These people, as disciples of the sword God family, naturally know very well about the power of their five elements yuan spirit Zhutian sword.

That is, no matter what level of cultivation, there will be no such terrible power.

Of course, in their cognition, it seems that there has never been a disciple of the sword God family who can reach the immortal kingdom.

Now, naturally, they can see that Lin Ming's sword of killing heaven is so powerful that it can instantly destroy the four heavenly thunder sword array of Shifeng.

In other words, Lin Ming's five elements yuan Ling Zhu Tian Jian is as powerful as the powerful one in Xianjun realm.

At this time, one of the disciples of the sword God clan seemed to suddenly think of something. He said, "is it true that the legend within the sword God clan has always been true?"

"What legend?" For a moment, the other people were all looking at the disciples of sword God family who suddenly said something.

"The legend of the sword God." The disciple of the sword God family spoke out slowly: "have you never heard of it?" See a few people shake their heads together, then way:

"It's said that the reason why we are disciples of the sword God family is related to the sword God. If any of the disciples of the sword God family has extraordinary talent, they have a great chance to inspire the power of the sword God hidden in the sky killing sword..."

"What? The power of the sword God? " Brush, several other people heard this, immediately eyes are involuntarily lit up.

"Yes, the power of the sword God." The eyes of the disciples of the sword God family who spoke were bright: "the sword God is the supreme existence in the world

In the five elements Yuanling Zhutian sword, even if only one millionth of the sword God's power is aroused and displayed, it is enough to destroy heaven and earth... "

At this time, the others looked like they were all suddenly.

"In this way, you mean that Lin Ming inspired the sword God's power hidden in Zhutian sword..."

"It's also very possible that Lin Ming has a dragon spirit that is rare in ten thousand years. It's not surprising that he can inspire the power of the sword God hidden in Zhutian sword..."

One of them suddenly moved in his heart, his eyes flashed with a strong light, and said: "since this boy can inspire the hidden power of sword God in Zhutian sword

Well, if he falls into our hands, then we will be able to find out the way to stimulate the power of the sword God? "

"How to inspire the power of the sword God?"

Hear someone suddenly open such a sentence, all other people's bodies seem to be a shock involuntarily, the eyes also flash with a strong color of longing.

It seems that they have inspired and displayed the power of sword God hidden in Zhutian sword.

Everyone looks very excited.

"Yes, as long as this boy falls into our hands, we can inspire the power of the sword God..."

For a moment, these disciples of the sword God family took the initiative to ignore the most crucial problem, that is, how can they be Lin Ming's opponents when Shi Feng is defeated by Lin Ming.

"You broke my four elephant sky thunder sword with one sword?"

At this time, Shi Feng's heart was shocked. His eyes were full of amazement and disbelief. He looked at Lin Ming.

Of course, if Lin Ming could have the strength of xianjunjing and the existence of dragon soul, and could break the four heavenly thunder swords in an instant, his reaction would not be so big.

However, he clearly felt that Lin Ming's strength was in the stage of transforming the soul, although it was not clear how many levels of the soul were embodied.

But now in Shi Feng's view, Lin Ming's strength is one level of soul transforming realm, and nine levels of soul transforming realm. For him, there is not much difference.

In his opinion, the four heavenly thunder swords can directly kill the strong in the immortal realm, and the strength of the soul realm is nothing to be said.

But what's happening now is totally beyond his expectation.

At this time, the Zhutian sword returned to its original size, still suspended in front of Lin Ming's body, emitting bright red light and powerful breath.

At the moment, Shi Feng gritted his teeth and said, "it seems that you really have some strength. You use the sword God family's Zhutian sword and instantly break the four elephants Tianlei sword. But, you're done here

You've lost a lot of breath in your body. How can you pick up my four elephant sky thunder sword? "

Shi Feng's whole body moved. At the same time, his three spirits also moved.

Whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whe.

This speed, like wind and electricity, is close to Lin Ming in the blink of an eye.


As if with one voice, four loud shouts followed. Then, four sharp sword points stabbed at the four most lethal parts of Lin Ming's body.

