At this time, seeing the opponent's hand again, the extremely strong offensive swept over, Lin Ming naturally once again showed his breathing method for the first time.

With the light of the seven immortals in the body brightened up a little, the real strength of the dragon also recovered a lot.

Therefore, at the moment, with the operation of the breathing method, the transmitted suction is naturally more powerful.

This time, they didn't wait for the other side's attack to fall on the dragon's real body. With a whistling sound, such a suction force has swept out directly.


A scream followed.

This time, with the increase of the power of suction, more than one million strong people in Tiangong were absorbed by this kind of suction and lost control of their body in an instant.

Instant time, also in a scream sound, also is not even the time and opportunity of self explosion, directly fell into the dragon's real body that opened up, like a black hole in the mouth.

More than one million, or more than one million, Tiangong strongmen were directly engulfed by the real dragon and buried in the real dragon's belly. Subconsciously, at this moment, all the remaining Tiangong strongmen directly looked as if they were stunned.

More than one million powerful people in the heavenly palace have been taken out, which is enough to sweep any clan or even all 99 clans in the immortal clan.

But what happened now is that such a group of powerful Tiangong strongmen, in that moment, were swallowed up by the dragon's real body without even the slightest resistance.

Although, including the three heavenly kings, all the heavenly palace strongmen are ready to die, and all of them are willing to die.

But the scene of being swallowed up by the Dragon without any resistance still makes everyone feel like they can't help themselves, and a sense of extreme panic rises from the bottom of their heart.

Even many of the powerful people in the heavenly palace can't help but start to waver. Is it really right to stop the dragon's real body in this way? It has no effect at all, and it's completely in vain.

"It's no use doing this."

"It's true that this boy's real dragon body is too powerful. Compared with this real dragon body, we are not a little bit different..."

"It's not true. Our actions against this boy are useless. We're just dying in vain."

"What are you waiting for? Let's get out of here and go back to the defensive array of Tiangong..."

"That's right. We should go back to the defensive array and resist the boy for a while and a half with the power of the defensive array. It should be no problem at all."

"Tiangong's defensive array is also a very powerful array. It's really no problem to block this boy until the palace master shows up."

When I said that, many strong men in Tiangong started to move. In a flash, it seemed that they were going to leave here and return to the defensive array of Tiangong.

"No one wants to leave here..."

"If anyone flinches back and goes back to the defensive array, he will be sentenced to death immediately..."

But at the next moment, a sound of drinking came from the three heavenly kings at almost the same time, which naturally made all the strong people in the heavenly palace stop.

"Even if we're going to die for nothing, we're going to hold the boy back. Do you understand?"

A very strong cold light flashed in the immortal Heavenly King's eyes, slowly sweeping all the heavenly palace strongmen who wanted to return to the defensive array, and immediately made these people shiver like subconscious.

Indeed, if they really dare to retreat to the defensive array, the Immortal King will take their lives first.

At this time, Lin Ming seems to be too lazy to pay more attention to them. After absorbing the immortal breath of millions of strong people in Tiangong, the seven immortal spirits in his body naturally shine.

Lin Ming was overjoyed: "the recovery of the seven immortal souls is faster than I expected. It will take about four million yuan of the immortal breath of the strong in the heavenly palace. The seven immortal souls in the body will be able to recover to the strongest state

Let's just swallow up the five million strong men in Tiangong at one time... "

At present, time is also extremely urgent for Lin Ming. According to the two great spirits, the God slaughtering meeting has been held, and Bai Muyu must be in danger now.

It is necessary to solve the current problems as soon as possible, and then open the defense array of the heavenly palace, so that Lin Ming can enter the heavenly palace.

Most importantly, what worries Lin Ming most at the moment is the disappearance of the two great spirits. It is obvious that he is going to report everything here to the palace master tomorrow.

Once the master of the heavenly palace shows up, he will be delayed again. Whether he can rescue Bai Muyu is another question.

Of course, in fact, Lin Ming had already made a decision. Even if he risked his life, he would certainly save Bai Muyu.

