Lin Mingwang went to the far right.

Indeed, Lin Ming clearly felt a very powerful breath, which was coming rapidly.

Just as if it was still in the distant sky, but in the blink of an eye, it was already very close.

In her eyes, Jiutian Xuannu could not help but subconsciously show a trace of panic. Her tone could not help but be a little hasty and said:

"It should be right. Even the disciples of the immortal sect are no doubt, and only the disciples of the immortal sect can have such terrible speed and momentum..."

Lin Ming naturally believed that Jiutian Xuannu had been a disciple of the immortal sect, and she was the best one among them.

At this time, Jiutian Xuannv's tone was even more urgent, and she said: "Lin Ming, we'd better leave first and stay away for a while. Otherwise, even if you and I all have the strength of xianjunjing, we won't be the opponents of Xianmen disciples

I can't know more about the strength of Xianmen disciples... "

Said, nine days Xuan female body already has seven color ray of light to flash but rise, a pair of looks to want to leave immediately of appearance.

Naturally, in her opinion, her words have been very clear, and Lin Ming has no doubt about her appearance, so naturally, Lin Ming will leave at the first time.

But what nine days Xuannv never thought was that at this time she saw Lin Ming's eyes, which were looking to the far right, filled with a sense of war and even more eager to try.

Naturally, Jiutian Xuannv was a little scared. She almost couldn't help reaching out for Lin Ming's arm and taking him away

"Lin Ming, what are you doing? Are you crazy? No one knows the strength of Xianmen disciples better than me. Even if you have dragon spirit, you will not be the opponent of Xianmen disciples

I don't mind telling you that every disciple in the immortal sect has the spirit of the immortal and the power of the immortal spirit... "

"Oh? "Immortal spirit?"

After that, in Jiutian Xuannu's opinion, Lin Ming should have left with her at the first time. But unexpectedly, Lin Ming's eyes became more interested.

It seems that on the contrary, he is about to take the initiative to fly to the immortal disciple in the distance.

Nine days Xuannu completely speechless, she completely feel that Lin Ming is looking for death, her tone can not help but with a point of anger:

"Lin Ming, even if you have a dragon soul, you can't be an opponent of the disciples of the immortal sect. Of course, unless your dragon soul has completed all nine stages of evolution

Otherwise, as long as the immortal disciples show their immortal spirit, ten of you will not be dead enough... "

Lin Ming was still not afraid at all. He said faintly: "why, is this immortal spirit more powerful than the power of heaven and earth, the power of soul, and even the power hidden in the five elements and Yuan spirit?"

Nine days Xuan female not good spirit of say:

"In fact, there is no absolute power. Unless your power of heaven and earth and your power of soul are ten thousand times stronger than that of the immortal disciples, you can have the power of the first World War

Of course, Xianqi can't be compared with Shenli

But you have to know that the other side is the strong one in xianjunjing, and the divine power hidden in the five elements spirit is very few

Lin Ming

At this point, Jiutian Xuannv finally got up. She grabbed Lin Ming's arm and yelled:

"Follow me!"

But she couldn't touch Lin Ming at all.

"Want to escape?"

But at this time, the dozen or so disciples of the Shenshi family who were left in the distance all showed a look of fearlessness. They all flashed over and surrounded Lin Ming and Jiutian Xuannv in the center.

"It's time for you to let go..."

"In a few seconds, the disciples of Xianmen will be able to come. Even if you run away now, you can't escape..."

The eyes of the disciples of the Shen family who were looking at Lin Ming seemed to be looking at the dead.

Jiutian Xuannv's murderous spirit rose first, and her cold eyes swept slowly

"Why, do you think that if you go together, you will be my opponent and Lin Ming?"

One of them said: "Lin Ming's strength is really powerful. We have seen it just now. Of course, we won't be your opponent, but if you delay for a few seconds, we can still do it..."

"To die!"

Nine days Xuan girl is about to start.

But at this moment, her whole body suddenly seemed to freeze.

Her face changed as soon as she brushed it. Her eyes seemed to be full of hate and fear.

She couldn't help sighing: "ah, I can't go in the end..."

Sure enough, the next moment, a figure appeared out of thin air in all people's eyes.

At the moment of seeing this figure, the eyes of more than a dozen disciples of Shenshi family seemed to subconsciously show a strong color of intoxication, and each one seemed to have lost his soul.

"Oh?" At the moment of seeing this figure, Lin Ming's eyes seemed to light up involuntarily, and subconsciously said:

"Sure enough, there is something of the elegant demeanor of the immortal disciples..."

Indeed, this figure is a woman, graceful and graceful, a white gauze dress, a few white gauze bands on her body, flying in the breeze, and the skirt is also swinging in the breeze.

The whole person is elegant and light. It seems that he can fly away at any time.

As for the woman's face, it was incomparable, and her eyes seemed clear.

At this moment, Lin Ming looked in the past, and even could see clearly what was reflected in each other's eyes. This was him, and everything around him.

Of course, it's also the most important point. Lin Ming really clearly felt the strange smell lingering on the other person.

For the first time, Lin Ming really felt the breath.

Then, there is no doubt that this kind of breath should be the immortal Qi that the nine heaven Xuannv just said.

"Are you Lin Ming?" At this time, the other side spoke, and the voice was ethereal. It seemed that it was not from the present figure, but from a very distant space.

Lin Ming tilted his mouth slightly and said, "yes, sister fairy, I'm Lin Ming. Unexpectedly, you know my name. I'm really lucky. Let's sit down and talk about life and ideals..."

It was obviously a tease. From Lin Ming's mouth, the dozen disciples of the shens family were stunned.

This guy really doesn't want to die.

All the disciples of Xianmen dare to tease.

The other side seems to have paid no attention to Lin Ming's words. His voice is still ethereal

"Are you the one who killed the three immortals in the punishment hall?"

Lin Ming nodded slightly without hesitation: "yes, I killed him."

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