"Don't worry." All of a sudden, Lin Ming began to speak, and then he gathered his breath even more.

"Immortal disciple!" At the same time, fengjingxiu also saw something, almost didn't shout out directly.

Indeed, in the mid air of the huge square, two figures appeared out of thin air.

It's a familiar figure. The two disciples of Xianmen before, Yuhua Yan and Liao lingchu.

Both of them look like they have nothing to do with each other. Obviously, after some competition, their strength is really between Bo Zhongzhong and he is not hurt.

"Jin Yifeng, what's the source of destruction?" Liao lingchu looked sarcastically at the handsome man: "don't bewitch people and talk nonsense here

Lin Ming has a dragon soul in his body. He's the one the immortals want

Don't confuse black and white and gossip here... "

"Jin Yifeng, do you really intend to kill Lin Ming in the small world no matter how much you pay?"

Plume smoke also opened her mouth, she looked at the man's eyes, flashing and cold light.

"This is strange..." seeing this, Lin Ming felt more and more strange.

Indeed, it seems that there is not only discord between Yu Hua Yan and Liao Ling Chu, but also between them and the immortal disciple named Jin Yifeng.

Of course, what Lin Ming feels more and more strange is not the relationship among the three, but their different attitudes towards him.

According to Yu Hua Yan, she takes out a hidden immortal talisman and asks Lin Ming to put it into the body of the dragon soul, so that the dragon soul can completely hide its breath and not be found by the immortal gate.

According to Liao lingchu, let Lin Ming go to the immortal gate with him. Only in this way can Lin Ming's life be guaranteed.

As for Jin Yifeng, he has to kill Lin Ming in the small world at any cost, and he has to say something about the source of destruction.

"These three disciples of the immortal sect are really weird," Lin Ming said with a thoughtful look on his face

"These three people have different attitudes towards themselves. Maybe they are not disciples of the immortal sect at all. In fact, they are disciples of three different sects..."

Of course, in Lin Ming's view, if this is the case, it would be a good thing for him.

In the face of the murderous smoke and Liao lingchu, Jin Yifeng said calmly with an enigmatic look

"What I said is true. It's what the elder of Xianmen said to me personally. You are not good enough in Xianmen. Of course you can't know some secrets

If you want two to one, I'll be happy to accompany you... "

"Three immortals." Below, a voice suddenly rang out, let three people's eyes not from subconscious look down, saw a figure.

It turned out that the man who suddenly spoke was Feng Haotian, the head of the Feng clan.

Seeing that the three men's eyes fell on him, Feng Haotian quickly calmed down and said, "the three immortals are all here for Lin Ming. Why don't they work together to find Lin Ming?"

Now I haven't even seen anyone, but the three immortals beat up their own people. Don't they let the boy Lin Ming sit down and reap the benefits of the fisherman... "

"Yuhua smoke, Liao lingchu," Jin Yifeng said sarcastically, "it seems that you two are not as good as a clan leader in the small world..."

With these words, a golden light suddenly flashed on the palm of Jin Yifeng's right hand. When the golden light converged, a golden mirror appeared.

It seems that Yu Hua Yan and Liao Ling Chu were going to talk again, but when they saw such a golden mirror, they seemed to swallow their words.

"Say what you want to say." Jin Yifeng sneered and said, "why not..."

Seeing that they are still silent, Jin Yifeng doesn't seem to want to deal with them any more. He looks down at Feng Haotian and says:

"The most urgent thing is to find out where Lin Ming is now..."

"This..." hearing this, Lin Ming in the distance couldn't help clapping.

"This is the soul of Tongtian fairy..." Jin Yifeng said, "no matter where the boy is now, I can find him out..."

As the voice fell, Jin Yifeng pointed, and a white light shot out of the fingertip, which disappeared into the mirror.

"Not good..." Lin Ming's face changed, and then he looked at Feng Jingxiu.

Feng Jingxiu naturally understood immediately. He nodded and stepped forward.

Lin Ming keeps up.

Quietly, the two soon away from the drive.

"That cave is the entrance..." at this time, Feng Jingxiu pointed to the front and said.

Indeed, a few hundred meters away, there is indeed a hole, there are two guards, from the breath of the body, the strength is not weak.

Of course, these two guards with the strength of soul realm are not enough for Lin Ming.

The cold light in Lin Ming's eyes flickered and disappeared.

Then when he appeared at the entrance of the cave, Lin Ming took the two men's lives directly.

Fengjingxiu can't help but subconsciously look at the two bodies that have fallen down. A cold light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

When Lin Ming suddenly turned his head to look at him, he was immediately calm and said:

"The underground cave is very deep, and as it goes deeper, the temperature will get higher and higher. From time to time, there will be magma spouting from the wall. Be careful..."

Lin Ming didn't care at all. Then there was a flash of red light in the palm of his hand, and a feather appeared.

"Feng Lingyu!" Fengjingxiu hardly exclaimed.

"Fenglingyu is a sacred object of the Fengs. It is protected by fenglingyu. A little high temperature and magma can't hinder us or hurt us at all..."

A red light came out of the Phoenix plume in his hand and covered Lin Ming and Feng Jingxiu.

Feng Jingxiu's fingers moved subconsciously. It seems that he can't control it. Generally, he has to do something to take back the sacred object of Feng family, Feng Lingyu.

Naturally, he soon controlled his impulse.

He said happily: "I forgot that you have fenglingyu in your hand. In this way, it's not difficult to go down to the underground cave and rescue Feifei."

Fengjing's self-cultivation disappeared in the same place, naturally leading the way.

After a few minutes.

Feng Jingxiu's figure stopped.

Lin Ming stops.

Indeed, in their sight, there was a hole, from which came a terrible high temperature, more importantly, the inside of the hole was pouring magma.

From time to time, the magma splashed out and hit the walls and the ground, melting out fist sized holes.

"Lin Ming, this is the underground magma cave." Fengjingxiu was breathless: "after this lava cave, the cave over there is holding Feifei

This piece of magma is spiritual. No one can step on it except the patriarch

At the moment of stepping on it, people will be turned up by the magma and engulfed, and there will be no bones left... "

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