"It's normal that you don't believe me," the master of the heavenly palace said slowly without any change in his tone

"However, time will prove that what I said is true. Of course, by that time, you will not be able to return to heaven. You will surely die..."

Lin Ming said with a sneer, "if I will die in the future, I won't bother the master of the palace..."

After a pause, I suddenly saw very clearly that there was a very strong cold light in the dragon's eyes.

Then this moment, a very strong breath momentum, swept out.

A word came out from the mouth of the Dragon: "master of the heavenly palace, I won't believe anything you said. There is only one thing I have to do now, to save my woman

Lord Tiangong, I'll ask you for the last time whether you will hand over Bai Muyu. "

"It's arrogant and ignorant." Seeing that Lin Ming's aggressive tone fell into the ears of the three heavenly kings and all the powerful people in the heavenly palace, all of them could not help sneering and saying one after another.

"Why, if our palace master doesn't hand over Bai Muyu, you can defeat our palace master and save Bai Muyu?"

"I don't know. If I were you, I would run away at the first time when I face the palace master."

Naturally, in the view of the three heavenly kings and other heavenly palace strongmen, Lin Ming can't be the opponent of the heavenly palace leader in any case. As long as the heavenly palace leader makes a move, Lin Ming will surely die.

The master of the heavenly palace still seems to be talking to the dragon in the distance. "The reason why I remind you that you can only live another 100 years is that I hope you don't want to die now and leave the heavenly palace

Otherwise, you will fall into my hands now

The breath of God's residence is really important to you, and even more important to me

Bai Muyu's breath of divine residence must be mine. No one can stop it. Naturally, you are no exception... "

After a pause, you can see clearly that in the eyes of the master of the heavenly palace, there is a sense of unfathomability, and then slowly say:

"The real dragon is really powerful, but I just don't know. Have you ever heard of the real Phoenix spirit..."

"Oh? The Phoenix spirit All of a sudden, Lin Ming was a bit surprised and surprised when he heard these four words coming from the head of the heavenly palace.

Lin Ming had heard of the Phoenix spirit. He knew that when he was in the small world, there seemed to be a strong person in the Phoenix family who was practicing the Phoenix spirit.

It is said that the Phoenix spirit is the same as the dragon spirit.

"Why, are you the master of the heavenly palace..." naturally, Lin Ming could not help but move at this moment.

Of course, the next moment, Lin Ming will know the answer directly.

It's true that the whole leader of the heavenly palace suddenly disappeared, and Lin Ming's line of sight was replaced by a huge Phoenix with a pair of wings spread out for thousands of meters.

Such a phoenix burns a layer of deep purple flame all over its body. It seems that it is burning space directly. It is very clear that there are many twisted lights around this Phoenix.

"What, Fengling?"

Seeing the appearance of such a scene, all the powerful people in the heavenly palace, including the three heavenly kings, could not help but show their surprise for the first time. It seemed that they really saw the appearance of such a phoenix spirit for the first time.

Sure enough, every strong person in the heavenly palace seems to be unable to help but speak one after another.

"What's the matter? When did the master cultivate Fengling?"

"Indeed, we don't seem to get any news about the fact that the palace master has cultivated the true body of Fengling..."

"If it wasn't for the master of the palace suddenly displaying the real body of Phoenix spirit, we couldn't believe it anyway. The real body of Phoenix spirit should be the master of the palace..."

Of course, for the reaction of all the strong people in the heavenly palace around, the master of the heavenly palace doesn't care at all.

A voice came out: "now, let me see how powerful the dragon's real body is, whether it's true or false, whether the Phoenix spirit's real body is strong, or your dragon's real body is stronger..."

As soon as the voice fell, the deep purple flame on Fengling's body flew out directly, as high as 100 meters.

Then, in an instant, a roar came out, condensing into the image of a phoenix with a body size of more than 1000 meters, rushing towards the real dragon in the distance.

Just like this, the space is directly torn where it goes. All the space storms blow out from the cracks and blend into the Phoenix which is completely condensed by flames.


Seeing this kind of battle, Lin Ming's heart was really thumped for a moment.

Powerful. The strength of the master of the heavenly palace is really powerful. He deserves to be the master of the heavenly palace.

Of course, that's all.


The next moment, with a cold hum, came from the mouth of the dragon.

When it soared, the real body of the Dragon soared to several thousand meters in length. All the scales on the dragon's body emitted a dark light, showing an unparalleled momentum.

A voice came from the mouth of the dragon

"Very good, let me see the strength of the so-called Phoenix spirit real body. Is it my dragon real body or your Phoenix spirit real body that is stronger?"

Of course, at the moment, Lin Ming naturally wants to retain his strength to the greatest extent.

Naturally, Lin Ming knows very well that the means and strength of the master of the heavenly palace are definitely more than Phoenix spirit.

There is no doubt that the master of Tiangong shows the real body of Fengling. I'm afraid it means to test his strength.

Naturally, Lin Ming will not do his best so soon.

Sure enough, the next moment, with a loud bang, such a huge Phoenix directly collided with the real dragon,

Teng's, that kind of deep purple flame, is also immediately in the dragon real body incomparably huge body, blazing up.

"Ha ha, boy, it depends on how you die."

"No, the master of the palace is worthy of being the master of the palace. As soon as he makes a move, he will directly burn the real body of the Dragon into dregs."

Seeing the appearance of such a scene, it seems natural that all the powerful people in the heavenly palace believe that Lin Ming is doomed to die.

Of course, the next moment, all of them were immediately disappointed.

Indeed, it is very clear to see that the burning deep purple flame just seemed to burn on the real body of the dragon for two or three seconds.

All of a sudden, with a burst of dark light, the dragon's real body flashed up, immediately put out such a flame.

