Hearing this, Lin Ming felt it seriously for the first time. With this feeling, Lin Ming found the difference in the first time.

There is a faint evil breath in the colorful light of the heavenly palace leader. If his soul power is not strong enough, he may not find it at all.

I'm afraid that no one in the whole heavenly palace can match him in soul power. It's normal to find that the master of the heavenly palace is a fake.

At this time, Lin Ming naturally gave a cold hum to the leader of the heavenly palace in the distance, and then said directly:

"You are Warcraft. As for the colorful light on you, it is not the real origin of the divine light

You are also one of the rare Warcraft that can quickly simulate any skill... "

At this point, after a pause, you can see clearly that there was a more intense cold light in Lin Ming's eyes

"Warcraft, now, I'll give you a chance to hand over Bai Muyu right away. Otherwise, I'll tell the whole heavenly palace what you really look like. I think that at that time, I'm afraid I don't need to do anything. Many powerful people in the heavenly palace can take your life directly..."

The leader of the heavenly palace gave a sneer. He looked scornful of Lin Ming's words and said directly:

"You may as well shout out all the powerful people in the heavenly palace. When you see it, are all the powerful people in the heavenly palace listening to me or you? It's naive

Hehe, but now, I can tell you the truth, when I left fengshentai, I started to fight baimuyu

Maybe, at this time, the spirit in Bai Muyu's body has been stripped out, and Bai Muyu himself has already died... "

"What. You. " Sure enough, Lin Ming's face suddenly changed as soon as he said this. Of course, Lin Ming had some doubts about what he said.

But whether it's true or not, Lin Ming knows that Bai Muyu's current situation is indeed very dangerous.

And he really wasted a lot of time here after the appearance of Warcraft, which is the fake master of the heavenly palace.

Teng of for a while, a very strong murderous spirit, nature is suddenly in Lin Ming's body flashed up.

"Get out of my way, no one can stop me from entering the heavenly palace and rescue Bai Muyu..."

Immediately, naturally, a roar came from Lin Ming's mouth.

At this moment, Lin Ming was also indifferent, and he had to show the dragon's real body.

Indeed, not to mention the strength of the Warcraft, even the power of Tiangong's defensive array must be extraordinary. In addition to the dragon's real body can quickly break Tiangong's defensive array, Lin Ming can't think of any other good way.

Therefore, after a roar came out of Lin Ming's mouth, Lin Ming's body naturally disappeared, and what appeared in the sky was a huge figure.

At a glance, this figure is tens of thousands of meters long.

Indeed, this is the first time that Lin Ming has exerted the real power of the dragon.

Naturally, in Lin Ming's opinion, only by exerting the dragon's real body to the full, can he quickly break the defense array of the heavenly palace at the first time, and at the same time, he can directly avoid the attack of the Warcraft.

Of course, for the first time, Lin Ming naturally showed the light of the origin and flashed on the huge body of the dragon. This kind of power was the first thing that made the beast suddenly sink.

Of course, she naturally knows her own identity. Just when Lin Ming said that the origin of her body is also false, she knew that she had hidden her identity for a long time. Today, she was discovered by an outsider for the first time.

But now she doesn't look worried at all.

In fact, as she said just now, no one will believe what Lin Ming said.

Indeed, I'm kidding. An alien intruder said that the master of tangtangtiangong was a fake. Who would believe it.

Of course, in fact, about her pretending to be the master of the heavenly palace, it seems to be a different matter now.

It's true that at this time, Lin Ming doesn't seem to be paying more attention to the fact that she pretends to be a dragon. At the moment, she just shows the dragon's real body directly, and at the same time, there is a burst of colorful light on her body.

She has no scruples about the existence of the dragon's real body. What she scruples about is indeed a burst of divine light outside the dragon's real body.

"Warcraft, get out of my way."

At this time, Lin Ming almost gave his best shot, and a roar came from the mouth of the dragon.

Even the power of such a sound is very terrible. Sound waves ripple out, and a click of sound starts.

Indeed, under such a sound, the surrounding space seems to be unable to bear it first, and cracks appear.

In other words, just with the roar of the real dragon, the space can be broken directly.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Ming's heart was naturally overjoyed.

In fact, he already knew vaguely that once he tried his best, the dragon's real body and the power of the original divine light would be extraordinary. But for a while, he didn't expect that the power would be so amazing.

At present, just a roar of the exit, so that the surrounding space appeared cracking.

"What, that's it." Seeing such a scene, the Warcraft said that it was absolutely false.

She pretended to be the leader of the heavenly palace. I don't know how long, what kind of strong person I haven't seen, what kind of powerful offensive I haven't seen.

But for instance, with a roar at the moment, cracks can appear in the space directly, which is absolutely unprecedented. This is the first time she has seen it.

And the next moment, the face of Warcraft suddenly changed, and then her whole person disappeared.

It's true that the huge dragon's real body directly came over. Its huge body crossed the sky like a meteor flashing with colorful light.

Then, in an instant, just in the middle of a bang, such a figure directly impacted on the defensive array of the heavenly palace.

Boom, burst after burst of roaring sound sounded, as if rolling in the sky, road after road thunder in general, awe inspiring, the collapse of heaven and earth, broken space.

"Well, what's the matter?"

"What's the matter?"

"It seems that someone is attacking the whole defensive array of Tiangong?"

