"Is this a dragon?"

As soon as these figures of more than 60 ways appeared, they naturally appeared. As for all the attacks and means of other alien races, they also emerged one after another. Every kind of breath, momentum, and murderous spirit was extremely strong.

In this instant, we can see the light flashing everywhere between heaven and earth.

At this time, there was a loud bang, and you could see 67 kinds of attacks, that is, direct bombardment hit the real dragon.

"Not good." At this moment, Lin Ming's heart really sank.

Indeed, each of those countless branches is as thick as a bucket. When they attack, they will entangle the huge dragon's real body tightly.

Next, the octopus tentacle like object, but also wrapped in the dragon's real body.

Not to mention all kinds of other attacks that are equally powerful.

At this moment, in Lin Ming's feeling, the real body of the dragon will be broken into many pieces.

Of course, it's just the feeling of Lin Ming's moment. At the next moment, there are seven immortal spirits in his body, all of them urge him.

A burst of colorful light was shining on the dragon's real body. At this moment, it seemed that it was directly illuminating the whole heavenly palace. But then, these branches and octopus tentacles grew crazily in an instant, and the whole huge dragon's real body was entangled again.

In the distance, the alien tree people gave out a cold hum: "boy, give up struggling. I tell you, these are the branches of the divine tree. The more you cut off, the faster the growth speed, the stronger the power..."

"The more octopus tentacles break, the faster they grow, and the faster you die. Your best choice now is to give up resistance. Besides, you have no choice..."

"Give up the resistance, why, do you really think you can fight a full 67 different races together? It's a joke... "

"Boy, give up resistance, you have no other way to go..."

All of these 67 foreigners spoke one after another, feeling that Lin Ming would surely die under their joint efforts.

It's true that sixty seven of them joined hands to deal with one person. This has never happened. This is the first time.

Because no matter how powerful it is to deal with extraterrestrial demons, there is no need to send 67 foreign people to join hands in such a battle.

In the eyes of all other races, even if it is against the gods, it is just such a battle.

Naturally, in the eyes of all other races, how can the so-called real dragon be comparable to the gods.

"Give up resistance?" A voice, still coming out, fell into the ears of all the alien people, including Warcraft who pretended to be the master of the heavenly palace, and all the powerful people in the heavenly palace. All the people's bodies seemed to tremble subconsciously.

In everyone's eyes, there was a trace of panic.

It's true that they can't be more clear about such a voice. It's Lin Ming's voice, and from this voice, it's obvious that the dragon's real body is not injured at all.

"It's impossible..."

"How could that be..."

At this moment, all the words just pop up in my mind.

"It's impossible for me to give up resistance." Lin Ming's voice was still heard. At this time, it was full of inexplicable majesty. In a flash, it reverberated in the ninth day of the whole heavenly palace

"The Warcraft who pretends to be the master of the heavenly palace will die, and all the other people who want to take my life will come to the same end

Any Tiangong disciple who wants to stop me from saving people is no exception... "

When the last voice fell, Teng's, a more dazzling multicolored light suddenly lit up.

Then, in the eyes of all the people, the real body of the dragon, which was already tens of thousands of meters, soared again.

Bang, bang, PA, PA, at this moment, the branches, tentacles and other beings that seem to wrap around the real body of the Dragon break one after another. At this moment, it really seems that they are going to grow crazily.

But at this time, the dragon's real body counterattacked. As soon as it opened its mouth, it directly bit it down, and then instantly engulfed all the twigs and tentacles wrapped around its body into its belly.

As for other kinds of attacks, the same is true. They are directly engulfed by the dragon.

At this moment, sixty-seven foreigners were scared, and even the Warcraft was a little scared.

As for those who are strong in the heavenly palace, naturally that is to say nothing.

When the dragon's real body soars again, after feeling the incomparable breath, momentum and murderous spirit, every strong man in the heavenly palace can directly feel that he has been killed.

