"I didn't expect to see the legendary chaotic dragon chain here." Xuanyuan Lianyin opened his mouth and said that he seemed to know something about this chaotic dragon chain.

Brush, nature, the first time, all eyes look at him.

It can be said that as the property of the Shenlong clan, the chaotic dragon chain is naturally best understood by the clan leader, the Dragon Wuxiang, and the three supreme elders.

Of course, we do know about it, but what we know is not about the chain itself.

They just know that it seems that before the appearance of the Shenlong clan, the chaotic dragon chain had already appeared in the Dragon Cave.

Then, in the generation after generation of the Shenlong clan, the chaotic dragon chain is inherited.

At present, Lin Ming naturally does not need to say that long Wuxiang, the three supreme elders, and even Feng Yimeng, Feng Jingxiu and others all want to know about the specific origin of the chaotic dragon chain.

Xuanyuan Lianyin said: "chaotic dragon chain is the product of the holy family. It is as famous as Zhenmo bottle and Hongmeng dragon butcher knife..."

"What." Feng Jing Xiu could not help exclaiming: "this is actually the sacred thing used by the holy people to deal with the dragon people among the holy beasts in ancient times?"

Feng Jingxiu knows that one of the Zhenmo bottles, of course, is an imitation. But when he reaches the level of immortal, he traps Lin Ming's dragon soul to death. That is to say, Lin Ming enters the magic meteorite sea, finds the star meteorite, and then smashes it.

At this time, Lin Ming could not help pondering and said: "this chaotic dragon chain is also an imitation like the magic bottle..."

Xuanyuan Lianyin nodded: "it's really imitations, whether it's a chaotic dragon chain, a magic bottle, or a Hongmeng dragon butcher's knife. They were lost as early as ancient times and in the long history of time

Not to mention that the immortals don't know the whereabouts of the three, even the saints themselves don't know at all... "

Lin Ming was relieved to learn a little about the origin of this chaotic chain.

Indeed, as one of the three sacred objects, Zhenmo bottle learned from Xuankong that it was imitated by XingKong meteorite. After that, he could find XingKong meteorite and break it.

In Lin Ming's opinion, no matter what, in the end, he can cut off the chaotic dragon chain that binds his father.

"Is there any way to cut off the chain of chaos binding Dragon..." Lin Ming said.

Xuanyuan Lianyin said: "as far as I know, the imitated chaotic dragon chain is made from the Dragon tendons of seven kinds of magic dragons. Although the grade is also immortal, its actual power is close to the Holy One

As far as I know, only the holy instrument can cut off the chain of chaos binding Dragon... "

"Holy instrument? Where is the sacred vessel? " At the moment, Lin Ming saw a glimmer of hope, his eyes brightened, and his tone was hasty.

"There are no sacred vessels. As far as I know, at least there are no sacred vessels in the immortal gate." Xuanyuan Lianyin brings together what he knows:

"Among the saints, there should be sacred vessels, but there seems to be no strong one who knows the specific location of the saints

Every time a saint disciple came down to practice, he appeared in the immortal gate out of thin air... "

"This..." Lin Ming frowned slightly.

Xuanyuan Lianyin is silent.

As for the Dragon no equal to other people's words, naturally there is no way, helpless.

Lin Ming suddenly disappeared.

When it reappears, there is one more person around.

Nine days Xuannv.

Indeed, Lin Ming thought of Jiutian Xuannv. Maybe Jiutian Xuannv should know something, so he brought the outside Jiutian Xuannv into the picture of heaven and earth.

Of course, Lin Ming has already told Jiutian Xuannv about the chaotic dragon chain.

"Yes!" As soon as Jiutian Xuannv appeared, she opened her mouth and said, "there is one thing that can cut off the chain of chaos and bind dragons."

"What is it?" Lin Ming's tone was too hasty.

"Kunpeng beast!" Nine days Xuan female say this a name, seem subconscious of, her eyes all faintly flashed a silk of fear of meaning.

Then she said:

"Actually, to be exact, it's Kunpeng's paw

And in the middle of the fairy gate, there is a Kunpeng beast

When he heard the three words of Kunpeng beast, Xuanyuan Lianyin seemed to be startled. When he heard the two words of paw, he shook his head like a rattle

"It's impossible for Kunpeng beast to break Lin Tianjing's chaotic dragon chain with his claws

Let's not say that Kunpeng beast itself has two families of sacred beasts, the blood of Kun and Peng, which are equivalent to the strength of fairyland when they were born

The Kunpeng beast, the only one in the immortal gate, has already possessed the strength of the immortal Kingdom, and is also the mount of the sect leader

Let's not say that the master of the gate won't let anyone near. If he doesn't let anyone see him, he won't let anyone see him. Even if he lets you near, he can't order Kunpeng beast to help him do anything

It's a lot more difficult to do than to get the same holy instrument... "

Nine days Xuan female didn't speak again, as if Xuan Yuan Lian Yin said words is true.

Lin Ming didn't speak any more. Of course, for Xuanyuan Lianyin's words, he clearly remembered them in his mind.

Lin Tianjing and Pan Yu have a careful physical examination. Lin Tianjing is still asleep, and Pan Yu is still like a corpse. There are no other abnormalities in their bodies. Lin Ming is a little relieved.

In fact, the difficulty lies in not having a clue. Now, whether it's to let Wu Yanyi and long Xueni completely recover their memories, or to let Lin Tianjing and Pan Yu wake up, there are already ways.

In Lin Ming's opinion, he will do it anyway.

"Lin Ming!"

After seeing Lin Ming finally check Lin Tianjing and Pan Yu, Feng Jingxiu's eyes flashed a little hesitation and said:

"There's one thing, can I ask you for help?"

Lin Ming guessed something and said, "you say it."

Feng Jingxiu said urgently, "my daughter Fei Fei, he was arrested by Feng Haotian, imprisoned and trapped in a cave with earth core magma at the bottom of Wutong Mountain. It was always burned by high temperature and fire."

Feifei, she won't last long

I can see that my daughter treats you as a friend. Otherwise, Feifei, she is the successor of the next patriarch. She will never be against Feng Haotian or the whole Feng clan

Lin Ming, your strength is also advancing by leaps and bounds. If you want to rescue Feifei, I'm afraid it's not difficult for you at all... "

At the moment, Lin Ming didn't think much and said, "OK, I'll help you save Feng Feifei..."

Crowning calamity, Lin Ming went on to say, "but I told you in advance that if I went to mount Wutong, I would be afraid that the entire Phoenix clan would be faced with a disaster."

Naturally, Lin Ming can't forget what he said to Feng Haotian when he was in Longcheng.

He will kill the Wutong Mountain, let Feng Haotian see with his own eyes, how the Phoenix clan was destroyed by him.

"This..." instantly felt the terrible murderous spirit of Lin Ming. Feng Jingxiu felt a thump in his heart. He had no doubt that under Lin Ming's hand, the Feng family would not be destroyed.

However, he knew that his strength in front of Lin Ming was not as good as ants.

How can he stop it.

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