The left and right temples, the throat, and the heart of the chest.

"You boy, this is the only one who will end up..."

Shi Feng's face showed a grim smile. He seemed to have seen that under his four swords, Lin Ming had been stabbed to death.


But the next moment, his eyes are like involuntarily staring up, which filled with a strong color of incredible.

He also subconsciously exclaimed out: "you should pick up my four elephant sky thunder sword with your bare hands!"

Indeed, at this moment, he clearly saw that Lin Ming's left and right hands respectively caught him and a four elephant Tianlei sword in his tianhun's hand.

As for the two souls of the earth people, the other two four elephant sky thunder swords in their hands were caught by the two spirits that suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Either Lin Ming or the two ghosts suddenly appeared out of thin air, they all seem to catch the four elephant sky thunder sword easily.

Of course, the scene of Lin Ming holding two four elephant sky thunder swords in his hands naturally made Shi Feng feel more shocked.

He knew clearly that the three immortal realms in the former Shenfu hall, namely yantianqi, haotianyi, and Xuanyuan Lianyin, could not do this and did not dare to do so.

Once upon a time, Xuanyuan Lianyin wanted to try to catch the four elephant sky thunder sword with his bare hands, but he was seriously injured by the four elephant sky thunder sword in an instant.

At the moment, Shi Feng's face turned red and purple again, and finally turned to iron green. He roared out:

"Boy, let go, dare to take my four elephant sky thunder sword. Do you know who gave me the four elephant sky thunder sword? Do you know my true identity

Lin Ming also moved in his heart and said with a sneer, "ha ha, isn't he a saint's disciple? It's nothing special..."

It's true that Shifeng's four elephant sky thunder sword has a terrible power.

Even Lin Ming himself believed that he would have to work hard to break it.

However, Lin Ming did not expect that his five elements yuan Ling Zhu Tian Jian could burst out such a terrible breath momentum.

Yantianqi, haotianyi and Xuanyuan Lianyin, who were the three elders of the punishment hall before, had no such powerful immortal tools. It can be imagined that Shifeng now has any hidden identity.

"You, you dare to despise the holy people, you..." Shi Feng saw Lin Ming's appearance that he didn't pay attention to him. He was so angry that he almost spat blood. At the moment, he couldn't say a complete word.

"You don't know what you are." Lin Ming sneered and said, "I'd like to remind you that as I said just now, you're the one who wants to escape. Otherwise, you'll end up with yuchilu..."

"What, you killed yuchilu?" This words let Shi Feng unavoidably a Zheng under, imitate subconscious of, in the eyes peeped out a color of panic.

"If you dare to kill a saint disciple, I will spare you." Follow the roar of Shifeng.

But immediately after that, he felt that the four elephants sky thunder sword in his hand had a tremendous power, and then he felt that his hand was empty at the next moment.

When he looked at it again, he found that a four elephant sky thunder sword in his own hand had fallen into Lin Ming's hands.

He looked at the three spirits again, and his face turned pale instantly.

His face was so gloomy that he let out a loud drink: "violence!"

At this moment, he was going to detonate the four sky thunder swords.

It's true that in his eyes, the four heavenly thunder swords in his hand are still his, although they have been taken away by Lin Ming.

Because the weapon soul in the four elephant sky thunder sword has the mark of his soul power.

However, in his view, the scene that was sure to happen did not appear, that is, the four elephant sky thunder sword that Lin Ming seized did not explode.

At this moment, the heart of the stone peak suddenly sank, as if it had directly sunk to the bottom of the valley.

Indeed, he knew what it meant.

It means that the moment Lin Ming takes away the four elephants' thunder sword, he will erase the mark of his soul power from the four elephants' thunder sword, and then leave his own soul power in it.

How much soul power is needed to do this.

Shi Feng himself is also very clear that only the strong of the nine levels of strength in xianjunjing can do it.

"Did the boy deliberately hide his strength?" Think of this, the color of fear in Shi Feng's eyes can't help but become more intense a bit, pedal pedal, his steps are like subconscious retreat.

He also asked involuntarily: "your real strength is the ninth floor of xianjunjing?"