Then, in the sound of whew whew whew, it seemed to run away.

It's true that the current war is no longer something that they can participate in.

If you stay here, you will die in vain. If you don't leave immediately, when will you have to wait.

Of course, for the departure of all the heavenly palace strongmen, Warcraft and the 67 aliens seem to have directly ignored it.

At this time, their eyes looking at the real dragon in the distance were directly filled with a look of extreme horror.

It's skyrocketing. The real body of the dragon has skyrocketed again. If it was tens of thousands of meters before, now, under the visual inspection of all of them, the real body of the dragon is at least 100000 meters long.

"Everyone will die..."

As if he didn't want to delay at all, a roar came from the mouth of the dragon.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

At this time, the dragon's huge body, a tail swaying sweep, in the middle of the roar, directly sweeping that also looks like a giant tree between heaven and earth.

"Ah There was a scream, apparently from the tree man's mouth.

Then, with a click, the huge tree between heaven and earth broke directly in the middle.

"Stop it. What are you going to do?"

The next moment, a roar full of panic, also came from the tree man's mouth.

Indeed, at this time, under the huge tail of the dragon's real body, it directly rolled up the huge tree, which was broken into two parts, and sent it directly to the mouth.

And for the roar of Shuren, the real dragon seemed not to hear it at all.

With the opening and closing of the dragon mouth, the huge body of the tree man fell directly into the belly of the real dragon and became the food of the real dragon.


Scared silly, shocked, this moment the remaining sixty-six alien, all scared silly.

You know, they naturally know the existence of the tree man clearly. It is said that there is a trace of the ancient tree of the universe in their bodies. They are powerful and unique in the galaxy where the tree man lives.

At present, the tree man is also the strongest of his race, but what happened now? Such a strong man who has shocked the whole galaxy was swallowed by the other party.

At this time, with the dragon's real eyes slowly sweeping over, everyone can clearly see that the huge pair of longan, flashing a touch of light.

"Farewell, master."

"No matter how important the atmosphere is, it's important to save your life first."

Whew, whew

At that moment, a total of 40 foreigners were frightened by this scene one after another. They all looked a little heartbroken and trembled when they spoke.

After that, they didn't give the time and opportunity for the master of the heavenly palace to speak. They turned into a light and disappeared in the sky.

At this time, the heart of Warcraft also seems to be in a panic to the extreme, but suddenly she also seems to have something suddenly, and quickly opens her mouth:

"Don't panic, everyone. The Dragon suddenly burst out with such terrible power. It must be desperate. This is his most powerful move. It can't be used for the second time..."


At that moment, the word of Warcraft was just finished. A scream suddenly sounded. It seemed that there was no sign. A black lightning suddenly flew out of the dragon's real body and directly penetrated the bodies of the remaining ten people of the alien race.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

But a very strong suction, also is directly from such things, will all the exotic breath, absorb completely.

First, the Shuren alien was killed by the real dragon. Forty alien people were frightened and chose to leave at the first time. At this time, another ten alien people were killed as if for no reason.

That is to say, before a total of 67 extremely powerful alien, who are murderous, at this time only 16.

"Another weapon like this..."

At the moment when she saw such a black lightning thing, the star beast felt as if she could not help but clap. Indeed, she also tried her best to attack the dragon before, displaying the star array.

And even a small part of the star array is incomparable, but it is also broken by such things.

Now I see the appearance of this kind of thing again. For a moment, the Warcraft subconsciously shows a kind of panic color at the first time.


Stunned, the rest of the alien strongmen saw such a scene. They didn't even see what the black lightning was. Ten of their companions were taken away. Naturally, they were all stunned.

It seems that they don't want to leave at the first time, but they are directly shocked by the appearance of such a scene. They can't walk away without their legs.

For a moment, it can be imagined that the appearance of such a scene, in the hearts of Warcraft and the rest of the alien race, set off what a storm.

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