In this way, a very strong cold light flashed in the huge eyes of the dragon's real body. First of all, there was a strong suction, which spread in all directions.

All of a sudden, Lin Ming naturally used the breathing method, but also brought it to the limit.

Boom a loud bang immediately sounded like, such a suction spread out, like a black hole in general, suddenly emitting infinite suction.


Then there was a scream, which just sounded.

"Whew, whew..."

The shadows, like arrows, are so dense that, like a shower, they fly directly to the real dragon in the distance.

Naturally, the dragon has opened its mouth for a long time, and it really looks like a huge black hole.

At the moment, no surprise, all the strong people in Tiangong seem to fly in directly.


Seeing the appearance of such a scene, I felt the power of suction for the first time. I was shocked. The three heavenly kings were all directly shocked.

And the rest of the Tiangong strongmen, whose strength is among the people, are naturally even the strongest. At this time, they are all scared to death.

At this time, when everyone looked around them, they found that nearly half of the heavenly palace strongmen had disappeared. Naturally, they were devoured by the dragon.

In other words, more than five million strong people in the heavenly palace were directly solved by the real dragon. This is totally a fantasy, unprecedented.

In everyone's opinion, even in the future, such a thing will certainly not happen.

But now it's really happening under everyone's eyes.

As for the rest of Tiangong strongmen, they would think so in their hearts, and they would feel how shocked and shocked they were. Lin Ming didn't care.

With the dragon's real body devouring these millions of powerful people in the heavenly palace, the seven immortal spirits in the body shine brightly. Almost in an instant, they really return to the strongest state.

Not only that, the dragon breath in the dragon's real body has also been supplemented.

In Lin Ming's feeling, at this time, the dragon's real body soared to tens of thousands of meters. If it lasted for half an hour, it should be safe.

In half an hour, for Lin Ming, he is enough to break away the so-called defensive array of the heavenly palace, and then go directly to fengshentai with the real body of the dragon, and then save Bai Muyu.

At this time, since the seven immortals in his body have recovered to the strongest state, Lin Ming seems to be too lazy to pay attention to the remaining powerful people in the heavenly palace, including the three heavenly kings.

"Get out of the way!"

A roar came from the mouth of the dragon.

Whew, the real dragon doesn't care whether many strong people in the heavenly palace will escape at the first time. The whole huge body turns into a black lightning and rushes to the defensive array of the heavenly palace.

Of course, for the first time, Lin Ming tried to find out the power of Tiangong's defensive array, and then considered whether to display the full strength of the real dragon.



At present, the momentum of Lin Ming's rush is too strong. Many of the heavenly palace strongmen just got together and were directly hit by the huge body of the dragon.

With ah's scream, the whole body was directly scattered and turned into a strong immortal atmosphere.

But at the moment, Lin Ming seems to have turned a blind eye to this kind of immortal atmosphere.

Under such a collision, it seems natural that the dragon will directly hit the defensive array of the heavenly palace in an instant.

But just at this moment, Lin Ming suddenly had a confused thump in his heart.

Sure enough, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the real dragon.

An inexplicably powerful momentum also immediately emanated from the other side, and immediately resisted the momentum of the dragon's real body.

In this instant, the whole huge body shape of the Dragon seemed to be attacked by such a powerful momentum, and the body shape subconsciously stepped back a few hundred meters.

"Master of the palace!"

"The master of the palace has appeared!"

"It's the master of the palace!"

The first time I saw such a figure, there was a cry of surprise. At present, all the remaining strong people in the heavenly palace, including the three heavenly kings, were looking at this sudden figure out of thin air.

Everyone's eyes flashed with a strong color of excitement and ecstasy. Of course, there was also a touch of fluke and happiness.

It's true that the master of the heavenly palace finally shows up and will surely kill Lin Ming, and they can be regarded as picking up a small life from Lin Ming's hands.

"Oh? "Palace master?"

At this time, naturally, Lin Ming could see such a figure clearly. For a moment, he was a little surprised.