Lin Ming just laughed.

At this time, he didn't seem to care about the appearance of Shifeng. The four Tianlei swords had already come to him.

He looked at it with satisfaction and nodded, "very good. It's a complete set of immortal tools..."

With the change of words: "however, it's still not as good as my Zhutian sword, so let's merge..."

Before the words were heard, Zhutian sword disappeared, and so did Lin Ming's four heavenly thunder swords. Naturally, they all entered Lin Ming's body.

Of course, if they want to be integrated with each other, Lin Ming will have to work the breathing method.

At present, we have to solve the problem of Shifeng first.

Lin Ming got up with an expressionless face, looked at Shi Feng and said calmly, "since you don't know how to seize the opportunity to escape, then you won't have another chance to escape..."

"You dare to kill me." Immediately, Shi Feng showed a ferocious look: "if you dare to kill me, not only the immortal gate will not let you go, but also the holy family will not let you go, you will only die..."

Lin Ming said, "I won't kill you for the time being."

Shi Feng sneered. He naturally thought that Lin Ming was afraid. He said:

"It's good to know fear, kneel down... Ah..."

But before he finished his sentence, a scream that sounded very sad came out of his mouth.

Indeed, all of a sudden, Lin Ming hit Shi Feng on the chest, and an unbeatable force rushed into Shi Feng's body.

At this moment, Shi Feng felt that his internal organs were broken into dregs.

Poof, all of a sudden, Shi Feng's mouth was bleeding continuously, and he felt that he would die in the next moment.

"You, you don't mean not to kill..."

A word is not finished, the stone peak has disappeared.

Of course, Lin Ming also put the stone peak in the picture of heaven and earth.

Indeed, it's obvious that Lin Ming has already realized that compared with Xianmen, this holy family is more powerful.

Now he hasn't even entered the immortal gate, but even the saint clan has been provoked.

In Lin Ming's opinion, the two disciples of the holy family, Wei Chi Lu and Shi Feng, would be killed if they were killed. It's better to leave them both alive. It's better to be prepared for a rainy day.

However, in the eyes of everyone else, Lin Ming killed a saint disciple directly.

They are not from the first to show a pair of scared not light appearance, one by one as if to see the monster, from a distance to see.

Who dares to kill the disciples of the holy family? Not to mention the Shenshi family in the small world, not to mention the disciples of the Xianmen, even the elders and other supreme strong people in the Xianmen dare not do so.

"The boy is so arrogant that he is not afraid of death!"

"This boy can do everything. I promise, he won't live long..."

"He's looking at it!"

At this moment, everyone can't help but feel that Lin Ming's eyes look this way.

This first time let all people seem to be involuntarily startled.

"Run away!"

At present, many people lost their fighting spirit in an instant, and the whole person disappeared.

It's true that Shi Feng is the strongest among all the people. He has powerful immortal tools given by the elders of the Holy Family in his hands. But even so, he is defeated by Lin Ming and killed by him.

If they do, they're not going to give their heads off.

At present, a large group of strong men with 30 or 40 people, who were still murderous and aggressive before, disappeared most of them.

There were only more than ten people left, including the four other disciples of the sword God family.

It's true that at this moment, more than ten people also felt it, and suddenly there was a wave of strong breath in the distance.

"Immortal disciple!"

Their subconscious guess to this point, the body shape to leave at the moment, then naturally also a meal.

"Lin Ming," at this time, Jiutian Xuannv suddenly appeared, and her eyes flashed with a trace of surprise: "I saw your hand clearly just now. I didn't expect that your talent was far beyond my expectation

You can inspire the power of God hidden in the five elements spirit... "

Lin Ming couldn't help wondering: "the power of God?"

Jiutian Xuannv nodded and said, "yes, the power of God. Why is the power of Zhutian sword so powerful just now? It's because you are hiding in the five element Yuanling Zhutian sword. The power of sword God is inspired!"

"So it is." For a moment, Lin Ming just nodded his head slightly.

At this time, Jiutian Xuannv's face changed, and she opened her mouth like a Scream: "immortal disciple!"

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