"Ah Finally, Fengjing sighed: "maybe this is a catastrophe that the Feng family can't avoid. What Feng Haotian did to the Shenlong family members, I know that it's natural for blood to pay for blood..."

"You stay here, I will bring fengfeifei to you." Lin Ming said at this time.

"Thank you." Feng Jingxiu looked very grateful and moved, and said, "I will remember your kindness to my father and daughter all my life. I dare not forget each other. I will surely repay you to the death..."

"A little help." Lin Ming said it lightly.

"Lin Ming." Feng Jingxiu's eyes suddenly stare at Lin Ming, revealing a very solemn appearance:

"I've been chased and killed by the disciples of the Shenshi family, and my daughter, Feifei, has also fallen into the hands of Feng Haotian. I'm imprisoned and my life is in danger at any time

Feifei and I are no longer disciples of the Phoenix clan, and we are not accepted by the small world. I hope... "

After a pause, fengjingxiu continued, "I hope you can take in my father and daughter!"

With this saying, it seems that Feng Jingxiu's heart beat faster.

Indeed, he was afraid of Lin Ming's refusal.

Without thinking about it, Lin Ming said, "if you don't dislike it, you and Feng Feifei can stay here. After I enter the immortal gate, you and Feng Feifei can make other plans..."

"Thank you." Feng Jingxiu looks like he's going to be very grateful. He says in a loud voice.

With a puff, he knelt down to Lin Ming.

"No, get up." When Lin Ming lifted his hand, fengjingxiu naturally stood up.

Then Lin Ming said:

"Fengfeifei and I are really friends. I have said that before. Besides, when the dark creatures in Kunlun Mountain invaded the western world, we joined hands to fight against the enemy..."

"Lin Ming," Feng Jingxiu said, "now, your strength is not what it used to be. You are a powerful existence that can compete with the disciples of Xianmen. You can't look down on Feifei and treat Feifei as a friend. I'm really grateful..."

This time fengjingxiu didn't kneel down any more. He clasped his hands and bowed to Lin Ming.

At the moment, no one could see it. When he bowed his head slightly, there was a chill in his eyes.

Feng Jingxiu, as a student of Feng nationality, knows the specific location of the mount Wutong.

Lin Ming had a map of heaven and earth in his hands, and opened up under the space. Then he appeared directly in the mountain of Wutong.

It is a mountain, but in fact, the mountain of Wutong is a huge space.

After entering the mountain of Wutong, Lin Ming did not feel the boundary of the first time.

A trace of soul power released, but immediately felt that in that distant place, at least tens of thousands of meters away, there are many breath.

Obviously, it was the place where the Feng disciples lived.

Lin Ming disappeared.

At this time, in the middle of Mount Wutong, a large building courtyard is in the middle.

This is obviously a square, full of people.

Look at the number of people, at least five or six thousand.

There is only one figure floating in the air.

He was dressed in a white robe. He was upright and elegant.

In the square below, no matter who it is, they all look up slightly, all eyes are looking at this figure.

Everyone's eyes are full of worship, admiration, and even inexplicable fear.

"The turbulence in the small world, Xianmen has understood..." the voice came from this figure, cold and light. Although the voice was not big, it made everyone feel that it seemed to ring in their ears.

Everyone is a little afraid to have the appearance of distraction.

"God's disciples, the disciples of the great gods, I gathered you to the middle of Mount Wutong," the voice sounded. "There is a matter of vital importance.

And the origin of this incident is exactly the name of the dragon clan named Lin Ming

This man is extremely vicious and courageous. He killed the disciples of Shenfu hall and the strong ones in the immortal kingdom of Shenfu hall. As for how many disciples of Shenfu family died in his hands, it's hard to count

Do you know why this boy is so bold to fight against the small world, against the God punishment hall, and against the immortal gate

He has a dragon soul

He is the source of the doomed destruction

More than 10000 years ago, there was a source of destruction. Fortunately, it was discovered early, and the divine punishment hall destroyed the dragon soul

Although he let him escape a little bit, later, according to the investigation, he escaped to a barren land, that is, the secular world

However, since he has escaped to the secular world, he will not be able to make waves

Now, the boy named Lin Ming is much stronger than that man in those years

As far as I can see, he probably has nine levels of strength in the soul transforming realm, and the dragon soul has completed the sixth stage of evolution... "

"What, nine levels of soul realm?"

At the end of the sentence, a sound of cool air was heard.

Suddenly, the original silence of the huge square, boiling up, the voices.

"More than a month ago, didn't he just gather the strength of the ninth floor of the spiritual realm? The speed of strength improvement is so terrible..."

"The speed of this boy's strength improvement is really terrible. With his previous strength, he killed countless disciples of the Shenshi family. Now that his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, he can't directly destroy the whole small world..."

"Just now, I was dubious about the source of destruction. Now it seems that's not the case..."

"What the disciples of Xianmen said is not true. Think about it carefully. How many people have died in the small world since he appeared..."

"Now..." the voice said two words, and then all the voices in the huge square stopped abruptly, silent again.

"Now, no matter how much you pay, you can't let this boy live, and you can't let his strength continue to improve..."

Only this voice sounded: "once his dragon soul has completed the ninth stage of evolution, he will become a real dragon. At that time, he will become a giant dragon and soar into the sky, and the whole small world will become the dust of the universe

Next, Xianmen will be destroyed by him

We must strangle this source of destruction in the small world before he becomes a real dragon. "

"The source of destruction?" Lin Ming gave a sneer.

Indeed, when he saw that the figure floating in the air was also an immortal disciple, Lin Ming hid his breath and hid himself for a while.

Lin Ming could not help sneering when he heard the other party's high sounding and righteous words.

Of course, no one can stop him if he wants to become a real dragon.

However, since there are immortal disciples present, many of them, as well as the disciples of the major shens' families, have also been summoned. The destruction of the Feng family can only be temporarily shelved.

At this time, a figure appeared beside Lin Ming.

It's fengjingxiu.

"Lucky for the Phoenix." Lin Ming said, "there are immortal disciples here, and many of them, as well as the disciples of the major Shen families, have been called. I can only stop

Now, you take me to fengfeifei's underground cave

I'm going to help Feng Feifei out... "

"Are there any disciples of Xianmen?" Fengjing Xiushen's color could not help but move, but he was also silent. Then he said:

"If you want to rescue Feifei, thank you very much. The entrance of the underground cave is here..."

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