't be paranoid. "

"Run away?" Lin Ming ha ha a, say: "for a while, the person that wants to escape, it is you!"

With a flash of cold light in his eyes, Lin Ming first took back the fire snake, and then urged zhutianjian.

In an instant, zhutianjian became bigger, like Optimus Prime, directly penetrated the layers of black clouds in the sky, as if it had penetrated into the sky.

"The sudden power of zhutianjian surprised me a little bit..."

At this time, Lin Ming did not expect that after his strength broke through to the Ninth level of soul transforming realm, he urged zhutianjian to get up. Zhutianjian was so powerful.

Then I saw a bright red sword standing between heaven and earth, like a towering mountain, which can not be shaken.

"What, this..." for the first time, Shi Feng seemed to be startled subconsciously, with a faint thump in his heart

"Is this the five elements yuan Ling Zhu Tian Jian? How can it be more like an immortal

"To die!"

Shi Feng's murderous spirit became stronger, and he drank it coldly.

Whew, whew

As soon as you see, countless electric swords hanging in the sky rush down at the speed of a straight line. Each sword, which can't be counted, stabs Lin Ming like a meteorite.


Lin Ming just whispered a word in his mouth, and the sword moved. It seemed to chop down very slowly, but suddenly the sword was rampant between heaven and earth.

The heavy black clouds above were first scattered.

With a loud bang, all the electro-optic swords were defeated and dispersed at the same time.

This sword is like the creation of heaven and earth, like destroying heaven and earth. Now, even Lin Ming himself is a little scared.

Of course, Lin Ming was very happy.

He made the right decision.

Even if it's not their own five element spirit, that is, the heaven killing sword and the God destroying sword, they can't be discarded.

At the moment, Lin Ming can clearly feel that under the sword of zhutianjian, he has directly broken the four elephant sky thunder sword array cast by Shifeng.

Such a scene, even if all the people far away from ten thousand meters, are extremely clear to see, one by one, their hearts are shocked, they all look up at the sky killing sword like Optimus Prime.

In particular, among the three or four disciples of the sword God family, their spirits were extremely shocked, reaching the point of no more

"This is the five elements spirit of the sword God family. Is it the power of Zhutian sword?"

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