"What weapon is that?"

Seeing the porcelain vase like weapon appeared, its power was so terrible that it immediately brought the real dragon into it. Everyone, including the three heavenly kings, was stunned. It seemed that they didn't know why.

It's true that they don't know at all when the master of the heavenly palace has such a porcelain vase weapon.

At this time, the master of the heavenly palace still seemed to ignore everyone around him. The porcelain bottle kept shrinking, and finally it was only ten centimeters long and fell into the hands of the master of the heavenly palace.

"Ha ha, the real dragon," the master of the heavenly palace burst out a burst of extremely excited and ecstatic laughter“ The real body of the dragon has also fallen into my hands. As long as I get the breath of the God residence again, I will become a God in time

At that time, we can explore the site of Shendi, study the mystery of time and space, study the mystery of the origin of all things, and find out the secret and reason of the disappearance of the gods

Ha ha... "

With that, the master of the heavenly palace looked as if she had become a deity. She burst out laughing again.

Then she also seems to ignore many strong people in the heavenly palace and disappear directly.

It seems that in her eyes, the heavenly palace strongmen around never existed.


For a moment, all of them, including the three heavenly kings, looked at each other involuntarily.

At this time, as soon as the dragon's real body fell into the porcelain vase, Lin Ming felt that there was a kind of evil atmosphere inside and outside his body.

At present, if he wants to recover to the human body, he can't do it at all. He can only maintain the dragon's real body.

What's more, what makes Lin Ming's heart thump is that he can clearly feel that the evil breath has invaded his consciousness. He can feel that the light in front of him is shaking, and his mind is a little fuzzy.

Of course, it's just Lin Ming's feeling at the moment, and it won't have much impact for the moment.

However, Lin Ming naturally knew that it would be hard to say for a long time.

I'm afraid that he will lose consciousness completely and become a puppet who practices Yin and Yang together with the Phoenix spirit of the master of the heavenly palace. This is naturally the result that Lin Ming doesn't want to see no matter what.

"Now, I am 70% sure that this is not the real master of the heavenly palace."

Magic boy suddenly opens his mouth, and such words ring out in Lin Ming's mind. Naturally, Lin Ming is surprised.

"Not the master of the heavenly palace?" Lin Ming's heart was in a state of consternation. When he thought about it carefully, he really felt strange. The evil and strange smell from such a huge one eyed man seemed to be heresy. As the leader of the celestial palace, it was impossible for him to practice this kind of evil and strange breath, and there was no need to practice evil and strange skills.

"That's right. If my guess is right, the head of the heavenly palace should be the fake of the supernatural demons."

Said the Devil boy.

"Extraterrestrial demons?" At this time, Lin Ming is no stranger to these four words. When many of the powerful people in Tiangong talked about the star array, they mentioned the extraterrestrial demons. The existence of the star array is just to resist the extraterrestrial demons.

Moreover, the Tiangang Disha array and the Tianhe sunset array are also used to deal with the extraterrestrial demons.

"Extraterrestrial demons are extremely powerful..." said the Devil boy. It seemed that he was not hard to hear them, and his tone revealed a bit of fear

"So far, it seems that no strong one can know how many kinds and numbers there are

There is no strong person who knows its origin or specific habitat

Anyway, as long as there are creatures, there will be extraterrestrial demons

Extraterrestrials roam in the starry sky of the universe. When they feel the breath of living beings, they will swarm up like bees, directly turning a big planet into a desolate and dead place

Some powerful extraterrestrial demons are even more incredible, with endless means and extremely high intelligence

The evil and strange breath you just felt is just the evil breath. The breath is from Yin to poison to evil, which directly invades people's mind and consciousness. It's very terrible

If I read it correctly, the huge one eye just now should be the eye of Warcraft, one of the powerful skills of Warcraft... "

"Warcraft?" Lin Ming thought deeply.

In fact, long ago, Lin Ming had already believed that the universe is vast, and it must be more than just a fairy gate, a demon clan, plus the holy clan and other forces, there must be more and more strange and incredible existence.

Now the appearance of extraterrestrial demons naturally confirms Lin Ming's view.

"In a dark place hundreds of light years away from the planet where Xianmen is located, there is a planet called magic star. The living creatures in it are Warcraft..."

The magic boy said slowly: "long ago, the holy family had united with the immortal gate to seal this planet, and also sealed the alien demons like Warcraft in it

I didn't expect that the current master of the heavenly palace is actually Warcraft

In other words, it was Warcraft who pretended to be the master of the heavenly palace... "

Naturally, immediately, Lin Ming thought of the most crucial question and said, "if the master of the heavenly palace is really a fake monster, where is the real master of the heavenly palace..."

"..." at this time, magic boy didn't speak. Obviously, he didn't know anything about such a problem.

"The disciples of Pangu's descendants..."

Lin Ming suddenly thought of an extremely important thing. According to Mo Tong, the leader of the heavenly palace is the same as him. He is a disciple of the clan of the descendants of Pangu. He has a colorful light, that is, the divine light of origin.

If there is no such colorful light on the head of the heavenly palace, then it can be completely sure that this man is indeed a fake, a monster among the extraterrestrial demons.


At this time, Lin Ming seems to suddenly find something, subconsciously looked up.

"Boundless and fearless, boundless, shadowless and heartless..."

Indeed, in this instant, it is very clear to see that in this seemingly endless dark world in the bottle, there are suddenly twelve extremely strange words flashing, a faint golden light flashing, and a more strange breath.

It also includes the breath of demons, not any breath that Lin Ming knew.

"Boundless Buddha!"