At this moment, it seemed that the Ninth Heaven of the whole heavenly palace was shaking and shaking. Naturally, this moment shocked countless strong people in the heavenly palace.

Whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whe.

In all these heavenly palace strongmen, they also include those who have not appeared for a long time.

All these heavenly palace strongmen look like subconsciously looking around with a look of panic.

Indeed, at this moment, the Ninth Heaven of the whole heavenly palace was shaking and shaking.

With such power, some buildings cracked in the ninth day, and then collapsed in an instant.

Such a scene, unprecedented, never happened.

Naturally, all the strong people in Tiangong are shocked. Naturally, everyone can't help feeling confused for a while.

"What's the matter? Did the demons come in?"

"It's impossible. How could it be that the demons attacked and entered the heavenly palace?"

"It really can't be the demons. In this immortal devil war, the demons have been killed and injured countless times. Even some powerful demons who have returned, most of them have been taken away by the heavenly soldiers..."

"If it's not the demons, is it the extraterrestrial demons?"


At the moment, I don't know who first mentioned the four words "extraterrestrial demons". Immediately, it seems that subconsciously, a sound of cool air will ring out.

Nature is very clear about the existence of extraterrestrial demons. Everywhere they go, they will become desolate and dead.

Of course, the sound of a cold breath is also the subconscious reaction of all the strong people in Tiangong.

The next moment, everyone is also all negative such speculation.

Indeed, because of the star array.

Sure enough, a strong man in the heavenly palace said: "the existence of the star array is enough to resist the invasion of extraterrestrial demons. Moreover, in history, the star array did not know how many times it resisted the attack of extraterrestrial demons..."

"Tiangong's defensive array has been broken."

At this moment, a voice with a strong sense of panic sounded.

Almost at the same time, bursts of exclamation sound, nature is also ringing.

"My God, the defense array of Tiangong has been broken. What's the matter?"

"Who is responsible for breaking the defensive array of the heavenly palace..."

Indeed, with a loud bang, a click of sound also rang up.

It can be clearly seen that under the impact of the huge body of the real dragon, the defense array of the heavenly palace was directly smashed in front of the real dragon like paper.

At the moment, this kind of power really surprised Lin Ming.

He thought that the dragon's real power would be very strong, but he didn't expect that it would be so strong for a while.

Of course, anyway, it's a great thing.

As for bailing out Bai Muyu, Lin Ming naturally has more assurance in his mind.

As soon as the defensive array of the heavenly palace was smashed away, Lin Ming immediately released the power of his soul.

Sure enough, in an instant, Lin Ming felt a defensive array again, and it was obvious that Lin Ming could feel that this defensive array was much more powerful than the Tiangong defensive array.

Then there is no doubt that it should be the location of fengshentai.

Whew, the huge dragon's real body flew directly into the Ninth Heaven of the heavenly palace, and flew directly towards the location of fengshentai.

"What, this, this is..."

Naturally, as soon as the dragon's huge body flew into the Ninth Heaven, all the strong ones in the heaven palace could see it for the first time.

At present, I just feel a huge figure, swept away in the high sky.

When people subconsciously look up, they naturally find what they see for the first time.

It is precisely because of what we see, and what we see is also very clear, all the talents show an extremely astonished look in an instant.

All the strong men in the heavenly palace, too, opened their eyes, full of incredible color.

Many powerful people in Tiangong murmured.

"I, am I right? Is that a dragon?"

"So, is that a dragon?"

"How can it be a dragon? The real dragon has been gone for a long time."

"Attention, all Tiangong disciples..."

Just when all the powerful people in the heavenly palace felt extremely shocked and incredible when they saw the dragon flying into the Ninth Heaven of the heavenly palace, an ethereal voice sounded. It sounded calm and didn't reveal the slightest panic

"Tiangong's defensive array has been broken. Everyone must have known

Just now, a huge body flew into the Ninth Heaven of the heavenly palace, and you must have seen it

However, there's no need to panic. It's not a real dragon. It's just a supernatural demon who has practiced a kind of evil and heretical skills. The dragon's body shape is transformed... "

At present, the alien demon is going to break into the altar and try to save the clan disciple with the spirit

We should all be clear about the significance of the divine breath to the heavenly palace and to each of us

So, no matter how, even if it is to pay all the price, it is necessary to prevent this extraterrestrial demon from breaking into the fengshentai. "

To all those who are strong in the heavenly palace, this is indeed the voice of the leader of the heavenly palace.

At this time, since the master of the heavenly palace had already opened his mouth and everyone knew what was going on, they naturally reacted and took action in the first place.

Teng, of course, in this moment, everyone's Tiangong strongman's body, is also rising up a very strong breath.

Then, almost all of them disappeared in the same place, naturally to prevent the dragon from flying to fengshentai.

At this time, the dragon's real body was flying. In Lin Ming's feeling, it seemed that there was still a long way to go from the fengshentai in the distance.

Of course, in Lin Ming's opinion, even such a distance would only take three or four seconds for the real dragon to arrive directly.

But at this moment, Lin Ming's heart moved. When he looked into the distance, he saw for the first time, out of thin air.

Each figure, for the first time, gives Lin Ming the feeling that his breath, momentum and murderous spirit are not under the five heavenly kings of the heavenly palace.

Naturally, at the same time, Lin Ming can clearly see that all the powerful people in the heavenly palace who appear out of thin air look like murderers. They are willing to give up their lives and obviously want to stop them.

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