Indeed, he did not expect that the well-known and powerful leader of the heavenly palace was actually a young woman. At first glance, she was in her early twenties. She was so pure and beautiful that she could not say.

Of course, as for the real age of the master of the heavenly palace, I'm afraid it should be a long time ago, a bit terrible.

Naturally, at the same time, the master of the heavenly palace, naturally, saw the existence of the real dragon at the first time. In an instant, he seemed to flash a look of consternation at the bottom of his eyes, and then his face was covered with light clouds.

Her voice sounds very light and ethereal, which makes people drowsy and thunderous

"The devil who dares to break into the holy land of our heavenly palace and explain your identity and origin. I'll give you a pleasure."

"Lord of the heavenly palace, please hand over Bai Muyu." A thunderous sound came directly from the mouth of the dragon's real body. It sounded non-negotiable

"Otherwise, I will raze the whole heavenly palace to the ground. As for your master of the heavenly palace, he will surely die."

"Well, you arrogant boy, you're going to turn the world upside down."

"The palace masters have already appeared. Now let your son tell me his identity and origin honestly. Don't tell me soon!"

When they heard Lin Ming's words, the three heavenly kings couldn't listen to them. They were all drinking. It seemed that they had to fight Lin Ming again at any time.

"In fact," at this time, the face of the head of the heavenly palace seems to be subconsciously more mysterious, just facing the real dragon in the distance:

"Even if you don't say it, I can guess

What you are displaying now should be the legendary real dragon

To become a dragon, you must have a dragon soul

And the dragon soul is a kind of variant immortal soul unique to the Shenlong people before

So the origin of your boy's identity is just about to come out

The disciples of the dragon clan in the small world

Am I wrong? "

Lin Ming did not speak.

At the moment, however, Lin Ming felt a little bit surprised and strange subconsciously. Indeed, it is obvious that the words of the heavenly palace leader were transmitted to him.

That is to say, all the powerful people in the heavenly palace, including the three heavenly kings, can't hear these words.

Of course, as for why the heavenly palace leader did this and why he didn't let the other heavenly palace strongmen hear this, he didn't want to go deep into it.

He said: "sure enough, I'm the leader of the heavenly palace. I have a bright eye, and I can see my identity at once

In this case, you must know more about the Dragon than anyone else

I only have one word. I don't care how important the atmosphere of God residence is to you

Bai Muyu is my woman. Please hand over Bai Muyu

Otherwise, I will raze the whole heavenly palace to the ground, and I will take your life no matter what your identity or existence is... "

It seems that the master of the heavenly palace seems to have turned a blind eye to Lin Ming's words and suddenly says:

"The power of soul is stronger for people with dragon soul. Your current strength has reached the level of xianzun. Presumably, the power of soul is equivalent to the level of the ninth floor of xianzun

In other words, the power of your soul has reached its peak

You must have a feeling that the power of soul has reached its limit

I don't mind telling you that the power of the soul has not reached the limit, but it can also be said that it has reached the limit... "

After a pause, in the eyes of the master of the heavenly palace who was looking at the real dragon in the distance, there was a flash of inexplicable meaning

"You are a disciple of the dragon clan with a dragon spirit. You need the spirit more than I do when you get up..."

"Oh? Why? " For a moment, Lin Ming didn't know what was going on. After listening to the words of the master of the heavenly palace, his heart sank subconsciously.

"Because if you don't have the atmosphere of God's residence, you can only live another hundred years at most." The head of the heavenly palace replied slowly, with a flat tone. His voice still sounded ethereal. "Without the breath of the divine residence, your dragon soul will explode, and your body will explode

You're going to die a terrible death

Therefore, between you and the woman with the atmosphere of divine residence, you can only live one life at the time of 100 years

"What?" In the mouth of the dragon's real body, it seems that subconsciously, a exclamation came out: "between me and Muyu, can only live one?"

"Ha ha..." naturally, at the next moment, Lin Ming sneered, "why, do you think I will believe your nonsense..."

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