Almost at the same time, a cry of surprise came out from the mouth of the magic boy, and then the magic boy also said: "is this bottle that even the real body of the dragon can absorb, trapped, the limitless bottle of the limitless Buddha?"

"Wuliang Buddha? A flask Naturally, for the first time, Lin Ming was completely unfamiliar with these two names. It was indeed the first time he heard them.

But at this time, the Devil boy didn't want to explain anything at all. He said:

"If it's really a flask, it's easy to do. The divine light of the origin of Pangu's descendants just restrained the flask

Boy, show the light of origin. Once you show the light of origin, you will break the bottle

Of course, if this bottle is really broken easily by the God of origin, it means that this bottle is a limitless bottle... "

Immediately, naturally, Lin Ming didn't hesitate at all. On the real body of the dragon, he immediately rose out of a burst of colorful light.

After a brush, sure enough, the twelve strange gold fonts disappeared first, and they all seemed to have never appeared.

The next moment, this burst of colorful light, bright up, a moment also seems to directly illuminate the whole world in the bottle.

The sound of a click, followed by a sound, it is obvious that Lin Ming suddenly saw the surrounding air, there are a trace of cracks.

"What is this? The origin of divine light? How can this boy show the light of origin? "

Immediately, a burst of exclamation filled with the meaning of consternation sounded, just as if through these gaps, it was introduced into Lin Ming's ears.

Hearing this exclamation, Lin Ming was more sure of what he had guessed. Most likely, this man was not the master of the heavenly palace.

As for where the master of the heavenly palace went, where he was, and what he encountered, I'm afraid only the Warcraft now knows.

Click, the last and the loudest cracking sound. In the world in the bottle, under the colorful light, this moment is like a glass broken.

What makes Lin Ming even more surprised is that when he radiates colorful light, the whole dragon's huge body is no longer frozen, and completely returns to normal.

"Good. It's a great opportunity."

Of course, at this moment, Lin Ming naturally knows what he should do most, and quickly recovers himself.

Once he returns to the human body, then there will be no more existence in the world, and he can get the real dragon.

Because the real body of the dragon is the combination of the soul of the dragon and Lin Ming. That is to say, no one can let Lin Ming display the real body of the dragon as long as he doesn't want to.

Since the dragon does not appear, it will not fall into anyone's hands.

With the disappearance of the dragon's real body, Lin Ming returns to his human body. For a moment, his colorful light looks brighter.

Immediately, the whole world in the bottle, directly burst, into a little light dissipated.

Naturally, Lin Ming also appeared. For the first time, he saw a graceful figure in the distance. Naturally, he was the leader of the heavenly palace.

However, the biggest difference between this time and before is that the head of the heavenly palace looks shocked. Looking at Lin Ming's eyes, it seems that he is looking at a monster.

At this time, she also spoke, and her voice seemed to shake involuntarily

"You, why can you show the light of origin? Who the hell are you

Lin Ming looks like he just smiles a little. He looks like he's a bit enigmatic

"As the leader of the heavenly palace, you should know this problem better than anyone else..."

"What do you mean?" Hearing Lin Ming's words, he seems to be subconscious. In the eyes of the master of the heavenly palace, there is a trace of evasion.

At this time, Lin Ming just gave a cold hum, and then said slowly, "master of the heavenly palace, as a disciple of the family of Pangu's descendants, why, don't you know what the origin of the divine light is

Unless... "

After a pause, a cold light flashed in Lin Ming's eyes and said slowly:

"Unless, you are not the master of the heavenly palace at all..."

"I'm not the real master of the heavenly palace? Ha ha... "This made the head of the heavenly palace laugh, and then said:" it's ridiculous. If I'm not the head of the heavenly palace, who am I

What's more, there are so many strong people in the heavenly palace that no one can see that I'm not the leader of the heavenly palace. On the contrary, an intruder like you can see that... "

Lin Ming said, "you are not the master of the heavenly palace, because you are Warcraft."

"What, Warcraft? How does he know? " As soon as the word "Warcraft" came out of Lin Ming's mouth, it immediately set off a storm in the heart of the master of the heavenly palace. Of course, she tried to keep calm on the surface.

A cold hum also came from her mouth: "it's just nonsense, spitting blood. The magic star has been sealed by the heaven palace and the Holy Family long ago. Let alone the Warcraft, even a mosquito can't fly out."

"Indeed, I am very curious about why you came out of the magic star." Lin Ming said, but his heart moved, and then he said, "although you are also a Warcraft, maybe you are not from a Warcraft..."

"Ha ha." A sneer came out from the master of the heavenly palace, "my status as the master of the heavenly palace is not that you are a kid who talks nonsense and spits out blood, then someone will believe it..."

"I didn't expect that in addition to being a disciple of Pangu's descendants, there are other disciples of Pangu's descendants. In this case, I'm not afraid of your so-called divine light of origin. Hum..."

Then, a cold hum came from the master of the heavenly palace. The next moment, there was a scene that surprised Lin Ming.

Indeed, this time, the same burst of colorful light came out of the master of the heavenly palace, with great momentum.

Lin Ming immediately naturally frowned slightly and asked, "what's the matter, magic boy? Didn't you say that the master of heaven palace is a fake, a Warcraft? How can there be a divine light in the body of Warcraft..."

Magic boy's voice came to Lin Ming's ears. "Now, I'm 100% sure that the head of the heavenly palace is a fake, because the origin of his divine light is fake

If you don't believe it, if you feel it carefully, you can feel the difference between the original divine light of the master of the heavenly palace and that of you... "

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