When we looked at it again, there was not even a trace of burning on the huge body of the dragon.

"It's worthy of being the real dragon. It seems that this is really the real dragon..."

Seeing the appearance of such a scene, the master of the heavenly palace was not surprised at all, and was obviously surprised.

"I've only heard about the existence of the real dragon, but I didn't expect to see it today. It's not bad..."

With a word, Fengling's real body suddenly disappeared, and a figure appeared. It was a young woman in her early twenties. Naturally, it was the master of the heavenly palace.

At this time, when the master of the heavenly palace looked at the dragon's real body, he seemed to show a touch of greed, and then he seemed to be talking to himself

"It's God's help. It's God's help. I didn't expect it. First I got a disciple of the clan with the smell of God's residence, and now I come back to the real dragon

As long as I get the dragon's real body, and then the Phoenix spirit's real body and the dragon's real body practice both yin and Yang, I will be able to break through the limit of the power of the spirit of the ninth floor of the immortal statue, break through to a new realm, and become a powerful God between heaven and earth

In this way, we can really get in touch with the mystery of time and space, and the secret of the origin of all things

Ha ha... "

With that, a burst of laughter came from the master of the heavenly palace.

At this time, the facial expression of the head of the heavenly palace seems to be a bit out of shape, and it seems to be a bit ferocious.


And the appearance of such a scene, but let the three heavenly kings and all the heavenly palace strongmen, are like subconscious brow slightly wrinkled.

With a brush, everyone's eyes naturally turned to the master of the heavenly palace. But at this time, everyone's eyes seemed to be a little strange.

It seems that each of them did not know the master of the heavenly palace.

Of course, they didn't dare to say it.

But the next moment, all of them suddenly realized that perhaps the dragon's real body was very important to the master of the heavenly palace. After they got it, they could cultivate and become gods. Therefore, they were so excited that they could not help but feel a bit out of shape.

"To be a God?"

Lin Ming was also surprised by the words that the heavenly palace master suddenly said. Obviously, from the words that the heavenly palace Master said, if you want to be immortal, you should become a strong God.

Of course, how can Lin Ming let himself fall into the hands of the other party.

"Want to get the real dragon?" The dragon's real body sent out a sneer, "that's to see if you have this strength..."

All of a sudden, the real size of the Dragon soared again. This time, it was nearly ten thousand meters. That is to say, at this time, Lin Ming had already exerted 80% of the real strength of the dragon.

At present, Lin Ming doesn't want to talk any more nonsense. The first time when the dragon's real body becomes so huge, whew, the dragon's real body moves, that is to say, with a momentum of destroying the heaven and the earth, he rushes directly to the palace leader in the distance.

Naturally, at the same time, it is also the defensive array rushing to the heavenly palace.

In Lin Ming's opinion, no matter how powerful the master of the heavenly palace is, he will have to be cautious at this time. Undoubtedly, he will also exert about 80% of his strength to resist the impact of the real dragon.


But it was also because of the rush of the real dragon, and he didn't know what was going on. Lin Ming suddenly felt a thump in his heart. It was obvious that this was a premonition instinctively produced when he was in danger of life.

Sure enough, the next moment, the master of the heavenly palace disappeared out of thin air again, and instead, a dark purple blue strange light appeared.

This kind of light in the moment of appearance, revealed a very strange, strange and evil atmosphere.

With Lin Ming's current insight and vision, it can be said that there is no breath that he has not touched, and there is no breath that he does not know.

But for the emergence of such a breath, Lin Ming is really unheard of, do not know what this is.

"Boy, be careful. Close your eyes and get out of the way."

But almost at the same time when this group of light appeared, a voice sounded, which seemed to ring directly in Lin Ming's mind. It was the voice of magic boy.

"Close your eyes?"

For such a sentence, Lin Ming naturally felt that he didn't know it for the first time, so subconsciously, the real dragon didn't close his eyes for the first time.

Not only that, for the appearance of such a strange light, it seems that instinctively out of curiosity, the eyes of the dragon's real body opened slightly, and looked at the high place.


And with such a look, the two words also came from the mouth of magic boy and sounded in Lin Ming's mind.

Of course, with such a look, Lin Ming can finally clearly see the specific form of this strange light suddenly appeared.

This is a huge one eye, the pupil is purple blue, the others are dark, the purple blue light presented by the pupil is flickering, revealing a very evil breath

"No! What kind of skill is this? "

Sure enough, the next moment, Lin Ming's heart also can't help but suddenly sink.

Indeed, such an inexplicable evil breath, as if directly ignoring the existence of space, directly invades into the body of the dragon.

In an instant, Lin Ming felt very clear. The whole huge dragon was petrified. Not only that, in his feeling, the whole dragon was petrified.

"This, this is..."

"What kind of skill is this?"

And the appearance of such a strange one eye, all the strong people in Tiangong seem to see it for the first time, and each one seems to be subconsciously stunned.

At the same time, inexplicably, in the heart of every strong man in the heavenly palace, a very strange feeling rose.

It seems that the current master of the heavenly palace is not the master of the heavenly palace.

It has to be said that the feeling rising up in the hearts of every strong man in the heavenly palace is really weird.

"It's God's help, ha ha..." a voice sounded again, with a sense of ecstasy:

"What a surprise, ha ha..."

Suddenly, out of thin air, a more than one meter high porcelain bottle appeared, and the mouth of the bottle aimed at the petrified dragon. Whew, a purple blue light came out, instantly enveloping the whole dragon.

The next moment, whew, the huge dragon's real body is flying to the porcelain bottle, constantly shrinking, and finally falling into the bottle mouth.

It is obvious that the real body of the dragon was used as a porcelain vase by the master of the heavenly palace, and was directly included in it.

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